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洪朝生、孟崇春、周 远、潘秋生、吴元炜、梁惊涛、赵玉侠、郎四维、何邦模、刘彦元、李绍荣、孙隆荣、彦启森、王维城、江 亿、王 浚、那景成、赵文德、郭予信、郭孝礼、应志增、徐庆磊、曹德胜、史美琅阝、杨炎如、庄琴南、边增林、郭庆堂、孙瑞璋、刘作斌、汪声恒、章崧英、章立源、周山涛、李书桂、孙桂初、费人杰、申传文、林修钺、尉迟斌、姜尔宁、董天禄、谢晋康、邱嘉昌、陈沛霖、范存养、缪道平、韩鸿兴、顾安忠、华泽钊、蒋能照、陆 震、周启瑾、冯志哲、徐世琼、卢士勋、龙惟定、郑贤德、周光钊、刘宪英、张永铨、何绍书、张…  相似文献   

第十一届 国际计量大会 (CGPM 巴黎 1960年10月11日-20日) 国际计量局局长:C.Volet,沃拉特 瑞士 米制公约成员国:苏联、意大利、日本、挪威、葡萄牙、罗马尼亚、阿根廷、奥地利、比利时、丹麦、法国、民主德国、联邦德国、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士、土耳其、英国、美国、委内瑞拉、墨西哥、加拿大、保加利亚、智利、泰国、乌拉圭、巴西、波兰、捷克斯洛伐克、爱尔兰、芬兰、匈牙利、荷兰、南斯拉夫、澳大利亚、多米尼加、印度、印度尼西亚、韩国,共39个国家。  相似文献   

埃及经济和外贸部所属之进出口管制机构最近根据该国政府法令,从严执行进出口货品质量管理工作。新规定包括:乳制品、食品、油墨、复写纸、胶水、包装箱(袋)、纸类、香水、香皂、清洁剂、韧化皮革、消防水管、木材、花岗石、油漆、卫浴瓷器设备、玻璃容器结构钢棒管、铸件、压缩气体瓦斯筒、锉刀、刮胡刀、螺丝(帽)、弹簧、链条、炉具、刀叉等餐具、锁具、焊条、锅炉、引擎零件、空调机、冰箱、家用热水器、洗衣机、电梯、灭火器、过滤器、日光灯启辉器、电机设备(变压器等)、家用搅拌机、水龙头、加热器(电熨斗等)、收音机等接收器、电源开关、插头、电灯、铜电缆线、汽车及其零件、摩托车、自行车、拖车、传动皮带、内外胎、电瓶、安全玻璃、眼镜、钟表、木或金属制家具、床垫、牙刷、圆珠笔、铅笔、打火机、高压锅等,均须按照埃及标准一一检验,无适当标准规范的,须经该国经  相似文献   

由中国国际贸易促进委员会北京市分会、中国制冷学会、中国制冷空调工业协会、上海市制冷学会、上海冷冻空调行业协会共同主办的第十七届“国际制冷、空调、供暖、通风及食品冷冻加工展览会”(中国制冷展)于2006年4月11日至13日在上海新国际博览中心成功举办。参加本届展会的来自德国、印度、韩国、泰国、美国、澳大利亚、比利时、巴西、加拿大、丹麦、埃及、芬兰、法国、印度尼西亚、意大利、日本、马来西亚、挪威、波兰、葡萄牙、瑞典、瑞士、新加坡、西班牙、土耳其、阿联酋、  相似文献   

‘、、J护、少、户、了、沙、产、产、了、7、工1 913161813-凌9户.、了t Jt、护‘、了、夕叮、了几Jr‘沙‘、口‘、了、11‘1 2 2 3 8 3 4 44蒸汽喷射器在冷库制冷系统中应用的探讨、少、矛︸、产、,、夕、,、声、声、尹、了、声、声、、J︸62111始20 2124犯舫11比玛24尹‘、产.、了、了‘J吸尸‘、‘了、r、护气矛‘‘了‘J.、矛‘︸1 1 2 2 23 8 8 8 4 4 44、.了、J‘、I、.产、少、,碑、J、少、、了‘、夕、产、了‘、尸、1口、J.、.J、刀夕、产、了、声、尹、.声、户‘、矛22 373318“4345钧50肠29犯36,0,5 495152 394347505355…  相似文献   

理事长:傅立民副理事长:孟崇春、洪朝生、吴元炜、赵玉侠、陈鉴远、何邦模。秘书长:孟崇春(兼)副秘书长:曹德胜、邱忠岳常务理事:王长生、孙振池、孙隆荣、昊元炜、李书桂、冷庆、吴来峰、何邦模、苏 宗猛、牟锡华、周远、范垂洪、孟崇春、金骏、陈远、赵玉侠、彦启 森、洪朝生、费人杰、傅立民、戴永庆理事:于泽敏、于敏珠、毛玉柱、、王长生、王英若、王魁武、王德魁、卢1勋、 申传文、周山涛、石祥林、边增林、刘东、李永康、朱志仁、刘运章、刘 作斌、,刘承泽、刘国汉、李金玉、刘彦华、孙桂初、孙振池、李建坤、刘 斯、孙隆荣、牟锡华…  相似文献   

英国女王伊丽莎白二世曾经出现在34个国家或地区的纸钞上,这些国家或地区有:澳大利亚、巴哈马、伯利兹、百慕大、东非、东加勒比国家、斐济、福克兰岛、格恩西、加拿大、开曼岛、罗得西亚、罗得西亚及尼亚萨兰、马恩岛、马耳他、马来亚及英属婆罗洲、毛里求斯、南罗得西亚、塞浦路斯、塞舌尔、圣赫勒拿、苏格兰、所罗门、  相似文献   

一、三十年来党和国家领导关心《中国新包装》的进步,题词、批示52次。有江泽民、吴邦国、李鹏、朱镕基、王兆国、李岚清、王忠禹、田纪云、宋健、邹家华、钱其琛、陈慕华、王光英、张劲夫、郝建秀、张震、叶选平。  相似文献   

粉体无处不在,如:面粉、奶粉、金属粉、非金属粉、水泥.农药、磨料、催化剂.陶瓷原料、化肥、饲料、涂料、染料、药粉、纳米粉、灰尘、泥沙等等都是粉体,它们分属国民经济各个工业领域:冶金、矿业、机械、化工、建材、轻工、食品、医药、环保、军工和高新技术等。  相似文献   

蒸煮类 大蜂糕、果料糖蜂糕、碗糕、花糕、藉糕、榆钱糕、寿桃、小窝头、枣荷叶、银丝卷、肉丁镘头、菠菜篓、烫面饺、烧麦、羊眼包子、倒僧帽、豌豆包、开花馒头、千屋饼、扒糕、铬恪、莜面搓鱼子、芸豆饼、木樨小枣。  相似文献   

将图灵机转移函数δ(qi,aj)=(qk,al)编码为(i,Unicode(aj),k,Unicode(al)),并将此编码方案应用于所设计的通用图灵机模型.模型的存储装置由两个带组成:一个一维的单向带,用来存储输入数据ω;一个二维带,用来存储图灵机描述"M".在PC机上仿真了上述模型,控制器算法的时间复杂度为O(|K|2),优于传统编码方案的通用图灵机模型.  相似文献   

目的 通过分析国外及我国药品包装机械发展的现状和特点,针对中国药包机械产业存在的问题,总结药品包装机械行业未来发展趋势.方法 对药品泡罩包装一体机中的泡罩包装机、枕式包装机、折纸机、装盒机等关键核心部件性能参数进行分析.对比国内外知名药品包装机械的优缺点,结合中国药品包装机械产业存在的短板与问题,深入剖析药品泡罩包装一体机的现状及发展趋势.结果 对国内外药品泡罩包装一体机的对比发现,新型包装机械需要逐步实现柔性化、精密化、集成化和智能化等特点.结论 文中对国内外各大典型药品包装机械的对比与分析,可以为国内药品包装机械的发展提供基础,深入指导与科学设计新型药品包装机械.  相似文献   

吴彬豪  吴朝武  问轲  张炜 《包装工程》2022,43(17):149-156
目的 为了科学指导新型软包装机械的设计,为化妆品、医药企业提供优质软包装机械。方法 针对日用品、化妆品、霜膏剂等产品的软管灌装封尾包装机,分析国内外代表性的软管灌装包装机械发展的现状和特点、关键技术和发展趋势。对比国内外具有代表性的软管灌装包装机的性能参数、发展水平,主要按照其工艺顺序对比介绍典型技术和发展趋势。结论 通过与国外包装机对比,得到软管灌装封尾包装机的发展趋势为高速化、智能化和集成化。  相似文献   

Machine breakdowns have been recognised in flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) as the most undesirable characteristic adversely affecting the overall efficiency. In order to ameliorate product quality and productivity of FMS, it is necessary to analyse, as well as to minimise the effect of breakdowns on the objective measures of various decision problems. This paper addresses the machine loading problem of FMS with a view to maximise the throughput and minimise the system unbalance and makespan. Moreover, insufficient work has been done in the domain of machine loading problem that considers effect of breakdowns. This motivation resulted in a potential model in this paper that minimises the effect of breakdowns so that profitability can be augmented. The present work employs an on-line machine monitoring scheme and an off-line machine monitoring scheme in conjunction with reloading of part types to cope with the breakdowns. The proposed model bears similarity with the dynamic environment of FMS, hence, termed as the dynamic machine loading problem. Furthermore, to examine the effectiveness of the proposed model, results for throughput, system unbalance and makespan on different dataset from previous literature has been investigated with application of intelligence techniques such as genetic algorithms (GA), simulated annealing (SA) and artificial immune systems (AIS). The results incurred under breakdowns validate the robustness of the developed model for dynamic ambient of FMS.  相似文献   

In the field of natural language processing (NLP), the advancement of neural machine translation has paved the way for cross-lingual research. Yet, most studies in NLP have evaluated the proposed language models on well-refined datasets. We investigate whether a machine translation approach is suitable for multilingual analysis of unrefined datasets, particularly, chat messages in Twitch. In order to address it, we collected the dataset, which included 7,066,854 and 3,365,569 chat messages from English and Korean streams, respectively. We employed several machine learning classifiers and neural networks with two different types of embedding: word-sequence embedding and the final layer of a pre-trained language model. The results of the employed models indicate that the accuracy difference between English, and English to Korean was relatively high, ranging from 3% to 12%. For Korean data (Korean, and Korean to English), it ranged from 0% to 2%. Therefore, the results imply that translation from a low-resource language (e.g., Korean) into a high-resource language (e.g., English) shows higher performance, in contrast to vice versa. Several implications and limitations of the presented results are also discussed. For instance, we suggest the feasibility of translation from resource-poor languages for using the tools of resource-rich languages in further analysis.  相似文献   

The majority of machine scheduling literature assumes that machines are available at all times. However, this assumption is inappropriate in certain real world situations. This study addresses the single machine and parallel machine scheduling problems, where machines are flexibly maintained and total tardiness is used as a performance measure. Machine M k should be scheduled for maintenance for a constant time, w k . It is assumed that the maintenance period [u k , v k ] is set in advance and that the maintenance time, w k , does not exceed the maintenance period (i.e., w k v k ?u k ). The time u k (v k ) is the earliest (or latest) time at which machine M k starts (or stops) its maintenance. Two cases, resumable and unresumable, are considered in the single machine and parallel machine problems. Eight mixed binary integer programming models are developed to derive the optimal schedule for the problem, and size complexity and computer solution times are provided to demonstrate the models' efficiency.  相似文献   

介绍了集合包装机的工作原理,讨论了集合包装机控制系统的硬件与软件设计.将PLC应用于集合包装机的控制系统中,使得控制更加灵活,设备运行更加可靠,在不改变硬件接线的条件下,通过改变程序就可改变包装工艺.  相似文献   

针对基于短语的统计机器翻译(SMT)模型中由于采用精确匹配策略导致的短语稀疏问题,提出了一种基于短语相似度的统计机器翻译模型.该模型将基于实例的翻译方法引入到统计机器翻译中.翻译时,对于训练语料库中未出现过的短语,通过计算源语言短语之间的相似度,采用模糊匹配策略从短语表中查找相似的实例短语,并根据实例短语为其构造翻译.与精确匹配策略相比,利用相似度进行模糊匹配增加了对短语表的利用程度,缓解了短语稀疏问题.实验表明,该模型能够明显地提高统计机器翻译的质量,效果超过了当前最好的短语系统"摩西(Moses)".  相似文献   

The conventional Close circuit television (CCTV) cameras-based surveillance and control systems require human resource supervision. Almost all the criminal activities take place using weapons mostly a handheld gun, revolver, pistol, swords etc. Therefore, automatic weapons detection is a vital requirement now a day. The current research is concerned about the real-time detection of weapons for the surveillance cameras with an implementation of weapon detection using Efficient–Net. Real time datasets, from local surveillance department's test sessions are used for model training and testing. Datasets consist of local environment images and videos from different type and resolution cameras that minimize the idealism. This research also contributes in the making of Efficient-Net that is experimented and results in a positive dimension. The results are also been represented in graphs and in calculations for the representation of results during training and results after training are also shown to represent our research contribution. Efficient-Net algorithm gives better results than existing algorithms. By using Efficient-Net algorithms the accuracy achieved 98.12% when epochs increase as compared to other algorithms.  相似文献   

本文介绍了浙江产SJ-2200型塑料扁丝拉丝机S-STL-Ⅱ480凸轮收卷机润滑系统的改进与设计,与原润滑系统相比,新装置结构简单,注油方便,省去了油泵,节油显著。经过一年的试用,运行稳定可靠,是一项节能降耗的有效措施。  相似文献   

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