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<正> 鉴于目前不少国家对出口货品在外包装上必须标印有货品的名称及各种编码的规格要求越来越严格,促使包装工业界对包装线上的喷墨编码技术不断发展。 普遍来说,在产品及其包装上打印日期、批号等标志,按打印方式可分为接触式和非接触式两类。在当今加工及包装业发达的条件下,普遍使用了高速流水线来生产,而且包装上所打印的内容又在不断迅速的变化,非接触式喷墨打印系统的应用与市场需求量较接触式喷墨打印系统为佳。原因是由于接触式打印系统受被打印  相似文献   

<正>历经17年的发展,金恒丰现已形成完整的工业数码打印设备制造系统。北京金恒丰科技有限公司是一家专门从事工业数码打印的大型企业,同时也是中国最早致力于数码喷印设备研发和制造的先锋企业。历经17年的发展,金恒丰现已形成完整的工业数码打印设备制造系统,产品涉及包装印  相似文献   

<正> 愈来愈多的食品制造商开始将其产品从玻璃瓶包装改为PET瓶包装,在安装PET瓶生产线的同时,亦将喷墨打印改为激光打印,以便在产品上打印清晰的生产日期和保质期,激光打印机操作简单,打印效果清晰,不易被擦掉,能将日期代码或其他信息永久地标注在瓶子上,是一种非常有效的防伪保护方法。  相似文献   

<正> 热传递打印技术是一项能在多种柔性包装材料上印制标码的工艺,方法是在打印头中安装细小的加热元件,以释放色带上带有蜡或树脂的油墨,并将之打印在包装上(图三),尤适合在休闲食品和糖果生产中进行间歇式或连续式打印,为产品标上高度清晰的文字、条形码和图形。目前市场上极  相似文献   

经过上海雅色兰数码设备有限公司6个月的研发及使用单位4个多月的使用,"雅色兰可变数据打印系统"于近日正式推出。这套系统采用了环保的UV油墨进行打印,适用的材质范围广,可在卡纸、不干胶、金属箔、PET、PVC、PE、PP等诸多材料上打印;所打印的图案颜色饱和、均匀,条码识别率高;使用UV灯固化,固化速度快,环保无污染,可以应用在食品、化妆品和药品的包装上。  相似文献   

武汉大学印刷包装系最近研发出一种立体照片集成系统,仅用十几分钟就能在普通打印机上打印出立体照片。据了解,拍摄立体照片的相机和图像处理系统不同于一般照片。  相似文献   

<正> 自欧洲于20多年前开始立法要求所有食品都必须标注“销售期限日期”以来,打印技术在食品行业的应用和市场需求便得以迅速发展。目前,打印技术已广泛为乳品、饮料、糖果和易腐烂等食品打印销售期限日期。此外,打印保质期、生产批号、标识和价格信息等项目,更成为食品行业对产品跟踪和质量控制方面的必要手段。 喷墨打印技术 喷墨打印技术是将墨水连续通过打印头,以点阵模式“喷射”于物体表面上。基本上,喷印系统的打印工艺可分为几个部分:首先,连接着喷码系统的管道  相似文献   

Phoseon Technology公司专门从事研发UV技术、生产UV产品,如UV-LED固化系统。该公司的市场销售部副总裁Tom Molamphy看好2009年UV-LED应用于UV打印市场的前景,特别是包装和标签印刷,技术改进将促进UV-LED的广泛应用。目前UV-LED技术在UV数码喷墨打印应用领域中还处于初级阶段,发展空间很大。UV-LED耗能低,散热少,越来越受到顾客的青睐。  相似文献   

<正>目前国际上包装印刷技术的主流方向已向数字化、网络化、高速低耗、更加环保和个性化的方向发展,UV喷墨技术正适应了这个潮流。集成数字切割机,在包装材料上使用UV平板喷墨打印机打印后,可以直接采用数字切割的方式获得最终包装和展示产品,为包装设计提供一站式解决方案。本文将以  相似文献   

随着数字打印技术的逐步完善与发展.其应用领域不断拓宽。下面就数字打印技术在几个新领域的市场占有和发展来看数字打印技术的未来发展情况。每年全球用户仅包装市场中打印品采购就用去3200亿美元。若常规印刷不能满足包装市场需求的话.相信第一个可能被非文件市场接受的便是数字打印。据来自I.T.Strategies的统计,目前数字打印在折叠纸盒市场的应用正处于发展中.全球约有210亿美元包装盒用于打印商品.这些包装盒用纸盒制成.如从牙膏盒、洗涤剂盒到啤酒箱等。  相似文献   

<正> 标识行业最近十几年在中国的发展突 飞猛进,市场对于标识的应用已经远远超过当初简单地在瓶子上标一个生产日期或者标几个数字,对技术的应用和需求正在不断地变化和发展。在Propak展览期间,我们采访了喷码行业的巨头多米诺公司,希望能从制造商的角度更深刻地了解这个行业,其亚太区总裁韩立新先生和市场销售总监项敏先生接受了我们的采访。  相似文献   

Eight commercial lactic acid bacteria (LAB) products were assayed for their LAB cell counts, acid and bile tolerance, and adherence to human intestinal epithelium. Results showed that the viable cell densities in liquid products, such as fermented milk samples, were higher than those in the solid products. In two solid products, viable LAB counts were not found indicating the incorrect labeling on the package. With a simulated human gastrointestinal digestion system, LAB strains from different commercial products were found to have different acid and bile tolerance. Twenty five LAB isolates from five commercial products were assayed for their antagonistic activities against bacterial pathogens, such as Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli including enterotoxigenic strain, and Salmonella typhimurium. The spent culture supernatant (SCS) from some LAB isolates significantly inhibited the growth of these indicator bacteria. Among these 25 isolates, only five from one commercial product exhibited weak adherence to the human intestinal epithelial cells (Int-407). The rest showed no adherence at all. In conclusion, only few commercial LAB products meet the basic requirements for probiotic functions.  相似文献   

<正> 2004年4月下旬,美国伟迪捷科技有限公司(Videojet Technologies Inc.)宣布正式进入中国。从此,在中国的产品喷码和标识领域里,又多了一个全球性的旗舰品牌,中国用户有了更大的选择空间。 伟迪捷公司作为全球知名的自动化标识系统制造商之一,自1969年首家研制成功全球第一台喷码机并推向市场,到2003年初伟迪捷公司与丹纳赫集团收  相似文献   

人工神经网络在成组技术中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
魏康民 《轻工机械》2007,25(1):81-84
成组技术是将设计和制造工艺上相似的各种零件和产品归并成组的一门科学。如何辨别零件的相似性并对其分组是成组技术的关键问题,成组技术是通过分类编码系统对零件进行分类的。本文以人工神经网络技术为基础,介绍了人工神经网络在成组技术中的应用。利用人工神经网络技术,先对零件进行分类编码,最后将每一个零件划分到适当的零件族中去。  相似文献   

Grading systems since their conception have aimed at facilitating commercialisation of food stuff world-wide. However, while many food products can have their quality assessed by analytical means, there are many foods that are sold according to their sensory quality and for which quality is not easily measured by conventional analytical techniques. Measuring sensory quality in some products has moved forward and utilises fully trained panels to set-up quality control systems and routine evaluations while others still rely on traditional commercial classifications and grading systems. The grading discussed here must be differentiated from grading using “trained experts” to evaluate food products according to legislated standards. There are specific cases in which the need to comply with national or international standards requires the development of specially trained tasting experts. Bisogni, Ryan, and Regenstein (1987) [In D. E. Kramer, & J. Liston (Eds.), Seafood quality determination (p. 547). Amsterdam: Elsevier Science] illustrates quite well this specific scenario. The case of coffee, the most traded agricultural crop world-wide is examined here. In coffee a high diversity of classification systems is applied and the use of the “expert cupper” is the norm. There is not a unique and universal system applied world-wide for the quality control of green coffee. Tailor made procedures are selectively implemented by International, National, local bodies, trading institutions and private companies. Procedures are mostly geared to facilitate the trading of the commodity and sensory quality is in most cases described by “cuppers” or “liquorers” using personal opinion and tasting experience accumulated over the years.  相似文献   

The European Union (EU) is the world’s largest market for fishery and aquaculture products (FAPs) in nominal terms. Given the importance of these products, EU authorities and policy-makers are continuously monitoring consumer preferences and attitudes, analysing whether or not the implementation of EU policies and regulations improves the market conditions. For example, the Eurobarometer (European Union, 2018a) surveyed 27,732 EU residents including a specific module to analyse the fishery and aquaculture EU market. In this study, the dataset is used to estimate Ordered Probit models using effects coding and their marginal effects to identify the main determinants of the frequency of FAPs at-home consumption. Results indicate that the highest probability to consume more frequently FAPs is related to considering that one of the main reasons for buying or eating fishery and aquaculture products is because they are healthy, while the highest probability to consume less frequently FAPs is related to consumers who do not understand at all the information accompanying the products. Similarly, other important reasons for consuming FAPs more frequently are their good taste and low relative price. Also, results indicate a higher frequency of consumption of FAPs for those consumers who are over 55 years of age, are wealthy, have a wild product preference, live in a household of 3 persons or more and are very satisfied with their lives. To our best knowledge, there is not a similar approach in the current literature that considers such an extensive sample which is representative of all the countries that conform the EU28. Results provide valuable information especially for producers and authorities in terms of marketing and policy analysis.  相似文献   

对美国肉与肉制品法规和标准体系的探讨   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
美国的肉与肉制品法规和标准体系已基本完善,能够较好地控制肉与肉制品的质量与安全、促进进出口贸易.本文通过梳理当前美国肉与肉制品的法规和标准体系,并分析和总结其体系的特点,以期为我国肉与肉制品法规与标准体系的建设提供借鉴和参考.  相似文献   

五种抗氧化剂抗氧化活性的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验采用甲基紫比色法、MDA法和SDS-PAGE,检测了五种天然产物清除羟自由基的能力、对脂质过氧化及蛋白质氧化的保护作用.结果表明,五种化合物在不同的反应体系表现出不同的抗氧化活性.茜素红清除·OH的能力及对蛋白质氧化的保护作用最强,白藜芦醇对脂质过氧化的抑制作用最强.同时实验结果也反映出化合物的溶解性对其抗氧化作用有很大的影响.  相似文献   

即食肉制品在生产和消费环节极易受到微生物污染,严重影响其品质和安全。传统热杀菌技术虽然能有效灭活微生物,但会对即食肉制品的营养和感官品质产生不良影响。近年来,非热杀菌技术逐渐受到关注,该技术处理温度低,对食品的风味、色泽和营养成分影响较小,避免了传统热杀菌技术造成的食品品质劣变问题。目前,在即食肉制品中应用较为广泛的非热杀菌技术主要有超高压、辐照、紫外照射、脉冲光照射和冷等离子体。本文综述上述5 种非热杀菌技术对即食肉制品的杀菌作用及对其品质的影响,以期为非热杀菌技术在即食肉制品加工中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

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