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Controlled object for a class of m × n flow show with infinite buffers, is a linear state space model in the sense of ordinary max-algebra R , ⊕, ? . S open[1~3]: ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) X k A X k B u kY k C X k??? == ?? ⊕ ? , k = 1,2,L (1) where A ∈ R p × p , B ∈ R p × q ,C ∈ Rq ×p, p = mn, q = m + n. k denotes the processing batch of jobs J 1, J 2, …, J n; X = [ x1 1 , L , x1 n , x2 1 , L , xm 1 , L , xmn]T denotes the state vector; xi j is the time when job J j was processed…  相似文献   

对概念层次树进行简介,分析量-质转化的定性映射(Qualitative Mapping,QM)数学模型,通过对定性基准[αi,βi]的调整,实现概念提升,以构建概念层次树.该方法与人类的思维推理规则较为吻合.  相似文献   

其中α<α,g(t)∈C_n~0(I_t)为已知的初值函数,f:I×C_n~0(I)×C_n~1(I)→R~n,满足下列条件: H_1:对于固定的X∈C_n~1(I),映射t→f(t,x(·),t’(·))在I上连续。 H_2:算子f满足Lipschitz条件 ||f(t,x_1(·),y_1(·))-f(t,x_2(·),y_2(·))||≤L_1||x_1-x_2||~[α,t]+L_2||y_1-y_2||~[α,t-δ],其中L_1,L_2≥0为常数,δ>0,t∈I,x_1,x_2∈C_n~0(I),y_1,y_2∈C_n~1(I)。  相似文献   

设空间区域 Ω={(x,y,z)|α≤x≤b,φ_1(x)≤y≤φ_2(x),φ_1(x,y)≤z≤φ_2(x,y)}。(1)f(x,y,z)在Ω及其邻域内具有四阶连续偏导数,φ_1(x)与φ_2(x)在[α,a]内可导,φ_1(x,y)与φ_2(x,y)在Ω的投影(xoy面)区域上具有连续偏导数。下面介绍三重积分 I=∫∫∫f(x,y,z)dxdydz (2)的优化复化Simpson数值积分算法。首先将Ω进行划分,把[α,b]分为2m等分,步长与分点为 h_1=(b-α) /2m,x_i=α+ih_1(i=0,1,2,…,2m)。 (3)在x_(2i+1)处把[φ_1(x_(2i+1)),φ_2(x_(2i+1))分为2n等分,步长与分点为 g_(1,2i+1) =((φ_2(x_(2i+1)))-(φ_1(x_(2i+1))))/2n (i=o,1,2,…,m-1), (4) y_(2i+1,j)=φ_1(x_(2i+1))+jg_(1,2i+1) (j=0,1,2,…,2n)。  相似文献   

本文提出新的最佳控制问题:在允许集合U={u=α(t)x+β(t)x′|(?)α(t)∈C〔0,T〕,(?)β(t)∈C〔0,T〕}中求u~(?)∈U,在约束x~(?)+α(t)x=u,x(0)=x_0,x′(0)=x_1之下指标J(u)=integral from x=0 to ∞(t;x_0,x_1)dt=min,并证明两个定理,求出了最佳反馈控制u~*的表达式。  相似文献   

从判断到识别的定性映射模型与模糊人工神经元   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将基于属性量-质特征转化的性质命题判断抽象为一个以定性基准为参量的动态定性映射,给出定性基准分别为一个区间、区间向量和n维超平行体网格的定义,讨论加权w对定性基准的几何意义,定性映射和人工神经元的关系,以及(性质判断的)定性映射转化为(模式)识别映射的机制和条件.指出,加权w的实质是对定性基准中的n维超平行体实施一个旋转变换.因人工神经元可看作是对n维超平行体的一个面实施加权w内积旋转变换后的形式,故是(加权w内积变换)定性映射的一个特例.当定性基准中n维超平行体的所有边长都趋近于零时,以(近)零边长的n维超平行体为基准的定性映射转化为一个向量的判断或搜索映射,并可对任一可转化为一个向量的模式进行识别.此外,本文还提出了属性量-质转化程度函数的概念和一种导致定性基准边界模糊化的机制,指出,若用某个模糊化的转化程度函数代替定性映射进行判断和识别,则得到一种模糊判断和识别,并以一系列实例证实了定性映射和转化程度函数方法的实用性.  相似文献   

Let f be a holomorphic function on the unit polydisc Dn,with Taylor expansion f(z) = ∞ |k|=0 akzk ≡∞ (k1+···+kn=0) (ak1,···,kn zk1 1znkn)where k = (k1, , kn) ∈ Z+n. The authors define generalized Hilbert operator on Dn by Hγ,n(f)(z) = ∞ |k|=0 i1,···,in≥0 ai1,···,in n j=1 Γ(γj + kj + 1)Γ(kj + ij + 1) Γ(kj + 1)Γ(kj + ij + γj + 2) zk,where γ∈ Cn, such that R γj > -1, j = 1, 2, , n. An upper bound for the norm of the operator on Hardy spaces Hp(Dn) is found. The authors also present a Fejér-Riesz type inequalit...  相似文献   

解无约束最优化问题的梯度加速法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、问题的提出 关于无约束最优化问题 min f(x), x∈R~n在[1]中曾提到曲线线性搜索是一个求解这类问题的令人感兴趣的研究课题,采用的一般曲线为 x(α)=x+Φ_1(α)8+Φ_2(α)p(a≥0参数),其中Φ_1(0)=Φ_2(0)=0,且Φ_1,Φ_2应满足条件 Φ_1~′(0)=0,Φ_2~′(0)>0,Φ_1~″(0)>0.最简单的是取  相似文献   

用叠三次样条插值逼近导函数   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在等距节点情况下,第一种边界条件的叠三次样条插值(Spline-on-spline)以h~4的精度逼近光滑函数的一阶导数。在本文中,我们推广到多重的叠三次样条插值。在y(x)∈c~7[a,b]的假设下,证明了在适当选取边界条件后,三次样条s~(1)(x)和叠三次样条s~(2)(x)、s~(3)(x)、s~(4)(x)在[a,b]上以h~4的精度分别逼近y(x)和y′(x)、y″(x)、  相似文献   

§1.引 言 考虑线性约束优化问题:min.f(x)s.t. aiTx=bi,i∈E,(1.1)aiTx≥bi,i∈I,其中f(x)是可行域X={x∈Rn|aiTx=bi,i∈E;aiTx≥bi,i∈I}上的连续可微函数. 多年来,问题(1.1)一直受到许多研究人员的广泛注意,相继提出了有效集方法、投影梯度法[1,2]等.特别是近几年来,信赖域方法因具有强适性、强收敛性受到更多的重视[3,8,11,12],这些方法都具有一个共同的性质:下降性,即要求在迭代点,目标函数值严格单调下降,放  相似文献   

This article describes the rationale for the multiphase creative problem solving process, and reports the findings from an empirical investigation conducted to facilitate the problem solving of managers. The ideational skills of the managers were assessed before and after training in a complete process of creative problem solving, along with their ideational attitudes, creative problem solving style (i.e., generator, conceptualizer, optimizer, or implementor), and evaluative skill (i.e., ability to recognize original ideas). The most important findings indicated that the training had a significant impact on the evaluative accuracy of the managers. They were significantly more accurate in their judgments about original ideas after training, both in their identification of original ideas and their recognition of unoriginal ideas. After training, the managers also gave more solutions and more original solutions to problems. Finally, several variables (e.g., the “preference for active divergence” attitude, and the conceptualizer process style) seemed to moderate the impact of training. Training was therefore effective, with specific effects that can be predicted from pre-training individual differences in attitudes and process style.  相似文献   

为提高高等院校的管理水平和决策水平,充分利用校园网资 源,开发了高等院校行政财政分析与决策系统。解决了诸如数据的动态查询、自动生成报表 、网络环境下数据共享等技术问题,具有网上数据共享、图形界面友好和安全的保密措施等 特点。  相似文献   

为发现我国国家标准与国外发达国家标准法规的差距,从根本上提高我国国家标准的总体质量,提升我国产品的质量安全水平,以关键指标(因子)为核心,研究国内外标准法规比对的工作流程,利用面向对象的方法设计,实现了国内外标准法规比对分析系统。该系统适用于所有产品国内外标准法规的比对工作。  相似文献   

A new method of stochastic model reduction has recently been introduced by Desai et al. [1], [2]. The stability of the reduced order model has not previously, been considered. In this paper, we show that the stability of the reduced order model follows directly from the results of Pernebo and Silverman [3]. It is also shown that the reduced order model is minimal, in the controllability/observability sense. The relevance of this notion of minimality to stochastic minimality is made clear.  相似文献   

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