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L. Chen 《Algorithmica》1997,17(3):266-280
Based on Tucker's work, we present an accurate proof of the characterization of proper circular arc graphs and obtain the first efficient parallel algorithm which not only recognizes proper circular arc graphs but also constructs proper circular arc representations. The algorithm runs inO(log2 n) time withO(n 3) processors on a Common CRCW PRAM. The sequential algorithm can be implemented to run inO(n 2) time and is optimal if the input graph is given as an adjacency matrix, so to speak. Portions of this paper appear in preliminary form in theProceedings of the 1989Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures [2], and theProceedings of the 1994International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation [5].  相似文献   

We present an optimal parallel algorithm for computing a cycle separator of ann-vertex embedded planar undirected graph inO(logn) time onn/logn processors. As a consequence, we also obtain an improved parallel algorithm for constructing a depth-first search tree rooted at any given vertex in a connected planar undirected graph in O(log2 n) time on n/logn processors. The best previous algorithms for computing depth-first search trees and cycle separators achieved the same time complexities, but withn processors. Our algorithms run on a parallel random access machine that permits concurrent reads and concurrent writes in its shared memory and allows an arbitrary processor to succeed in case of a write conflict.A preliminary version of this paper appeared as Improved Parallel Depth-First Search in Undirected Planar Graphs in theProceedings of the Third Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures, 1993, pp. 407–420.Supported in part by NSF Grant CCR-9101385.  相似文献   

Suppose a directed graph has its arcs stored in secondary memory, and we wish to compute its transitive closure, also storing the result in secondary memory. We assume that an amount of main memory capable of holdings values is available, and thats lies betweenn, the number of nodes of the graph, ande, the number of arcs. The cost measure we use for algorithms is theI/O complexity of Kung and Hong, where we count 1 every time a value is moved into main memory from secondary memory, or vice versa.In the dense case, wheree is close ton 2, we show that I/O equal toO(n 3/s) is sufficient to compute the transitive closure of ann-node graph, using main memory of sizes. Moreover, it is necessary for any algorithm that is standard, in a sense to be defined precisely in the paper. Roughly, standard means that paths are constructed only by concatenating arcs and previously discovered paths. For the sparse case, we show that I/O equal toO(n 2e/s) is sufficient, although the algorithm we propose meets our definition of standard only if the underlying graph is acyclic. We also show that(n 2e/s) is necessary for any standard algorithm in the sparse case. That settles the I/O complexity of the sparse/acyclic case, for standard algorithms. It is unknown whether this complexity can be achieved in the sparse, cyclic case, by a standard algorithm, and it is unknown whether the bound can be beaten by nonstandard algorithms.We then consider a special kind of standard algorithm, in which paths are constructed only by concatenating arcs and old paths, never by concatenating two old paths. This restriction seems essential if we are to take advantage of sparseness. Unfortunately, we show that almost another factor ofn I/O is necessary. That is, there is an algorithm in this class using I/OO(n 3e/s) for arbitrary sparse graphs, including cyclic ones. Moreover, every algorithm in the restricted class must use(n 3e/s/log3 n) I/O, on some cyclic graphs.The work of this author was partially supported by NSF grant IRI-87-22886, IBM contract 476816, Air Force grant AFOSR-88-0266 and a Guggenheim fellowship.  相似文献   

Thes-t connectivity problem for undirected graphs is to decide whether two designated vertices,s andt, are in the same connected component. This paper presents the first known deterministic algorithms solving undirecteds-t connectivity using sublinear space and polynomial time. Our algorithms provide a nearly smooth time-space tradeoff between depth-first search and Savitch's algorithm. Forn vertex,m edge graphs, the simplest of our algorithms uses spaceO(s),n 1/2log2 nsnlog2 n, and timeO(((m+n)n 2 log2 n)/s). We give a variant of this method that is faster at the higher end of the space spectrum. For example, with space (nlogn), its time bound isO((m+n)logn), close to the optimal time for the problem. Another generalization uses less space, but more time: spaceO(n 1/logn), for 2log2 n, and timen O(). For constant the time remains polynomial.  相似文献   

We present parallel algorithms for some fundamental problems in computational geometry which have a running time ofO(logn) usingn processors, with very high probability (approaching 1 asn ). These include planar-point location, triangulation, and trapezoidal decomposition. We also present optimal algorithms for three-dimensional maxima and two-set dominance counting by an application of integer sorting. Most of these algorithms run on a CREW PRAM model and have optimal processor-time product which improve on the previously best-known algorithms of Atallah and Goodrich [5] for these problems. The crux of these algorithms is a useful data structure which emulates the plane-sweeping paradigm used for sequential algorithms. We extend some of the techniques used by Reischuk [26] and Reif and Valiant [25] for flashsort algorithm to perform divide and conquer in a plane very efficiently leading to the improved performance by our approach.This is a substantially revised version of the paper that appeared as Optimal Randomized Parallel Algorithms for Computational Geometry in theProceedings of the 16th International Conference on Parallel Processing, St. Charles, Illinois, August 1987.This research was supported by DARPA/ARO Contract DAAL03-88-K-0195, Air Force Contract AFOSR-87-0386, DARPA/ISTO Contracts N00014-88-K-0458 and N00014-91-J-1985, and by NASA Subcontract 550-63 of Primecontract NAS5-30428.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose two new multilayer grid models for VLSI layout, both of which take into account the number of contact cuts used. For the first model in which nodes exist only on one layer, we prove a tight area × (number of contact cuts) = (n 2) tradeoff for embeddingn-node planar graphs of bounded degree in two layers. For the second model in which nodes exist simultaneously on all layers, we give a number of upper bounds on the area needed to embed groups using no contact cuts. We show that anyn-node graph of thickness 2 can be embedded on two layers inO(n 2) area. This bound is tight even if more layers and any number of contact cuts are allowed. We also show that planar graphs of bounded degree can be embedded on two layers inO(n 3/2(logn)2) area.Some of our embedding algorithms have the additional property that they can respect prespecified grid placements of the nodes of the graph to be embedded. We give an algorithm for embeddingn-node graphs of thicknessk ink layers usingO(n 3) area, using no contact cuts, and respecting prespecified node placements. This area is asymptotically optimal for placement-respecting algorithms, even if more layers are allowed, as long as a fixed fraction of the edges do not use contact cuts. Our results use a new result on embedding graphs in a single-layer grid, namely an embedding ofn-node planar graphs such that each edge makes at most four turns, and all nodes are embedded on the same line.The first author's research was partially supported by NSF Grant No. MCS 820-5167.  相似文献   

Exact algorithms for detecting all rotational and involutional symmetries in point sets, polygons and polyhedra are described. The time complexities of the algorithms are shown to be (n) for polygons and (n logn) for two- and three-dimensional point sets. (n logn) time is also required for general polyhedra, but for polyhedra with connected, planar surface graphs (n) time can be achieved. All algorithms are optimal in time complexity, within constants.  相似文献   

Thek-Delaunay tree extends the Delaunay tree introduced in [1], and [2]. It is a hierarchical data structure that allows the semidynamic construction of the higher-order Voronoi diagrams of a finite set ofn points in any dimension. In this paper we prove that a randomized construction of thek-Delaunay tree, and thus of all the orderk Voronoi diagrams, can be done inO(n logn+k 3n) expected time and O(k2n) expected storage in the plane, which is asymptotically optimal for fixedk. Our algorithm extends tod-dimensional space with expected time complexityO(k (d+1)/2+1 n (d+1)/2) and space complexityO(k (d+1)/2 n (d+1)/2). The algorithm is simple and experimental results are given.This work has been supported in part by the ESPRIT Basic Research Action No. 3075 (ALCOM).  相似文献   

On the number of Eulerian orientations of a graph   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
M. Mihail  P. Winkler 《Algorithmica》1996,16(4-5):402-414
An Eulerian orientation of an undirected Eulerian graph is an orientation of the edges of the graph such that for every vertex the in-degree is equal to the out-degree. Eulerian orientations are natural flow-like structures, and Welsh has pointed out that computing their number corresponds to evaluating the Tutte polynomial at the point (0, –2) [JVW], [Wl], and is further equivalent to evaluating ice-type partition functions in statistical physics [W2]. In this paper we resolve the complexity of counting the number of Eulerian orientations of an arbitrary Eulerian graph.We give an efficient randomized approximation algorithm for counting Eulerian orientations of any Eulerian graph. Our algorithm is based on a reduction to counting perfect matchings for a class of graphs for which the methods of Broder [B], Jerrum and Sinclair [JS1], and others [DL] [DS] apply. A crucial step of the reduction is the Monotonicity Lemma (Lemma 3.1) which is of independent combinatorial interest. Roughly speaking, the Monotonicity Lemma establishes the intuitive fact that increasing the number of constraints applied on a flow problem cannot increase the number of solutions. The proof of the lemma involves a new decomposition technique which decouples problematically overlapping structures (a recurrent obstacle in handling large combinatorial populations) and allows detailed enumeration arguments. As a by-product, we exhibit a class of graphs for which perfect and near-perfect matchings are polynomially related, and hence the permanent can be approximated, for reasons other than short augmenting paths (previously the only known approach).We also give the complementary hardness result, namely, that counting exactly Eulerian orientations is #P-complete. Finally, we provide some connections with counting Euler tours.  相似文献   

Many applications of digital image processing now deal with three- and higher-dimensional images. One way to represent n-dimensional digital images is to use the specialization graphs of subspaces of the Alexandroff topological space n (where denotes the integers with the Khalimsky line topology). In this paper the dimension of any such graph is defined in three ways, and the equivalence of the three definitions is established. Two of the definitions have a geometric basis and are closely related to the topological definition of inductive dimension; the third extends the Alexandroff dimension to graphs. Diagrams are given of graphs that are dimensionally correct discrete models of Euclidean spaces, n-dimensional spheres, a projective plane and a torus. New characterizations of n-dimensional (digital) surfaces are presented. Finally, the local structure of the space n is analyzed, and it is shown that n is an n-dimensional surface for all n1.  相似文献   

RL \subseteq SC     
We show that any randomized logspace algorithm (running in polynomial time with bounded two-sided error) can be simulated deterministically in polynomial time andO(log2 n) space. This puts RL in SC, Steve's Class In particular, we get a polynomial time,O(log2 n) space algorithm for thest-connectivity problem on undirected graphs.Subject classifications. 68Q10, 68Q15, 68Q25.  相似文献   

We consider the half-space range-reporting problem: Given a setS ofn points in d, preprocess it into a data structure, so that, given a query half-space , allk points ofS can be reported efficiently. We extend previously known static solutions to dynamic ones, supporting insertions and deletions of points ofS. For a given parameterm,n m n d/2 and an arbitrarily small positive constant , we achieveO(m 1+) space and preprocessing time, O((n/m d/2 logn+k) query time, and O(m1+n) amortized update time (d 3). We present, among others, the following applications: an O(n1+)-time algorithm for computing convex layers in 3, and an output sensitive algorithm for computing a level in an arrangements of planes in 3, whose time complexity is O((b+n) n, whereb is the size of the level.Work by the first author has been supported by National Science Foundation Grant CCR-91-06514. A preliminary version of this paper appeared in Agarwalet al. [2], which also contains the results of [20] on dynamic bichromatic closest pair and minimum spanning trees.  相似文献   

Galloet al. [4] recently examined the problem of computing on line a sequence ofk maximum flows and minimum cuts in a network ofn nodes, where certain edge capacities change between each flow. They showed that for an important class of networks, thek maximum flows and minimum cuts can be computed simply in O(n3+kn2) total time, provided that the capacity changes are made in order. Using dynamic trees their time bound isO(nm log(n2/m)+km log(n2/m)). We show how to reduce the total time, using a simple algorithm, to O(n3+kn) for explicitly computing thek minimum cuts and implicitly representing thek flows. Using dynamic trees our bound is O(nm log(n2/m)+kn log(n2/m)). We further reduce the total time toO(n 2m) ifk is at most O(n). We also apply the ideas from [10] to show that the faster bounds hold even when the capacity changes are not in order, provided we only need the minimum cuts; if the flows are required then the times are respectively O(n3+km) and O(n2m). We illustrate the utility of these results by applying them to therectilinear layout problem.The research of Dan Gusfield was partially supported by Grants CCR-8803704 and CCR-9103937 from the National Science Foundation. The research of Éva Tardos was partially supported by a David and Lucile Packard Fellowship, an NSF Presidential Young Investigator Fellowship, a Research Fellowship of the Sloan Foundation, and by NSF, DARPA, and ONR through Grant DMS89-20550 from the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

We consider planar circuits, formulas and multilective planar circuits. It is shown that planar circuits and formulas are incomparable. An (n logn) lower bound is given for the multilective planar circuit complexity of a decision problem and an (n 3/2) lower bound is given for the multilective planar circuit complexity of a multiple output function.  相似文献   

A covering path in a directed graph is a path passing through all vertices and arcs of the graph, with each arc being traversed only in the direction of its orientation. A covering path exists for any initial vertex only if the graph is strongly connected, i.e., any of its vertices can be reached from any other vertex by some path. The strong connectivity is the only restriction on the considered class of graphs. As is known, on the class of such graphs, the covering path length is (nm), where n is the number of vertices and m is the number of arcs. For any graph, there exists a covering path of length O(nm), and there exist graphs with covering paths of the minimum length (nm). The traversal of an unknown graph implies that the topology of the graph is not a priori known, and we learn it only in the course of traversing the graph. At each vertex, one can see which arcs originate from the vertex, but one can learn to which vertex a given arc leads only after traversing this arc. This is similar to the problem of traversing a maze by a robot in the case where the plan of the maze is not available. If the robot is a general-purpose computer without any limitations on the number of its states, then traversal algorithms with the same estimate O(nm) are known. If the number of states is bounded, then this robot is a finite automaton. Such a robot is an analogue of the Turing machine, where the tape is replaced by a graph and the cells are assigned to the graph vertices and arcs. Currently, the lower estimate of the length of the traversal by a finite robot is not known. In 1971, the author of this paper suggested a robot with the traversal length O(nm + n 2logn). The algorithm of the robot is based on the construction of the output directed spanning tree of the graph and on the breadth-first search (BFS) on this tree. In 1993, Afek and Gafni [1] suggested an algorithm with the same estimate of the covering path length, which was also based on constructing a spanning tree but used the depth-first search (DFS) method. In this paper, an algorithm is suggested that combines the breadth-first search with the backtracking (suggested by Afek and Gafni), which made it possible to reach the estimate O(nm + n 2loglogn). The robot uses a constant number of memory bits for each vertex and arc of the graph.  相似文献   

We improve upon the running time of several graph and network algorithms when applied to dense graphs. In particular, we show how to compute on a machine with word size = (logn) a maximal matching in ann-vertex bipartite graph in timeO(n 2+n 2.5/)=O(n 2.5/logn), how to compute the transitive closure of a digraph withn vertices andm edges in timeO(n 2+nm/), how to solve the uncapacitated transportation problem with integer costs in the range [O.C] and integer demands in the range [–U.U] in timeO ((n 3 (log log/logn)1/2+n2 logU) lognC), and how to solve the assignment problem with integer costs in the range [O.C] in timeO(n 2.5 lognC/(logn/loglogn)1/4).Assuming a suitably compressed input, we also show how to do depth-first and breadth-first search and how to compute strongly connected components and biconnected components in timeO(n+n 2/), and how to solve the single source shortest-path problem with integer costs in the range [O.C] in time0 (n 2(logC)/logn). For the transitive closure algorithm we also report on the experiences with an implementation.Most of this research was carried out while both authors worked at the Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Germany. The research was supported in part by ESPRIT Project No. 3075 ALCOM. The first author acknowledges support also from NSERC Grant No. OGPIN007.  相似文献   

Let (G) denote the independence number of a graphG, that is the maximum number of pairwise independent vertices inG. We present a parallel algorithm that computes in a planar graphG = (V, E), an independent set such that ¦I¦ (G)/2. The algorithm runs in timeOlog2 n) and requires a linear number of processors. This is achieved by denning a new set of reductions that can be executed locally and simultaneously; furthermore, it is shown that a constant fraction of the vertices in the graph are reducible. This is the best known approximation scheme when the number of processors available is linear; parallel implementation of known sequential algorithms requires many more processors.Joseph Naor was supported by Contract ONR N00014-88-K-0166. Most of this work was done while he was a post-doctoral fellow at the Department of Computer Science, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0782, USA.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the linear interval tolerance problem, which consists of finding the largest interval vector included in ([A], [b]) = {x R n | A [A], b [b], Ax = b}. We describe two different polyhedrons that represent subsets of all possible interval vectors in ([A], [b]), and we provide a new definition of the optimality of an interval vector included in ([A], [b]). Finally, we show how the Simplex algorithm can be applied to find an optimal interval vector in ([A], [b]).  相似文献   

Given an array ofn input numbers, therange-maxima problem is that of preprocessing the data so that queries of the type what is the maximum value in subarray [i..j] can be answered quickly using one processor. We present a randomized preprocessing algorithm that runs inO(log* n) time with high probability, using an optimal number of processors on a CRCW PRAM; each query can be processed in constant time by one processor. We also present a randomized algorithm for a parallel comparison model. Using an optimal number of processors, the preprocessing algorithm runs inO( (n)) time with high probability; each query can be processed inO ( (n)) time by one processor. (As is standard, (n) is the inverse of Ackermann function.) A constant time query can be achieved by some slowdown in the performance of the preprocessing stage.  相似文献   

The paper places five different problems (thek-pebble game problem, two problems aboutk finite automata, the reachability problem for Petri nets withk tokens, and the teachability problem for graphs whose k-dimensional edge sets are described by Cartesian products ofk factors) into the hierarchyNL k of problems solvable by nondeterministic Turing machines ink-log2 n space (and binary tape alphabet, to avoid tape speed-up). The results, when combined with the conjecture thatNL i contains problems that requireO(n k ) deterministic time, show that these problems, while inP for every fixed value ofk, have polynomial deterministic time complexities with the degree of the polynomial growing linearly with the parameterk, and hence are, in this sense, gradually intractable.  相似文献   

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