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The rat kallikrein rK9 is one of the six members of the rat tissue kallikrein family isolated to date. It is 84% identical to rK2 (tonin), and both proteinases are thought to have vasoconstrictive properties. Recently we have shown that rK9 and rK2 have distinct substrate specificities and sensitivities to inhibitors, despite their similar sequences. Unlike all other mammalian kallikrein-related proteinases, rK9 is resistant to inhibition by aprotinin. We have developed a 3-D model of rK9, based on the known X-ray structures of rK2, porcine kallikrein and bovine trypsin, to identify the structural features underlying this functional diversity. The final rK9 model is structurally similar to rK2, but variable regions surrounding the active site differ quite markedly from the reference proteins. The kallikrein loop, which differs from that in porcine kallikrein by a seven-residue insertion, has been generated de novo and subjected to simulated annealing to assess its influence on the restricted substrate specificity of these proteinases. The proposed conformation of the specificity pocket in rK9 differs from that of other serine proteinases, but it can still accommodate both aromatic and basic amino acid side chains at the substrate P1 position, thus explaining the dual chymotrypsin and trypsin-like activity of rK9. The electrostatic potentials of rK9 and aprotinin were calculated using the finite difference Poisson-Boltzmann method. They indicated a large positive region near the active site of rK9 not found in related proteinases because of positively charged residues at positions 61 and 65 in rK9. They generate a positive region, which overlaps a positive region in aprotinin, and may prevent aprotinin binding. A single mutation in aprotinin is suggested that might allow kallikrein rK9 inhibition by aprotinin. This model contributes significantly to our understanding of the structure-function relationships among proteinases of the tissue kallikrein family.  相似文献   

The behavioral effects were studied of monoclonal antibodies (MA) against A3G7 protein, which is known to be associated with the processes of nervous cell differentiation. Elaboration, storage, and retention of acoustic startle (ASR) habituation and freezing behavior were tested in adult rats. The MA applied in a dose of 50 ng on cerebellar vermis selectively impaired only the ASR long-term habituation storage whereas its dose of 5 mcg impaired both long-term habituation storage and fear-conditioned freezing. Application of 10 mcg of MA disrupted the elaboration and storage of the ASR short- and long-term habituation as well as fear-conditioned freezing. The results are considered as experimental verification of systemogenesis theory and hypothesis about a common molecular basis of learning and development.  相似文献   

Western blot analysis of proteins from a cell culture isolate (USG3) of the human granulocytic ehrlichiosis (HGE) agent has identified a number of immunoreactive proteins, including major antigenic proteins of 43 and 45 kDa. Peptides derived from the 43- and 45-kDa proteins were sequenced, and degenerate PCR primers based on these sequences were used to amplify DNA from USG3. Sequencing of a 550-bp PCR product revealed that it encodes a protein homologous to the MSP-2 proteins of Anaplasma marginale. Concurrently, an expression library made from USG3 genomic DNA was screened with granulocytic Ehrlichia (GE)-positive immune sera. Analysis of two clones showed that they contain one partial and three full-length highly related genes, suggesting that they are part of a multigene family. Amino acid alignment showed conserved amino- and carboxy-terminal regions which flank a variable region. The conserved regions of these proteins are also homologous to the MSP-2 proteins of A. marginale; thus, they were designated GE MSP-2A (45 kDa), MSP-2B (34 kDa), and MSP-2C (38 kDa). The PCR fragment obtained as a result of peptide sequencing was completely contained within the msp-2A clone, and all of the sequenced peptides were found in the GE MSP-2 proteins. Recombinant MSP-2B protein and an MSP-2A fusion protein were expressed in Escherichia coli and reacted with human sera positive for the HGE agent by immunofluorescence assay. These data suggest that the 43- and 45-kDa proteins of the HGE agent are encoded by members of the GE MSP-2 multigene family.  相似文献   

Sequences of the dnaK gene, coding for the 70-kDa heat shock protein (HSP70), were determined for six members of the order Planctomycetales, including representatives of three genera, and for the only cultivated member of the order Verrucomicrobiales, Verrucomicrobium spinosum. A fragment of the dnaK gene was amplified from these strains by PCR with oligonucleotide primers targeting regions of the dnaK gene that are conserved at the amino acid level, and the resulting PCR products were cloned into a plasmid vector. Sequence analysis of the cloned dnaK fragments revealed the presence of two different types of dnaK sequence in one of the planctomycete strains, Planctomyces maris, and in V. spinosum. Only one type of dnaK sequence was found for each of the remaining strains. Phylogenetic analysis of the partial sequence data suggested that the majority of planctomycete strains, including one of the Planctomyces maris sequences, form a coherent phylogenetic group branching adjacent to other main lines of descent within the domain Bacteria, as has been shown previously by 16S rRNA sequence analysis. One of the two V. spinosum dnaK sequences also appears to constitute a separate lineage within the gram-negative bacteria. Each of the remaining sequences from P. maris and V. spinosum, together with the single sequence obtained from Planctomyces limnophilus, appeared to be unrelated to the other planctomycete sequences and to occupy a position distant from that of other gram-negative bacteria. The phylogenetic diversity of dnaK sequences exhibited by P. maris and V. spinosum was comparable to that found in Synechococcus sp. strain PCC7942 and Escherichia coli, the only other prokaryotes for which a dnaK multigene family has been demonstrated.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of manipulating lung volume (LV) on phonatory and articulatory kinematic behavior during sentence production in healthy adults. Five men and five women repeated the sentence "I sell a sapapple again" under five LV conditions. These included (1) speaking normally, (2) speaking after exhaling most of the air from the lungs, (3) speaking at end expiratory level (EEL), (4) speaking after a maximal inhalation, and (5) speaking after a maximal inhalation while attempting to maintain as normal a mode of speech as possible. From a multichannel recording, measures were made of LV, sound pressure level (SPL), fundamental frequency (F0) and semitone standard deviation (STSD), and upper and lower lip displacements and peak velocities. When compared with the reference condition, the sentence was spoken significantly more quickly at the lowest LV. SPL increased significantly for the high LV condition, as did the women's F0 and STSD. Upper lip displacements and peak velocities generally decreased for LVs other than the reference condition. Lower lip movements showed inconsistent changes as a function of LV. Adjustments to the LV for speech led to SPL and F0 changes consistent with a coordinated control of the respiratory system and the larynx. However, less consistent effects were observed in the articulatory kinematic measures, possibly because of a less direct biomechanical and neural control linkage between respiratory and articulatory structures.  相似文献   

After lactation, there is a massive loss of pituitary lactotrophs. The aim of this study was to investigate the events and mechanisms involved in the remodeling of the anterior pituitary after termination of lactation. Animals were analyzed at day 7 of lactation and at 4 and 7 days after pup removal. Field-inversion gel electrophoresis was used to detect high-molecular-weight DNA fragments, a characteristic feature of apoptosis. Bax and Bcl-2, proteins involved in regulation of cell survival, were studied by immunohistochemistry and Western blot analysis. In addition, the expression of Bax, Bcl-2, Bcl-X(L), and p53 messenger RNA (mRNA) was analyzed by in situ hybridization. Four days after termination of lactation, a peak in high-molecular-weight DNA fragments and an increase in Bax, along with a decrease in Bcl-2 proteins, were observed, in comparison with lactation and with 7 days post lactation. The mRNAs for Bax and p53 also were increased, whereas no changes were detected in Bcl-2 and Bcl-X(L) mRNA levels. In summary, these findings indicate that the cell remodeling of the anterior pituitary, after the termination of lactation, occurs through the process of apoptosis and involves changes in Bax, Bcl-2, and p53.  相似文献   

Peptide substrates with intramolecularly quenched fluorescence that reproduce the rat kininogen sequences at both ends of the bradykinin moiety were synthesized and used to investigate the kinin-releasing properties of five rat tissue kallikreins (rK1, rK2, rK7, rK9, rK10). Substrates derived from rat H- and L-kininogen were cleaved best by rK1, especially that including the N-terminal insertion site of bradykinin, Abz-TSVIRRPQ-EDDnp(Abz = O-aminobenzoyl, EDDnp = ethylenediamine 2,4-dinitrophenyl), which was cleaved at the R-R bond with a k(cat)/Km of 12400 mM(-1) s(-1). Replacement of the P2' residue Pro by Val in Abz-TSVIRRPQ-EDDnp gave a far less specific substrate that was rapidly hydrolysed by all five rat kallikreins and human kallikrein hK1. Peptidyl-N-methyl coumarylamide substrates, which lack prime residues, also had low specificities. The importance of the P2' residue for rK1 specificity was further demonstrated using a human-kininogen-derived substrate that included the N-terminal insertion site of bradykinin (Abz-LMKRP-EDDnp). This was cleaved at the M-K bond by hK1 (kallidin-releasing site), but at the K-R bond (bradykinin-releasing site) by rK1. Competition experiments with Abz-TSVIRRPQ-EDDnp, which is resistant to most kallikreins, and Abz-TSVIRRVQ-EDDnp, a general kallikrein substrate, demonstrated that the former competitively inhibited hydrolysis by rK9 and hK1, with Ki values similar to the Km values for the substrate. Thus Pro in P2' does not prevent the peptide binding to the enzyme active site, but impairs cleavage of the scissile bond. The T-kininogen-derived substrate with the T-kinin C-terminal sequence (Abz-FRLVR-EDDnp) was cleaved by rK10 (k(cat)/Km = 2310 mM(-1) s(-1)) and less rapidly by rK1, rK7 and hK1, at the R-L bond, while that corresponding to the N-terminal (Abz-ALDMMISRP-EDDnp) of T-kinin was resistant to all five kallikreins used, suggesting that none has T-kininogenase activity. But this substrate was hydrolysed by a semipurified sample of submandibular gland extract. Another kallikrein, identified as kallikrein rK3, was isolated from this fraction and shown to hydrolyze Abz-ALDMMISRP-EDDnp; rK3 also specifically released T-kinin from purified T1/T2-kininogen after HPLC fractionation. Injection of purified rK3 and of Abz-ALDMMISRP-EDDnp-cleaving fractions into the circulation of anesthesized rats caused transient falls in blood pressure, as did purified rK1 but none of the other purified rat or human kallikreins. This effect occurred via activation of the kinin system since it was blocked by Hoe140, a kinin receptor antagonist.  相似文献   

Human lysosomal acid lipase/cholesteryl ester hydrolase (hLAL) is essential for the intralysosomal metabolism of cholesteryl esters and triglycerides taken up by receptor-mediated endocytosis of lipoprotein particles. The key role of the enzyme in intracellular lipid homeostasis is illustrated by two lysosomal storage diseases inherited as autosomal recessive traits. Wolman disease, associated with deficient hLAL activity, leads to massive intracellular substrate accumulation and is always fatal in early infancy. Cholesteryl ester storage disease (CESD), in contrast, is characterized by very low levels of enzymic activity sufficient to allow survival of the affected patients into adulthood. In order to elucidate the underlying molecular defects in Wolman disease, we have characterized the hLAL gene in two female Wolman patients of German and Turkish origin by SSCP and DNA sequence analysis. Our results demonstrate that the German proband was compound heterozygous for an 8-bp deletion in exon 3 and a 2-bp deletion in exon 4 of the hLAL gene. These frameshift mutations lead to protein truncation at amino acid positions 24 and 116 and to complete loss of hydrolytic activity. The Turkish proband, in contrast, was homozygous for a G(1064)-->T substitution in exon 10 of the hLAL gene which converts the completely conserved glycine (GGG) residue at position 321 of the mature enzyme to tryptophan (TGG). In vitro expression of the hLAL(Gly(321)-->Trp) cDNA construct revealed that the amino acid replacement results in a more than 99% reduction of neutral lipid hydrolysis. The mutations provide new insights into the molecular basis of Wolman disease which is apparently more heterogeneous at the genetic level than cholesteryl ester storage disease.-Lohse, P., S. Maas, P. Lohse, A. C. Sewell, O. P. van Diggelen, and D. Seidel. Molecular defects underlying Wolman disease appear to be more heterogeneous than those resulting in cholesteryl ester storage disease.  相似文献   

Promacrophage-stimulating protein (MSP) is an 80-kDa protein that acquires biological activity after cleavage at an Arg-Val bond to a disulfide-linked alpha beta heterodimer by serine proteases of the intrinsic coagulation cascade. These proteases, which include serum kallikrein, factor XIIa and factor XIa, are members of the trypsin family of serine proteases. We now report that two other members of the family, nerve growth factor-gamma (NGF-gamma) and epidermal growth factor-binding protein (EGF-BP), cleave and activate pro-MSP to the disulfide-linked alpha beta heterodimer. Cleavage of 1.5 nM pro-MSP by 1 nM NGF-gamma or EGF-BP at 37 degrees C was almost complete within 30 min. These concentrations of enzyme are about 2 orders of magnitude less than is required for cleavage by serum kallikrein or factor XIIa. Cleavage of pro-MSP to MSP was associated with a conformational change in the protein, because the cleaved product, but not pro-MSP, was detected by a sandwich enzyme-linked immunoassay. Cleavage caused the appearance of biological activity, as measured by chemotactic activity of MSP for resident peritoneal macrophages, by MSP-induced macrophage shape change, and by stimulation of macrophage ingestion of C3bi-coated erythrocytes. These findings suggest the possibility of cooperative interactions between NGF-gamma or EGF-BP and pro-MSP in inflammation and wound healing.  相似文献   

The effect of subcutaneous injection of cyclosporine (20 mg/kg/day for 3 days) on the expression of kallikrein (Kal) and bradykinin 2 receptor (BK2) mRNA in the rat renal cortex was examined. CsA decreased significantly Kal and BK2 mRNA expression in the kidney cortex. These results indicate that the kallikrein-kinin system may participate in the genesis or the aggravation of the renal haemodynamic effect induced by long term administration of CsA.  相似文献   

In systemic amyloidosis, widespread amyloid deposition interferes with organ function, frequently with fatal consequences. Diagnosis rests on demonstrating amyloid deposits in the tissues, traditionally with histology although scintigraphic imaging with radiolabeled serum amyloid P component (SAP) has lately been developed as a specific noninvasive alternative. We report a detailed analysis of the abnormal turnover of SAP in patients with systemic amyloidosis and an assessment of its clinical value. METHODS: Iodine-123-labeled human SAP (200 MBq) SAP was injected intravenously into 49 patients with histologically proven systemic AA- or AL- amyloidosis and in 7 control subjects. Plasma clearance and whole-body retention of labeled SAP were analyzed over 48 hr using plasma sampling, whole-body gamma camera imaging and measurement of radioactivity in the urine. The rate of SAP synthesis and interstitial exchange were determined, and the size of the amyloid compartment was compared with clinical estimates of whole-body amyloid load and patient survival. RESULTS: All plasma time-activity curves were biphasic. In comparison with control subjects, patients with amyloidosis showed significantly faster plasma disappearance [4-hr value: AA 48% +/- 18%, AL 45% +/- 15% versus 65% +/- 8% (p < 0.05)], higher total-body retention 48 hr p.i. [AA 74% +/- 14%, AL 73% +/- 17% versus 46% +/- 15% (p < 0.01)] and especially higher extravascular retention 48 hr p.i. [AA 59% +/- 16%, AL 58% +/- 19% versus 30% +/- 14% (p < 0.01)]. Extravascular retention correlated with clinical estimation of the amyloid load. If extravascular retention values in patients with AL amyloidosis were over 60%, survival was decreased (median 4 versus 23 mo, p < 0.001). Markedly increased interstitial exchange rates were present in amyloidosis (AA 64 +/- 61, AL 50 +/- 37 versus 18 +/- 8 mg/hr), whereas the SAP synthesis rate did not differ from the control values (AA 5.0 +/- 3.0, AL 5.5 +/- 3.2 versus 4.5 +/- 1.4 mg/hr). CONCLUSION: The presence of systemic amyloidosis is characterized by accelerated initial clearance of 123I-SAP from the plasma and increased interstitial exchange rate and extravascular retention. These findings reflect reversible binding of radiolabeled SAP to amyloid deposits and provide clinically useful information for diagnosis, monitoring of therapy and prognosis in patients with systemic amyloidosis.  相似文献   

Two early and potential rate-limiting steps in the biosynthesis of isoquinoline alkaloids, such as morphine and codeine, in opium poppy (Papaver somniferum) involve decarboxylation of L-tyrosine and L-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-dopa) to yield tyramine and dopamine, respectively. A DNA fragment was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using degenerate primers designed to two highly conserved domains found in other aromatic amino acid decarboxylases. A poppy seedling cDNA library was screened with this PCR product and a cDNA (cTYDC1) for tyrosine/dopa decarboxylase (TYDC/DODC) was isolated. Two other independent cDNAs (cTYDC2 and cTYDC3) encoding TYDC/DODC were isolated by heterologous screening with a plant tryptophan decarboxylase (TDC) cDNA as probe. A poppy genomic library was screened with cTYDC1 and two intronless genomic clones (gTYDC1 and gTYDC4) were isolated. The deduced amino acid sequences of all poppy clones share extensive identity with other reported pyridoxal phosphate-dependent decarboxylases from both plants and animals. Based on sequence homology, members of the gene family were divided into two subsets (cTYDC1 and gTYDC4; cTYDC2 and cTYDC3) of proteins with predicted M(r) = 56,983 and 59,323, respectively. Within each subset the clones exhibit greater than 90% identity, whereas clones between subsets share less than 75% identity. Expression of gTYDC1 and cTYDC2 as beta-galactosidase fusion proteins in Escherichia coli resulted in catalytically active enzymes immunodetectable with TDC-specific polyclonal antibodies. Each enzyme showed marginally higher substrate specificity for L-dopa over L-tyrosine, but did not accept L-tryptophan and L-phenylalanine as substrates. Genomic DNA blot-hybridization analysis revealed 6 to 8 genes homologous to cTYDC1 and 4 to 6 genes homologous to cTYDC2 in the tetraploid poppy genome. A premature translation stop codon was found in the gTYDC4 clone suggesting that it may not encode a functional protein. RNA blot-hybridization with probes specific to the gTYDC1- or cTYDC2-like subsets showed that members of the TYDC gene family are differentially expressed in various plant tissues.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the turning points volunteers found important in their hospice training and volunteer experiences. Seventeen individuals who had recently completed hospice training were asked about the turning points in their training and volunteering that were important in their becoming and remaining a hospice volunteer. The study finds that volunteers have a wide variety of intrapersonal, interpersonal, and group reasons for becoming and remaining a hospice volunteer. The findings suggest that hospice staff need to create a wide variety of events which volunteers can identify with to help people want to become and remain volunteers.  相似文献   

In this study we have investigated the effect of novel tissue kallikreins on the plasma protein exudation induced by porcine pancreatic kallikrein (PPK) in the rabbit skin in vivo. The tissue kallikrein inhibitors here described were synthesized based on analogues of peptide substrates for tissue kallikreins. The intradermal injection of PPK and rabbit urinary kallikrein, but not of rabbit plasma kallikrein, significantly increased the microvascular permeability leading to local oedema formation in the rabbit skin. At the dose of 3-200 nmol/site, the intradermal co-administration of the tissue kallikrein inhibitors Bz-F-F-S-R-EDDnp (Ki = 0.1 microM; ESP5), PAC-F-S-R-EDDnp (Ki = 0.7 microM; ESP6), Bz-F-F-A-P-R-NH2 (Ki = 7.8 microM; ESP8), PAC-F-F-R-P-R-NH2 (Ki = 0.3 microM; ESP9) and Bz-F-F-S-R-NH2 (Ki = 0.3 microM; ESP11) dose-dependently inhibited the plasma protein exudation induced by PPK. The most potent compound was ESP6 (IC25 = 7.8 nmol/site) followed by ESP5 (IC25 = 14.2 nmol/site), ESP8 (IC25 = 25 nmol/site), ESP9 (IC25 = 30 nmol/site) and ESP11 (IC25 = 50.4 nmol/site). The compounds Bz-F-F-R-P-R-NH2 (Ki = 0.5 microM; ESP1), Bz-F-F-pNa (Ki = 0.4 microM; ESP3), Bz-F(NH2)-F-R-P-R-NH2 (Ki = 1.1 microM; ESP7) and Bz-F-F-S-P-R-NH2 (Ki = 4.6 microM; ESP10) had no significant effect on the PPK-induced plasma protein exudation in doses up to 200 nmol/site. ESP6 also inhibited the PPK-induced plasma protein exudation when administered systemically. This compound may constitute a useful tool to further investigate both the physiological and pathological role of tissue kallikreins.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding human fast skeletal beta troponin T (beta TnTf) has been isolated and characterized from a fetal skeletal muscle library. The cDNA insert is 1,000 bp in length and contains the entire coding region of 777 bp and 5' and 3' untranslated (UT) segments of 12 and 211 bp, respectively. The 3' UT segment shows the predicted stem-loop structure typical of eukaryotic mRNAs. The cDNA-derived amino acid sequence is the first available sequence for human beta TnTf protein. It is encoded by a single-copy gene that is expressed in a tissue-specific manner in fetal and adult fast skeletal muscles. Although the human beta TnTf represents the major fetal isoform, the sequence information indicates that this cDNA and the coded protein are quite distinct from the fetal and neonatal TnTf isoforms reported in other mammalian fetal muscles. The hydropathy plot indicates that human beta TnTf is highly hydrophilic along its entire length. The protein has an extremely high degree of predicted alpha-helical content involving the entire molecule except the carboxy-terminal 30 residues. Comparative sequence analysis reveals that the human beta TnTf shares a high level of sequence similarity in the coding region with other vertebrate TnTf and considerably reduced similarity with slow skeletal and cardiac TnT cDNAs. The TnT isoforms have a large central region consisting of amino acid residues 46-204 which shows a high sequence conservation both at the nucleotide and amino acid levels. This conserved region is flanked by the variable carboxy-terminal and an extremely variable amino-terminal segment. The tropomyosin-binding peptide of TnT, which is represented by amino acid residues 47-151 and also includes a part of troponin I binding region, is an important domain of this central segment. It is suggested that this conserved segment is encoded by an ancestral gene. The variable regions of vertebrate striated TnT isoforms reflect the subsequent addition and modification of genomic sequences to give rise to members of the TnT multigene family.  相似文献   

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