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针对开口钢管桩在成桩过程中形成土塞的闭塞效应,回顾总结了影响土塞性状的因素、土塞的力学分析及评价和土塞机理及分析方法。目前,国内外对于土塞的研究多是针对土塞闭塞效应,从宏观的角度进行定性或半定量的研究,很少对开口管桩沉桩过程中土塞的形成和发展机理进行细观研究,尤其是对土塞机理的定量分析更是处于初级阶段。最后,基于先进的数码摄像可视化跟踪技术和数字信息计算机实时处理技术的应用,提出了土塞效应细观颗粒流(PFC)模拟方法,为开口管桩土塞效应研究提供了一种新思路。  相似文献   

Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment - In recent years, the use of helical piles as a deep foundation option for structures has increased dramatically because they offer definite...  相似文献   

桩土界面剪切行为对静压敞口预应力高强混凝土(PHC)管桩沉贯性状及长期承载力特性具有至关重要的作用。通过成层土地基中桩身预埋光纤光栅(FBG)传感器的静压桩足尺试验,分别对敞口PHC管桩贯入及静载荷试验中的桩土界面剪切行为进行研究。结果表明:在贯入阶段,桩身轴力及侧摩阻力沿桩的深度方向逐渐传递,传力幅值与桩周土体性状密切相关,土层界面处轴力传递效率依次为98.2%、92.2%、96.3%、83.8%、80.5%。随着压桩循环次数的增加,同一深度土层摩阻力呈逐渐减小趋势。经历5个压桩循环后,深度6 m处的砂质粉土层摩阻力减小幅度约为46.25%,深度10m处的粉质黏土层经历3个压桩循环后摩阻力减小幅度约为12.1%;载荷试验过程中,桩侧摩阻力随着桩顶荷载施加自上而下逐步发挥。摩阻力完全发挥所需的桩土相对位移,粉质黏土层的最大,约为6.96~7.46mm,淤泥质黏土层的次之,约为6.05mm,砂质粉土层的最小,约为4.23mm;与原状土相比,重塑区土体含水量、孔隙比参数指标降低,重度、黏聚力及内摩擦角增大。桩周重塑区土体物理力学指标变化是贯入及载荷试验阶段桩土界面剪切行为不同的重要原因。  相似文献   

无黏性土中剪切带的形成过程   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
提出了无黏性土中剪切带的形成机理 ,并利用耦合的有限元数值分析加以验证。研究表明剪切带的形成与材料本身的软化特性密切相关。剪切带形成后 ,土体中存在两种变形模式 :剪切带内土的特性表现为应变软化 ,而其他部分的土体表现为卸载。此外 ,剪切带内土体的体积变形比其他部分的体积变形大得多。当剪应变超过某一水平时 ,局部土体达到临界状态  相似文献   

无黏性土剪胀性的细观认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对规则的椭圆形颗粒、圆形和履带形颗粒以及不规则形状颗粒组成的土体进行了平面力学分析,推导了应力比和塑性应变增量比表达式,建立了由土体本身内在材料属性,包括颗粒的形状、大小或级配、以及布局方式或组构,所决定的细观剪胀模型。分析结果表明,在建立状态相关的宏观剪胀理论时,状态的概念并不仅仅 局限于描述土体颗粒布局方式的孔隙比状态参数,还应包括其它能够反映颗粒形状、大小或级配的宏观状态参数。  相似文献   

以天津成层软土地质条件下采用桩筏基础的高层建筑为背景,利用有限元方法建立上部结构-桩-土相互作用模型,对PHC管桩在地震荷载下的内力进行研究。研究表明,桩筏基础在地震荷载作用下,角桩将产生较大的内力,减少承台对管桩转动自由度的约束可有效改善其抗震性能。有地下室的结构在地震荷载下的桩顶内力将小于无地下室的结构,但其影响范围在桩顶以下10倍桩径范围内,此外,桩顶周围软弱土层的存在也会对桩顶内力产生较大影响,因此在进行设计时,应充分考虑地下室和桩顶周围软弱土层的综合作用,仅考虑地下室的影响可能会使管桩在地震荷载下处于不利的受力状态,改良桩顶周围土体的性质可明显降低地震荷载作用下的管桩顶部内力。  相似文献   

基于经典的平面应变假定,将土体假设为若干个相互独立的薄层,对饱和土地基中现浇大直径管桩水平振动频域特性进行了理论研究。首先通过引入势函数对土体动力固结方程解耦,采用Laplace变换和分离变量的方法求得了桩周土及桩芯土频域响应解析解,进而利用桩土完全耦合的条件得到桩振动响应解,给出了桩顶复阻抗解析表达式。将本文解完全退化到实心桩的解与已有理论解对比,验证了本文解的合理性并阐明两解的区别。通过参数分析,得到了桩长以及桩半径等参数对复阻抗特性影响的规律。  相似文献   

管涌对堤防与大坝的危害严重而常见,但对管涌发生后期细颗粒涌出以及地基土体渗透性非均匀发展的研究不够深入。由于管涌发生发展的随机性和复杂性,通过自行设计试验装置,在特定试验条件下,利用3组级配不同孔隙比变化的12种试样,从测压管水头、流量、渗透系数、细颗粒变化趋势、累计涌砂量等方面进行对比分析,研究渗透系数、孔隙比、试样内部细颗粒运动趋势和剩余细颗粒含量等的变化规律;结合理论计算,揭示试样内部细颗粒运动趋势、剩余细颗粒含量以及渗透系数非均匀变化的相关关系;利用渗透系数与孔隙率的关系,推导出上游水头固定下的累计涌砂量随时间变化的理论公式。  相似文献   

大面积高填土软土地基在抛石作用下,周边填土的沉降易使桩基产生负摩阻力,为掌握负摩阻力作用规律,在上海洋山深水港工程钢管桩进行了现场试验,取得了试验桩负摩阻力分布、数值大小、随时间变化情况、中性点位置、下拉荷载等关键参数的认识。结果表明:1桩身负摩阻力的发展存在明显的时间效应,软土层负摩阻力达到峰值的时间较短,而土质好、埋深大的土层,负摩阻力达到峰值的时间较长。2现场试验得到的抛石棱体的负摩阻力系数达0.8,淤泥质黏土的负摩阻力系数仅为0.04,其它土层的负摩阻力系数与规范吻合良好。3在抛填完成后近九个月时间内,基桩下拉荷载在持续增大,最大下拉荷载达7740.4 k N,中性点深度在0.62L~0.68L之间,由抛石产生的负摩阻力达184.4 k Pa,这在今后的类似工程设计中应该引起重视,适当采取减小负摩阻力的措施。  相似文献   

Large-scale laboratory equipment was developed to assess interaction between soil and 3-D honeycomb shaped geocell reinforcement under normal and interface shear stress. An understanding of this interaction is vital in assessing mechanical behavior of geocell-reinforced soil mass. Specifically, the equipment allows evaluation of the load transfer mechanism with the measurements of strains, displacements and loads, including friction and passive resistance on the side surfaces and inside the cells of geocell reinforcement. Additionally, the device visually presents sequence of movement response of each reinforcing cell in the direction of the pulling force, thereby showing the contribution of each cell to the total capacity. Overall, it is concluded that the pullout capacity of geocell reinforcement in cohesionless soils is limited to the seam peel strength at junctions of longitudinal and transverse of geocell strips, which creates the cells in layout of geocell reinforcement. Finally, a theoretical approach was established to predict the pullout capacity of geocell-reinforced soil mass.  相似文献   

Gap-graded cohesionless soils are extensively utilized in numerous man-made geotechnical structures such as earthen embankments, man-made fills and used for the prevention of seepage in dams and tailings of mines. However, there is a lack of research available on investigating the transitional behaviour of frequency responses of gap-graded cohesionless soils. Therefore, the present research explores the stress wave transmission in gap-graded silica sand mixtures (having median particle size ratio of 6.4) using disk-shaped piezoelectric transducers (DTs). By employing DTs, shear (Vs) and compression (Vp) wave velocities are measured using more planar waves and eliminate the possibility of fine particle segregation commonly encountered during insertion of bender elements. The experimental results indicate that at an equivalent void ratio, Vs and Vp decrease initially with the increase in fine silica sand content (Fs); however, once a transitional value (Fs,thr) is attained, Vs and Vp start to rise and move towards the values for fine silica sand. Such transitional behaviours of elastic wave velocities and frequency-domain responses are dependent on the state of packing, i.e. denser specimens achieve this at a lower Fs than the looser equivalents. It is observed that for a given Fs, there exists a linear relationship between the maximum transmitted frequency in the packing, i.e. low-pass frequency (flp) and the Vs. Furthermore, a novel approach has been described by which the type of gap-graded mixture, i.e. underfilled (internally unstable) or overfilled (stable), can be assessed by experimentalists from the slope of flpVsresponses. The advantage of adopting flp to categorize the gap-graded mixtures is that the same is more sensitive to Fs in comparison to Vs or Vp, and thus a more robust analysis can be achieved.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the frequency-dependent pile-head impedance characteristics of a model soil-pile foundation system under large amplitude loads, inducing soil yielding. Testing was conducted on a scaled single pile embedded in sand under a 1g condition. A laminar shear box mounted on a unidirectional shaking table was used to house the soil-pile foundation system. Quasi-static loads and dynamic loads were applied to obtain the force–displacement relationships and pile-head impedance functions, respectively, through the pile head connected to a loading actuator providing fixity to the pile head in all directions, except horizontal. In the quasi-static case, loads with three different velocities were applied to study the rate-dependent characteristics of the lateral bearing capacity of the pile. The Stereo-PIV system was employed to measure the surface soil displacement around the pile. The lateral bearing capacity changed with the loading velocity, but the soil near the pile showed a consistent failure pattern despite a significant change in velocity. Lateral pile-head dynamic impedance functions were obtained for low-to-high amplitude harmonic loading for a wide range of frequencies. The dynamic stiffness was seen to converge to that of the secant static stiffness with an increase in the amplitude of the dynamic loading for all the excitation frequencies.  相似文献   

通过在管桩的钢筋笼里面添加带应变计的附加钢筋,对珠海保税区深厚软土地基中超长预应力高强混凝土(PHC)管桩进行了轴向静载试验和桩身轴力的测试,探讨了深厚软土地基中超长PHC管桩的竖向承载特性和荷载传递机理。结果表明在深厚软土地基中,超长PHC管桩表现出端承摩擦桩的承载性状,因此应当选择压缩性较小的土层作为持力层;超长PHC管桩的桩端土刚度对桩侧摩阻力的发挥有极大的影响,提高桩端土刚度对桩侧摩阻力有明显的增强作用;适当地增加桩长可以提高桩基的极限承载力;在长细比较大的超长PHC管桩设计中,除了从极限承载力和桩顶沉降来考虑外,还应该注意桩身强度的影响;同时,在沉降计算中,要充分考虑桩身压缩引起的沉降。该试验方法和试验结果对今后PHC管桩的研究和设计应用具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

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