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正4月15日,陶氏出席了在上海举办的国际汽车电子和电动车创新论坛,并分享了陶氏有机硅解决方案,以助力新能源汽车新三电,解决来自电动汽车和电子领域的应用挑战。  相似文献   

正2021年4月15日,陶氏出席了在上海举办的国际汽车电子和电动车创新论坛。陶氏围绕电动化和电子汽车两个议题分别展开演讲,分享陶氏有机硅解决方案助力新能源汽车新三电,以及陶氏有机硅为ADAS提供可靠高效的防护解决方案,以解决来自电动汽车和电子领域的应用挑战。陶氏全球交通及运输市场总监杰罗·贝洛(Jeroen Bello)表示:"作为全球材料科学领域的领导者,我们将通过与合作伙伴的紧密协作,助力推动车辆电气化的进程。  相似文献   

<正>陶氏化学10月25日在上海举办了"2014陶氏创新日"活动。今年陶氏首度与浦江创新论坛合作,通过陶氏创新日与浦江论坛"新材料"产业论坛的有机结合,将行业领袖和专家汇聚一堂,在新材料领域探求联合创新的机遇。"2014陶氏创新日"上的主题演讲和圆桌讨论吸引了300多位与会人士。陶氏化学全球高级副总裁麦健铭(Jim McI lvenny)、来自中国工程院、国家自然科学基金委员会的专家院士、上海汽车集团股份  相似文献   

由于锂离子电池能量密度高,循环寿命长,广泛的应用于数码产品、电动工具、电动自行车、新能源汽车和储能等,被公认为最具潜力的新型电池。但目前锂离子电池在大尺寸制造方面尚存在一定问题,对特殊封装要求高,价格成本高。锂离子电池的缺点跟铅酸电池类似,就是电池统一性的问题。在一个电池组中,虽然一个单体电池寿命相当长,但是电池池组单体出现问题会造成整个电池组的寿命急剧下降,电池组寿命可能是单体电池的几十分之一。  相似文献   

全球领先的生命科学和材料科学专业公司帝斯曼于8月7日开始在北京农展馆"荷兰之家"展示多项运动创新产品。帝斯曼中国总裁蒋惟明博士表示:"作为荷兰奥林匹克委员会及荷兰体育联盟(NOC*NSF)的"运动合作伙伴",帝斯曼非常高兴能够在‘荷兰之家’展出帝斯曼在运动领域的创新产品和应用。我们希望利用自身专长,不断把运动创新成果引入中国,并与中国同行合作,为中国运动员提供创新解决方案。"  相似文献   

由《涂料工业》杂志社和中国化工学会涂料涂装专业委员会主办,拜耳材料科技、海名斯特殊化学公司、大金氟涂料(上海)有限公司协办的"中国交通发展与绿色涂料高层论坛"将于12月份在上海召开。  相似文献   

由《涂料工业》杂志社和中国化工学会涂料涂装专业委员会主办的"2011交通涂料论坛"将于12月份在上海召开。涉及的议题包括:(1)交通涂料相关国家政策标准及未来走势;(2)中国轨道交通产业发展现状及对涂料的要求;(3)机场航  相似文献   

卢平川  雷闯  甘勇 《粘接》2012,(10):29-29
胶粘剂产品,广泛运用于汽车、新能源、电子电器等工业制造领域,被称为"工业味精"。这是一个竞争激烈的细分行业,其高端市场,几乎被跨国公司垄断;低端市场,3000多家国内企业拼命搏杀。在这片公认的"红海"中,回天胶业公司奋力突围,一跃为国内胶粘剂企业的龙头,将国内竞争对手远远甩在身后,还从  相似文献   

2010年,国务院通过了《关于加快培育和发展战略性新兴产业的决定》。在节能环保、新一代信息技术、生物、高端装备制造、新能源、新材料和新能源汽车七个产业领域集中力量,加快推进。加快培育和发展战略性新兴产业,成为我国"十二五"时期经济社会发展的重大战略任务。紧密围绕战略性新兴产业,大力开展科技创新,加快产品研发,提供配套服务,对于推进"十二五"期间  相似文献   

2010年,国务院通过了《关于加快培育和发展战略性新兴产业的决定》。在节能环保、新一代信息技术、生物、高端装备制造、新能源、新材料和新能源汽车七个产业领域集中力量,加快推进。加快培育和发展战略性新兴产业,成为我国"十二五"时期经济社会发展的重大战略任务。紧密围绕战略性新兴产业,大力开展科技创新,加快产品研发,提供配套服务,对于推进"十二五"期间中国橡胶工业产业结构升级和经济发展方式转变,提升我国橡胶工业自主发展能力和国际竞争力,促进经济社会可持续发展、具有重要意义。  相似文献   

能源是经济和社会发展的重要物质基础,环境是人类赖以生存的必要条件。在传统煤烟型污染尚未得到控制的情况下,区域内空气重污染现象大范围同时出现的频次日益增多,在此背景下,世界各国纷纷大力发展水电、风电、光伏等清洁能源。水泥行业应用风电、光伏发电能有效降低煤耗,光伏发电也为水泥厂在停窑期间带来一定收益,同时发展关联产业智慧充电系统,既节省电能又为碳排放减轻压力,是一种双赢的局面,清洁能源应用应成为水泥行业升级转型的根本方向和核心内容。  相似文献   

化妆品行业需要的植物提取液种类和数量正处于持续上升中。虽然传统的萃取方法能够满足这些需求,但同时它们也有局限性,并且很多时候会带来一些副作用。有机控制的植物微波萃取,再加上经过挑选的、纯净温和的溶剂,得到高质量的植物提取液产品,与传统萃取方法相比,它们含有更高的活性物质、更少的颜色成分和更少的沉淀。微波和植物细胞/结缔组织的接触时间非常短,因此在传统萃取方法中,可以避免发生由于缓慢浸泡而导致经常发生的氧化和活性成分降解等现象。微波萃取全程由HPTLC(高效薄层色谱)控制和分析,它是一个半连续的过程,由计算机控制。提取液不含任何防腐剂。  相似文献   

Supercritical carbon dioxide as a green reaction medium for catalysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Carbon dioxide in its liquid or supercritical state (scCO(2)) has a prodigious potential as an environmentally benign reaction medium for sustainable chemical synthesis. Since the mid-1990s, rapidly increasing research efforts have shown that scCO(2) can replace conventional and potentially hazardous solvents in a wide range of processes. There is also increasing evidence that the application of scCO(2) can broaden the scope of catalytic synthetic methodologies. On the basis of the experience in our laboratories, this report analyzes the impact of scCO(2) on green organometallic catalysis.  相似文献   

宋志凌 《中国橡胶》2010,26(14):8-9
<正>绿色科技已成为目前中国轮胎工业发展的主题和方向,低碳环保、节能降耗应引起全行业的高度关注。7月7~8日,中国橡胶工业协会轮胎分会在上海召开"2010中国轮胎技术论坛",旨在介绍适用于绿色轮胎的新型原辅材料、国际市场环保轮胎的  相似文献   

李欢  花儿  李刚  陈晓东 《广东化工》2012,39(15):75-76,122
橘皮精油的主要成分D-柠檬烯具有较强的去污能力、天然的芳香味及抑菌功效。本论文以去污力为考察指标,通过单因素实验研究了橘皮精油,十二烷基磺酸钠及三乙醇胺的配比,制备出一种去污力较强的“绿色”环保型洗涤膏。其最佳配比为:D-柠檬烯:5.0%,十二烷基磺酸钠:13.6%,乙醇:4.4%,三乙醇胺:29.0%,氯化钠:2.2%,蒸馏水:45.8%。并对含橘皮精油的洗涤膏、市售洗涤剂的洗涤去污效粜进行了比较研究。测试结果表明,所制备的含橘皮精油洗涤膏与市售洗涤剂沈涤效果相当(去污比值约为1),且在洗涤树脂类污垢优于市售洗涤剂(去污比值为1.2)。  相似文献   

In view of global concerns regarding the environment and sustainable energy resources, there is a strong need for the discovery of new, green catalytic reactions. For this purpose, fresh approaches to catalytic design are desirable. In recent years, complexes based on "cooperating" ligands have exhibited remarkable catalytic activity. These ligands cooperate with the metal center by undergoing reversible structural changes in the processes of substrate activation and product formation. We have discovered a new mode of metal-ligand cooperation, involving aromatization-dearomatization of ligands. Pincer-type ligands based on pyridine or acridine exhibit such cooperation, leading to unusual bond activation processes and to novel, environmentally benign catalysis. Bond activation takes place with no formal change in the metal oxidation state, and so far the activation of H-H, C-H (sp(2) and sp(3)), O-H, and N-H bonds has been demonstrated. Using this approach, we have demonstrated a unique water splitting process, which involves consecutive thermal liberation of H(2) and light-induced liberation of O(2), using no sacrificial reagents, promoted by a pyridine-based pincer ruthenium complex. An acridine pincer complex displays unique "long-range" metal-ligand cooperation in the activation of H(2) and in reaction with ammonia. In this Account, we begin by providing an overview of the metal-ligand cooperation based on aromatization-dearomatization processes. We then describe a range of novel catalytic reactions that we developed guided by these new modes of metal-ligand cooperation. These reactions include the following: (1) acceptorless dehydrogenation of secondary alcohols to ketones, (2) acceptorless dehydrogenative coupling of alcohols to esters, (3) acylation of secondary alcohols by esters with dihydrogen liberation, (4) direct coupling of alcohols and amines to form amides and polyamides with liberation of dihydrogen, (5) coupling of esters and amines to form amides with H(2) liberation, (6) selective synthesis of imines from alcohols and amines, (6) facile catalytic hydrogenolysis of esters to alcohols, (7) hydrogenolysis of amides to alcohols and amines, (8) hydrogenation of ketones to secondary alcohols under mild hydrogen pressures, (9) direct conversion of alcohols to acetals and dihydrogen, and (10) selective synthesis of primary amines directly from alcohols and ammonia. These reactions are efficient, proceed under neutral conditions, and produce no waste, the only byproduct being molecular hydrogen and/or water, providing a foundation for new, highly atom economical, green synthetic processes.  相似文献   

Synthetic dyes are widely used by several industries to color their products. The discharge of colored wastewater into the hydrosphere causes serious environmental problems. We used functionalized multi wall carbon nanotubes as an adsorbent for the adsorption of cationic dye, malachite green, from aqueous solution. Based on information provided by the Iranian Research Institute of Petroleum Industry, carbon nanotubes are produced using a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) technique. These as-received MWCNTs were functionalized by acid treatment. The remaining dye concentration was read by UV-visible absorption spectroscopy at maximum adsorption wavelength. The effect of different operational parameters such as contact time, pH of solution, adsorbent dose and initial dye concentration were studied. The results showed that by increasing of contact time, pH and adsorbent dose the removal of dye increased, but by increasing initial dye concentration, the removal efficiency decreased. Adsorption isotherms and kinetics behavior of f-MWCNTs for removal of malachite green was analyzed, and fitted to various existing models. The experimental data were well correlated with the Langmuir isotherm with a maximum adsorption capacity (q m ) and regression coefficient (R2) of 142.85 mg/g and 0.997, respectively. The results of this study indicate that functionalized multi wall carbon nanotubes can be used as an effective adsorbent for the removal of dyes.  相似文献   

A low cost activated carbon was synthesized from coconut coir and was applied for the removal of malachite green (MG) from its aqueous solutions. Characterization of the adsorbent was carried out and BET surface area of the adsorbent was found to be 205.27 m2/g. The process of removal of MG was better governed by second order kinetics with a rate constant of 0.21 g mg?1 min?1 at 323 K. The coefficient of mass transfer was found to be 3.70 × 10?5 cm s?1. The value of ΔG° was found to be negative indicating feasibility and spontaneity of the adsorption process.  相似文献   

XH Zhong  YL Li  JM Feng  YR Kang  SS Han 《Nanoscale》2012,4(18):5614-5618
A continuous cotton-like carbon nanotube fiber yarn, consisting of multiple threads of high purity double walled carbon nanotubes, was fabricated in a horizontal CVD gas flow reactor with water vapor densification by the direct chemical vapor deposition spinning process. The water vapor interaction leads to homogeneous shrinking of the CNT sock-like assembly in the gas flow. This allows well controlled continuous winding of the dense thread inside the reactor. The CNT yarn is quite thick (1-3 mm), has a highly porous structure (99%) while being mechanically strong and electrically conductive. The water vapor interaction leads to homogeneous oxidation of the CNTs, offering the yarn oxygen-functionalized surfaces. The unique structure and surface of the CNT yarn provide it multiple processing advantages and properties. It can be mechanically engineered into a dense yarn, infiltrated with polymers to form a composite and mixed with other yarns to form a blend, as demonstrated in this research. Therefore, this CNT yarn can be used as a "basic yarn" for various CNT based structural and functional applications.  相似文献   

Focusing on CO2 fixation and α-linolenic acid (ALA) production, photoautotrophic cultivation of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was investigated by using a culture medium of pH 6.8 under a 5 vol% CO2-enriched atmosphere. The optimum cultivation temperature and light intensity for growth were 25°C and 12 klux, respectively. The cellular ALA content nearly doubled to 11.9 mg/g of dry cells when the concentration of culture medium was doubled. Simulation of chemostat cultivation showed that the rate of CO2 fixation and ALA productivity per unit volume of culture medium could reach 1.01 kg CO2/(m3 · d) and 7.46 g ALA/(m3 · d), respectively, at a cell concentration of 0.57 kg cells/m3.  相似文献   

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