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秦伟伟  马建军  李鹏  郑志强 《控制工程》2011,18(6):855-857,930
针对一类状态和输入受约束的多胞不确定线性时变系统,提出了一种基于多面体不变集的变终端约束集鲁棒模型预测控制算法.首先采用基于状态反馈增益的多面体不变集计算方法,给出了一种新的控制不变集序列构造方法,然后以控制不变集序列的并集作为终端约束集,结合在线优化和增益切换,实施变终端约束集双模鲁棒预测控制.该算法不仅有效地扩大了...  相似文献   

基于多面体不变集的离线鲁棒预测控制器综合   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出一种基于多面体不变集的离线鲁棒预测控制器综合算法.该算法离线确定一组反馈控制律及其对应的不变集,在线控制时根据当前状态所处的位置选择相应的控制律,不仅扩大了初始可行域,还能在一定程度上改善控制性能.仿真结果表明了采用多面体不变集的优越性.  相似文献   

马宇  蔡远利 《控制与决策》2016,31(8):1468-1474

针对一类具有大工作区域和快时变特性的约束非线性系统, 采用多个线性参数时变(LPV) 模型近似描述原非线性系统. 对于各LPV 模型, 设计基于参数独立Lyapunov 函数的局部离线预测控制器. 构造各局部控制器间的切换策略, 在保证切换稳定性的同时, 使相互重叠的稳定域覆盖期望的工作区域. 仿真结果表明, 相比于已有的调度预测控制方法, 所提出的方法不仅能够保证控制输入在给定的约束范围内, 而且在局部控制器切换次数少的情况下, 获得良好的控制性能.


针对一类具有输入输出约束的多胞体结构线性变参数系统,提出了一种基于最小衰减率多面体不变集的鲁棒模型预测控制算法,算法分为在线和离线两个部分.为增强系统控制效果,提高系统响应速度,离线算法首先采用寻求状态变量的最小衰减率的方法优化出一系列状态变量及相应的状态反馈控制律,然后构建出相应的多面体不变集序列;在线算法根据当前实测状态变量,在多面体不变集序列内确定状态变量所处的最小多面体不变集,通过在线优化得出系统的控制输入.给出了鲁棒模型预测控制算法的详细步骤和系统的闭环稳定性证明.仿真结果验证了本算法的有效性,表明本算法使系统的闭环响应更为快速和稳定.  相似文献   




程奇峰  马奥运 《控制与决策》2016,31(10):1884-1888

针对有界状态干扰下的线性时变系统, 提出一种新的时间最优模型预测控制算法. 在离线情况下通过求解一系列的线性优化问题确定次优的多面体N 步可达集, 根据这些可达集在线优化计算得到的输入量使系统状态尽快收敛到稳定区域. 离线求解多面体可达集的方法可处理非对称约束, 相比于以往的方法避免了在N 增加时顶点数可能呈指数增多的问题, 同时省去了过多复杂的多面体间的运算, 因而便于在实际问题中应用.


针对一类具有输入输出约束的线性变参数系统,提出了一种可变多胞体结构的多面体不变集鲁棒模型预测控制算法,算法分为在线和离线两个部分。离线算法构建系统的未知但有界误差描述模型,根据状态的变化得到可变参数的多胞体结构,并转化为状态空间模型的多胞体形式,然后采用线性矩阵不等式的优化方式得到一系列离线嵌套多面体不变集。在线算法根据状态变量在嵌套多面体不变集中的位置,结合可变多胞体结构,通过线性插值的优化方式得到系统的实际控制律。给出算法的详细步骤和系统闭环稳定性证明。仿真结果验证了该算法的有效性,表明该算法使系统的闭环响应更为快速和稳定。  相似文献   

针对具有持续有界扰动的线性变参数系统,设计一种基于Tube不变集的鲁棒模型预测控制算法。离线算法结合系统多胞体模型参数变化的影响,构建系统的Tube不变集。在对应标称模型状态变量的多面体不变集算法基础上,得到系统的多面体状态允许不变集序列。在线算法通过强控制优化得到标称模型系统的控制量,以得到符合实际控制过程的系统控制量,给出本算法的详细步骤和系统稳定性证明。仿真结果验证了本算法的有效性,表明本算法将持续有界扰动对系统的影响限制在Tube不变集中,实现了系统的快速稳定控制。  相似文献   

高岩 《控制与决策》2016,31(9):1720-1722

利用非光滑分析, 讨论线性控制系统多面体区域的生存性判别. 对于有界多面体(利用有限点集的凸包来表示), 其生存性判别只需检验其在极点处是否满足生存性条件, 去掉了以往对输入集合为多面体的要求, 这种生存性判别方法简便易行. 最后利用所给出的生存性条件讨论了生存性设计.



针对一类变体飞行器控制问题, 提出一种平滑切换线性变参数(LPV) 鲁棒控制器设计方法. 建立变体飞行器切换LPV 模型, 设计平滑切换控制器, 其中偶数子系统控制器由相邻两个子系统控制器线性插值得到. 给出保证切换LPV 系统指数稳定且具有一定鲁棒性能的充分条件, 由于考虑了调参变量的渐变特性, 所得切换律没有平均驻留时间的限制. 仿真结果表明, 所提出方法使得飞行器系统既具有良好的稳定性和鲁棒性, 又能实现平滑切换.


In this paper, we present a robust fault‐tolerant control scheme for constrained multisensor linear parameter‐varying systems, subject to bounded disturbances, that utilises multiple sensor fusion. The closed‐loop scheme consists of a tube model predictive control‐based feedback tracking controller and sensor‐estimate fusion strategy, which allows for the reintegration of previously faulty sensors. The active fault‐tolerant fusion‐based mechanism tracks the healthy‐faulty transitions of suitable residual variables by means of set separation and precomputed transition times. The sensor‐estimate pairings are then reconfigured based on available healthy sensors. Under the proposed scheme, robust preservation of closed‐loop system boundedness is guaranteed for a wide range of sensor fault situations. An example is presented to illustrate the performance of the fault‐tolerant control strategy.  相似文献   

针对一类具有输入和状态约束的干扰有界非线性系统,提出了基于区间分析的约束非线性鲁棒模型预测控制,以降低计算量并扩大系统吸引域.首先,在集合运算的基础上,利用区间运算和函数区间扩展,给出了一种计算效能更好、保守性更低的非线性系统鲁棒一步集计算方法;其次,构造重叠的多面体控制不变集序列并以此计算约束非线性系统的鲁棒多步集,并通过设计基于集合的在线优化策略,提出了基于鲁棒一步集的单步优化非线性模型预测控制,有效降低了非线性优化的在线计算量;最后,仿真实例验证了算法的有效性.  相似文献   

A.  M.  A.  W.P.M.H.   《Automatica》2007,43(12):2096-2103
This paper presents a new (geometrical) approach to the computation of polyhedral (robustly) positively invariant (PI) sets for general (possibly discontinuous) nonlinear discrete-time systems possibly affected by disturbances. Given a β-contractive ellipsoidal set , the key idea is to construct a polyhedral set that lies between the ellipsoidal sets and . A proof that the resulting polyhedral set is contractive and thus, PI, is given, and a new algorithm is developed to construct the desired polyhedral set. The problem of computing polyhedral invariant sets is formulated as a number of quadratic programming (QP) problems. The number of QP problems is guaranteed to be finite and therefore, the algorithm has finite termination. An important application of the proposed algorithm is the computation of polyhedral terminal constraint sets for model predictive control based on quadratic costs.  相似文献   

This article considers robust model predictive control (MPC) schemes for linear parameter varying (LPV) systems in which the time-varying parameter is assumed to be measured online and exploited for feedback. A closed-loop MPC with a parameter-dependent control law is proposed first. The parameter-dependent control law reduces conservativeness of the existing results with a static control law at the cost of higher computational burden. Furthermore, an MPC scheme with prediction horizon ‘1’ is proposed to deal with the case of asymmetric constraints. Both approaches guarantee recursive feasibility and closed-loop stability if the considered optimisation problem is feasible at the initial time instant.  相似文献   

This paper studies the future model prediction and robust model predictive control (RMPC) design for linear parameter varying systems with bounded parameter changes. By developing tight bound estimations for varying parameters, we construct a set-valued map as the predicted family of future models. This construction attains accurate estimations and thus reduces conservativeness. Based on model predictions, we use a parameter-dependent feedback to design RMPC that achieves an enhanced performance with guaranteed robust and stability properties.  相似文献   

The present paper addresses an observer‐based output feedback robust model predictive control for the linear parameter varying system with bounded disturbance and noise subject to input and state constraints. The main contribution is that the on‐line convex optimization problem not only simultaneously optimizes the observer and controller gains to stabilize the augmented closed‐loop system but also incorporates the refreshment of bounds of the estimation error set. The optimization problem steers the nominal augmented closed‐loop system to converge to the origin, and the real augmented closed‐loop system bounded within robust positive invariant set converges to a neighborhood of the origin such that recursive feasibility of the optimization and robust stability of the controlled system are ensured. Two numerical examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the method.  相似文献   

本文利用非光滑分析方法,讨论了线性控制系统的无界多面体不变集问题.当无界多面体的极方向满足一定条件时,得到了该无界多面体为一类线性控制系统弱不变集的判别方法.然后在更一般的线性控制系统下给出了无界多面体为强不变集的充分条件.最后给出两个应用实例.  相似文献   

An improved method for synthesising the constrained robust model predictive controller is proposed in this study. It constructs a continuum of terminal constraint sets off-line, and achieves robust stability with a variable control horizon on-line from the very beginning and a time-varying terminal constraint set, by solving the min–max optimisation problem, which can be formulated as a linear matrix inequality problem. This algorithm not only dramatically reduces the on-line computation burden, but also guarantees the control performance by reserving at least one free control move in the whole process. Simulation results for the three-tank system with uncertain dynamic behaviour on flux coefficients are given.  相似文献   

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