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伴随新经济时代的到来,中国传统制造业内在结构性缺陷日益显现,传统产业升级转型迫在眉睫。在以扩大内需、加快服务业发展为主要特征的产业转型中,大力发展文化创意产业有着积极而重要的意义。正是在这个时代背景下,旨在提高艺术从业人员专业创作能力的艺术硕士研究生教育应时而生。  相似文献   

创意在广告创作中具有重要地位,并且创意的优劣会直接影响到广告最终的传播效果。影响广告创意的因素是多方面的,其中文化对广告创意的影响极其重要,因为它是沟通全球人类面对广告取得认同交流的前提。由于文化认同、文化差异、区域文化的不同存在,影响着广告创意的定位与诉求。  相似文献   

模仿是人的本能,它必将伴随人类活动的始终;模仿不仅为人类造物开辟了道路,而且为设计提供了参照范本,促进了设计的发展,与设计风格的创新;从模仿中走来的设计,既携带着原始的味道,又具有新鲜感。  相似文献   

创意产业不断发展的今天,创意人才的需求不断地扩大。高校是人才培养的基地,高校应该如何适应创意产业的发展培养合格的人才?人才的关键又是什么?这些都是我们应该面临的问题。本文正是通过对江、浙、沪地区创意产业人才的需求情况,以及该地区高校人才培养的现状进行调查,提出了创意人才培养的关键是创意思维的培养。并针对这一问题展开全面的阐述。  相似文献   

汉代是中国玻璃发展史上的重要时期,在经济繁荣和政治稳定的条件下,中国的玻璃业得以存在和发展。汉代的玻璃制造以模仿为主。玻璃作为玉的替代品出现.其造型、质地无不显示出对玉的模仿。这不仅限制了玻璃的使用,更阻碍了玻璃艺术的发展。汉代玻璃艺术在原料配方、造型等方面均有所创新.扩大了玻璃制造业的规模.增加了产品种类。拓宽了玻璃的用途。  相似文献   

The difficulties of achieving social acceptance for Software Quality Management systems have been underestimated in the past, and they will be exacerbated in the future by the globalization of the software market and the increasing use of cross-cultural development teams within multinational companies. Management that can take account of the cultural context of their endeavours will improve understanding, minimize risk and ensure a higher degree of success in improvement programs within the software industry.This paper addresses cross-cultural issues in Software Quality Management. Qualitative and quantitative research was carried out in five European countries by using a postal questionnaire. Empirical measures of organizational culture, national culture and their interdependence, are presented together with interim instruments developed for the purpose of classifying organizations. Verification of the statistical results from the survey was carried out by triangulation, which included qualitative research methods in the form of interviews and observation. Cultural factors, which may have bearing on successful adoption and implementation of Software Quality Management were identified, and an assessment model, has been developed for use by organizations developing software in different parts of the world. The intention is that the recommendations following from the assessment will lead to greater cultural awareness in addressing quality, and will provide stimulus for improvement. The model's aims is to predict to what degree there is a fit between the organizational and the national culture, and to give recommendations and guidelines for software process improvement.  相似文献   

孙锦  冯勤超 《微机发展》2007,17(3):138-140
创造力支持系统作为计算机应用一个新的研究方向,最近几年获得不少关注。在计算机强大功能的支持下,创造力支持系统可以协助人类创造性地解决问题,获得创造性的成果。文中在国内外学者研究成果的基础上,对创造力支持系统的概念、理论基础和软件进行了系统的介绍,同时根据已开发出的软件成果总结出创造力支持系统的几大特点,并将其与决策支持系统做了比较。  相似文献   

大自然是艺术创作的源泉,我们模仿和概括抽象出自然中的美的形象和要素,使设计更具自然性、生动性、与趣味性,更贴近生活和更富有感染力。  相似文献   

文档排序一直是信息检索(IR)领域的关键任务之一。受益于马尔科夫决策过程强大的建模能力,以及强化学习方法强大的求解能力,近年来基于强化学习的排序模型被提出并取得了良好效果。然而,由于候选文档中会包含大量的不相关文档,导致基于“试错”的强化学习方法存在效率低下的问题。为解决上述问题,该文提出了一种基于模仿学习的排序学习算法IR-DAGGER,其基于文档标注信息构建专家策略,在保证文档排序精度的同时提高了算法的学习效率。为了测试IR-DAGGER的性能,该文基于面向相关性排序任务的OHSUMED数据集和面向多样化排序的TREC数据集进行了实验,实验结果表明IR-DAGGER在上述两个数据集上均提升了文档排序的精度和效率。  相似文献   

在信息时代发展的过程中,广告作为一种较为独特的信息传播形式,也有着较久远的历史。社会生产力和文化相互结合促使了广告文化形成和发展,不同地区的经济水平、地域环境、民族传统、风俗习惯、宗教信仰的多元化赋予广告文化新的内涵,从特征和表现形式上呈现出显著的多元性。文章从当代广告符号元素背后蕴含的文化入手,呈现多元化特征,着重论述了广告文化多元性的表现形式,即时空多元性及性质多元性,旨在为当代广告人应对广告文化多元性提供应对策略和有益的指导。  相似文献   

基于生成对抗网络的模仿学习综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
模仿学习研究如何从专家的决策数据中进行学习,以得到接近专家水准的决策模型.同样学习如何决策的强化学习往往只根据环境的评价式反馈进行学习,与之相比,模仿学习能从决策数据中获得更为直接的反馈.它可以分为行为克隆、基于逆向强化学习的模仿学习两类方法.基于逆向强化学习的模仿学习把模仿学习的过程分解成逆向强化学习和强化学习两个子过程,并反复迭代.逆向强化学习用于推导符合专家决策数据的奖赏函数,而强化学习基于该奖赏函数来学习策略.基于生成对抗网络的模仿学习方法从基于逆向强化学习的模仿学习发展而来,其中最早出现且最具代表性的是生成对抗模仿学习方法(Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning,简称GAIL).生成对抗网络由两个相对抗的神经网络构成,分别为判别器和生成器.GAIL的特点是用生成对抗网络框架求解模仿学习问题,其中,判别器的训练过程可类比奖赏函数的学习过程,生成器的训练过程可类比策略的学习过程.与传统模仿学习方法相比,GAIL具有更好的鲁棒性、表征能力和计算效率.因此,它能够处理复杂的大规模问题,并可拓展到实际应用中.然而,GAIL存在着模态崩塌、环境交互样本利用效率低等问题.最近,新的研究工作利用生成对抗网络技术和强化学习技术等分别对这些问题进行改进,并在观察机制、多智能体系统等方面对GAIL进行了拓展.本文先介绍了GAIL的主要思想及其优缺点,然后对GAIL的改进算法进行了归类、分析和对比,最后总结全文并探讨了可能的未来趋势.  相似文献   

单片机作为一种价格性能比良好的计算机,在当今各个领域得到广泛的应用,而电梯已成为现代化生活的必要设备。研究电梯运行模拟系统,是为了让学生在实验室中通过连接电梯控制器,就可在此模拟系统上进行电梯调速与控制系统的设计和调试,使他们对所学知识有一个感性认识。下面将介绍通过80C196单片机来模拟电梯的运行状态的构思、硬件的设计结构、软件的总体设计及各个子程序的作用。  相似文献   

从实用角度论述广告创意思维方式,着重对主题创意进行研究和探讨,分别对广告创意的基础,广告创意的思考方法,以及广告创意灵感的突破口这几个方面进行论述,以求取得创意提示,激发创意灵感,治疗创意萎缩。  相似文献   

Sato  Yuzuru  Ikegami  Takashi 《Minds and Machines》2004,14(2):133-143
This paper considers undecidability in the imitation game, the so-called Turing Test. In the Turing Test, a human, a machine, and an interrogator are the players of the game. In our model of the Turing Test, the machine and the interrogator are formalized as Turing machines, allowing us to derive several impossibility results concerning the capabilities of the interrogator. The key issue is that the validity of the Turing test is not attributed to the capability of human or machine, but rather to the capability of the interrogator. In particular, it is shown that no Turing machine can be a perfect interrogator. We also discuss meta-imitation game and imitation game with analog interfaces where both the imitator and the interrogator are mimicked by continuous dynamical systems.  相似文献   

为说明如何用Maya Mel Script脚本语言对人眼随机眨动行为进行仿真;文章分析了人眼眨动的行为规律,说明了在Maya中对眼睛的骨骼绑定和封装技术,以及利用独立于动画时间线和关键帧编辑模式的Mel Script动画技术模拟人眼的随机眨动行为。并讨论了Blendshape技术和骨骼绑定结合Mel Script动画技术在动画效果上的优劣。结果证明基于Mel Script的人眼随机眨动行为仿真是可行的,可以节省动画制作时间。  相似文献   

楼盘标志是房地产视觉营销的核心要素,标志的优劣直接关系整体品牌视觉形象的水平。本文主要对楼盘标志设计的创意与表现的方法及原则进行探讨。文章首先指出深刻理解楼盘的市场营销策略是进行创意的基础,设计的目标就是把楼盘的"卖点"以极富创意的视觉表现方式呈现给目标消费者。其次提出标志创意要在共性基础上善于发现和表现个性。最后本文从造型、色彩、编排等方面对标志的视觉表现提出了一些设计原则和需注意的细节问题。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between individuals' expressed preferences for stages within the creative process (i.e., problem clarification, idea generation, solution development and implementation planning) and their personality traits. To explore these relationships, 137 participants in a leadership development program completed two paper‐and‐pencil measures. Creative process preferences were assessed through a measure called FourSight, while personality traits were measured through the DiSC Personal Profile System. Statistical analysis showed that the strongest relationships between the FourSight and the DiSC were produced by the Clarifier and Ideator preferences. Based on the relationships between the Clarifier preference and the DiSC it would seem that problem clarification is associated with tendencies to be cautious, careful, analytical, accurate and tactful. In contrast, those who express strong preference for the idea generation stage of the creative process are likely to show such traits as willingness to challenge prevailing thought, need for change and attraction to variety. Additional relationships between the creative process and personality are described, along with theoretical and practical implications.  相似文献   

This conceptual and discursive paper argues that diversity is a recognizable source of creativity and innovation that can provide a basis for competitive advantage. On the other hand, diversity is also a cause of misunderstanding, suspicion and conflict in the workplace that can result in absenteeism, poor quality, low morale and loss of competitiveness. Firms seeking competitive advantage therefore face a paradoxical situation. If they embrace diversity, they risk workplace conflict, and if they avoid diversity, they risk loss of competitiveness. The advantages and disadvantages associated with workforce diversity put organizations in a position of managing a paradoxical situation. To give support to this assertion, the paper considers what is meant by diversity, how it is best managed, what its relationship with creativity and innovation might be and how the problems created by the management of diversity, creativity and innovation might be resolved.  相似文献   

广告创意犹如万花筒,可以千变万化任意发挥,但不论广告创意如何新颖,媒体运用如何灵活,如果没有正确的广告创意方法,就很难从时下广告信息泛滥的洪流中,脱颖而出,赢得消费者的青睐。本文就广告创意的一些基本方法进行了阐述,为广大初入广告业的从业人员提供一点广告创意的基本方法。  相似文献   

信息时代的图像制作软件,给我们的日常生活带来了很多全新的视觉感受。Photoshop软件是迄今为止世界上最畅销的图像编辑软件,凭借着强大的功能和众多的优点几乎延伸到了艺术与设计领域的每一个角落,Photoshop技术是为了表现设计艺术作品,而艺术作品要有生命力就必须有一个好的创意。  相似文献   

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