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传统上,大多数航空航天结构采用碳纤维增强聚合物(CFRP)制造,它们是热固性树脂预浸渍碳纤维单向带或编织织物形式。为了降低部件的成本,提高生产速度并限制对环境的影响,开发新的制造工艺和材料是必要的。碳纤维增强热塑性材料(CFRTP)是一种材料解决方案,它不需要在新热压罐上投资,不用在铺层过程中压实,同时提供一个非常长的工厂寿命,降低了部件的制造时间。  相似文献   

位于日本东京都的帝人公司于2011年11月30日宣布,该公司将建立世界第一个引领工厂,为碳纤维增强热塑性复合材料(CFRTP)汽车构件进行充分地综合生产。这个工厂位于日本爱媛县松山市。  相似文献   

正美国复合材料生产商RTP日前宣布,公司已成功推出一款新型碳纤维复合热塑性工程塑料。该塑料采用世界顶尖级合成艺生产而成,在增强材料性能的同时保留了纤维的完整性。RTP公司将该新型CFRP(碳纤维增强型复合塑料)取名为"彻底高性能复合材料"。据悉,此款新型工程塑料由  相似文献   

在美国第四十五届材料与加工工程促进学会年会与展览上,共有8家世界上著名的碳纤维公司展出了碳纤维及其复合材料产品。本文简要介绍日本三菱化学公司碳纤维及其复合材料的新发展。  相似文献   

为了适应日益苛刻的工况条件,碳纤维增强热塑性塑料(CFRTR)作为CMC的重要组成部分,应用日益扩大,本文介绍国内外碳纤维增强热塑性塑料的种类、特点及适用范围。  相似文献   

长纤维增强热塑性塑料 (LFRT)成为热塑性塑料市场增长最快的品种 ,因其重量轻、价廉、易于回收重复利用 ,在汽车工业中获得较多应用。大部分长纤维增强热塑性塑料 (LFRT)使用玻璃纤维 ,特殊应用时也可将碳纤维、钢纤维掺混入热塑性塑料中。大多数常用的树脂材料是聚丙烯 (PP)和尼龙 ,也有一些采用聚碳酸酯、ABS、聚酯、热塑性聚氨酯或聚苯硫醚。在喷模部件中 ,短纤维增强的热塑性塑料纤维长度约 0 .3mm ,而在LFRT部件中 ,纤维长达 3mm以上。LFRT应用最多的是汽车 ,2 0 0 1年全球LFRT市场约为 6万吨 ,年增长率 30 %。预计今后几年…  相似文献   

三菱化学先进材料公司宣布在全球推出新的热塑性聚合物系列:VMX材料组合,可通过视觉、金属和X射线检测。这一新材料组取代了三菱化学先进材料公司著名的MD材料。多年来,MD材料一直被用作食品加工和包装设备中可检测金属的塑料部件,满足全球食品市场最广泛的检测需求。然而,对更多产品安全和生产效率的要求不断提高,促使三菱化学先进材料公司改善其检测组合的性能。  相似文献   

<正>据说,从前碳纤维填充的零部件很难着色。位于德国汉堡的LehmannVossCo.公司推出了该公司的LuVocom产品生产线,可生产难以着色的碳  相似文献   

主要从碳纤维对材料的力学性能、耐热性、电学性能以及材料的耐磨性能等方面的影响对碳纤维在聚丙烯(PP)、聚氯乙烯(PVC)、聚碳酸酯(PC)、尼龙(PA)、聚苯硫醚(PPS)、聚醚醚酮(PEEK)等热塑性塑料改性中的应用进行了综述,并对碳纤维在热塑性树脂中的应用前景进行了展望。采用双螺杆挤出法制备碳纤维增强热的塑性高分子复合材料具有非常广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

三菱化学株式会社的碳纤维复合材料“SMC(Sheet Molding Compound)”入选为丰田汽车株式会社今年9月上市的“GR雅力士”车顶材料。三菱化学开发的SMC是碳纤维增强塑料的中间基材之一,它是将切割成数厘米长度的碳纤维分散到树脂中做成的片状材料。通过冲压成型,只需2~5 min即可加工成部件。  相似文献   

Cyclic tension fatigue S-N curves are given for injection moleded Nylon 6/6, polycarbonate, polysulfone, polyphenylene sulfide, and poly(amide-imide) matrices with glass and carbon fibers as well as for unreinforced material. The S-N curves for most composites appear linear, with no evidence of a fatigue limit up to 106 cycles. Some nonlinearity is evident with the Nylon 6/6 composities, and these appear to fail at a cumulative strain similar to the ultimate static strain. The remainder of the composites appear to fail by a crack propagation mechanism. The glass reinforced materials all degrade at a similar rate in fatigue, while the carbon reinforced materials with brittle matrices degrade more slowly than do those with ductile matrices. The latter effect may be due to greater integrity of the cracked regions for brittle matrix systems.  相似文献   


Carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic (CFRTP) has a good electromagnetic shielding property due to its higher conductivity and broad absorption frequency bandwidth while presenting high specific strength and stiffness, their easy process-ability, cost-effectiveness, and recyclability. In the present study, laminated CFRTP made of carbon fiber-polyamide 6 unidirectional tape (UD tape) were fabricated with different laminate configurations and arrangements (unidirectional, bidirectional, and quasi–isotropic) and then were compared with randomly chopped-tape CFRTP. Thereafter, estimated electromagnetic interference shielding effectiveness (EMI-SE) using Simon formalism and flexural properties of CFRTP were evaluated. The result showed a remarkable total EMI-SE of 31–44 dB in the Ultra High Frequency (UHF) range and strongly correlated with the laminate configuration of CFRTP. Whereas, randomly chopped-tape CFRTP has a lower total EMI-SE of 23–27 dB in the same frequency range. In addition, the flexural test result showed the flexural strength and modulus are strongly influenced by the tape layer configuration in the laminated CFRTP. Moreover, microscopy analysis was also conducted to verify the interlaminar structure and fiber-to-fiber contact in the composite. In conclusion, laminated CFRTP made of UD tape can be considered as electromagnetic interference shielding material for both functional and structural applications.  相似文献   

Solvent-induced crystallization (SINC) was observed in a polyetherimide (PEI), a thermoplastic used as a matrix in carbon fiber composites. This observation was made using wide angle X-ray scattering (WAXS), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and optical microscopy. It was discovered that methylene chloride induces crystallization in the PEI by penetrating the surface and swelling the bulk polymer. Prepreg processed using N-methyl pyrrolidone (NMP) was also crystalline. One processed above the crystalline melting point (Tm), no crystallinity in the sample was found, as the PEI did not crystallize from the melt. The observed crystallization of both the neat polymer and its carbon fiber prepreg was exclusively through a solvent-induced process, although it is likely that the mechanism through which crystallization occurs during solvent prepreg processing is different than the diffusion-controlled mechanism demonstrated with methylene chloride. A solvent prepregging process may involve a low molecular weight or monomer solution as well as other polymerization by products. Measurements using WAXS showed a maximum degree of crystallinity of 30%, as induced by methylene chloride. A value of 85 J/g for the heat of solvent-induced crystallization in the PEI was calculated from the DSC measurements.  相似文献   

介绍了生产抗起球腈纶的工艺流程,增加再拉伸-卷曲工序,对部分生产设备进行了改造。将拉伸辊改为加热辊,取消拉伸机组进口相关丝束检测器,卷曲设备改为气缸式,增设导丝架,改造湿球温度蒸汽喷淋管线,并适当调整工艺,成功生产出抗起球腈纶。  相似文献   

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