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居住环境的水平是一个国家经济发展、社会进步、文明与落后的重要标志。随着我国经济的快速发展和人们生活水平的不断提高,营造舒适、温馨的住居环境已经成为时代要求,本文以和谐为主题,来论述居住环境的设计思想与理论研究,从而促进我国居民居住环境空间质量的提高和发展,实现真正意义上的美化生活、美化环境。  相似文献   

预焙铝电解槽在线仿真槽况诊断专家系统研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
预焙铝电解槽是一个复杂的非线性系统,其工艺过程具有模型的不确定性;应用有限容积方法,根据槽壳温度以及相关工艺参数,基于软测量原理,建立了230KA预焙铝电解槽槽膛内形准三维仿真模型;开发了电解槽温度场的仿真程序,在线显示槽膛内形;根据槽壳温度值、槽膛内形仿真值及电解槽主要工艺参数,用对象—属性—值三元组模式建立了数据库;根据各种病槽的发生原因、现象及处理方法,用产生式方法建立了规则库;并在此基础上开发了铝电解槽槽况诊断专家系统,实现了230KA铝电解槽槽膛内形与槽况的实时诊断。  相似文献   

细胞群体在恒定条件的培养过程中是一个混合的群体,由处于细胞周期不同时期的细胞组成.对细胞周期特定时期的研究需要使细胞群体的生长同步化,即使用细胞周期同步化方法,通过物理或化学的方法将混合群体中特定时期的细胞分离出来或将整个群体阻断在细胞周期的某个阶段.经过同步化的细胞群体在后续培养的过程中可以在一段时间内同步地进行生长...  相似文献   

手机界面作为用户和手机进行沟通与交流的媒介,其设计的好坏直接关系到用户对手机甚至是手机品牌的印象,一个好的手机界面能够让用户形成对品牌更为真实的认知。文章从手机界面、品牌的内涵出发,试图从手机界面设计的现状中分析手机界面品牌化的必要性,并总结出手机界面的品牌化发展是需要一个较长时间的持续刺激的过程的。  相似文献   

简要介绍了燃料电池的特点和原理,对燃料电池系统和燃料电池测试系统的功能进行了分析,并做出了具体的燃料电池测试系统的实施方案.系统以研祥工控机为核心,外部加上数据采集卡和各种传感器,能够很好地完成对各种数据量的采集工作,应用燃料电池巡检仪能够完成对电池电压和电流的测量,实现了巡检仪器与PC机的串口通信.本系统具有极大的灵活性,除了对PEMFC进行检测外,还可以适应不同型号和不同类型的燃料电池检测.  相似文献   

以高粱纯系401-1为材料,通过幼胚培养,由小盾片细胞产生的再生植株后代出现株形矮小、叶形窄短的突变体^「1」。到1997年该突变体经过15个世代性状稳定遗传的。突变体与401-1杂交,根据P1,P2,F1,F2,F3世代群体株高、叶形变异的分析,证明突变体是由两对核基因发生的稳性突变所引起的。一对基因是控制株高的;一对基因是控制各器官形状变小的微型化基因(该基因也起到降低株高的作用),并且两对基因符合独立遗传规律。  相似文献   

对ⅡB~IVA期的宫颈鳞癌患者来说,放化疗治疗后肿瘤区域可能会出现完全缓解和不完全缓解的情况.根据临床经验可知,如果放化疗后肿瘤区域不能完全缓解,那么患者的生存率很低,而且再采取手术治疗或口服靶向药治疗等其他疗法很难有效.因此,在治疗前筛选出对放化疗不敏感的患者,转而探索个性化治疗方案很有必要.针对上述问题,将放化疗疗效预测问题视为图像分类问题,提出一种基于随机森林算法的宫颈鳞癌放化疗疗效预测模型,筛选出对放化疗不敏感的患者.该模型首先利用小波变换和高斯拉普拉斯算子对3D宫颈鳞癌MRI(magnetic resonance imaging)进行预处理;其次,利用U-net分割宫颈鳞癌MR图像中肿瘤区域;再次,结合3D宫颈鳞癌MR图像和相应的肿瘤区域分割结果提取宫颈鳞癌病变区域的纹理及形状特征,并对提取的特征进行筛选,训练随机森林模型.实验数据集由已标记的85位宫颈鳞癌ⅡB~IVA期患者治疗前MR图像序列组成.实验结果表明,基于随机森林算法的疗效预测模型预测宫颈鳞癌放化疗疗效AUC值为0.921,优于目前最先进的预测方法.  相似文献   

Computing the probability of error is an important problem in evaluating classifiers. When dealing with normally distributed classes, this problem becomes intricate due to the fact that there is no closed-form expression for integrating the probability density function. In this paper, we derive lower and upper bounds for the probability of error for a linear classifier, where the random vectors representing the underlying classes obey the multivariate normal distribution. The expression of the error is derived in the one-dimensional space, independently of the dimensionality of the original problem. Based on the two bounds, we propose an approximating expression for the error of a generic linear classifier. In particular, we derive the corresponding bounds and the expression for approximating the error of Fisher's classifier. Our empirical results on synthetic data, including up to two-hundred-dimensional featured samples, show that the computations for the error are extremely fast and quite accurate; it differs from the actual error in at most ε=0.0184340683. The scheme has also been successfully tested on real-life data sets drawn from the UCI machine learning repository.  相似文献   

目前相关文献中提出的分割算法很多,但都没有一种通用的图像分割算法。不论采用何种分割算法,其分割结果图像中总会存在一些细胞粘连的现象,因而影响到细胞的分析。本文利用数学形态学中的腐蚀运算对二值细胞区域进行层层剥离,然后根据剥离结果判断是否找到了细胞中心点,并对中心点进行适当的修正,解决了因细胞粘连或噪声等原因造成中心点的增加(减少),进而完成细胞的计数统计。文中主要叙述了算法的设计思想及实现,程序运行结果表明,基于vc++.net的算法设计是有效的。  相似文献   

Live cell imaging is an important biomedical research paradigm for studying dynamic cellular behaviour. Although phenotypic data derived from images are difficult to explore and analyse, some researchers have successfully addressed this with visualization. Nonetheless, visualization methods for live cell imaging data have been reported in an ad hoc and fragmented fashion. This leads to a knowledge gap where it is difficult for biologists and visualization developers to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of different visualization methods, and for visualization researchers to gain an overview of existing work to identify research priorities. To address this gap, we survey existing visualization methods for live cell imaging from a visualization research perspective for the first time. Based on recent visualization theory, we perform a structured qualitative analysis of visualization methods that includes characterizing the domain and data, abstracting tasks, and describing visual encoding and interaction design. Based on our survey, we identify and discuss research gaps that future work should address: the broad analytical context of live cell imaging; the importance of behavioural comparisons; links with dynamic data visualization; the consequences of different data modalities; shortcomings in interactive support; and, in addition to analysis, the value of the presentation of phenotypic data and insights to other stakeholders.  相似文献   

A computer program, MRF, has been designed to generate all possible equations for chemical reactions between a chosen set of phases. All subsets of the phases are chosen and arranged into an equation and balanced using the formula Ax = b. A is a m × n matrix of rank n composed of n compositional vectors, b is a m dimensional vector and x is a (n + 1) dimensional vector of reaction coefficients. A m × n matrix also allows the solution to be independent of the components chosen. Provision is made for the exclusion of up to 5-phase assemblages.  相似文献   

The Cell Network Model is a fracture model recently introduced that resembles the microscopical structure and drying process of the parenchymatous tissue of the Bamboo Guadua angustifolia. The model exhibits a power-law distribution of avalanche sizes, with exponent −3.0 when the breaking thresholds are randomly distributed with uniform probability density. Hereby we show that the same exponent also holds when the breaking thresholds obey a broad set of Weibull distributions, and that the humidity decrements between successive avalanches (the equivalent to waiting times for this model) follow in all cases an exponential distribution. Moreover, the fraction of remaining junctures shows an exponential decay in time. In addition, introducing partial breakings and cumulative damages induces a crossover behavior between two power-laws in the histogram of avalanche sizes. This results support the idea that the Cell Network Model may be in the same universality class as the Random Fuse Model.  相似文献   


This qualitative study explores youth’ perception of opportunities for mobile learning (M-Learning) as a means to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Data were collected through the qualitative case study of a M-Learning project called the 8th e-ICON World Contest hosted by Korean Ministry of Education and the Hawaii Department of Education. Drawing on youth’ insights and their knowledge as a basis for exploring the potential of M-Learning, the study recommends three areas for the integration of M-Learning with a view to achieving SDGs as follows: (1) M-Learning for improving access to education; (2) M-Learning for improving the quality of education; (3) M-Learning for building and scaling up collective partnership. The study also confirms that youth could play an active role in utilising opportunities of M-Learning to address the current educational development agenda and suggests how M-Learning can be conceptualized as a development intervention.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Researchers report mixed findings on the successful application of information technologies (IT) for knowledge management (KM). The primary difficulty is argued to be the use of information management techniques and concepts to design and develop KM Tools. Also problematic is the existence of a multiplicity of KM technologies, the application and use of which differs across organizations. This paper argues that these problems stem, in part, from the information system field's over-reliance on design concepts from the functionalist paradigm. Hence, our contention that alternative perspectives, which bring into focus issues of ontology and epistemology, need to be brought to bear in order to understand the challenges involved in the design and deployment of IT artefacts in knowledge management systems (KMS). The philosophy of technology, with its emphasis on the primacy of praxis, and which incorporates ontological and epistemological concepts from phenomenology and hermeneutics, is applied to the findings of a participative action research study to illustrate how social actors interpret and understand worldly phenomena and subsequently share their knowledge of the life-world using IT. The outcome of this marriage of situated practical theory and philosophy is a set of design principles to guide the development of a core KM Tool for KMS.  相似文献   

铝电解槽阳极工作状态故障诊断系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以铝电解槽的阳极工作状态为研究对象,结合实验数据统计,数字滤波、模糊数学等技术,开发出铝电解槽阳极工作状态故障诊断系统。实验结果证实该系统的有效性。  相似文献   

Merkle(1) has shown how keys can be exchanged over a public channel by the use of puzzles. His method gives a work advantage ofO(N 2)/O(N). He also posed the problem of finding other methods of using puzzles that give better work advantage. This paper provides a solution to Merkle's problem. A new method of key exchange, called the nested puzzles method, is also introduced.  相似文献   

In this note, we outline a very simple algorithm for the following problem: Given a set S of n points p1,p2,p3,…,pn in the plane, we have O(n2) segments implicitly defined on pairs of these n points. For each point pi, find a segment from this set of implicitly defined segments that is farthest from pi. The time complexity of our algorithm is in O(nh+nlogn), where n is the number of input points, and h is the number of vertices on the convex hull of S.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to present some modifications of Newton's type method for the simultaneous inclusion of all simple complex zeros of a polynomial. Using the concept of the R-order of convergence of mutually dependent sequences, the convergence analysis shows that the convergence rate of the basic method is increased from 3 to 6 using Jarratt's corrections. The proposed method possesses a great computational efficiency since the acceleration of convergence is attained with only few additional calculations. Numerical results are given to demonstrate convergence properties of the considered methods.  相似文献   

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