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声学超构材料是当前声学和材料学一个热门的研究领域.声学超构材料可定义为:通过对材料在特征物理尺度上进行人工设计制备,使其具有超越常规材料的声学性能的一种人工序构的复合材料.其亚波长特性、超常声学性能以及颠覆性应用的可能吸引了学界和工程界的关注.21世纪以来,随着增材制造技术的发展,声学超构材料的实验室加工与制备问题得以...  相似文献   

五模超构材料是一类具有固体结构与"流体"特性的人工微结构,由于较好的压缩波与剪切波的解耦合能力、 较低的填充率、丰富的晶格构型及可调参数较多等特点,在声波/弹性波隐身衣、声学波导、声学超构表面等声波调控领域具有潜在应用.由单质材料组成的五模超构材料可以被看作是布拉格散射型的声子晶体,其工作频率在高频波段,而目前针对低频...  相似文献   

声学超材料作为近年来研究的一个新兴领域,极大地拓宽了声学材料在各个领域的应用,声学超表面作为声学超材料的一个分支,近几年也受到了国内外研究者的广泛关注.声学超表面是一种由超材料结构单元阵列构成的基于亚波长尺寸的新型声学超材料,能够利用广义Snell定理实现对反射声波或透射声波的定向调控,具有利用亚波长厚度调控声波的独特...  相似文献   

0引言声学超构材料(Acoustic Metamaterials)通过构造某种具有特殊功能的人工微结构单元,在微单元尺度层次上形成对声波运动状态的有序调制,获得与自然材料迥然不同的声学特性[1]。利用超构材料特殊的波场调控特性,可以控制和改变声信号传输的特性,设计新原理声学器件,如声滤波器、声传感器等。近来,由于在国防、经济和社会生活方面具有的重要应用前景,用声学超构材料设计声能整流器件获得非对称声传输开始受到高度重视[2-6]。  相似文献   

<正>2017年4月6日,中国科学院声学研究所中科院噪声与振动重点实验室杨军研究员与贾晗副研究员领导的超材料研究组在《Nature》杂志旗下期刊《Scientific Reports》上在线发表了最新研究成果《水下声学隐身毯的设计与验证》(Design and demonstration of an underwater acoustic carpet cloak)。该项成果首次制备出水下声学隐身毯样品,并实验验证了其隐身效果。随着近些年声学超材料与变换声学的发展,以控制声传播路径为手段的新型声学隐身器件引起了人们的极大关注,声学  相似文献   

1《声学与电子工程》系国家正式批准出版的全国性技术刊物,刊号为CN33—1099/TN。本刊主要报道水声、超声领域的应用研究成果,涉及声呐系统、水声发射、信号接收与处理、信息显示、系统结构与控制、声学材料、换能器与声阵、水声测试、计算机技术和超卢应用等声学与电子技术;内容包括理论探讨、工程设计、技术应用、科学实验、  相似文献   

从光学自身机理上突破光学理论分辨率极限,实现远场超分辨光学点扩散函数,进而实现超分辨聚焦和超分辨成像,在激光加工、超分辨光学显微和超分辨望远等系统有着重要应用前景.近年来,光学超构表面的发展使得在亚波长尺度上实现光场振幅、相位及偏振的独立调控成为可能,为研制新型的超分辨平面超构透镜提供了更加灵活的手段.本文介绍了基于光学超构表面的超分辨平面超构透镜、相关测试技术方面几年来的研究进展,并讨论了该领域面临的问题和未来的研究重点和方向.  相似文献   

激光因其具有方向性强、能量密度高、时间和空间控制性好等特点,在航天航空、汽车制造、电子电器和生物医疗等领域获得广泛应用,尤其在材料加工领域。简要介绍了激光加工技术的原理及优势,主要从组织性能研究、工艺开发与优化、数值模拟等方向综述了激光技术在切割、焊接、增材制造和表面改性4个加工领域的研究进展和应用现状,表明超短超快激光技术的发展进一步促进了激光技术在材料加工领域的纵深应用,并对激光技术未来发展进行展望。  相似文献   

闻轶凡  吴卫国  杭锐 《声学技术》2019,38(3):248-252
为了实现声学超材料等效参数的非接触式主动控制,基于磁流变薄膜设计了一种磁固耦合的主动声学超材料,该结构由铝质环形框架和附加质量块的磁流变薄膜组成。运用COMSOL软件对其声学特性和隔声性能进行了详细分析,结果表明:改变外加磁场强度能够调节所设计的声学超材料的固有频率,与被动声学超材料相比,实现了非接触主动控制声学超材料系统的隔声峰值频率,从而拓宽了声学超材料的隔声频率范围;在此基础上进一步研究了磁流变薄膜材料参数、薄膜预应力和附加质量对隔声性能的影响。  相似文献   

随着探测手段的发展,智能化与高精化的军用隐身探测技术对隐身材料的性能提出了更高的要求,传统材料受限于本身的性能很难实现轻量、宽频、强吸收等隐身要求,而超材料由于其可以按人的意志设计、调整结构并获得相关性能,在隐身领域具有极强的发展潜力,因此超材料在军用隐身领域中的相关研究受到了极大关注。本文综述了超材料的发展、特殊性能及应用,着重讨论了雷达隐身超材料、红外隐身超材料、雷达/红外兼容隐身超材料以及激光/红外兼容隐身超材料的研究与发展,指出目前超材料在军用隐身方面的研究多数停留在实验阶段,难以适应复杂多变的实际环境,今后应将研究集中在低成本制备与应用、宽频多波段兼容以及高耐温、高耐蚀性与高户外稳定性等方面。  相似文献   

声学超材料在空气中应用的研究已经很多,通过对其声学负参数的研究可以实现负折射、 声隐身、 波束控制以及超分辨成像等功能.声学超材料在空气中的良好应用也让更多的研究者们聚焦水下声学超材料(简称水声超材料)声聚焦、声透射等的研究,其在水下的研究涉及到流固耦合以及模式转换的影响,会更加复杂.水下研究的主要难题有尺度大、低频性...  相似文献   

The concept of metamaterials originates from the proposal of left-hand materials with negative refractive index, followed by which, varieties of metamaterials with kinds of fantastic properties that cannot be found in natural materials, such as zero/negative Poisson’s ratio, electromagnetic/acoustic/thermal cloaking effect, etc., were come up with. According to their application fields, the metamaterials are roughly classified into four categories, electromagnetic metamaterials, acoustic metamaterials, thermal metamaterials, and mechanical metamaterials. By designing structures and arranging the distribution of materials with different physical parameters, the function of metamaterials can be realized in theory. Additive manufacturing (AM) technology provides a more direct and efficient way to achieve a sample of metamaterial and experiment verification due to the great advantages in fabricating complex structures. In this review, we introduce the typical metamaterials in different application situations and their design methods. In particular, we are focused on the fabrication of metamaterials and the application status of AM technology in them. Furthermore, we discuss the limits of present metamaterials in the aspect of design method and the disadvantages of existing AM technology, as well as the development tendency of metamaterials.  相似文献   

Micro/nano-scaled mechanical metamaterials have attracted extensive attention in various fields attributed to their superior properties benefiting from their rationally designed micro/nano-structures. As one of the most advanced technologies in the 21st century, additive manufacturing (3D printing) opens an easier and faster path for fabricating micro/nano-scaled mechanical metamaterials with complex structures. Here, the size effect of metamaterials at micro/nano scales is introduced first. Then, the additive manufacturing technologies to fabricate mechanical metamaterials at micro/nano scales are introduced. The latest research progress on micro/nano-scaled mechanical metamaterials is also reviewed according to the type of materials. In addition, the structural and functional applications of micro/nano-scaled mechanical metamaterials are further summarized. Finally, the challenges, including advanced 3D printing technologies, novel material development, and innovative structural design, for micro/nano-scaled mechanical metamaterials are discussed, and future perspectives are provided. The review aims to provide insight into the research and development of 3D-printed micro/nano-scaled mechanical metamaterials.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic metamaterials with negative modulus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The emergence of artificially designed subwavelength electromagnetic materials, denoted metamaterials, has significantly broadened the range of material responses found in nature. However, the acoustic analogue to electromagnetic metamaterials has, so far, not been investigated. We report a new class of ultrasonic metamaterials consisting of an array of subwavelength Helmholtz resonators with designed acoustic inductance and capacitance. These materials have an effective dynamic modulus with negative values near the resonance frequency. As a result, these ultrasonic metamaterials can convey acoustic waves with a group velocity antiparallel to phase velocity, as observed experimentally. On the basis of homogenized-media theory, we calculated the dispersion and transmission, which agrees well with experiments near 30 kHz. As the negative dynamic modulus leads to a richness of surface states with very large wavevectors, this new class of acoustic metamaterials may offer interesting applications, such as acoustic negative refraction and superlensing below the diffraction limit.  相似文献   

The global collaboration and integration of online and offline channels have brought new challenges to the logistics industry. Thus, smart logistics has become a promising solution for handling the increasing complexity and volume of logistics operations. Technologies, such as the Internet of Things, information communication technology, and artificial intelligence, enable more efficient functions into logistics operations. However, they also change the narrative of logistics management. Scholars in the areas of engineering, logistics, transportation, and management are attracted by this revolution. Operations management research on smart logistics mainly concerns the application of underlying technologies, business logic, operation framework, related management system, and optimization problems under specific scenarios. To explore these studies, the related literature has been systematically reviewed in this work. On the basis of the research gaps and the needs of industrial practices, future research directions in this field are also proposed.  相似文献   

铸件凝固过程的宏观及微观模拟仿真研究进展   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
面向市场经济,迎接全球化竞争的挑战,为国民经济的发展作贡献,就要十分重视制造业特别是铸造行业的发展。但是,我国铸造行业与国外相比有很大差距,它制约着国民经济的发展。世界各国在铸造成形加工技术的发展趋势方面,认识是一致的,即:一是大型工程中特大型铸件的关键铸造技术;二是向精确成形技术方向发展;三是用计算机模拟仿真逐步代替传统的经验性研究方法。铸造过程计算机模拟仿真是改造传统铸造产业的必由之路,是当今世界各国专家学关注的热点。铸造充型凝固过程的数值模拟可以帮助工程技术人员优化工艺设计,缩短试制周期、降低生产成本、确保铸件质量,已成为铸造领域最热门的研究课题之一。目前,凝固过程的流场、温度场数值模拟及缩孔缩松预测已应用于实际生产,应力分析、微观组织模拟等方面的基础研究及实用化进程都取得了很大进展。  相似文献   

In the past decades, many mechanical metamaterials with uncommon static properties have been reported. On the other hand, mechanical metamaterials possessing extraordinary dynamic performance, also referred to as acoustic/elastic metamaterials, have gained more and more attractions. Examples include acoustic cloaking metamaterials that can generate an invisible region for acoustic waves, zero-stiffness metamaterials that can isolate vibrating mechanical energy, origami-based metamaterials that can realize the directional transmission of elastic waves and so on. To better understand the mechanisms adopted in dynamic mechanical metamaterials and present a general view about the existing works, we have reviewed some representative works and categorized them based on the ways of how these mechanical metamaterials manipulate the interactions between matters and mechanical energy. To distinguish the different categories of the dynamic mechanical metamaterials, we use a pair of binary numbers to measure the changing states of the magnitude and direction of the energy flow, respectively. A summary of some research works with associated reference numbers is presented in this paper with emphasis on the operating frequency, working bandwidth, and characteristic size of the element.  相似文献   

通过对德温特专利数据库中收录的超材料技术专利进行深入分析,从专利技术的发展、技术来源国家分布、主要国家技术申请趋势、技术研发热点以及技术研发主体五个方面揭示了全球超材料技术创新的趋势,以期为我国科研机构的技术研发提供决策支持。研究表明,全球超材料技术目前正处于深入研究阶段,专利申请主要围绕高性能天线、光学透镜、超材料自身结构的实现等技术主题展开;中美等国是发展超材料技术的中坚力量,其中深圳光启是技术申请的领军人物,美、韩、日等国的多家企业和科研院所也在积极研发,全球市场竞争态势正在逐渐形成。  相似文献   

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