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The superconductivity of the tight binding electrons in a magnetic field is studied. We can treat both cases of quasi-one-dimension and quasi-two-dimension in the same manner. We study a various kind of anisotropic superconductivity with line nodes of the energy gap by taking attractive interaction between electrons in nearest sites along each axis. The magnetic field dependence of the transition temperature is calculated for a various pairing symmetry of superconductivity. When a magnetic field is applied in the conducting plane, the transition temperature is shown to increase as the magnetic field increases. In the strong magnetic field the eigenstates approach to those in the absence of hopping between planes, resulting in no orbital frustration.  相似文献   

We review the experimental evidence for spin-triplet superconductivity in Sr2RuO4. The Knight shift experiments decisively demonstrated that the Cooper-pair symmetry is spin triplet. We discuss the most probable wave function of the Cooper pairs on the basis of the results of a number of key experiments. We point out that a simple picture of the unitary state with the isotropic gap is not compatible with the observed behavior of the specific heat, and that a profound modification of the pairing wave function is needed. We also present the in-plane angular dependence of the upper critical field, with the field applied exactly parallel to the quasi-two-dimensional plane. We discuss the possible implication of the observed fourfold anisotropy in connection with the proposed second superconducting state with a line-node gap.  相似文献   

Two representative superconductors, UPt3 and Sr2RuO4, are comparatively studied on the basis of a general symmetry argument. The existing experimental data set for both systems strongly and commonly points to a triplet pairing. For the former, heavy fermion material, UPt3, a non-unitary bipolar state is the most possible candidate, whereas for the latter system, Sr2RuO4, determination of a precise pairing symmetry class, either unitary or non-unitary, is debated.  相似文献   

A brief review is given of the normal-state properties of Sr2RuO4, combined with a discussion of some aspects of the superconductivity. Particular attention is paid to the significance of high sample purity to many of the discoveries that have been made. Attention is also drawn to the simplicity of the electronic structure of the material, which is likely to play a key role in future investigation of both the normal and the superconducting states.  相似文献   

We review our recent works on the vortex state in p-wave superconductors. First, in a magnetic field parallel to the c-axis, the square vortex lattice is most stable, except in the immediate vicinity of T = T c0. Second, the effect of impurities on H c2 is studied, which exhibits characteristics of unconventional superconductors. Finally, the ab anisotropy in the upper critical field in a magnetic field is considered. This anisotropy provides important information about the fourfold term arising from the Fermi surface effect.  相似文献   

The superconducting transition temperature, T c , of the impurity-free, intrinsic Sr2RuO4 is as high as 1.50 K. However, we recently showed that T c is remarkably increased up to 3 K in the Sr2RuO4–Ru eutectic system, in which plate-like microdomains of Ru metal are embedded in the primary-phase Sr2RuO4. The phase diagram of the anisotropic upper critical field of the 3-K phase indicates that H c2 for the field parallel to the RuO2 plane is strongly suppressed at low temperatures. We argue that the reorientation of the Cooper-pair spin direction near the Sr2RuO4–Ru interface may be responsible for this suppression. In addition, we observed unusual hysteresis in the out-of-plane resistivity, c , at low temperatures and near H c2, only when the field was applied parallel to the RuO2 plane.  相似文献   

The influence of the Fermi surface anisotropy on the specific heat jump is studied for the p-wave superconductor with a gap function d = z^(k x ± ik y ) in connection with Sr2RuO4. It is shown that the normalized specific heat jump, C/T c , is reduced from its universal value, 1.43, in accordance with experimental findings. We show that this behavior fits well into our present understanding of the quasiparticle spectrum and the impurity effects.  相似文献   

The application of a sufficiently strong magnetic field to a superconductor will in general destroy the superconducting state. However, for the quasi‐two‐dimensional organic conductor λ‐(BETS)2FeCl4, where BETS is bis(ethylenedithio)tetraselenafulvalene, we find that superconductivity is induced under magnetic fields in the range between 18 T and 42 T when the magnetic fields are applied exactly parallel to the conducting layers of the crystals, although it has an insulating ground state below 10 T. This is the first material whose superconducting phase is stabilized only under a magnetic field. The resulting phase diagram indicates that the internal magnetic field due to the negative exchange interaction between the localized Fe moments and the conduction electron spins is crucial.  相似文献   

We have considered phonon-induced superconductivity on a square lattice. The antiferromagnetic correlations that are present in high-temperature superconductors (HTSC) have been simulated by the staggered magnetic field. The Eliashberg equations have been generalized to account for the momentum dependent order parameter, and the superconducting transition temperature T c has been evaluated within the strong-coupling theory. The two-dimensional band structure has explicitly been taken into account. It occurs that the results obtained for T c when considering d-wave symmetry of the superconducting state much better reflect the experimentally observed behavior than those derived for s-wave symmetry. The isotope shift exponent has also been evaluated. One can observe that the introduction of the staggered magnetic field leads to the decrease of this quantity. Therefore, the presence of the staggered magnetic field may contribute to experimentally observed values of smaller than the BCS value of 1/2  相似文献   

Samples with the nominal composition Bi2Sr2Ca1−x Na x Cu2O y (x=0, 0·1, 0·2 and 0·3) were prepared by solid-state reaction of the individual compounds. X-ray diffraction patterns indicate that the samples have a majority 2212 phase with 2223 also being present. From the DC four-probe resistance data, we have observed that the furnace-cooled samples show metallic behaviour while the quenched samples show superconductivity up to 97 K.  相似文献   

The ruthenocuprate RuSr2GdCu2O8 orders magnetically at 135 K and then becomes superconducting at 45 K. These transitions have been observed by several groups, but the intrinsically complex nature of the compound, as well as the unexpected coexistence of magnetism with high-temperature superconductivity, makes it uncertain what the magnetic, electronic, and structural character of its ground state is. We find that density functional-based evaluations give a magnetic and structural character that is consistent with the latest data: the RuO6 octahedra rotate (by 7° around the c^ axis) causing a doubling of the cell, and an antiferromagnetic structure that has this same cell doubling is favored over a ferromagnetic alignment of Ru spins. The minority Ru d xy states are partially occupied, leaving a metallic RuO2 layer that dopes the CuO2 bilayer and may lead to canting of the Ru spins.  相似文献   

We discuss a series of thermodynamic, magnetic, and electrical transport experiments on the two heavy fermion compounds CeNi2Ge2 and YbRh2Si2 in which magnetic fields, B, are used to tune the systems from a non-Fermi liquid (NFL) into a field-induced FL state. Upon approaching the quantum-critical points from the FL side by reducing B we analyze the heavy quasiparticle (QP) mass and QP-QP scattering cross sections. For CeNi2Ge2 the observed behavior agrees well with the predictions of the spin-density wave (SDW) scenario for three-dimensional (3D) critical spin-fluctuations. By contrast, the observed singularity in YbRh2Si2 cannot be explained by the itinerant SDW theory for neither 3D nor 2D critical spinfluctuations. Furthermore, we investigate the magnetization M(B) at high magnetic fields. For CeNi2Ge2 a metamagnetic transition is observed at 43 T, whereas for YbRh2Si2 a kink-like anomaly occurs at 10 T in M vs B (applied along the easy basal plane) above which the heavy fermion state is completely suppressed.  相似文献   

We report superconductivity in the SmFe0.9Co0.1AsO system being prepared by most easy and versatile single-step solid-state reaction route. The parent compound SmFeAsO is non-superconducting but shows the spin density wave (SDW) like antiferromagnetic ordering at around 140 K. To destroy the antiferromagnetic ordering and to induce the superconductivity in the parent system, the Fe2+ is partially substituted by Co3+. Superconductivity appears in SmFe0.9Co0.1AsO system at around 14 K. The Co doping suppresses the SDW anomaly in the parent compound and induces the superconductivity. Magnetization measurements show clearly the onset of superconductivity with T cdia at 14 K. The isothermal magnetization measurements exhibit the lower critical fields (H c1) to be around 200 Oe at 2 K. The bulk superconductivity of the studied SmFe0.9Co0.1AsO sample is further established by open diamagnetic M(H) loops at 2 and 5 K. Normal-state (above T c) linear isothermal magnetization M(H) plots excluded the presence of any ordered magnetic impurity in the studied compound.   相似文献   

A magnetic pendulum device was designed, developed, and used to characterize high-Tc materials. A correlation between the volume fraction of superconducting phase in a composite and the force of expulsion was found. The device is sensitive enough to detect a volume of 0.5% superconducting phase in a composite. The application of the device for characterizing composites, incipient superconductivity, and films has been discussed.  相似文献   

A Cd analogue of the Tl and Hgn =3 series with nominal composition CdBa2Ca2Cu3Oy has been synthesized. The samples were superconducting according to magnetic susceptibility measurements. The critical temperature was 103 or 107 K depending on the preparation conditions. The EDX analysis revealed the presence of Cd-1111, Cd-1121, and Cd-2333 as minor phases. The observed diamagnetic effects were attributed to the differentT c of these phases.  相似文献   

We have investigated the low temperature properties of LuB12 by measuring its magnetic susceptibility, heat capacity, and electrical resistivity, as well as by point-contact spectroscopy using both the spear-anvil type technique and mechanically controllable break junctions. Our specific heat measurements and point - contact spectroscopy results indicate that LuB12 is a simple weak-coupling BCS-type superconductor with TC ≈ 0.4 K, a superconducting energy gap of 2 Δ ≈ 0.12 meV, and a very small critical field BC ≈ 1 mT. From the dU/dI(U) characteristics in the superconducting state, the energy gap 2Δ, the critical current IC and the Andreev-reflection excess current Iex as a function of normal-state point contact resistance RN have been determined. At low RN all three parameters are strongly suppressed, possibly due to the self-magnetic field. At contacts with large RN the model of resistively and capacitively shunted Josephson junctions (RCSJ) allowed us to estimate the superconducting current plasma frequency and the Josephson coupling energy. Moreover, from the d2U/d I2(U) spectra in the normal state the (point-contact) electron-phonon interaction function and the characteristic phonon energies of LuB12 have been determined.  相似文献   

康路  胡平  杨军  王华  杨帆  杜金晶  杨占林 《材料导报》2015,29(21):132-136, 144
近年来,由于磁性纳米粒子在实际应用中发挥越来越重要的作用,有关磁性纳米粒子的应用受到科学界广泛关注,特别是生物医学领域。由于磁性纳米Fe_3O_4粒子制作简单且晶体对细胞无毒,在生物医药领域大量应用,磁性纳米Fe_3O_4粒子主要通过表面包覆成为免疫磁性微球进行使用。简述了磁性纳米Fe_3O_4粒子的制备方法,重点综述了近些年磁性纳米Fe_3O_4粒子在生物医学上的应用,包括磁共振成像技术、磁分离技术、靶向药物载体技术、肿瘤热疗技术、造影剂技术,并且阐述了磁性纳米Fe_3O_4粒子的发展前景。  相似文献   

The electronic structure of idealized tetragonal Bi2Sr2CuO6 is compared with that of an orthorhombic 2×2 model that includes atomic displacements due to the structural modulation. The electronic structure, particularly that related to Bi and O(3) atoms, is strongly modified near the Fermi energy. In particular the shape and topology of the Bi-O(3) related Fermi surfaces near the ¯M point are changed. With the modulation, bands occur near the Fermi energy over a significant part of the zone near this point. A method is proposed to distinguish between lattice distortions and antiferromagnetic correlations as the cause of recently observed shadow Fermi surfaces.  相似文献   

The properties of a wide variety of intermetallic compounds exhibiting magnetic localized spin and superconducting fluctuations near a quantum critical point (QCP) are reviewed. They show highly anomalous critical indices (anomalously small). Laws of corresponding are observed in these materials and a theory is presented which gives a fully quantitative explanation of these laws. The theory employs a gauge transformation which rotates the electron spin quantization axis into the direction of the instantaneous staggered localized spin direction , where is the localized spin array wave vector. Many properties of these materials are worked out on the basis of this theory. The technological promise of these substances is truly immense, including energy generation, storage and transmission, MRI magnets, industrial and scientific magnets, maglev, cellular communications, -wave electronics, etc.  相似文献   

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