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We prove ExpTime-membership of the satisfiability problem for loosely ∀-guarded first-order formulas with a bounded number of variables and an unbounded number of constants. Guarded fragments with constants are interesting by themselves and because of their connection to hybrid logic.  相似文献   

We extend the propositional dynamic logic PDL of Fischer and Ladner with a restricted kind of recursive programs using the formalism of visibly pushdown automata [R. Alur, P. Madhusudan, Visibly pushdown languages, in: Procceings of the 36th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 2004), 2004, ACM, pp. 202–211]. We show that the satisfiability problem for this extension remains decidable, generalising known decidability results for extensions of PDL by non-regular programs. Our decision procedure establishes a 2-ExpTime upper complexity bound, and we prove a matching lower bound that applies already to rather weak extensions of PDL with non-regular programs. Thus, we also show that such extensions tend to be more complex than standard PDL.  相似文献   

We investigate the inference problem in knowledge representation systems of theKl-one family. These systems, also called terminological systems, are equipped with concept languages that are used to express the conceptual knowledge of a problem domain in a structured way. In order to reason with the represented knowledge, terminological systems provide a couple of inference services. In this paper we show that the main reasoning problems in expressive concept languages can be reduced to a particular inference problem, namely checking satisfiability of concepts. This result has two important applications. From a practical point of view, our reduction together with the existence of relatively efficient implementations of satisfiability algorithms strongly simplifies the implementation of inference algorithms in terminological systems. Even from a complexity point of view, the result shows that in the underlying concept language interesting inference problems such as consistency checking or query answering are not harder (in terms of the worst case complexity) than satisfiability checking of concepts.This work has been carried out while the author was an employee of the German Research Center for AI (DFKI GmbH), Saarbrücken, Germany.  相似文献   

We study the problem of evaluating xpath queries over xml data that is stored in an rdbms via schema-based shredding. The interaction between recursion (descendants-axis) in xpath queries and recursion in dtds makes it challenging to answer xpath queries using rdbms. We present a new approach to translating xpath queries into sql queries based on a notion of extended XP ath expressions and a simple least fixpoint (lfp) operator. Extended xpath expressions are a mild extension of xpath, and the lfp operator takes a single input relation and is already supported by most commercial rdbms. We show that extended xpath expressions are capable of capturing both dtd recursion and xpath queries in a uniform framework. Furthermore, they can be translated into an equivalent sequence of sql queries with the lfp operator. We present algorithms for rewriting xpath queries over a (possibly recursive) dtd into extended xpath expressions and for translating extended xpath expressions to sql queries, as well as optimization techniques. The novelty of our approach consists in its capability to answer a large class of xpath queries by means of only low-end rdbms features already available in most rdbms, as well as its flexibility to accommodate existing relational query optimization techniques. In addition, these translation algorithms provide a solution to query answering for certain (possibly recursive) xml views of xml data. Our experimental results verify the effectiveness of our techniques. An extended abstract was presented at the 31st international conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB), 2005.  相似文献   

Given a timed automaton M, a linear temporal logic formula φ, and a bound k, bounded model checking for timed automata determines if there is a falsifying path of length k to the hypothesis that M satisfies the specification φ. This problem can be reduced to the satisfiability problem for Boolean constraint formulas over linear arithmetic constraints. We show that bounded model checking for timed automata is complete, and we give lower and upper bounds for the length k of counterexamples. Moreover, we define bounded model checking for networks of timed automata in a compositional way.  相似文献   

Bounded model checking of software using SMT solvers instead of SAT solvers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
C bounded model checking (cbmc) has proved to be a successful approach to automatic software analysis. The key idea is to (i) build a propositional formula whose models correspond to program traces (of bounded length) that violate some given property and (ii) use state-of-the-art SAT solvers to check the resulting formulae for satisfiability. In this paper, we propose a generalisation of the cbmc approach on the basis of an encoding into richer (but still decidable) theories than propositional logic. We show that our approach may lead to considerably more compact formulae than those obtained with cbmc. We have built a prototype implementation of our technique that uses a satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) solver to solve the resulting formulae. Computer experiments indicate that our approach compares favourably with—and on some significant problems outperforms—cbmc.  相似文献   

Verification problems can often be encoded as first-order validity or satisfiability problems. The availability of efficient automated theorem provers is a crucial pre-requisite for automating various verification tasks as well as their cooperation with specialized decision procedures for selected theories, such as Presburger Arithmetic. In this paper, we investigate how automated provers based on a form of equational reasoning, called paramodulation, can be used in verification tools. More precisely, given a theory T axiomatizing some data structure, we devise a procedure to answer the following questions. Is the satisfiability problem of T decidable by paramodulation? Can a procedure based on paramodulation for T be efficiently combined with other specialized procedures by using the Nelson-Oppen schema? Finally, if paramodulation decides the satisfiability problem of two theories, does it decide satisfiability in their union?The procedure capable of answering all questions above is based on Schematic Saturation; an inference system capable of over-approximating the inferences of paramodulation when solving satisfiability problems in a given theory T. Clause schemas derived by Schematic Saturation describe all clauses derived by paramodulation so that the answers to the questions above are obtained by checking that only finitely many different clause schemas are derived or that certain clause schemas are not derived.  相似文献   

We study the complexity of satisfiability and model checking problems for fragments of linear-time temporal logic with past (PLTL). We consider many fragments of PLTL, obtained by restricting the set of allowed temporal modalities, the use of negations or the nesting of future formulas into past formulas. Our results strengthen the widely accepted fact that past is for free, in the sense that allowing symmetric past-time modalities does not bring additional theoretical complexity. This result holds even for small fragments and even when nesting future formulas into past formulas.Received: 4 September 2002, Published online: 17 March 2004  相似文献   

We report here on an experimental investigation of LTL satisfiability checking via a reduction to model checking. By using large LTL formulas, we offer challenging model-checking benchmarks to both explicit and symbolic model checkers. For symbolic model checking, we use CadenceSMV, NuSMV, and SAL-SMC. For explicit model checking, we use SPIN as the search engine, and we test essentially all publicly available LTL translation tools. Our experiments result in two major findings. First, most LTL translation tools are research prototypes and cannot be considered industrial quality tools. Second, when it comes to LTL satisfiability checking, the symbolic approach is clearly superior to the explicit approach.  相似文献   

Full linear-time hybrid logic (HL) is a non-elementary and equally expressive extension of standard LTL + past obtained by adding the well-known binder operators and . We investigate complexity and succinctness issues for HL in terms of the number of variables and nesting depth of binder modalities. First, we present direct automata-theoretic decision procedures for satisfiability and model-checking of HL, which require space of exponential height equal to the nesting depth of the binder modalities. The proposed algorithms are proved to be asymptotically optimal by providing matching lower bounds. Second, we show that, for the one-variable fragment of HL, the considered problems are elementary and, precisely, Expspace-complete. Finally, we show that, for all 0≤h<k, there is a succinctness gap between the fragments HLk and HLh with binder nesting depth at most k and h, respectively, of exponential height equal to kh.  相似文献   

We investigate a class of parametric timed automata, called lower bound/upper bound (L/U) automata, where each parameter occurs in the timing constraints either as a lower bound or as an upper bound. For such automata, we show that basic decision problems, such as emptiness, finiteness and universality of the set of parameter valuations for which there is a corresponding infinite accepting run of the automaton, is Pspace-complete. We extend these results by allowing the specification of constraints on parameters as a linear system. We show that the considered decision problems are still Pspace-complete, if the lower bound parameters are not compared with the upper bound parameters in the linear system, and are undecidable in general. Finally, we consider a parametric extension of MITL\mathsf{MITL} 0,∞, and prove that the related satisfiability and model checking (w.r.t. L/U automata) problems are Pspace-complete.  相似文献   

In this paper we provide the first (as far as we know) direct calculus deciding satisfiability of formulae in negation normal form in the fragment of FHL (full hybrid logic with the binder, including the global and converse modalities), where no occurrence of a universal operator is in the scope of a binder. By means of a satisfiability preserving translation of formulae, the calculus can be turned into a satisfiability decision procedure for the fragment $\textsf{FHL}\setminus\Box \mathord\downarrow\Box$ , i.e. formulae in negation normal form where no occurrence of the binder is both in the scope of and contains in its scope a universal operator. The calculus is based on tableaux and termination is achieved by means of a form of anywhere blocking with indirect blocking. Direct blocking is a relation between nodes in a tableau branch, holding whenever the respective labels (formulae) are equal up to (a proper form of) nominal renaming. Indirect blocking is based on a partial order on the nodes of a tableau branch, which arranges them into a tree-like structure.  相似文献   

We present a logic which we call Hybrid Duration Calculus (HDC). HDC is obtained by adding the following hybrid logical machinery to the Restricted Duration Calculus (RDC): nominals, satisfaction operators, down-arrow binder, and the global modality. RDC is known to be decidable, and in this paper we show that decidability is retained when adding the hybrid logical machinery. Decidability of HDC is shown by reducing the satisfiability problem to satisfiability of Monadic Second-Order Theory of Order. We illustrate the increased expressive power obtained in hybridizing RDC by showing that HDC, in contrast to RDC, can express all of the 13 possible relations between intervals.  相似文献   

Strategies used in deductive data bases try as far as possible to replace deduction in Horn clause theories TS by evaluation of relational algebra formulas in a set of ground atoms. In this paper we extend the relational algebra in order to take into account incomplete databases where incompleteness is represented by Skolem constants. We first define the notion of the extended model EM, similar to the Herbrand model, which is associated to a given theory TS. Specific satisfiability conditions applied to EM define the link between provability in TS and satisfiability in EM. Then we define an extended relational algebra to compute every ground instance of a given formula. It is shown that this algebra is always sound, and complete for a particular class of formulas which is not too restrictive.  相似文献   

We consider multi-agent scenarios where each agent controls a surveillance camera in the plane, with fixed position and angle of vision, but rotating freely. The agents can thus observe the surroundings and each other. They can also reason about each other’s observation abilities and knowledge derived from these observations. We introduce suitable logical languages for reasoning about such scenarios which involve atomic formulae stating what agents can see, multi-agent epistemic operators for individual, distributed and common knowledge, as well as dynamic operators reflecting the ability of cameras to turn around in order to reach positions satisfying formulae in the language. We also consider effects of public announcements. We introduce several different but equivalent versions of the semantics for these languages, discuss their expressiveness and provide translations in PDL style. Using these translations we develop algorithms and obtain complexity results for model checking and satisfiability testing for the basic logic BBL that we introduce here and for some of its extensions. Notably, we show that even for the extension with common knowledge, model checking and satisfiability testing remain in PSPACE. We also discuss the sensitivity of the set of validities to the admissible angles of vision of the agents’ cameras. Finally, we discuss some further extensions: adding obstacles, positioning the cameras in 3D or enabling them to change positions. Our work has potential applications to automated reasoning, formal specification and verification of observational abilities and knowledge of multi-robot systems.  相似文献   

Compositional reasoning aims to improve scalability of verification tools by reducing the original verification task into subproblems. The simplification is typically based on assume-guarantee reasoning principles, and requires user guidance to identify appropriate assumptions for components. In this paper, we propose a fully automated approach to compositional reasoning that consists of automated decomposition using a hypergraph partitioning algorithm for balanced clustering of variables, and discovering assumptions using the L * algorithm for active learning of regular languages. We present a symbolic implementation of the learning algorithm, and incorporate it in the model checker NuSmv. In some cases, our experiments demonstrate significant savings in the computational requirements of symbolic model checking. This research was partially supported by ARO grant DAAD19-01-1-0473, and NSF grants ITR/SY 0121431 and CCR0306382.  相似文献   

This paper presents a bounded model checking tool called Hydlogic{\texttt{Hydlogic}} for hybrid systems. It translates a reachability problem of a nonlinear hybrid system into a predicate logic formula involving arithmetic constraints and checks the satisfiability of the formula based on a satisfiability modulo theories method. We tightly integrate (i) an incremental SAT solver to enumerate the possible sets of constraints and (ii) an interval-based solver for hybrid constraint systems (HCSs) to solve the constraints described in the formulas. The HCS solver verifies the occurrence of a discrete change by using a set of boxes to enclose continuous states that may cause the discrete change. We utilize the existence property of a unique solution in the boxes computed by the HCS solver as (i) a proof of the reachability of a model and (ii) a guide in the over-approximation refinement procedure. Our Hydlogic{\texttt{Hydlogic}} implementation successfully handled several examples including those with nonlinear constraints.  相似文献   

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