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文丘里管及拉法尔管在气力输送系统中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对气力输送系统各种供料器的性能、特点和使用场合进行比较,重点讨论了传统的文丘里式供料器在实际应用中存在的问题。介绍几种国内外新型文丘里式供料器的结构、特点和用途。指出采用组合式供料器,即将文丘里式供料器与机械旋转式连续供料器组合使用,可以同时改善两者单独使用时存在的问题。介绍了拉法尔管在密相气力输送系统中空气流量控制方面的应用,指出拉法尔管在气力输送系统中主要起稳定空气流量和压力的作用,使输送过程稳定、均匀。  相似文献   

气力输送的供料装置   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用气力输送技术输送物料的成功并有效运转与否,首先取决于选定的供料装置是否恰当,选定供料装置前,必须对使用条件,物料特性,所需装置的适用范围,经济性以及其他特性等作认真调研,现今可供应用的供料装置种类繁多,它们各有特点及适宜的应用范围,就此,对常用的供料装置作一介绍。  相似文献   

应用气力输送技术输送物料的成功并有效运转与否 ,首先取决于选定的供料装置是否恰当。选定供料装置前 ,必须对使用条件、物料特性 ,所需装置的适用范围、经济性以及其他特性等作认真调研。现今可供应用的供料装置种类繁多 ,它们各有特点及适宜的应用范围 ,就此 ,对常用的供料装置作一介绍  相似文献   

随着社会发展、市场需求的变化和环保要求的日益提高,气力输送技术面临着许多新课题。介绍了国外开发的高浓度物料低速气力输送、带多级喷射真空发生器的气力输送装置,细粉的收尘技术,管道中料流流动的改性技术,以及几种供料器和耐磨Dome阀等的工作原理和结构,使气力输送技术达到了高效、节能、无污染、自动化程度高等目的,以适应市场需求的变化。  相似文献   

7 低速及栓流输送装置气力输送技术的重要发展是低速栓流输送装置的出现 ,这类装置解决了以往有些物料难以输送的问题 ,虽然它们基本上属于高压供料装置范畴 ,但都各自具有特殊的附加设备 ,用于得到要求的料—气流动形态。这些装置共同的基本特点是低速和高料气比(即高浓度 )  相似文献   

玟主要从基建投资,经营费用,能否确保正常生产的角度探讨了小磷肥厂磷矿破碎供料方式的三种情况进行了比较,并提出了对新建磷矿破碎设施时宜采用电动抓斗桥式起重机的供料方式。  相似文献   

密相气力输送物料流动状态分析及供料装置的选用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了低速密相气力输送中的相图和物料流动形态;介绍了密相输送供料装置(充气罐供料器、螺旋供料充气罐、高压旋转阀供料器)及其应用场合。同时简要分析了物料特性对密相气力输送的性能影响。  相似文献   

从上世纪70年代起,我国水泥行业针对磨机定量给料和配料,开发了HDG系列恒速定量给料秤和TDG调速定量给料秤;自80年代开始,相继引进日本玖保田株式会社、大和制衡株式会社、德国申克公司、丹麦史密斯公司的定量给料设备和技术,促进  相似文献   

近年来物料气力输送技术在各个领域得到迅速发展和应用。文中介绍了该项技术的发展历史和现状,分析各种不同形式气力输送系统的优缺点和适用场合,为用户合理选择输送方式提供必要的指导。  相似文献   

L阀在气力输送中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将L阀用于Geldart-B及Geldart-D类颗粒的气力输送过程中,取代传统的流化给料器,实验发现,这种结构简单的非机械阀可以很方便地控制颗粒的发送量,发送压降小,便于控制,气力输送装置高约18m,管径50mm,接近工业中试的规模。  相似文献   

A model for a pneumatic conveying dryer is presented. Although the main emphasis is put on superheated steam drying of wood chips, it can be used for other porous materials as well

The model includes a comprehensive two-dimensional model for the drying of single wood chips which accounts for the main physical mechanisms occurring in wood during drying. The external drying conditions in a pneumatic conveying dryer were calculated by applying the mass, heat and momentum equations for each incremental step in dryer length. A plug flow assumption was made for the dryer model and the single particle and dryer models were solved in an iterative manner. The non-spherical nature of wood chips were accounted for by measuring the drag and heat transfer coefficients

Model calculations illustrate the complex interactions between steam, particles and walls which occur in a flash dryer. The drying rate varies in a very complex manner through the dryer. The internal resistance to mass transfer becomes very important in The drying of less permeable wood species such as spruce. Two effects were observed as the particle size was increased: firstly the heat transfer rate decreased, and secondly the residence time increased. To some extent, these effects compensate for each other, however, the net result is that larger chips have a higher final moisture content.  相似文献   


A model for a pneumatic conveying dryer is presented. Although the main emphasis is put on superheated steam drying of wood chips, it can be used for other porous materials as well

The model includes a comprehensive two-dimensional model for the drying of single wood chips which accounts for the main physical mechanisms occurring in wood during drying. The external drying conditions in a pneumatic conveying dryer were calculated by applying the mass, heat and momentum equations for each incremental step in dryer length. A plug flow assumption was made for the dryer model and the single particle and dryer models were solved in an iterative manner. The non-spherical nature of wood chips were accounted for by measuring the drag and heat transfer coefficients

Model calculations illustrate the complex interactions between steam, particles and walls which occur in a flash dryer. The drying rate varies in a very complex manner through the dryer. The internal resistance to mass transfer becomes very important in The drying of less permeable wood species such as spruce. Two effects were observed as the particle size was increased: firstly the heat transfer rate decreased, and secondly the residence time increased. To some extent, these effects compensate for each other, however, the net result is that larger chips have a higher final moisture content.  相似文献   

在中国石化安庆分公司Shell煤气化装置的煤粉输送系统中,采用2种不同压力测量方式,对竖直上升管的压力进行了对比测量研究。研究结果表明,二者测量结果基本吻合,均可满足工程测量需求;2种测量方式各有优劣,可根据实际测量环境和需求进行选择。  相似文献   

在对浓相输送的相图、流型及稳定性研究的基础上,提出了一种检测流型与判断稳定性的方法.在分析和处理计算机采集到的输送管内压力波动信号后,发现水平输送管内压力波动信号的较大振幅的概率密度之和与表观气速之间有较好的对应关系,找到了一种能实际应用于工程上判断流型和稳定性的判据,并以此作为自动控制的基础.  相似文献   

双转子连续混炼机固体物料输送过程研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对双转子连续混炼机转子喂料段固体物料的输送过程进行了理论分析,提出了描述此过程的物理模型。运用该物理模型,得出了计算连续混炼机固体输送速率的公式,并由此提出双转子连续混炼机的产量与喂料量成正比以及与转子转速无关的结论。  相似文献   

Pneumatic drying of chemical products has been frequently used in chemical industries. The increase in the use of this unit operation requires the knowledge of the dynamic of the gas-solid flow in tubes. The mathematical models of vertical pneumatic conveying found in the literature mostly consider the flow steady and one dimensional. However, experimental evidences suggest that radial profiles of the basic variables of the flow exist. In this work a model is proposed for vertical pneumatic conveying considering axial and radial profiles for gas and solids velocities, porosity and pressure. The conservation equations for energy and mass of water were written to extend the model to a pneumatic dryer. The equations of the model were solved using finite difference method and the results show the axial and radial variations of gas and solid temperatures, gas humidity and particle moisture content in the dryer.  相似文献   

空气输送流槽是一咱利用空气和物料混合以压缩空气作为动力来输送物料的装置,介绍了空气输送流槽的输送原理和结构,提出了设计计算空气输送流槽的方法,认为在橡胶,塑料工业中应大力推广应用空气输送流槽。  相似文献   


Pneumatic drying of chemical products has been frequently used in chemical industries. The increase in the use of this unit operation requires the knowledge of the dynamic of the gas-solid flow in tubes. The mathematical models of vertical pneumatic conveying found in the literature mostly consider the flow steady and one dimensional. However, experimental evidences suggest that radial profiles of the basic variables of the flow exist. In this work a model is proposed for vertical pneumatic conveying considering axial and radial profiles for gas and solids velocities, porosity and pressure. The conservation equations for energy and mass of water were written to extend the model to a pneumatic dryer. The equations of the model were solved using finite difference method and the results show the axial and radial variations of gas and solid temperatures, gas humidity and particle moisture content in the dryer.  相似文献   

从技术、经济等方面分析研究了聚酯切片的运输、卸料及输送方法.提出了切片的流化态输送工艺,并付诸实践,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

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