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《Robotics and Computer》2014,30(2):99-106
This paper presents a case study on a reconfigurable hybrid parallel robot dubbed ReSl-Bot. It addresses the realm of reconfigurable 6-DOF parallel mechanisms, for sustainable manufacturing. It also features a self-reconfigurable architecture. A systematic analysis involving kinematics, constant orientation workspace, singularity and stiffness is developed in detail. Interesting features are discussed, revealing some unique characteristics of the studied architecture. A multi-objective optimization procedure is also carried out with weighted stiffness, dexterity and workspace volume as the performance indices.  相似文献   

The objective of the research project was to design and construct a 3DOF tripod-type electro-pneumatic parallel manipulator that could be used for pick-and-place tasks in municipal waste recycling facilities. The fundamental requirement was that the manipulator be simple and cheap to construct, operate and maintain as well as robust and resistant to damage. The forward and inverse kinematic problem as well as working space and strength analysis issues were used for construction of manipulator. The prototype was tested using different payloads and velocities to establish its positioning accuracy and repeatability. The robot behavior was controlled with a commercially available industrial controller, which was reported insufficient for point-to-point operations required during solid waste handling. Conclusions have been drawn on how to optimize the robot structure and control.  相似文献   

针对不确定机械臂系统的轨迹跟踪控制问题,基于干扰观测器原理,提出了一种收缩反步控制算法.首先,采用非线性观测器对系统的模型不确定项和未知外部干扰部分进行观测.然后,使用收缩反步控制求解出控制输入力矩,从而实现对参考轨迹的精确跟踪,并分析二阶闭环系统的增量稳定性和Lyapunov方程解的原点指数稳定性.最后,将上述所提控制律应用于2-DOF机械臂,通过收缩反步与滑模控制的对比仿真,证明其有效性.  相似文献   

A new robust nonlinear controller is presented and applied to a planar 2-DOF parallel manipulator with redundant actuation. The robust nonlinear controller is designed by combining the nonlinear PD (NPD) control with the robust dynamics compensation. The NPD control is used to eliminate the trajectory disturbances, unmodeled dynamics and nonlinear friction, and the robust control is used to restrain the model uncertainties of the parallel manipulator. The proposed controller is proven to guarantee the uniform ultimate boundedness of the closed-loop system by the Lyapunov theory. The trajectory tracking experiment with the robust nonlinear controller is implemented on an actual planar 2-DOF parallel manipulator with redundant actuation. The experimental results are compared with the augmented PD (APD) controller, and the proposed controller shows much better trajectory tracking accuracy.  相似文献   

针对机械臂运动轨迹控制中存在的跟踪精度不高的问题,采用了一种基于EC-RBF神经网络的模型参考自适应控制方案对机械臂进行模型辨识与轨迹跟踪控制。该方案采用了两个RBF神经网络,运用EC-RBF学习算法,采用离线与在线相结合的方法来训练神经网络,一个用来实现对机械臂进行模型辨识,一个用来实现对机械臂轨迹跟踪控制。对二自由度机械臂进行仿真,结果表明,使用该控制方案对机械臂进行轨迹跟踪控制具有较高的控制精度,且因采用EC-RBF学习算法使网络具有更快的训练速度,从而使得控制过程较迅速。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the dynamics and control of a novel 3-degrees-of-freedom (DOF) parallel manipulator with actuation redundancy. According to the kinematics of the redundant manipulator, the inverse dynamic equation is formulated in the task space by using the Lagrangian formalism, and the driving force is optimized by utilizing the minimal 2-norm method. Based on the dynamic model, a synchronized sliding mode control scheme based on contour error is proposed to implement accurate motion tracking control. Additionally, an adaptive method is introduced to approximate the lumped uncertainty of the system and provide a chattering-free control. The simulation results indicate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches and demonstrate the satisfactory tracking performance compared to the conventional controller in the presence of the parameter uncertainties and un-modelled dynamics for the motion control of manipulators.  相似文献   

作业型飞行机器人是指能够对环境施加主动影响的飞行机器人, 它通常由旋翼飞行器与机械臂组合而成. 本文针对作业型飞行机器人在动态飞行抓取后, 重心位置变化产生的系统控制难题, 设计了有效的跟踪控制策略. 首先, 在系统建模时引入重心偏移系统参数和重心偏移控制参数, 并考虑惯性张量不为常数, 提高了系统建模的精度. 然后, 在姿态解算时, 考虑重心偏移对系统性能的影响, 构建包含重心偏移系统参数的解算方法, 得到更高精度的期望翻滚角和期望俯仰角. 接着, 设计了基于滑模控制的重心偏移补偿位置控制器, 实现了有效的位置跟踪控制. 同时, 在姿态反演控制器的基础上, 加入自适应律估计重心偏移控制参数和变化的惯性张量, 再通过小脑神经网络逼近惯性张量的真实值, 提高姿态控制器的精度. 最后, 给出了所设计控制器的稳定性证明, 并在仿真环境下验证了所提出的方法的有效性和优越性.  相似文献   

并联机器人的非线性 P I D 控制   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
采用分散控制策略和非线性PID控制算法,实现6自由度并联机器人的商精度轨迹最踪控制。该非线性PID控制器由两个二阶非线性微分最踪器提供高质量的微分信号,并采用非线性组合形成控制作用,从而确保了高控制性能的实现。实验结果验证了非线性控制方案的有效性。  相似文献   

In this paper, a backstepping control strategy is proposed to control the 6-dof parallel hydraulic manipulator (Stewart platform) while incorporating an observer-based forward kinematics solver. Different from conventional control methods, the proposed control considers not only the platform dynamics but also the dynamics of the hydraulic actuator. One feature of this work is employing the observer-based forward kinematics solution to achieve the posture tracking goal successfully only with the measurement of actuators lengths. When designing the controller of hydraulic actuators, the friction compensation is applied to improve the performance. The stability of the whole system is thoroughly proved to ensure convergence of the control errors. Simulations and experimental results are presented to validate the hereby proposed results.  相似文献   

Model-based control improves robot performance provided that the dynamics parameters are estimated accurately. However, some of the model parameters change with time, e.g. friction parameters and unknown payload. Particularly, off-line identification approaches omit the payload estimation (due to practical reasons). Adaptive control copes with some of these structural uncertainties. Thus, this work implements an adaptive control scheme for a 3-DOF parallel manipulator. The controller relies on a novel relevant-parameter dynamic model that permits to study the cases in where the uncertainties affect: (1) rigid body parameters, (2) friction parameters, (3) actuator dynamics, and (4) a combination of the former cases. The simulations and experiments verify the performance of the proposed controller. The control scheme is implemented on the modular programming environment Open Robot Control Software (OROCOS). Finally, an experimental setup evaluates the controller performance when the robot handles a payload.  相似文献   

Redundant actuation can improve the performance and ability of parallel manipulator. In order to deal with coordination and distribution of the driving force of the parallel manipulator with redundant actuation and to realize the control strategy based on dynamics, on the basis of the original 5UPS/PRPU parallel manipulator, it increases a drive for the middle PRPU passive constraint branch to make it a redundant actuation branch. It introduces configurations’ redundant types and compositions of 5UPS/PRPU parallel manipulator with redundant actuation, illustrates that the mechanism is redundant actuation from the perspective of degree of freedom and establishes a dynamic model based on Lagrangian method. On the basis of the weighted optimization principle of driving torque, it optimizes the driving torque of the parallel manipulator and calculates the driving force of the redundant driving chain with cutting force. It carries out the simulation by using ADAMS software and proves validity of dynamic model. Finally it detects the dynamic performance of the parallel manipulator by processing experiment of parallel manipulator with redundant actuation and its non-redundant counterpart.  相似文献   

3-DOF translational parallel manipulators have been developed in many different forms, but they still have respective disadvantages in different applications. To overcome their disadvantages, the structure and constraint design of a 3-DOF translational parallel manipulator is presented and named the Tri-pyramid Robot. In the constraint design of the presented manipulator, a conical displacement subset is defined based on displacement group theory. A triangular pyramidal constraint is presented and applied in the constraint designs between the manipulator?s subchains. The structural properties including the decoupled motions, overconstraint elimination, singularity free workspace, fixed actuators and isotropic configuration are analyzed and compared to existing structures. The Tri-pyramid Robot is constrained and realized by a minimal number of 1-DOF joints. The kinematic position solutions, workspace with variation of structural parameters, Jacobian matrix, isotropic and dexterity analysis are performed and evaluated in the numerical simulations.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the stiffness and natural frequency of a 3-DOF parallel manipulator with consideration of additional leg candidates. The stiffness model and natural frequency are derived, and then the stiffness and natural frequency of the manipulators are compared. The simulations show that the stiffness and natural frequency of the parallel manipulator with one or two additional legs are higher than those of the manipulator without additional leg. The stiffness performance and natural frequency of the manipulator with one additional leg can only be improved little by adding the second additional leg. It is better to develop this parallel manipulator by adding only one additional leg to construct a symmetrical architecture.  相似文献   

高精度轨迹跟踪的6-PRRS并联机器人自抗扰控制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对6-PRRS并联机器人控制系统的非线性、耦合等特性,采用分散控制策略。在关节空间设计强鲁棒性的自抗扰控制器对其进行控制.该自抗扰控制器由非线性跟踪微分器、扩张状态观测器、非线性PD和扰动补偿4部分组成.具有模型补偿功能的扩张状态观测器可以获得系统的状态估计和未知外扰的实时作用量,使系统性能得到有效补偿.该控制器以离散的形式进行设计,易于工程实现.仿真结果证明了所提出的控制策略具有强鲁棒性,跟踪性能良好.  相似文献   

In this paper, a planar 2-DOF parallel manipulator with actuation redundancy is proposed and the optimal design considering kinematics and natural frequency is presented. The stiffness matrix and mass matrix are derived, and the structural dynamics is modeled. The natural frequency is obtained on the basis of dynamic model. Based on the kinematic performance, the range for link length is given. Then, considering the natural frequency, the geometry is optimized. The natural frequency is simulated and compared with the corresponding non-redundant parallel manipulator. The designed redundant parallel manipulator has desired kinematic performance and natural frequency and is incorporated into a 4-DOF hybrid machine tool.  相似文献   

Cancer represents one of the main causes of the death. Huge efforts have been made by the scientific community to provide better cancer treatment solutions. An innovative option is the brachytherapy (BT), a local radiation technique for cancer treatment, which enables the delivery of high doses of radiation inside the tumors. BT usage is limited by the insufficient accuracy of the radioactive seeds placement. In order to eliminate these limitations, the authors propose an innovative modular structure which would enable the precise positioning of the BT needles in any part of the patient body. The paper presents the kinematic modeling of the new 5-DOF robotic structure. The workspace analysis and the singularities are studied and the dexterous workspace for a given insertion point inside the patient is also shown. Finally, some numerical simulations of different BT needle trajectories are included.  相似文献   

Multiaxial hydraulic manipulators are complicated systems with highly nonlinear dynamics and various modeling uncertainties, which hinders the development of high-performance controller. In this paper, a neural network feedforward with a robust integral of the sign of the error (RISE) feedback is proposed for high precise tracking control of hydraulic manipulator systems. The established nonlinear model takes three-axis dynamic coupling, hydraulic actuator dynamics, and nonlinear friction effects into consideration. A radial basis function neural network (RBFNN) is synthesized to approximate the uncertain system dynamics and external disturbance, which can greatly reduce the dependence on accurate system model. In addition, a continuous RISE feedback law is judiciously integrated to deal with the residual unknown dynamics. Since the major unknown dynamics can be estimated by the RBFNN and then compensated in the feedforward design, the high-gain feedback issue in RISE feedback control will be avoided. The proposed RISE-based neural network robust controller theoretically guarantees an excellent semi-global asymptotic stability. Comparative simulation is performed on a 3-DOF hydraulic manipulator, and the obtained results verify the effectiveness of the proposed controller.  相似文献   

In this paper, both the closed-form dynamics and adaptive robust tracking control of a space robot with two-link flexible manipulators under unknown disturbances are developed. The dynamic model of the system is described with assumed modes approach and Lagrangian method. The flexible manipulators are represented as Euler–Bernoulli beams. Based on singular perturbation technique, the displacements/joint angles and flexible modes are modelled as slow and fast variables, respectively. A sliding mode control is designed for trajectories tracking of the slow subsystem under unknown but bounded disturbances, and an adaptive sliding mode control is derived for slow subsystem under unknown slowly time-varying disturbances. An optimal linear quadratic regulator method is proposed for the fast subsystem to damp out the vibrations of the flexible manipulators. Theoretical analysis validates the stability of the proposed composite controller. Numerical simulation results demonstrate the performance of the closed-loop flexible space robot system.  相似文献   

Kinematic analysis is one of the key issues in the research domain of parallel kinematic manipulators. It includes inverse kinematics and forward kinematics. Contrary to a serial manipulator, the inverse kinematics of a parallel manipulator is usually simple and straightforward. However, forward kinematic mapping of a parallel manipulator involves highly coupled nonlinear equations. Therefore, it is more difficult to solve the forward kinematics problem of parallel robots. In this paper, a novel three degrees-of-freedom (DOFs) actuation redundant parallel manipulator is introduced. Different intelligent approaches, which include the Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) neural network, Radial Basis Functions (RBF) neural network, and Support Vector Machine (SVM), are applied to investigate the forward kinematic problem of the robot. Simulation is conducted and the accuracy of the models set up by the different methods is compared in detail. The advantages and the disadvantages of each method are analyzed. It is concluded that ν-SVM with a linear kernel function has the best performance to estimate the forward kinematic mapping of a parallel manipulator.  相似文献   

Dynamic modeling and analysis of a 2-DOF translational parallel robot with flexible links for high-speed pick-and-place operation is presented in this paper. Optimization is implemented with the goal to improve the dynamic accuracy of the end-effector at high speed. The governing equations of flexible links within the robot are formulated in the floating reference frame using Euler–Lagrange method, leading to a global FEM model being generated using the KED (Kineto-Elasto-Dynamics) technique. The dynamic characteristics of the robot are then investigated by model analysis. A numerical dynamic index is proposed to identity the range of natural frequency when the robot reaches different configurations. The comparisons are made between the optimized and original designs in terms of dynamic stress and response.  相似文献   

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