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本文利用长程力碰撞理论计算了235UF6和238UF6同位素分子间ν3振动能量的近共振碰撞转移过程,得到了不同温度下共振函数随能量差变化的曲线,发现共振函数的宽度随温度的升高而增大。计算了不同温度下共振转移几率和共振转移速率,发现它们随温度的升高而减小。可见,235UF6和238UF6同位素分子的平动会降低其共振转移几率和共振转移速率,这为激光光化学法分离铀同位素提供了理论依据。 相似文献
采用显微激光拉曼光谱技术、称重及形貌观察等手段,开展了UF4在氧气或相对湿度93%湿氧气氛中的热化学反应实验研究,获取了UF4不同温度时效后的质量、颜色及失重情况,以及反应前后不同铀化合物的拉曼光谱。结果表明:UF4在氧气或湿氧中加热至200 ℃时,性质稳定,其拉曼光谱基本无变化;250~600 ℃时,样品表面颜色发生明显变化。拉曼光谱分析发现,在氧气气氛中有UO2F2、UO2、U3O8,在湿氧气氛中有UO2F2、UO2F2•2H2O、UO2F2•nH2O、UO2、U3O8等多种铀化合物生成。随着温度的升高,UF4在氧气中的化学反应速率呈现由慢到快再到慢的变化趋势。 相似文献
非放射性气体示踪技术是一种常用的泄漏检测技术,SF6是常用的气体示踪剂。对一些特殊检测场所,如贮存放射性和有毒有害气体的容器的泄漏监测,建立示踪剂在线采样和分析系统十分必要。本文阐述了SF6示踪剂多监测点在线监测系统的设计思路和主要功能模块流程。该系统的样品消耗量小,可通过压力控制减小样品消耗。实验证实,系统运行对色谱基线无影响,同一样品通过不同监测通道在不同时刻的分析结果的相对标准偏差小于1%,不同监测通道样品无交叉污染,采样点的温度、压力监测结果与就地仪表监测精度相当。 相似文献
本文介绍了6LiF夹心谱仪的测量原理、自行设计研制的6LiF夹心半导体谱仪探头结构及电子学系统组成等。在热中子场中测试了夹心谱仪的性能,获得了α粒子峰、T粒子峰及“和”峰在多道上的位置与能量分辨率,并用T粒子与“和”峰两个能量点的峰位对谱仪系统进行了能量刻度。分别用效应探头和本底探头测量了临界装置表面的效应谱和本底谱,当效应探头采用的6LiF镀层质量厚度为186 μg/cm2时,6LiF夹心谱仪对热中子的能量分辨率为363 keV,测量中子最佳能区为0.3~7.5 MeV,在该能区内,本底谱约占1%。 相似文献
简要介绍了核燃料循环过程中UF6泄漏事故的几类事故情形,以及UF6泄漏后的大气扩散过程。目前,用于UF6泄漏事故后果评价的主要模型是HGSYSTEM/UF6模型和RASCAL模型:一般情况下,两种模型可溶性铀的平均浓度的预测值与实际测量值相比为小于2的数;在D类稳定下RASCAL预测的结果处于高斯模型和HGSYSTEM/UF6之间;而在F类稳定度下,1km内基本上是RASCAL计算结果最低,1km外3个模型预测结果无规律性。 相似文献
UF6是核燃料生产过程中一种重要的中间产品,生成于铀同位素分离过程中,因此,UF6大量向环境释放是核燃料生产厂运行期间可能发生的一种潜在事故。 相似文献
以非能动压水堆核电厂为研究对象,对可能引起乏燃料损伤的内部事件进行了风险评价。采用PSA软件RiskSpectrum建立事件树和故障树模型,进行乏燃料损伤频率(FDF)定量化。结果表明:在所有工况下总的FDF为2.05×10-9/(堆•年),远小于堆芯的损伤频率(约2.41×10-7/(堆•年));即使在放射性完全释放的假设下,乏燃料损伤导致的大量放射性释放频率仍较堆芯损伤导致的大量放射性释放频率(约2.38×10-8/(堆•年))低1个量级;由于非能动压水堆核电厂有多重预防缓解措施以应对乏燃料池(SFP)事故,SFP风险远低于堆芯风险,可实现核安全导则的安全目标。 相似文献
《Packaging, Transport, Storage and Security of Radioactive Material》2013,24(4):231-234
AbstractThe International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Transport Safety Regulations (TS-R-1) require packages filled with non-fissile and fissile excepted uranium hexafluoride (further indicated as natural and depleted UF6) to pass the accident simulating thermal test. The thermal behaviour of cylinders filled with UF6 has been studied extensively and also an IAEA Co-ordinated Research Programme was allocated to this subject. The studies show that the standard 48 in UF6 cylinders have a large thermal mass and some conclude that they would meet the thermal test requirement. A continued unilateral approval, however, was not supported by all parties involved. In order to be able to continue international operations under H(U), i.e. unilateral – approval, an industry consortium developed thermal protection units (BTP's and CTP's) to be added to the standard cylinders. Actual use of the newly developed thermal protectors started in January 2005. The present paper reviews the UF6 specific regulatory developments, research and analysis activities to assist the regulatory development and to verify compliance with the new requirements and describes the industry experience with these. The present paper describes experience with the use of thermal protectors. 相似文献
AbstractCurrently there are three packages approved by the NRC for US domestic shipments of fissile quantities of UF6: NCI-21PF-1, UX-30, and ESP30X. For approval by the NRC, packages must be subjected to a sequence of physical tests to simulate transportation accident conditions as described in 10 CFR part 71. The primary objective of this project was to compare conditions experienced during these tests to conditions potentially encountered in actual accidents and to estimate the probabilities of such accidents. Comparison of the effects of actual accident conditions to 10 CFR part 71 tests was achieved by means of computer modelling of structural effects on the packages due to impacts with actual surfaces, and thermal effects resulting from tests and other fire scenarios. In addition, the likelihood of encountering bodies of water during transport over representative truck routes was assessed. Modelled effects and their associated probabilities, accident rates, and other characteristics gathered from representative routes were combined with existing event tree data to derive generalized probabilities of encountering accident conditions comparable to or exceeding the 10 CFR part 71 test conditions. This analysis suggests that the regulatory conditions are unlikely to be exceeded in real accidents. 相似文献
六氟化铀泄漏事故分析为铀转化厂事故分析的重点。本文采用预先危险分析方法,对铀转化厂六氟化铀泄漏事故发生的部位、泄漏状态、事故可能造成后果的严重程度进行了初步分析,并针对性地提出了预防与应急措施。 相似文献
介绍了美国废物最小化法规标准、废物最小化评价手册和废物最小化评价实施程序等,以美国Hanford场址退役中废物最小化评价的应用为例,阐述了美国在核设施退役过程中的废物最小化评价方法。 相似文献