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由于经济规模的迅速扩大和城市化进程的加快,雾霾天气日趋严重,严重影响人的健康问题,从而使雾霾的治理成为一个非常现实,又迫切需要解决的问题。以目前存在于大气中的雾霾为研究对象,对其成分进行分析,得到利用液化和吸湿性分别去除雾霾中水蒸汽和气溶胶粒子的理论依据,并设计出一种吸收雾霾的室内装置,通过装置对雾霾进行收集净化,既达到了去除雾霾的目的,同时也得到了干净的水。  相似文献   

预测光伏电站输出功率对于光伏发电并网和电网安全运行具有重要意义,但雾霾天气的存在,对光伏电站输出功率预测产生了不利影响。针对这一问题,利用空气质量指数(air quality index,AQI)设计了雾霾天气下的光伏电站输出功率预测方法。以中国的某座城市为例,分析了不同雾霾天气下AQI与光伏电站输出功率折损率之间的相关性,证明了雾霾会对光伏电站的输出功率产生显著影响,并验证了以AQI=150作为判定AQI是否成为预测模型输入参数的阈值是可行的。该方法显著提高了在雾霾天气下得到的光伏电站输出功率预测精度,同时保证了空气质量较好时输出功率的预测精度。  相似文献   

针对胶球清洗凝汽器结垢容易丢球毁球等问题,研制出一种能够自动检测胶球数量及其半径的自动监测装置。首先,对顺序采集的胶球图像进行图像拼接,去除重复部分,然后采用灰度变换、图像平滑等一系列预处理算法去噪,去噪后结合基于最小误差分割法的灰度图二值化变换对图像进行分割,得到目标明确的分割图像,最后,利用二值图像投影变换,进行胶球位置定位,获得胶球的数量及磨损状况。多次试验结果表明,算法具有很好的实时性和有效性。该装置的成功研制填补了国内空白。  相似文献   

采用低温等离子体技术降低柴油机有害排放物的研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
在分析电晕荷电特性的基础上,研制出一套低温等离子体反应器,对柴油机微粒(PM)、NOx及HC的去除进行了试验研究,并进行了不同工况下微粒捕集效率的变化试验,通过对系统进行耐久性能试验,研制出一套新颖的再生装置并进行了再生试验研究,结果表明,在发动机广泛的转速以及中低负荷下,其微粒捕集效率一般在60%-90%的范围,NOx的去除效率可达20%,HC的去除效率可达25%-30%,再生装置的使用有效地解决了电晕线的再生问题。  相似文献   

石油化工企业是环境污染大户,石油炼化装置一旦发生泄漏,挥发性有机物就会进入大气中,会破坏臭氧,更能生成二次有机溶胶,导致雾霾。目前研究表明,大气中存在的挥发性有机物,25%源自石油化工企业的储油罐呼吸、炼化装置泄漏。因此遵守国家法律,对石油炼化装置进行泄漏检测,并及时进行修复,是非常积极的环保行为,对其进行探讨具有意义。  相似文献   

最近几年雾霾污染日益严重,已经影响了人们的日常生活,威胁着人们的身体健康,因此,治理雾霾工作显得尤其紧迫和重要。正如大家所知,溪流有界而大气无界,治理雾霾工作需要区域内的各省、各市和各部门共同行动才能取得预期的效果。但是在联动治理雾霾的过程中也存在一些问题,第一,区域联动监测应急预警机制不足;第二,政府防治雾霾担责机制不足;第三,区域雾霾防治联合执法机制不足。针对这些问题,论文的最后一部分从建立有效的区域联动监测预警应急机制、有效的政府防治雾霾担责机制、有效的区域联合执法机制三个方面提出了完善防治雾霾区域联动法律机制的建议。  相似文献   

北京推出四大举措应对雾霾天1月以来,我国中东部长时间、大范围雾霾天气过程引发公众关注。为应对北京雾霾天气,北京市推出了启动《北京市重污染日应急方案》、将大气污染防治立法提上日程、在全国率先实施国五排放标准和严重污染时增加市政清扫频次等四项新举措,确保全市空气质量得到有效提升。  相似文献   

大气雾霾污染的主要来源是PM2.5,氮氧化物是产生PM2.5的罪魁祸首,目前大规模进行的“煤改气”没有解决氮氧化物问题,根治雾霾离不开清洁煤技术。持续了“一生一世”(1314)的雾霾,在吞噬环境发展的空间,在消耗人们的耐心,也在考验顶层设计者的智慧。  相似文献   

针对地铁电力系统稳定性要求高的需求,提出一种基于改进SVG的无功补偿装置,其主要由信号处理模块、处理采集单元、变流器以及三相电压输出端组成。在补偿过程中,由电网采集得到的电压信号从信号处理模块通过,信号处理模块中对应设置了自适应形态学滤波器对电流、电压信号进行滤波调理,去除冲击干扰,并获取SVG相位补偿的控制触发信号,进而实现对于变流器的电压补偿和无功功率调节。实验测试了5种不同类型的待无功补偿电能畸变信号,其结果表明,对于不同程度的电能畸变信号,所述装置能够进行有效的无功补偿,使得电压信号的整体畸变程度被控制在0.5%以下,从而使负载性能得到保障。  相似文献   

凝汽器胶球清洗自动监测装置   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王祥凤  郑维平  李智 《节能》2008,27(2):29-32
针对胶球清洗凝汽器结垢容易丢球、毁球等问题,研制出一种能够自动检测胶球数量及其半径的自动监测装置。首先,对顺序采集的胶球图像进行图像拼接,去除重复部分;然后采用灰度变换、图像平滑等一系列预处理算法去噪,去噪后结合基于最小误差分割法的灰度图二值化变换对图像进行分割,得到目标明确的分割图像;最后,利用二值图像投影变换,进行胶球位置定位,获得胶球的数量及磨损状况。多次试验结果表明,算法具有很好的实时性和有效性。  相似文献   

提出一种多级鼓泡式加湿除湿型海水淡化装置。该装置主要由多曲面太阳能聚光系统、加湿层和除湿层以及相应的泵和管路组成。经聚光器加热后的高温空气在风机驱动下分别进入加湿层和除湿层,热风穿过各级筛板及筛孔,产生气泡,增大了空气与水的接触面积,强化了传热传质过程。在不同天气下对装置进行实验研究,结果表明:在晴朗天气下,装置的太阳能利用率最高可达0.41,淡化装置效率最大可达1.23,最大产水速率为3.66 kg/h,全天产水量为17.08 kg;在非晴朗天气下,装置产水量为12.43 kg。  相似文献   

Rural Research Stations (RRS), Refugee Camps Motorhomes and Caravans are in need of a portable Compact Heating, Cooling and Power (CHCP) generating device. Heating and power generation devices with diesel as driving source of energy are available commercially. In this paper, an innovative compact heating, cooling and power generating device which uses renewable hydrogen and suits rural areas, extreme weather conditions and disastrous situations is proposed. The device is driven by renewable hydrogen fuel generated by PV electrolysis as the source of energy. Low vibration low noise Stirling Engine (SE) is used as mechanical energy converter. Generator is used as electrical energy converter and heat pump is used for supplying heating and cooling effects. The proposed device has many advantages such as encouraging the rural tourism, supply rural research stations the heating and/or cooling loads and contribute in saving lives in the extreme weather conditions and disastrous situations. Analysis of the proposed device in terms of workability and performance was performed. Results showed that renewable energy base, electricity independent, silent, low vibration and better performance were achieved (OHR = 2.662) with the current device compared to available devices.  相似文献   

This paper describes the construction and the performance of a distributed power generating system of photovoltaics (PV) using solar energy estimation. Instead of conventional batteries a new storage device, called energy capacitor system (ECaSS), is used for its various advantages. A procedure is described to estimate the PV output power by calculating solar radiation. To calculate the daily insolation, Hottel's equation and Liu-Jordan's equation have been used with some modification. The accuracy of the procedure is verified by comparing the calculated solar radiation with the practically measured one. To apply the procedure even in cloudy/rainy weather, the characteristic of the PV output in different weather conditions has been studied using 1-day-ahead weather forecasts. With an aim to set the optimum amount of buy power, a simulation program has been developed. The system is being operated in optimal economic mode in different weather conditions. The financial benefit and load-leveling capacity of the system have been studied and presented here. It was found that the system provides an excellent economic benefit for nonflat price of electricity and load-leveling facility with a good overall efficiency.  相似文献   

淡水资源短缺已成为一个世界性问题,我国也不例外.为了加大淡水供应,一条现实的途径就是充分利用我国丰富的海水资源,以及西北内陆地区的苦咸水(统称海水)进行淡化.提出了一种海水淡化装置,该装置利用温室效应原理和风能致热原理,可充分利用太阳能与风能进行海水淡化.与现有海水淡化装置相比该装置具有利用清洁能源、对环境无污染、适应性强、性价比高等特点.理论计算结果表明,该装置每小时产水量约为普通盘式太阳能海水淡化装置在晴天工作时的2倍.  相似文献   

Understanding the availability of wind turbines (WT) is vital to maximize WT energy production and minimize the capital payback period. Previous work on this subject concentrated on reliability and the location of WT failure modes rather than root causes. This paper concentrates on the influence of weather and WT location on failure rate and downtime, to try to understand root causes and the consequences of failure. The paper goes further than a previous study, which used Windstats data from the whole of Denmark, by considering a limited population of identical WTs at three locations on the German Nordzee, Ostzee and in western Germany, using data from WMEP and local weather stations. This new study focuses more precisely than the previous study by using more reliable data. The data were analysed to find the WT failures and weather conditions and then cross‐correlate them. To confirm their representativeness, the reliability characteristics of these smaller WT populations followed the average trends of the overall WMEP survey. However, clear differences were observed in the failure behaviour of the WTs at the three locations. Annual periodicity was seen in the weather data, as expected, but not in individual WT population failure data. However, clear cross‐correlations can be seen between WT failures and weather data, in particular wind speed, maximum temperature and humidity. These cross‐correlations were more convincing than those found in the earlier, larger Danish study, vindicating the more focused approach. It is also clear from the analysis that Operation & Maintenance also has an impact on WT failure rates. These factors will be important for the operation of offshore WTs with the work indicating how weather conditions may affect offshore WT failure rates. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The optimal design of the hybrid energy system can significantly improve the economical and technical performance of power supply. However, the problem is formidable because of the uncertain renewable energy supplies, the uncertain load demand, the nonlinear characteristics of some components, and the conflicting techno-economical objectives. In this work, the optimal design of the hybrid energy system has been formulated as a multi-objective optimization problem. We optimize the techno-economical performance of the hybrid energy system and analyse the trade-offs between the multi-objectives using multi-objective genetic algorithms. The proposed method is tested on the widely researched hybrid PV-wind power system design problem. The optimization seeks the compromise system configurations with reference to three incommensurable techno-economical criteria, and uses an hourly time-step simulation procedure to determine the design criteria with the weather resources and the load demand for one reference year. The well-known efficient multi-objective genetic algorithm, called NGAS-II (the fast elitist non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm), is applied on this problem. A hybrid PV-wind power system has been designed with this method and several methods in the literature. The numerical results demonstrate that the proposed method is superior to the other methods. It can handle the optimal design of the hybrid energy system effectively and facilitate the designer with a range of the design solutions and the trade-off information. For this particular application, the hybrid PV-wind power system using more solar panels achieves better technical performance while the one using more wind power is more economical. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

备用电源自动投入装置的传统调试方法要求多人配合,且无法严格校验电流、电压、动作时间整定值,不符合继电保护调试标准化作业要求。为此,分析了湖北省电网变电站分段开关及主变备自投方式,将其动作过程状态序列化,提出了基于状态序列的分段开关及主变备自投调试方法。备自投装置调试实例表明,所提方法正确有效,可准确校验动作逻辑及整定值,克服了传统调试方法的不足,更加严谨、高效,对备自投装置调试工作的标准化具有指导意义。  相似文献   

This paper describes an innovative method of using a non-buoyant body to harness ocean waves. All the point absorbers are buoyant in nature and move up due to buoyancy and come down because of gravity. The point absorbers are designed to move along the waves to make the device efficient. These devices face excessive stress during the rough weather on account of the extreme motion of waves and cause the total device failure. The present study shows that using a non-buoyant body for conventional point absorber principle is much efficient and safer than any other device proposed till today. A small scale wave energy converter with non-buoyant body was designed, fabricated and tested in small scale wave maker. An electrical generator was coupled with the device to generate electrical energy from harnessed waves. The generator was electrically loaded and the generated power was measured. It was found from the experiments that the proposed device showed a significant improvement in electricity generation and safety during extreme conditions. In addition to the electricity generation, the characteristics of the device were also studied by using various wave and device parameters.  相似文献   

A major problem in optimizing solar kiln design and control is that natural weather conditions cannot be repeated in consecutive drying runs. All results are, therefore, dependent on the specific weather conditions during any given drying run. The construction and testing of a simulation system to overcome this problem of non-repeatability is described. The simulation system consists of a miniature solar kiln placed inside a climatic chamber and was used to dry pieces of wood using a selected weather sequence which was repeated for consecutive drying runs. The performance of the simulation system was compared to that of the solar kiln and very good agreement was achieved.  相似文献   

风能是一种随机变化的能源,风速变化会导致风电机组输出功率的波动,对电网的电能质量产生影响,使用储能装置可以改善风电质量。通过在风电场并网的交流侧母线上并联超级电容储能单元,能实现对风电场功率的调节,减小功率的波动。文章设计了风电场并网及储能系统各部分的控制策略,在Matlab/Simulink仿真环境下创建了系统的仿真模型,验证了控制策略的正确性。仿真系统最终实现了电机侧变流器最大风能跟踪、电网侧变流器单位功率因数并网和超级电容储能单元对风电场并网功率的调节。  相似文献   

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