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We propose a novel type of highly efficient solar cells: intermediate-band-assisted hot-carrier solar cells (IB-HC-SCs). Carriers are generated by two-step photo-excitation via intermediate bands, and extracted through energy-selective contacts before they are completely thermalized. The two-step excitation dramatically reduces entropy generation associated with hot-carrier extraction. As a result, limiting conversion efficiency is significantly improved to be around 60% (0.1 sun)-70% (1000 sun), even though considering a finite thermalization time of hot carriers being 1 ns. This improvement is contrasting to the fact that the limiting conversion efficiency of usual hot-carrier cells under 1 sun irradiation is higher only slightly than the Shockley-Queisser limit (34%), because of the remarkable entropy generation.  相似文献   

There are three ways in which the cell efficiency of silicon solar cells may be improved by better exploitation of the solar spectrum: down-conversion (cutting one high energy photon into two low energy photons), photoluminescence (shifting photons into wavelength regions better accepted by the solar cell) and up-conversion (combining low energy photons to one high energy photon). In this paper, we present the state of the art of these three methods and discuss the suitability of materials available today for application to silicon solar cells.  相似文献   

This paper discusses ways of reducing the two major losses encountered in a single-junction photovoltaic (PV) device—that of sub-band gap transmission and lattice thermalisation losses—via the application of passive luminescent devices called up- and down-converters, respectively. Down-conversion (DC) results in the generation of more than one lower energy photon being generated per incident high-energy photon, while up-conversion (UC) generates one photon with energy for every two or more sub-band gap photons absorbed. A related process of wavelength down-shifting (DS) is similar to DC except that the external quantum efficiency of the DS process is less than unity.  相似文献   

Plasmonic thin-film luminescent solar concentrators (PTLSCs) were prepared by coating polycarbonate substrates with fluorescent PMMA films doped with coumarin dyes, nanogold and nanosilver molecules. The study of the absorption and fluorescence spectra showed a highly efficient light harvesting accompanied with metal enhanced fluorescence (MEF) of PTLSC films. The photostability measurements showed a decrease of the dye photodegradation rates by increasing nanogold concentration. The indoor testing of PTLSCs showed that the enhancement of the output power conversion efficiency was 53.2%, 33.4% and 25.8% obtained for a-Si and mc-Si and c-Si PV cells respectively. The field performance of PTLSCs under diffused radiation was evaluated by outdoor testing in Riyadh city (KSA) during winter and spring seasons, the study revealed that the maximum solar electrical conversion is well correlated to the solar irradiance type at the location.  相似文献   

Silicon nitride offers many potential benefits to the family of buried contact fabrication sequences including improved design flexibility and efficiency. The main device structures of the buried contact family comprise the standard buried contact, the simplified buried contact and the double-sided buried contact cells. The physical properties of silicon nitride allow it to be used for surface passivation, as an anti-reflection coating, as a diffusion source material and as a masking dielectric. The use of silicon nitride in each buried contact fabrication sequence is described in this work.  相似文献   

Electroluminescence spectra were measured on textured and non-textured silicon solar cells at room temperature. From these spectra the absorptivity for band-to-band transitions ABB(ω) of these solar cells could be extracted by application of the generalized Planck's law for the emission of luminescence via direct or indirect transitions.Our method is an alternative to the more conventional measurements of transmission and reflection and has the advantage, that only that part of the absorptivity leading to the generation of electron–hole pairs is determined, even if significant free-carrier absorption is present.  相似文献   

Hybrid solar cells are fabricated on the glass substrate using well-aligned single-crystalline Si nanowires (SiNWs) and poly(3-hexylthiophene):[6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (P3HT:PCBM). Their key benefits are discussed. The well-aligned SiNWs are fabricated from Si wafer and transferred onto the glass substrate with the P3HT:PCBM. Such SiNWs provide uninterrupted conduction paths for electron transport, enhance the optical absorption to serve as an interesting candidate of the absorber, and increase the surface area for exciton dissociation. Our investigations show that SiNWs are promising for hybrid organic photovoltaic cells with improved performance by increasing the short-circuit current density from 7.17 to 11.61 mA/cm2.  相似文献   

Two fundamental mechanisms limit the maximum attainable efficiency of solar cells, namely the radiative recombination and Auger recombination. We show in this paper that proper band gap grading of the solar cell localizes the Auger recombination around the metallurgical junction. Two beneficial effects result from this Auger recombination localization; first the cell is less sensitive to the surface conditions, and second, the previous estimates for the limiting efficiency of solar cells by Shockley, Tiedje, and Green are revised upwardly. We calculate the optimum bandgap grading profile for several real material systems, including GaInAsP lattice matched to InP, and a-SiGe on a-Si substrate.  相似文献   

We report on the efficiency enhancement for bulk-heterojunction hybrid solar cells based on hexanoic acid treated trioctylphosphine/oleic acid-capped CdSe quantum dots (QDs) and low bandgap polymer poly[2,6-(4,4-bis-(2-ethylhexyl)-4H-cyclopenta[2,1-b;3,4-b′]-dithiophene)-alt-4,7-(2,1,3-benzothiadiazole)] (PCPDTBT) compared to devices based on poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT). Photovoltaic devices with optimized polymer:QD weight ratio, photoactive film thickness, thermal annealing treatment, and cathode materials exhibited a power conversion efficiency of 2.7% after spectral mismatch correction, which is the highest reported value for spherical CdSe QD based photovoltaic devices. The efficiency enhancement is attributed to the surface treatment of the QDs together with the use of the low bandgap polymer PCPDTBT leading to an increased short-circuit current density due to additional light absorption between 650 and 850 nm. Our results suggest that the hexanoic acid treatment is generally applicable to various ligand-capped CdSe and confirm that low bandgap polymers with adequate HOMO and LUMO levels are promising to be incorporated into hybrid solar cells for further device performance improvement.  相似文献   

In this work the results of a structural investigation by SEM of porous silicon (PS) before and after diffusion processes are reported. The formation of PS n+/p structures were carried out on PS p/p silicon wafers with two methods: from POCl3 in a conventional furnace and from a phosphorous doped paste in an infrared furnace. Sheet resistance was found to be a strong function of PS structure. Further details on sheet resistance distribution are reported. The electrical contacts in prepared solar cells were obtained by screen printing process, with a Du Ponte photovoltaic silver paste for front contacts and home-prepared silver with 3% aluminium paste for the back ones. Metallization was done in the infrared furnace. Solar cell current–voltage characteristics were measured under an AM 1.5 global spectrum sun simulator. The average results for multi-crystalline silicon solar cells without antireflection coating are: Isc=720 (mA), Voc=560 (mV), FF=69%, Eff=10.6% (area 25 cm2).  相似文献   

Using a simple process, high-efficiency silicon concentrator solar cells have proved to achieve up to 21% efficiency at 100×. The purpose of this work is to prove the feasibility of their industrialisation by setting up a pilot line and manufacturing a significant number of cells for a 100× concentrator system. The process has been successfully verified by modifying the antireflection coating, the annealing process and the back contact. This yielded an average efficiency of 18.5% at 100× with 70% of cells having an efficiency >18% and costs ranging from 0.31 to 0.41 €/W. A fast learning curve is shown which suggests optimistic results indeed for further industrialisation.  相似文献   

We developed a maskless plasma texturing technique for multicrystalline silicon cells using reactive ion etching that results in higher cell performance than that of standard untextured cells. Elimination of plasma damage has been achieved while keeping front reflectance to extremely low levels. Internal quantum efficiencies as high as those on planar cells have been obtained, boosting cell currents and efficiencies by up to 7% on evaporated metal and 4% on screen-printed cells.  相似文献   

We have grown silicon nitride (SiN:H) thin films on silicon and glass by the Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD) Method at low temperature in order to study their electro-optical properties and correlate these properties to the chemical composition of the layers, so that optimum films may be achieved for silicon solar cells. By varying the silane to ammonia ratio in the plasma gas we have been able to modify the index of refraction, the optical band gap and the silicon surface state passivation properties of the films. From this information we have determined that the optimum silane to ammonia ratio, with other constant parameters in our system, should be 20/65. Our results indicate that the mid-gap surface state density in silicon can be reduced down to 1010 cm−2 eV−1 when this optimum (silane to ammonia) ratio is used for depositing SiN:H layers. We have confirmed this optimal ratio by making quantum efficiency measurements on silicon solar cells having their emitter passivated with SiN:H layers deposited with different silane to ammonia ratios. A great reduction of the surface recombination velocity was achieved, as observed from the internal quantum efficiency measurements, for cells with optimal SiN:H layers as compared to those with non-optimum SiN:H layers.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is the study of the light-trapping ability of rear surface relief for thin silicon solar cells. With a simple model, the conditions needed to achieve efficient thin cells are discussed first. It is shown how the combined effect of back surface passivation and the confinement of light impacts the cell performance. If the illuminated face is not textured, light-trapping must be accomplished by the rear surface. A rear saw-tooth relief grating is proposed as a good back reflector producing also the tilt of reflected rays. Since technological limitations lead relief features to have sizes near the range of the optical wavelengths, the behavior of such structures is analyzed using a rigorous electromagnetic approach. The influence of the depth-to-period ratio of the grating in the internal reflectivity is analyzed. Finally, it is calculated that the back internal reflectivity is much higher when the exit medium is air than when it is aluminum.  相似文献   

A mechanism of the anomalous increase of the short-circuit current of n+–p–p+ silicon space solar cells under high fluence of the high-energy 10 MeV protons or 1 Mev electrons is proposed. In distinction to other models this mechanism takes place as a result of the conversion of conductivity type and increased minority carrier lifetime with respect to that of majority carriers. This mechanism occurs in solar cells with deep centers, whose energy level is close to the middle of the band gap.  相似文献   

Metal-wrap-through (MWT) is a promising technique to improve the solar cell performance cost effectively because it can be easily integrated into the current production line with only two additional processing steps. Metal filling through the via-holes is a key to obtain low series resistances and good FFs. In this study, several screen printing process conditions were examined to find out an optimal filling state of the metal contacts. Various shapes of the filled metals in the via-holes were formed with different printing conditions, and the shape of the filled metal results in different series resistance values. Optimization of the printing conditions dramatically reduced the series resistance of the MWT cells. The maximum and minimum series resistance values of the cells obtained are 8.56 and 0.114 Ω cm2, respectively. As a result, we achieved an efficiency of 16.3% using the optimal printing condition on 156 mm×156 mm solar-grade multi-crystalline silicon wafer, which was 0.8% absolute higher than the baseline cell efficiency.  相似文献   

Texturing the surfaces of silicon wafer is one of the most important ways of increasing their efficiencies. The texturing process reduces the surface reflection loss through photon trapping, thereby increasing the short circuit current of the solar cell. The texturing of crystalline silicon was carried out using alkaline solutions. Such solutions resulted in anisotropic etching that leads to the formation of random pyramids. Before the texturing process was carried out, saw-damage etching was performed in order to remove the surface defects and damage caused by wire sawing. In general, potassium hydroxide (KOH) solution has been used for saw-damage etching. This etching results in a fairly flat surface. The results from this study showed that the outcome of the surface texturing is related to the original surface morphology of the silicon. It was found that saw-damage etching using an acidic solution improved the effects of the texturing. In this case, regular and small pyramids were formed on the surface of the silicon. This reduced the reflectance of the surface, thereby increased the short circuit current and the conversion efficiency of the solar cell.  相似文献   

Overview on SiN surface passivation of crystalline silicon solar cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Silicon nitride (SiN) fabricated by plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD) is increasingly used within the crystalline silicon (c-Si) photovoltaic industry as it offers the possibility to fabricate a surface and bulk passivating antireflection coating at low temperature (450°C). This article presents an overview on the present status of SiN for industrial as well as laboratory-type c-Si solar cells. Topics covered include the fundamentals of the PECVD technology, the present status of high-throughput PECVD machines for the deposition of SiN onto c-Si wafers, and a review of the fundamental properties of Si–SiN interfaces fabricated by PECVD.  相似文献   

The carrier lifetime of crystalline silicon wafers that were passivated with hydrogenated silicon nitride (SiNx:H) films using plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition was investigated in order to study the effects of hydrogen plasma pre-treatment on passivation. The decrease in the native oxide, the dangling bonds and the contamination on the silicon wafer led to an increase in the minority carrier lifetime. The silicon wafer was treated using a wet process, and the SiNx:H film was deposited on the back surface. Hydrogen plasma was applied to the front surface of the wafer, and the SiNx:H film was deposited on the hydrogen plasma treated surface using an in-situ process. The SiNx:H film deposition was carried out at a low temperature (<350 °C) in a direct plasma reactor operated at 13.6 MHz. The surface recombination velocity measurement after the hydrogen plasma pre-treatment and the comparison with the ammonia plasma pre-treatment were made using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and secondary ion mass spectrometry measurements. The passivation qualities were measured using quasi-steady-state photoconductance. The hydrogen atom concentration increased at the SiNx:H/Si interface, and the minority carrier lifetime increased from 36.6 to 75.2 μs. The carbon concentration decreased at the SiNx:H/Si interfacial region after the hydrogen plasma pre-treatment.  相似文献   

We report the efficiency enhancement of polymer solar cells by incorporating a silver nanodisks' self-assembled layer, which was grown on the indium tin oxide (ITO) surface by the electrostatic interaction between the silver particles and modified ITO. Polymer solar cells with a structure of ITO (with silver nanodisks)/poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrene sulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) (Clevious P VP AI 4083)/poly(3-hexylthiophene):[6,6]-phenyl-C61 butyric acid methyl ester (P3HT:PC61BM)/LiF/Al exhibited an open circuit voltage (VOC) of 0.61±0.01 V, short-circuit current density (JSC) of 9.24±0.09 mA/cm2, a fill factor (FF) of 0.60±0.01, and power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 3.46±0.07% under one sun of simulated air mass 1.5 global (AM1.5G) irradiation (100 mW/cm2). The PCE was increased from 2.72±0.08% of the devices without silver nanodisks to 3.46±0.07%, mainly from the improved photocurrent density as a result of the excited localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) induced by the silver nanodisks.  相似文献   

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