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分析了若干独立非负随机变量调和平均值的概率密度函数在零点附近的变化特性.在此基础上,分析了单载波分块传输系统中采用频域迫零均衡时的误符号率性能,给出了高信噪比时采用MPSK调制和MQAM调制时的误符号率的闭合表达式,并通过计算机仿真验证了理论分析结果.理论分析和数值仿真结果表明在瑞利衰落信道下,采用迫零均衡的SCBT系统在高信噪比时的平均误符号率与信道多径数目无关.  相似文献   

BER minimized OFDM systems with channel independent precoders   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We consider the minimization of uncoded bit error rate (BER) for the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system with an orthogonal precoder. We analyze the BER performance of precoded OFDM systems with zero forcing and minimum mean squared error (MMSE) receivers. In the case of MMSE receivers, we show that for quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK), there exists a class of optimal precoders that are channel independent. Examples of this class include the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) matrix and the Hadamard matrix. When the precoder is the DFT matrix, the resulting optimal transceiver becomes the single carrier system with cyclic prefix (SC-CP) system. We also show that the worst solution corresponds to the conventional OFDM system; the conventional OFDM system has the largest BER. In the case of zero forcing receivers, the design of optimal transceiver depends on the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). For higher SNR, solutions of optimal precoders are the same as those of MMSE receivers.  相似文献   

冗余滤波器组构成的传送多路复用器可以用来对FIR信道进行估计和均衡.本文提出一种在FIR滤波器组框架结构下,首先利用信号的相关矩阵对信道进行估计,然后在此基础上用MMSE准则下设计的FIR均衡器对数据进行均衡的盲算法.该均衡算法的性能要明显好于基于ZF准则的方法,并且在消除ISI的同时可以抑制噪声的影响,从而使系统的输出信噪比达到最优,而增加的复杂度很有限.文中最后在两种典型信道下对所提出的盲信道均衡算法进行了仿真,结果验证了上述性能.  相似文献   

The paper deals with blind identification and equalization of communication channels within the so-called modulation induced cyclostationarity (MIC) framework, where the input symbol stream is modulated by a P periodic precoder with the purpose of inducing cyclostationarity in the transmit sequence. By exploiting the cyclostationarity induced by the periodic precoder, a subspace-based channel identification algorithm that is resilient to the location of channel zeros, channel order overestimation errors, and color of additive stationary noise, is developed. The asymptotic performance of the subspace-based identification approach is analyzed and compared with the asymptotic lower bound provided by the nonlinear cyclic correlation matching approach. Criteria for optimally designing the periodic precoder are also presented. The performance of MMSE-FIR and MMSE-DFE equalizers is quantified for the proposed cyclostationarity-induced framework in terms of the MMSE. Although cyclostationarity-inducing transmitters present several advantages relative to their stationary counterparts from a channel estimation viewpoint, it is shown that from an equalization viewpoint, MIC-based systems exhibit a slightly increased MMSE/BER when compared with the stationary case  相似文献   


In massive MIMO systems, inter-user interference has effect on the transmitted signals, so linear precoding techniques are employed for multiuser transmission channels to remove this inter-user interference. It is very complicated to design a suitable linear precoding technique having low computational complexity, which will give an excellent Bit Error Rate (BER) performance. In this paper, we analyse BER under imperfect Channel-State-Information (CSI) using Zero-Forcing (ZF) linear precoding scheme in the downlink, massive MIMO in Time-Division-Duplex (TDD) mode. We derive the closed-form expressions for BER that are obtained from the new expressions derived for Signal-Interference-Noise Ratio (SINR), and then analysis with different parameters using numerical and Monte Carlo simulated results is carried out in MATLAB under imperfect CSI. It was found that our theoretical analysis agrees well with the simulated results. In our analysis, BER was observed in most cases to be good when the number of Base Station (BS) antennas is large enough to accommodate the served users, but when the number of users grows up, the BER performance degrades depending on how many BS antennas are capable of handling the additional users. Also, increasing the downlink transmit power was found to improve the performance, but it is not an energy-efficient way for massive MIMO.  相似文献   

Minimum BER power loading for OFDM in fading channel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A novel approach to power loading for orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) systems is proposed. The corresponding algorithm minimizes the aggregate bit-error rate, but appears to be rather complicated. Consequently, a much simpler, quasi-optimal loading algorithm is developed. The performance of various power loading strategies known in the literature are compared with the proposed quasi-optimal algorithm in the Rayleigh frequency-selective fading channel.  相似文献   

MIMO空间复用系统的最小BER比特分配   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文基于最小误比特率(BER)准则,提出了多输入多输出(MIMO)空间复用系统的贪婪比特分配算法和基于二分法的比特分配算法。在总比特速率和每个发射天线分配相等功率的约束条件下,通过比特分配优化每个发射天线的调制方式,改善了系统的BER性能。仿真结果表明,与传统的MIMO系统相比,比特分配的MIMO系统可获得显著的信噪比(SNR)增益;与功率分配相比,比特分配在性能损失很小的情况下减少了每个发射天线的功率放大器的动态范围。  相似文献   

Channel equalization for block transmission systems   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In a block transmission system the information symbols are arranged in the form of blocks separated by known symbols. Such a system is suitable for communication over time-dispersive channels subject to fast time-variations, e,g., the HF channel. The known reliable receiver for this system is the nonlinear data-directed estimator (NDDE). This paper presents appropriate equalization methods for this system. A nonstationary innovations representation based on Cholesky factorization is used in order to define a noise whitener and a maximum-likelihood block detector. Also block linear equalizers and block decision-feedback equalizers are derived. For each type we give the zero-forcing and the minimum-mean-squared-error versions. Performance evaluations and comparisons are given. We show that they perform better than conventional equalizers. As compared to the NDDE, the derived block decision-feedback equalizers perform better and are much less complex. Whereas the NDDE uses the Levinson algorithm to solve M/2 Toeplitz systems of decreasing order (where M is the number of symbols per block), the derived equalizers need to process only one Toeplitz system. Moreover, the Schur algorithm, proposed for Cholesky factorization allows us to further reduce the complexity  相似文献   

This paper investigates a class of second-order blind channel estimation algorithms based on deterministic linear prediction, which includes double-sided as well as forward and backward single-sided, for single input multiple output (SIMO) finite impulse response (FIR) channels. By introducing the dual problem of well-known zero-forcing equalization concept, we first derive a double-sided deterministic linear prediction (D-DLP) algorithm that has, good channel estimation performance with the knowledge of exact channel order. By further exploiting the interference subspace cancellation technique and the triangular block-Toeplitz structure of a portion of the channel filtering matrix (upper-left or lower-right part), we obtain the forward and backward single-sided deterministic linear prediction (FS-DLP and BS-DLP) algorithms that can work in the absence of knowledge of channel order with a cost of relatively poor channel estimate. Moreover, a channel order estimation method is also studied based on results from both FS-DLP and BS-DLP. Simulation examples are finally presented to demonstrate the potential of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

Precoding for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) spatial multiplexing generally requires high feedback overhead and/or high-complexity processing. Simultaneous reduction in transmitter complexity and feedback overhead is proposed by imposing a diagonal structural constraint to precoding, i.e., power allocation. Minimum bit-error rate (MBER) is employed as the optimization criterion, and an approximate MBER (AMBER) power-allocation algorithm is proposed for a variety of receivers, including zero-forcing (ZF), successive interference cancellation (SIC), and ordered SIC (OSIC). While previously proposed precoding schemes either require ZF equalization for MBER, or use a minimum mean-squared error (MMSE) criterion, we provide a unified MBER solution to power allocation for ZF, SIC, and OSIC receiver structures. Improved error-rate performance is shown both analytically and by simulation. Simulation results also indicate that SIC and OSIC with AMBER power allocation offer superior performance over previously proposed MBER precoding with ZF equalization, as well as over MMSE precoding/decoding. Performance under noisy channels and power feedback is analyzed. A modified AMBER algorithm that mitigates error propagation in interference cancellation is developed. Compared with existing precoding methods, the proposed schemes significantly reduce both transmit processing complexity and feedback overhead, and improve error-rate performance  相似文献   

针对通信混合信号的盲分离问题,结合通信系统中的误码率性能指标,本文提出一种基于最小误码率准则的盲源分离算法。本算法基本原理是,将推导的最小误码率准则结合最大似然原则建立盲源分离代价函数,形成一种最小误码率约束的代价函数,接着借助于自然梯度下降搜索,最小化代价函数实现盲源分离。仿真实验分析表明提出的最小误码率约束代价函数得到的盲源分离算法,比原有的最大似然原则代价函数得到的盲源分离算法,具有更好的收敛性能和分离精度。   相似文献   

A method of joint equalization and decoding for block transmission with coding across blocks is presented. It is well suited for bandwidth efficient QAM transmission using large transmit symbol alphabets, whereby the blocking structure can be arbitrary in principle. The method consists in multiple iterations of equalization and decoding, whereby information is exchanged back and forth between the decoder and the equalizer. The equalizer is based on Cholesky factorization of the equivalent discrete-time channel matrix (Eur. Trans. Telecommun 10 (1999) 351; Grundlagen der Kommunikationstechnik, Springer, Berlin, 2004). The convergence behavior of the iterative equalization and decoding method is analyzed by means of an upper bound on the extrinsic information transfer. It is shown that the method has improved bit error performance versus separate equalization and decoding without decoder feedback and, thus, yields superior power efficiency.  相似文献   

For pt.I see ibid., vol.47, no.7, p.1988-2006 (1999). Transmitter redundancy introduced using finite impulse response (FIR) filterbank precoders offers a unifying framework for single- and multiuser transmissions. With minimal rate reduction, FIR filterbank transmitters with trailing zeros allow for perfect (in the absence of noise) equalization of FIR channels with FIR zero-forcing equalizer filterbanks, irrespective of the input color and the channel zero locations. Exploiting this simple form of redundancy, blind channel estimators, block synchronizers, and direct self-recovering equalizing filterbanks are derived in this paper. The resulting algorithms are computationally simple, require small data sizes, can be implemented online, and remain consistent (after appropriate modifications), even at low SNR colored noise. Simulations illustrate applications to blind equalization of downlink CDMA transmissions, multicarrier modulations through channels with deep fades, and superior performance relative to CMA and existing output diversity techniques relying on multiple antennas and fractional sampling  相似文献   

为了增强码片均衡器的性能,降低运算量,提出了一种 LMMSE 的改进新算法—BILMMSE 算法。理论分析与计算机模拟结果表明 BILMMSE 码片均衡器性能优于传统的 Rake,以及 Griffith 与 MRLS 码片均衡器,与LMMSE 码片均衡器性能基本保持一致,而运算量却大大降低,非常有利于 FPGA 与 DSP 实现。  相似文献   

Blind and semi-blind equalization for generalized space-time block codes   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This paper presents a general framework for space-time codes (STCs) that encompasses a number of previously proposed STC schemes as special cases. The STCs considered are block codes that employ arbitrary redundant linear precoding of a given data sequence together with embedded training symbols, if any. The redundancy introduced by the linear precoding imposes structure on the received data that under certain conditions can be exploited for blind or semi-blind estimation of the transmitted sequence, a linear receiver that recovers the sequence, or both simultaneously. Algorithms based on this observation are developed for the single-user flat-fading case and then extended to handle multiple users, frequency-selective fading, as well as situations where the channel is rank deficient, or there are fewer receive than transmit antennas.  相似文献   

This work devises a minimum bit error rate (BER) block-based precoder used in block transmission systems with the proposed cascaded zero-forcing (ZF) equalizer. The study framework is developed as follows. For a block-based precoder, a received signal model is formulated for the two redundancy schemes, viz., trailing-zeros (TZ) and cyclic-prefix (CP). By exploiting the property of oblique projection, a cascaded equalizer for block transmission systems is proposed and implemented with a scheme, in which the inter-block interference (IBI) is completely eliminated by the oblique projection and followed by a matrix degree-of-freedom for inter-symbol interference (ISI) equalization. With the available channel state information at the transmitter side, the matrix for ISI equalization of the cascaded equalizer is utilized to design an optimum block-based precoder, such that the BER is minimized, subject to the ISI-free and the transmission power constraints. Accordingly, the cascaded equalizer with the ISI-free constraint yields a cascaded ZF equalizer. Theoretical derivations and simulation results confirm that the proposed framework not only retains identical BER performance to previous works for cases with sufficient redundancy, but also allows their results to be extended to the cases of insufficient redundancy.  相似文献   

Minimum mean squared error equalization using a priori information   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
A number of important advances have been made in the area of joint equalization and decoding of data transmitted over intersymbol interference (ISI) channels. Turbo equalization is an iterative approach to this problem, in which a maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) equalizer and a MAP decoder exchange soft information in the form of prior probabilities over the transmitted symbols. A number of reduced-complexity methods for turbo equalization have been introduced in which MAP equalization is replaced with suboptimal, low-complexity approaches. We explore a number of low-complexity soft-input/soft-output (SISO) equalization algorithms based on the minimum mean square error (MMSE) criterion. This includes the extension of existing approaches to general signal constellations and the derivation of a novel approach requiring less complexity than the MMSE-optimal solution. All approaches are qualitatively analyzed by observing the mean-square error averaged over a sequence of equalized data. We show that for the turbo equalization application, the MMSE-based SISO equalizers perform well compared with a MAP equalizer while providing a tremendous complexity reduction  相似文献   

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