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Using a photon-counting setup and a streak-camera arrangement with time resolutions of 35 and 6 ps, respectively, we have investigated the spatial resolution of a time-gated transillumin tion technique applied to turbid media. In the case of large relative amounts of unscattered light, it is found that small detection angles improve the spatial resolution. For large concentrations of scatterers and large sample thicknesses, i.e., when the amount of unscattered light is negligible, the best time-gate position is found to be at times that are later than the minimum transit time. In this case (minimum transit time), temporal resolutions from small values up to approximately 50 ps yield almost the same image resolution. The only advantage of measuring systems with a higher than 50-ps temporal resolution is their ability to distinguish the diffused from the unscattered light, when a significant amount of the latter is present.  相似文献   

Ying J  Liu F  Alfano RR 《Applied optics》2000,39(4):509-514
The intensity of two-photon excited fluorescence (TPF) generated by ultrashort laser pulses was measured as a function of the depth of a focal point inside highly scattering media. The purpose was to investigate the spatial location of TPF in a scattering medium. Owing to the scattering, the intensity of the incident beam as well as the generated TPF signal was attenuated exponentially as the focal point was scanned into the medium. As the scattering strength of the medium was increased, the TPF was not confined to the focal region and had a wider distribution. These observations show that the scattering will result in the degradation of the ability of optical depth sectioning of nonlinear optical scanning microscopy.  相似文献   

A novel method for the determination of the optical properties of tissue from time-domain measurements is presented. The data analysis is based on the evaluation of the first moment and the second centralized moment, i.e., the mean time of flight and the variance of the measured distribution of times of flight (DTOF) of photons injected by short (picosecond) laser pulses. Analytical expressions are derived for calculation of absorption and of reduced scattering coefficients from these moments by application of diffusion theory for infinite and semi-infinite homogeneous media. The proposed method was tested on experimental data obtained with phantoms, and results for absorption and reduced scattering coefficients obtained by the proposed method are compared with those obtained by fitting of the same data with analytical solutions of the diffusion equation. Furthermore, the accuracy of the moment analysis was investigated for a range of integration limits of the DTOF. The moment analysis may serve as a comparatively fast method for evaluating optical properties with sufficient accuracy and can be used, e.g., for on-line monitoring of optical properties of biological tissue.  相似文献   

Transillumination images of objects hidden in normal and cancerous human breast tissues and bovine, porcine, and gallinaceous (chicken) tissues as well as model-random-scattering media were recorded with 1250-nm light from a chromium-doped forsterite laser. A Fourier space gate and a polarization gate were used to sort out image-bearing photons and discriminate against multiply scattered image-blurring photons. Better contrast, higher spatial resolution, and deeper penetration of samples were achieved for imaging with 1250-nm light than those obtained at shorter wavelengths, such as 1064 nm from a neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG) laser. Better contrast and higher resolution were also obtained when the object was imaged through normal human breast tissue than through cancerous breast tissue. Images with marked distinction between fatty and fibrous human breast tissues were obtained when the Cr:forsterite laser was tuned to 1225 nm, a wavelength that resonates with an optical absorption band of breast fat tissues. Imaging with linearly polarized light revealed that the image quality depends significantly on the orientation of the polarization of the incident light with respect to the fibers in the bovine tissue.  相似文献   

Munin E 《Applied optics》1997,36(13):2990-2994
The behavior of a Faraday-active turbid medium under ultrafast optical excitation is investigated. As the degree of polarization of early arriving photons is mostly preserved during the first 100 ps after the arrival of the ballistic component, the possibility of using the magneto-optical rotation of the light polarization as a new tool for tissue characterization is addressed. A technique is proposed for determining photon-scattering statistics in turbid biological media. The analysis is performed on the basis that photons trapped in multiple-scattering events leave the medium with larger induced rotation angles. A measurement of the magneto-optical rotatory power of turbid biological samples is possible if only the early arriving unscattered photons are probed.  相似文献   

We present a straightforward procedure for frequency domain modeling of reradiation in a highly scattering medium with an arbitrary, finite three-dimensional geometry. We use a finite difference numerical solver to determine the fluence distribution at the excitation wavelength, which is then coupled to the emission wavelength with an array of equivalent reradiating sources. We then calculate the fluence distribution at the emission wavelength with a second, independent numerical simulation with new optical parameters appropriate to the emission wavelength, using the distributed reradiating sources as the excitation. We compare three-dimensional simulations of a fluorophore distributed in a scattering medium with experimental data. We also compare simulations of the Raman reradiation of small diamonds in a scattering medium with experiment.  相似文献   

The dual-color laser phenomena in two-dimensional (2D) scattering gain media was investigated by simultaneously solving Maxwell's equations and rate equations of electronic population. The results indicate that dual-color laser emission from a dye solution with scattering nanoparticles is affected by the number of density scatterers in the dye solution and the dye concentration. Increasing the concentration of the dye increases the spectral intensity of the dimers, and increasing the pump energy produces major radiative and non-radiative energy transfers from monomers to dimers. If the pump energy is at a very low level, regardless of the dye concentration, the spectra are broadened. Simultaneous laser emissions at desired wavelengths in scattering gain media can be achieved by using a dye mixture.  相似文献   

Statistics of the phase and intensity of speckles formed with a small number of scattering events (small-N speckles) within multiple-scattering media have been studied. It has been demonstrated that first-order statistics of the intensity fluctuations of small-N speckles nearly obey a Nakagami n distribution in the case considered. The correlation function of the complex amplitude of scattered light is close to a negative exponent. Theoretical results have been experimentally verified using the Shack-Hartmann wavefront analysis technique.  相似文献   

Optical imaging and tomography in tissues can facilitate the quantitative study of several important chromophores and fluorophores. Several theoretical models have been validated for diffuse photon propagation in highly scattering and low-absorbing media that describe the optical appearance of tissues in the near-infrared (NIR) region. However, these models are not generally applicable to quantitative optical investigations in the visible because of the significantly higher tissue absorption in this spectral region compared with that in the NIR. We performed photon measurements through highly scattering and absorbing media for ratios of the absorption coefficient to the reduced scattering coefficient ranging approximately from zero to one. We examined experimentally the performance of the absorption-dependent diffusion coefficient defined by Aronson and Corngold [J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 16, 1066 (1999)] for quantitative estimations of photon propagation in the low- and high-absorption regimes. Through steady-state measurements we verified that the transmitted intensity is well described by the diffusion equation by considering a modified diffusion coefficient with a nonlinear dependence on the absorption. This study confirms that simple analytical solutions based on the diffusion approximation are suitable even for high-absorption regimes and shows that diffusion-approximation-based models are valid for quantitative measurements and tomographic imaging of tissues in the visible.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of fluorescence lifetime optical tomographic imaging in a weakly scattering medium in the presence of highly scattering inclusions. We suggest an approximation to the radiative transfer equation, which results from the assumption that the transport coefficient of the scattering media differs by an order of magnitude for weakly and highly scattering regions. The image reconstruction algorithm is based on the variational framework and employs angularly selective intensity measurements. We present numerical simulation of light scattering in a weakly scattering medium that embeds highly scattering objects. Our reconstruction algorithm is verified by recovering optical and fluorescent parameters from numerically simulated datasets.  相似文献   

The properties of light scattered from material systems depend on the characteristics of input optical fields. We study numerically the effect of the state of spatial coherence on the properties of scattered fields. Using a customized coupled dipole technique, we demonstrate that this influence manifests in changes of the statistics of intensities scattered at different angles.  相似文献   

The degree of polarization of light propagating through scattering media was measured as a function of the sample thickness in a Mach-Zehnder interferometer at a wavelength of lambda = 633 nm. For polystyrene microspheres of diameters 200, 430, and 940 nm, depolarization began to appear for thicknesses larger than 23, 19, and 15 scattering mean free paths (SMFP's), respectively, where the coherently detected scattered component dominates the ballistic component. For large particles (940 nm) the initial polarization survived partially in the scattering regime and progressively vanished up to the detection limit of our setup. This phenomenon was similarly observed in diluted blood from 12.5 to 280 SMFP's. Beyond this thickness the fluctuating parallel and crossed components of polarization became random. A dual-channel interferometer allowed us to detect simultaneously the low-frequency fluctuations of both polarized components through a few millimeters in liver tissue.  相似文献   

A Monte Carlo procedure has been developed to study photon migration through highly scattering nonhomogeneous media. When two scaling relationships are used, the temporal response when scattering or absorbing inhomogeneities are introduced can be evaluated in a short time from the results of only one simulation carried out for the homogeneous medium. Examples of applications to the imaging of defects embedded into a diffusing slab, a model usually used for optical mammography, are given. Comparisons with experimental results show the correctness of the results obtained.  相似文献   


We present an analytical perturbation analysis for studying the imaging characteristics of photon diffusion imaging in highly scattering media such as human tissues. Factors affecting the image formation in practical imaging system are taken into account, including the photon source, the optical properties of the sample, and the measurement system. A concise relationship between the internal structure and the detected signal is derived. Based on this, it is proved that photon diffusion imaging possess the property of linear shift invariance. The image formation mechanism in measurements such as functional imaging or tumour early diagnosis is illustrated from the viewpoint of the linear shift invariant system.  相似文献   

Bartel S  Hielscher AH 《Applied optics》2000,39(10):1580-1588
We have developed a Monte Carlo algorithm that computes all two-dimensional elements of the diffuse backscattering Mueller matrix for highly scattering media. Using the Stokes-Mueller formalism and scattering amplitudes calculated with Mie theory, we are able to consider polarization-dependent photon propagation in highly scattering media, including linearly and circularly polarized light. The numerically determined matrix elements are compared with experimental data for different particle sizes and show good agreement in both azimuthal and radial direction.  相似文献   

Bruce NC 《Applied optics》1994,33(28):6692-6698
Experimental results are presented for the cw reflected signal from a dense random medium containing inclusions of absorbing material or glass. It is shown that a glass inclusion is more difficult to detect than an absorbing one. A glass rod has two effects on the reflected signal: a waveguiding effect that reduces the signal and a transmission effect that increases it. The overall effect of the glass rod depends strongly on the distribution of light inside the sample around the inclusion and hence on the scattering liquid itself. This implies that for experiments modeling tissue interactions the parameters of scatterers used should be as close as possible to the tissue parameters.  相似文献   

Taniguchi J  Murata H  Okamura Y 《Applied optics》2007,46(14):2649-2655
A method to determine the absorption and reduced scattering coefficients of rectangular parallelepiped highly scattering media from frequency-domain photon migration measurements is presented. An analytical model for photon diffusion propagation in the rectangular parallelepiped media is established using the method of images and extrapolated boundary conditions. This present technique has simplicity, accuracy, and rapid computability as compared with the Monte Carlo or finite element methods. The theoretical predictions are verified with experimental measurements using a white polyacetal resin, and the errors introduced by using the slab geometry for the optical property determination are identified.  相似文献   

We modified the diffusion approximation of the time-dependent radiative transfer equation to account for a finite scattering delay time. Under the usual assumptions of the diffusion approximation, the effect of the scattering delay leads to a simple renormalization of the light velocity that appears in the diffusion equation. Accuracy of the model was evaluated by comparison with Monte Carlo simulations in the frequency domain for a semi-infinite geometry. A good agreement is demonstrated for both matched and mismatched boundary conditions when the distance from the source is sufficiently large. The modified diffusion model predicts that the neglect of the scattering delay when the optical properties of the turbid material are derived from normalized frequency- or time-domain measurements should result in an underestimation of the absorption coefficient and an overestimation of the transport coefficient. These observations are consistent with the published experimental data.  相似文献   

Tycho A  Jørgensen TM 《Applied optics》2002,41(22):4709-4711
To incorporate the wave properties of light, it was recently proposed to modify the Monte Carlo-based photon transport model to a semi-quantum-mechanical representation by considering each ray as a photon wave packet [Appl. Opt. 39, 5244 (2000)]. It is not clear from the paper whether each photon wave packet is considered representative of an entire plane wave or if each is spatially localized. However, for each interpretation we identify problems with the approach suggested for combining the wave-packet contributions. These include violation of the principle of conservation of energy and the use of a scattering phase function that is incompatible with the suggested way of calculating the intensity values. These issues render the approach impractical.  相似文献   

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