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高达  王经纬  王丛  李震  吴亮亮  刘铭 《红外》2019,40(8):15-18
目前,高性能大面阵中波及短波红外探测器已经得到了越来越多的应用。材料参数控制精确、材料质量良好的碲镉汞材料是获得高质量碲镉汞探测器的先决条件。报道了华北光电技术研究所在分子束外延(Molecular Beam Epitaxy, MBE)生长硅基中波及短波碲镉汞材料方面的最新研究进展,并介绍了现阶段MBE生长碲镉汞材料的研究现状。  相似文献   

王经纬  高达 《激光与红外》2015,45(6):646-649
报道了在中波工艺基础上,Si 基碲镉汞分子束外延短波工艺的最新研究进展,通过温度标定、使用反射式高能电子衍射、高温计的在线测量和现有的中波 Si 基碲镉汞温度控制曲线建立及优化了 Si 基碲镉汞短波材料的生长温度控制曲线;获得的 Si 基短波 HgCdTe 材料表面光亮、均匀,表面缺陷密度小于3000 cm -2;基于此技术成功制备出了 Si 基短/中波双色材料。  相似文献   

高达  李震  王丹  徐强强  刘铭 《激光与红外》2022,52(3):388-391
针对高质量、大规模碲镉汞红外焦平面探测器需求的持续增加,本文开展了使用分子束外延方式在50 mm×50 mm(211)B碲锌镉衬底上外延碲镉汞材料技术的研究.通过对碲锌镉衬底改进湿化学腐蚀、碲锌镉衬底预处理、碲锌镉衬底缓冲层生长、碲锌镉基碲镉汞材料工艺开发等方面的研究,开发出了能够稳定获得碲锌镉基碲镉汞材料的工艺.材料...  相似文献   

王丹  李震  高达  邢伟荣  王鑫  折伟林 《红外》2023,44(3):14-19
利用分子束外延(Molecular Beam Epitaxy, MBE)系统生长了In掺杂硅基碲镉汞(Mercury Cadmium Telluride, MCT)材料。通过控制In源温度获得了不同掺杂水平的高质量MCT外延片。二次离子质谱仪(Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer, SIMS)测试结果表明,In掺杂浓度在1×1015~2×1016 cm-3之间。表征了不同In掺杂浓度对MCT外延层位错的影响。发现位错腐蚀坑形态以三角形为主(沿<■>方向排列),且位错密度与未掺杂样品基本相当。对不同In掺杂浓度的材料进行汞饱和低温处理后,样品的电学性能均有所改善。结果表明,In掺杂能够提高材料的均匀性,从而获得较高的电子迁移率。  相似文献   

随着红外焦平面阵列规模的扩大,由于尺寸和成本的限制,传统晶格匹配的碲锌镉衬底逐渐成为碲镉汞红外焦平面探测器发展的瓶颈,大尺寸、低成本硅基碲镉汞材料应运而生。本文采用分子束外延工艺生长获得了3 in Si基中波碲镉汞薄膜材料,通过采用金相显微镜、傅里叶红外光谱仪、双晶X射线衍射仪、湿化学腐蚀位错密度(EPD)法、Hall测试系统等检测手段对Si基中波碲镉汞分子束外延薄膜材料进行表面、光学、结构和电学性能表征,并采用标准平面器件工艺制备中波640×512焦平面探测阵列进行材料验证,结果表明该材料性能与国际先进水平相当。  相似文献   

高达  王经纬  王丛  吴亮亮  刘铭 《红外》2018,39(10):12-15
随着焦平面探测器向超大面阵、小像元方向发展,对盲元率尤其连续盲元、均匀性等要求越来越高。材料表面缺陷已经成为抑制Si基碲镉汞分子束外延(Molecular Beam Epitaxial, MBE)技术在更广范围内应用的一个重要因素。通过解决MBE系统束流稳定性、束流测量的精确性和生长温度控制的稳定性共3个MBE生长碲镉汞材料精确控制的关键问题,以及通过正交试验优化生长参数,将Si基碲镉汞材料缺陷密度控制在500 cm-2以内,最优值达到57.83 cm-2。  相似文献   

王经纬  巩锋  刘铭  强宇  常米  周立庆 《激光与红外》2012,42(10):1161-1164
报道了Si基碲镉汞(MCT)分子束外延(MBE)的最新研究进展,通过使用反射式高能电子衍射(RHEED)、高温计的在线测量建立和优化了3 in Si基碲镉汞生长温度曲线;通过二次缓冲层的生长进一步降低了界面能,获得的Si基HgCdTe材料在8μm的厚度下半峰宽达到90.72 arcsec,原生片位错密度(EPD)小于1×107 cm-2;采用此材料成功制备出了高性能的中波Si基1280×1024碲镉汞探测器。  相似文献   

陈路  傅祥良  巫艳  吴俊  王伟强  魏青竹  王元樟  何力 《激光与红外》2006,36(11):1051-1053,1056
文章报道了Si基碲镉汞分子束外延(MBE)的最新研究进展。尝试用晶向偏角降低高界面应变能的方法,摸索大失配体系中位错的抑制途径,寻找位错密度与双晶半峰宽的对应关系,基本建立了外延材料晶体质量无损检测评价标准,并对外延工艺进行指导。通过上述研究,15~20μm Si基CdTe复合材料双晶半峰宽最好结果为54arcsec,对应位错密度(EPD)小于2×106/cm2,与相同厚度的GaAs/CdTe(211)双晶水平相当,达到或优于国际最好结果。获得的3 in 10μm Si基HgCdTe材料双晶半峰宽最好结果为51arcsec,目前Si基HgCdTe材料已经初步应用于焦平面中波320×240器件制备。  相似文献   

陈路 《红外》2002,33(6):5-10
1引言 碲镉汞(Hg1-xCdxTe)三元合金化合物半导体是一种重要的红外探测器材料.通过调节其组分x值的大小,可以连续改变其禁带宽度(从0eV~1.6eV),从而获得几乎覆盖整个红外区域的响应波长.现在,用碲镉汞制备的红外探测器在军事、民用等领域已经得到了广泛的应用.从20世纪70年代末第一代红外探测器的出现到现在的大规模红外焦平面器件的研制成功,都说明高性能器件的制备需要高质量、大面积、组分均匀的碲镉汞材料.与其他外延技术相比,分子束外延技术在表面型貌的质量、组分厚度均匀性上具有独到的优势[1].  相似文献   

An empirical study is reported, wherein HgCdTe was deposited simultaneously on multiple CdZnTe substrates of different orientations by molecular beam epitaxy. These orientations included the following vicinal surfaces: (115)B, (113)B, (112)B, and (552)B. Additionally, growth on (111)B was explored. Growth conditions found to be nearly optimalfor the standard (112)B orientation were selected. Through a series of growth runs, substrate temperature was varied, and the physical properties of the resulting HgCdTe epilayers were measured. These measurements included Nomarski microscopy, infrared transmission, x-ray diffraction, and defect decoration etching. The properties of HgCdTe epilayers as a function of temperature were roughly similar for all vicinal surfaces. Namely, as the temperature increased, the dislocation density decreased. At some critical temperature, the density of void defects increased dramatically. This critical temperature varied with orientation, the (115)B exhibiting the lowest critical temperature and the (112)B and (552)B exhibiting the highest. The (115)B, (113)B, and (112)B orientations exhibited “needlelike” defects on the as-grown HgCdTe surface. The density of these defects decreased with increasing temperature. The (552)B surface exhibited no such defects and growth behavior nearly identical to the (112)B growthsurface.  相似文献   

This paper presents the progress in the molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) growth of HgCdTe on large-area Si and CdZnTe substrates at Raytheon Vision Systems. We report a very high-quality HgCdTe growth, for the first time, on an 8 cm × 8 cm CdZnTe substrate. This paper also describes the excellent HgCdTe growth repeatability on multiple 7 cm × 7 cm CdZnTe substrates. In order to study the percentage wafer area yield and its consistency from run to run, small lots of dual-band long-wave infrared/long-wave infrared triple-layer heterojunction (TLHJ) layers on 5 cm × 5 cm CdZnTe substrates and single-color double-layer heterojunction (DLHJ) layers on 6-inch Si substrates were grown and tested for cutoff wavelength uniformity and micro- and macrovoid defect density and uniformity. The results show that the entire lot of 12 DLHJ-HgCdTe layers on 6-inch Si wafers meet the testing criterion of cutoff wavelength within the range 4.76 ± 0.1 μm at 130 K and micro- and macrovoid defect density of ≤50 cm−2 and 5 cm−2, respectively. Likewise, five out of six dual-band TLHJ-HgCdTe layers on 5 cm × 5 cm CdZnTe substrates meet the testing criterion of cutoff wavelength within the range 6.3 ± 0.1 μm at 300 K and micro- and macrovoid defect density of ≤2000 cm−2 and 500 cm−2, respectively, on the entire wafer area. Overall we have found that scaling our HgCdTe MBE process to a 10-inch MBE system has provided significant benefits in terms of both wafer uniformity and quality.  相似文献   

文章叙述了第三代红外焦平面中所需求的碲镉汞分子束外延(MBE)的一些研究成 果。对GaAs、Si基大面积异质外延、表面缺陷抑制、p 型掺杂等MBE的主要难点问题进行了阐述。研究表明, 3 in材料的组分均匀性良好,组分x的偏差为0. 5%。晶格失配引发的孪晶缺陷可以通过合适的低温成核方法得到有效的抑制。在GaAs和Si衬底上外延的HgCdTe材料的(422) x射线衍射半峰宽( FWHM)的典型值为60~80arc·sec。大于2μm缺陷的表面密度可以控制在小于300cm- 2水平。研究发现As的表面黏附系数很低,对生长温度十分敏感,在170℃下约为1 ×10- 4。通过合适的退火,可以实现As的受主激活。采用碲镉汞多层材料已试制了长波n2on2p与p2on2n型掺杂异质结器件以及双色红外短波/中波焦平面探测器,本文报道了一些初步结果。  相似文献   

Investigation into resonant-cavity-enhanced (RCE) HgCdTe detectors has revealed a discrepancy in the refractive index of the CdTe layers grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) for the detectors, compared with the reported value for crystalline CdTe. The refractive index of the CdTe grown for RCE detectors was measured using ellipsometry and matches that of CdTe with an inclusion of approximately 10% voids. X-ray measurements confirm that the sample is crystalline and strained to match the lattice spacing of the underlying Hg(1−x)Cd(x)Te, while electron diffraction patterns observed during growth indicate that the CdTe layers exhibit some three-dimensional structure. Secondary ion mass spectroscopy results further indicate that there is enhanced interdiffusion at the interface between Hg(1−x)Cd(x)Te and CdTe when the Hg(1−x)Cd(x)Te is grown on CdTe, suggesting that the defects are nucleated within the CdTe layers.  相似文献   

The use of silicon as a substrate alternative to bulk CdZnTe for epitaxial growth of HgCdTe for infrared (IR) detector applications is attractive because of potential cost savings as a result of the large available sizes and the relatively low cost of silicon substrates. However, the potential benefits of silicon as a substrate have been difficult to realize because of the technical challenges of growing low defect density HgCdTe on silicon where the lattice mismatch is ∼19%. This is especially true for LWIR HgCdTe detectors where the performance can be limited by the high (∼5×106 cm−2) dislocation density typically found in HgCdTe grown on silicon. We have fabricated a series of long wavelength infrared (LWIR) HgCdTe diodes and several LWIR focal plane arrays (FPAs) with HgCdTe grown on silicon substrates using MBE grown CdTe and CdSeTe buffer layers. The detector arrays were fabricated using Rockwell Scientific’s planar diode architecture. The diode and FPA and results at 78 K will be discussed in terms of the high dislocation density (∼5×106 cm2) typically measured when HgCdTe is grown on silicon substrates.  相似文献   

The as-grown molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) (211)B HgCdTe surface has variable surface topography, which is primarily dependent on substrate temperature and substrate/epilayer mismatch. Nano-ripple formation and cross-hatch patterning are the predominant structural features observed. Nano-ripples preferentially form parallel to the \( [\bar {1}11] \) and are from 0 Å to 100 Å in height with a wavelength between 0.1 μm and 0.8 μm. Cross-hatch patterns result from slip dislocations in the three {111} planes intersecting the (211) growth surface. The cross-hatch step height is 4 ± 1 Å (limited data set). This indicates that only a bi-layer slip (Hg/Cd + Te) in the {111} slip plane occurs. For the deposition of MBE (211)B HgCdTe/CdTe/Si, the reorientation of multiple nano-ripples coalesced into “packets” forms cross-hatch patterns. The as-grown MBE (211)B CdTe/Si surface is highly variable but displays nano-ripples and no cross-hatch pattern. Three types of defects were observed by atomic force microscopy (AFM): needle, void/hillock, and voids.  相似文献   

通过改进推舟液相外延技术,成功地在(211)晶向Si/CdTe复合衬底上进行了HgCdTe液相外延生长,获得了表面光亮的HgCdTe外延薄膜.测试结果表明,(211)Si/CdTe复合衬底液相外延HgCdTe材料组分及厚度的均匀性与常规(111)CdZnTe衬底HgCdTe外延材料相当;位错腐蚀坑平均密度为(5~8)×105 cm-2,比相同衬底上分子束外延材料的平均位错密度要低一个数量级;晶体的双晶半峰宽达到70″左右.研究结果表明,在发展需要低位错密度的大面积长波HgCdTe外延材料制备技术方面,Si/CdTe复合衬底HgCdTe液相外延技术可发挥重要的作用.  相似文献   

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