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英国谢菲尔德大学建筑学院   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
康健 《城市建筑》2006,(2):87-92
本文通过介绍英国谢菲尔德大学建筑学院的专业设置、教师队伍、学院设施及各种学位课程,探讨了该院研究型设计的教学思想。  相似文献   

本文从动线平面布局、动线节点设计等方面论述了铁路南京南站北广场地下一层商业的动线设计,体现了动线设计与建筑空间设计、商业环境、业态等方面的密切联系,以及动线设计在商业地产中的重要性。  相似文献   

天津大学建筑学院联合英国卡迪夫大学威尔士建筑学院共同发起了2011年中国建筑师赴英国卡迪夫大学威尔士建筑学院暑期短期培训计划,目的在于提升城市环境政策,提高实际建筑建设中的低碳应用的意识,学习国外在绿色低碳设计方面的先进技术,观摩优秀的绿色建筑案例等。  相似文献   

<正>教学、科研与社会服务相结合,实践、创新与规划设计相结合,传统、现代与民族特色相融合——我们的办学思路;教学立院、质量兴院、服务促院、科研强院——我扪的办学理念;注重人文与理工的相互交叉,艺术与建筑的相互渗透,建设特色鲜明、质量过硬、优势突出,在西部乃至全国有影响的建筑类学院。  相似文献   

加州大学洛杉矶分校建筑系,是UCLA的商标之一,Royce Hall加州大学洛杉矶分校位于南加州的洛杉矶县内洛杉矶市的西方,靠近Santa Monica市。  相似文献   

西南科技大学土木工程与建筑学院前身为四川建筑材料工业学院建筑工程系,学院的历史沿革可以追溯到1952年重庆建筑工程学校工业与民用建筑专业。经过多年学科建设和发展,目前,学院拥有建筑学、城市规划、土木工程、工程管理、工程力学、建筑环境与设备工程等6个本科专业;拥有结构工程、城市规  相似文献   

基于不同文化背景的建筑教育思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
设计思维是分析思维和综合思维的混合物。针对人们对分析思维非常熟悉,但对综合思维缺乏仔细研究的状况,区别了这种思维模式的几种要素,如变异、转化以及可应用于设计中的创造性的曲解。通过19世纪一个鲜为人知的铸铁建筑的杰作,阐明了这些要素及其概念,并介绍了在香港中文大学建筑系中,这些概念和要素是如何整合进赞赏中,以及教师所面临的问题和课程设置。  相似文献   

黄华青 《华中建筑》2020,38(2):20-24
CEPT大学建筑学院是印度建筑师B·V·多西于20世纪60年代创立并设计的教育设施。建筑受柯布、康等现代主义大师影响而采取理性之形;然其空间之质为颠覆传统教育模式的闲逛诗意,呈现为一系列可让人随心所欲地在任何地方上课和学习的多义开放空间;这种空间多义性,源于印度地域建筑中台、阶、廊等开放空间原型的诗意之魂。论文从空间-主体建构的视角,揭示了多义开放空间与闲逛诗意的关联,为当代建筑教育空间及范式的设计带来启示。  相似文献   

杨洲 《建筑创作》2008,(3):84-101
春秋战国时期.在齐国都城的稷门附近,齐国建立了“稷下学宫”,云集了当时数百上千的学者.几乎诸子百家的代表人物都到那里去过。可以说这是东方当时的最高学府.如果挖掘一下历史.可以看作是现代高等学府在东方的前身.遗憾的是这个学院的形制没有被继承下来。那时就有了“稷下先生”和“稷下学士”、“博士”的称号和身份。在同一个时期的希腊,这时也有了一个相似的学校——柏拉图学园.它被后人看作是西方最早的高等学府.  相似文献   

采访工作期间,正好赶上英国皇家建筑师协会对巴特雷特建筑学院展开质量检查,于是克鲁斯院长在极其繁忙的工作中抽出了相当一部分时间来准备我们的采访,并对我们的提问给予了十分丰富而精彩的回答。这使我觉得此次的采访成果格外宝贵。我在这里对马库斯·克鲁斯院长表示深深的感谢,并希望读者们能如我一样,细细品味此次精彩的专访,勿要囫囵而过这难得一见的字字珠玑。  相似文献   

这座690平方米的住宅位于南加州,房屋的设计充分考虑到了周围的景观、日照以及风向等因素,所有房间都面向绿地、园林、露台或阳台等,室内外空间的模糊界限使住宅可以充分利用这里全年的温热气候以及享受当地美丽的风光.  相似文献   

Every parkland provides habitats for wildlife. Wildlife is frequently recognised as a recreational asset. A few ancient parks are of outstanding national or regional importance for the conservation of invertebrates and epiphytic lichens associated with old trees and dead wood. The perpetuation of suitable habitat is essential if this conservation interest is to be maintained.  相似文献   

方拥 《建筑师》2008,(5):106-108
作为中国第一批历史文化名城,泉州的异国情调引人瞩目,特别是石头建造或雕刻的长桥高塔、佛道造像、印度教寺庙、清真寺以及穆斯林墓葬等.尤其彰显出地域特色。  相似文献   

2011年5月底,北京市防震减灾宣教中心有关人员赴美国加利福尼亚旧金山和洛杉矶就防震减灾科普宣传和教育进行了业务交流,了解了他们在这方面的做法和经验,取得了丰硕的成果。  相似文献   

现代建筑与传统庭园结合是岭南建筑语言的主要词汇之一.本文在肯定建筑与庭园相结合优越性的基础上,从建筑与庭园的结合方式、绿化和成功实例启示几个方面探索有关问题,旨在呼吁继续发扬岭南建筑的传统和特色.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper explores the manifestations of regional governance in Southern California. The author evaluates whether three regional public authorities, empowered to address areawide transportation and air quality constraints, fragment or integrate regional identity and vision. He examines the lessons of the Southern California experience for other US regions engaged in government reorganization. He argues that Southern California regionalism constitutes a shadow governance characterized by technical bias, single purpose compartmentalization, and institutional insularity. He concludes that the affiliation of regional planning with single purpose and systems maintenance functions has facilitated regionalism at the same time it has limited its potential by functionally fragmenting and submerging the regional public interest.  相似文献   

Summary In summary, we can state that econometric evidence suggests an elasticity of -.35 for household uses in Southern California. This is comprised of elasticities of -.24 and -.7 for inside and outside uses respectively.The data on industrial demand is less evident, but suggests an elasticity of well above -1.0 for low prices of water, that is, before recirculation systems have been installed. Only those using ground water or brackish water are paying prices around 5¢ per thousand gallons or $15 per acre-foot (Prices here mean the cost of pumping and sometimes for a pumping tax of acquiring such water.). If these industries should begin paying marginal costs of supplying water, then we can expect a substantial reduction in water consumption by them as they use recirculation systems. For industries which derive water from municipal supplies, they are already paying relatively high prices for water and therefore have already initiated water saving devices. For them the price elasticity is probably quite low, around -.2 or highly inelastic.In agriculture, with substantial opportunity for factor substitution, but less than expected possibilities of pricing crops out of production, an elasticity of-.5 seems appropriate, although this figure must be interpreted with caution as the data is just not available to confirm this estimate.Combining the above, the fresh-water demand for water will be in the neighborhood of -.3, as municipal demands are the dominant factor determining demand in Southern California. An elasticity of -.3 which is actually rather close to previous studies, is still less elastic than most. However, these conclusions must be tentative awaiting the results of another half year of study on a very complex market for water.The Author is Lecturer in the Department of Economics, University of California, Los Angeles.  相似文献   

Architecture firms face an increasingly uncertain marketplace. Firm principals and leaders need to increasingly cultivate and develop the talents of firm members if the organization itself is to adapt to changes in building technologies, the activity of other design professions, and changing client tastes and capacities. Divided into five sections, the following article presents a framework for examining this challenge. The first section examines the broader marketplace context that firms face, and the second presents a framework for linking skills to human resource development tools. Arguing that development tools will fail if the firm's culture cannot support them, the third section examines how the ethic of collegiality and an artistic sensibility shape the firm's cultural infrastructure and make it difficult to implement a formal human resource development program. The fourth section presents a model of the firm that can overcome these obstacles, and the fifth summarizes the overall argument.  相似文献   

广西桂南地区传统乡土建筑有着鲜明的地域文化背景,体现着地方文化的多样性,并适应当地夏热冬暖地区气候特点。在分析整理岭南建筑被动式设计策略和设计思路的基础上,结合实际项目设计,运用节能适宜技术及计算机软件进行建筑通风、照度及太阳辐射等模拟和量化分析,将岭南建筑特色与现代建筑设计相结合,并通过具体项目的设计实践,进行分析总结,有助于强化城镇和建筑的地区特色,延续历史文脉,为岭南地区的被动式建筑设计提供借鉴。  相似文献   

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