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<正>本刊讯6月1日至4日,中国化工机械动力技术协会五届三次理事(扩大)会议在合肥市召开,来自国家安监总局、中国石油和化学工业协会、石油和化学工业规划院、动力协会及相关化工企业、设备生产企业的近百名专家代表参加了会议。 相似文献
<正>一、2007年的工作情况2007年,我国化学工业坚持以邓小平理论、"三个代表"重要思想和科学发展观为指导,认真贯彻落实中央的大政方针,保持了良好的发展态势,实现了又好又快发展。自主创新能力进一步增强,产业结构不断调整优化,产业布局日趋科 相似文献
各位理事、各位代表、同志们: 中国化工机械动力技术协会四届三次理事(扩大)会议,是在全党全国深入学习贯彻党的十六大和十届全国人大一次会议精神的重要时刻召开的。这次会议的主要任务是学习贯彻党的十六大和十届人大一次会议精神,总结协会2002年工作,研究安排2003年的主要任务;审议调整理事会理事和拟开展全国化工设备管理优秀单位表彰活动等议案;听取大家对协会的意见和建议,研讨今后协会工作的基本思路。 下面,我向会议做工作报告,请各位理事审议。 相似文献
中国化工机械动力技术协会第四届理事会自从2001年5月经第四次会员大会选举产生以来,至今已经四年了。在这四年里,中国化工机械动力技术协会在邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想的指引下,在国资委和中国石化协会的领导下,在各位理事和广大会员单位的支持下,紧紧围绕协会的业务范围,积极主动地开展各项工作与活动,取得了一定成绩。(一)积极组织化工设备技术管理的交流与研讨活动推进化工装备技术进步和促进化工企业设备管理水平的提高,是中国化工机械动力技术协会的主要工作任务。本届理事会期间,协会通过各专业委员会和行业设备技术管理协作… 相似文献
<正>中国化工机械动力技术协会定于2012年11月13~15日在厦门市召开协会六届三次理事(扩大)会,同时举办全国化工机械动力技术发展论坛,现将有关事项通知如下:一、会议议程:1.听取和审议六届常务理事会的工作报告;2.研究接纳新会员,增选新的理事和常务理事;3.审议并批准常务理事会若干决议。 相似文献
<正>一、2006—2007年度工作总结2006年是建国以来国内政治经济形势发展最好的年份之一,在经济全球化进程加快和世界经济高速增长的推动下,我国石油和化学工业以全国GDP两倍以上的速度增长,为国民 相似文献
本刊讯中国化工机械动力技术协会四届二次理事 (扩大 )会于 2 0 0 2年 4月 1日至 4月 4日在安徽召开 ,70余人出席 ,会议由中国化工机械动力技术协会理事长刘振东同志主持。中国化工机械动力技术协会副理事长王治方同志在会上作了工作报告。报告汇报了协会 2 0 0 1年的工作情况 ,布置了2 0 0 2年的工作。2 0 0 2年协会的工作重点是 :一、开展调查研究工作 ,认真总结经验 ;二、发挥各专业委员会和协作组的作用 ,拓展协会服务领域 ;三、继续做好压力容器、压力管道设计资格换取证审查工作 ;四、加强技术培训 ,提高企业人员素质 ;五、按照中设协… 相似文献
结合国家发布的《装备制造业调整和振兴规划》,论述当前化工装备制造业建设自主创新体系的意义和途径,为国际金融危机后行业的振兴创造有利条件。 相似文献
依托国家重点建设和技改项目,利用我国自主开发的技术,结合消化吸收国外技术,研发出具有自主知识产权的粉煤气化和醋酸大型工艺技术软件包,完成关键设备的研制。 相似文献
《Food Control》2014
The effects of rosemary extract (RE) combined with nisin (N) on the quality of pompano (Trachinotus ovatus) were assessed throughout 15 days of storage at 4 ± 1 °C. Physicochemical (peroxide value, thiobarbituric acid, total volatile basic nitrogen, trimethylamine, pH, K value, texture, and color), sensory, and bacteriological characteristics of fish fillet were all periodically analyzed. RE + N treatment effectively improved physicochemical quality parameters and the sensory, and reduced microbial growth as compared with either treatment of RE or N alone or the control, which resulted in a significant extension in the shelf life of pompano fillet. Therefore, rosemary extract combined with nisin treatment may be a promising method of maintaining the storage quality and extending shelf life of pompano fillet during chilled storage. 相似文献
João Bráullio de Luna Sales Luis Fernando da Silva Rodrigues-Filho Manuel Haimovici Iracilda Sampaio Horacio Schneider 《Food Control》2011,22(1):96-98
The present study aimed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the 5s rDNA gene for the identification of commercially-valuable species of cephalopod belonging to the families Loliginidae and Ommastrephidae. Our results demonstrate distinct banding patterns in each of the six species sampled (Loligo surinamensis; Loligo sanpaulensis; Lolliguncula brevis; Sepiotheuthis sepioidea; Ornithoteuthis antillarum; Illex argentinus), as well as diagnostic traits at the genus and probably family levels. The results emphasize the efficiency of the 5s rDNA marker as a low-cost and rapid forensic technique, which not only permits the identification of species, but also differentiation of members of the Loliginidae and Ommastrephidae. 相似文献
M. E. Sitzmann W. H. Gilligan D. L. Ornellas J. S. Thrasher 《Journal of Energetic Materials》2013,31(4):352-374
Abstract An investigation concerning the effect of the pentafluoro-sulfanyl (SF5) group on the properties of explosive nitro compounds is described. The investigation includes: (a) the preparation of several polynitro SF5 model compounds; (b) the selection of the best model compound (based on overall properties such as melting point, stability, ease of synthesis, etc.); (c) the subjection of this compound to calorimetric determination of the heat and products of detonation. The initial results from the investigation support the hypothesis that the SF5 group can provide explosives with improved properties (increased density, decreased sensitivity and good thermal stability) as well as produce energy in the detonation. 相似文献
对兰州炼油化工总厂二套常减压装置常压蒸馏塔采用美国Setpoint公司的多变量预估控制器IDCOM实现产品质量和实时优化控制做了介绍,并根据控制器在现场的实际投用情况,对控制效果进行了对比分析 相似文献
《Food Control》2014
The French system for monitoring dietary exposure to pesticide residues and its scoring method are presented. This system aims both to assess acute and chronic risks to the general population and to identify food commodities and pesticides that need to be better monitored and/or regulated thanks to 6 priority levels. The method combines four chronic and acute dietary risk indicators based on the results of the most recent national monitoring programmes and maximum residue levels, in connection with individual and national food consumption data. The probability of exceeding the toxicological reference values was estimated for children and adults, for 522 pesticides and their metabolites. Food contributors were detailed and a minimum number of samples to be taken per food was proposed. The majority of the pesticides (87%) was scored at the lowest priority level 1. For pesticides classified in levels 2 to 5, there is a need to refine the assessment. The monitoring should also be extended to include newly authorised substances in levels 2 to 4. Carbendazim, dimethoate, dithiocarbamates and imazalil merit particular attention as they scored at level 6 and are frequently quantified in fruits and vegetables, meaning that risk managers should take corrective measures in order to ensure consumer safety. 相似文献