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Cysteine replacement mutagenesis has identified positions in the first transmembrane domain of connexins as contributors to the pore lining of gap junction hemichannels (Zhou et al. 1997. Biophys. J. 72:1946-1953). Oocytes expressing a mutant cx46 with a cysteine in position 35 exhibited a membrane conductance sensitive to the thiol reagent maleimidobutyryl biocytin (MBB). MBB irreversibly reduced the single-channel conductance by 80%. This reactive cysteine was used to probe the localization of a voltage gate that closes cx46 gap junction hemichannels at negative potentials. MBB was applied to the closed channel either from outside (whole cell) or from inside (excised membrane patches). After washout of the thiol reagent the channels were tested at potentials at which the channels open. After extracellular application of MBB to intact oocytes, the membrane conductance was unaffected. In contrast, channels treated with intracellular MBB were blocked. Thus the cysteine in position 35 of cx46 is accessible from inside but not from the outside while the channel is closed. These results suggest that the voltage gate, which may be identical to the "loop gate" (Trexler et al. 1996. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 93:5836-5841), is located extracellular to the 35 position. The voltage gate results in regional closure of the pore rather than closure along the entire pore length.  相似文献   

Numerous two-cell voltage-clamp studies have concluded that the electrical conductance of mammalian cardiac gap junctions is not modulated by the transjunctional voltage (Vj) profile, although gap junction channels between low conductance pairs of neonatal rat ventricular myocytes are reported to exhibit Vj-dependent behavior. In this study, the dependence of macroscopic gap junctional conductance (gj) on transjunctional voltage was quantitatively examined in paired 3-d neonatal hamster ventricular myocytes using the double whole-cell patch-clamp technique. Immunolocalization with a site-specific antiserum directed against amino acids 252-271 of rat connexin43, a 43-kD gap junction protein as predicted from its cDNA sequence, specifically stained zones of contact between cultured myocytes. Instantaneous current-voltage (Ij-Vj) relationships of neonatal hamster myocyte pairs were linear over the entire voltage range examined (0 less than or equal to Vj less than or equal to +/- 100 mV). However, the steady-state Ij-Vj relationship was nonlinear for Vj greater than +/- 50 mV. Both inactivation and recovery processes followed single exponential time courses (tau inactivation = 100-1,000 ms, tau recovery approximately equal to 300 ms). However, Ij recovered rapidly upon polarity reversal. The normalized steady-state junctional conductance-voltage relationship (Gss-Vj) was a bell-shaped curve that could be adequately described by a two-state Boltzmann equation with a minimum Gj of 0.32-0.34, a half-inactivation voltage of -69 and +61 mV and an effective valence of 2.4-2.8. Recordings of gap junction channel currents (ij) yielded linear ij-Vj relationships with slope conductances of approximately 20-30 and 45-50 pS. A kinetic model, based on the Boltzmann relationship and the polarity reversal data, suggests that the opening (alpha) and closing (beta) rate constants have nearly identical voltage sensitivities with a Vo of +/- 62 mV. The data presented in this study are not consistent with the contingent gating scheme (for two identical gates in series) proposed for other more Vj-dependent gap junctions and alternatively suggest that each gate responds to the applied Vj independently of the state (open or closed) of the other gate.  相似文献   

The ability of certain connexins to form open hemichannels has been exploited to study the pore structure of gap junction (hemi)channels. Cysteine scanning mutagenesis was applied to cx46 and to a chimeric connexin, cx32E(1)43, which both form patent hemichannels when expressed in Xenopus oocytes. The thiol reagent maleimido-butyryl-biocytin was used to probe 12 cysteine replacement mutants in the first transmembrane segment and two in the amino-terminal segment. Maleimido-butyryl-biocytin was found to inhibit channel activity with cysteines in two equivalent positions in both connexins: I33C and M34C in cx32E(1)43 and I34C and L35C in cx46. These two positions in the first transmembrane segment are thus accessible from the extracellular space and consequently appear to contribute to the pore lining. The data also suggest that the pore structure is complex and may involve more than one transmembrane segment.  相似文献   

Calcium-mobilizing agonists induce intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) changes thought to trigger cellular responses. In connected cells, rises in [Ca2+]i can propagate from cell to cell as intercellular Ca2+ waves, the mechanisms of which are not elucidated. Using fura2-loaded rat hepatocytes, we studied the mechanisms controlling coordination and intercellular propagation of noradrenaline-induced Ca2+ signals. Gap junction blockade with 18 alpha-glycyrrhetinic acid resulted in a loss of coordination between connected cells. We found that second messengers and [Ca2+]i rises in one hepatocyte cannot trigger Ca2+ responses in connected cells, suggesting that diffusion across gap junctions, while required for coordination, is not sufficient by itself for the propagation of intercellular Ca2+ waves. In addition, our experiments revealed functional differences between noradrenaline-induced Ca2+ signals in connected hepatocytes. These results demonstrate that intercellular Ca2+ signals in multicellular systems of rat hepatocytes are propagated and highly organized through complex mechanisms involving at least three factors. First, gap junction coupling ensures coordination of [Ca2+]i oscillations between the different cells; second, the presence of hormone at each hepatocyte is required for cell-cell Ca2+ signal propagation; and third, functional differences between adjacent connected hepatocytes could allow a 'pacemaker-like' intercellular spread of Ca2+ waves.  相似文献   

To increase our knowledge of the role of peptide hormone stimulation in gap junction protein expression and adrenal cortical cell function, primary rat adrenal cortical cells were treated with adrenocorticotropin, and gap junction proteins were measured. Immunocytochemistry and western blot analysis were used to detect and characterize gap junction type and distribution. The gap junction protein, connexin 43 (alpha 1), was detected. Analysis of six connexin protein types did not reveal gap junction species other than alpha 1. Cells of the inner adrenal cortical zones, zonae fasciculata and reticularis, were demonstrated to have the highest number of gap junctions per cell in the adrenal gland. Adrenal cell cultures enriched for the two inner cortical adrenal zones were established and demonstrated also to express alpha 1 gap junction protein. Adrenocorticotropin (40 mUnits/ml) and dibutyryl cyclic adenosine monophosphate (1 mM) treatments increased alpha 1 gap junction protein levels and decreased cell proliferation rates in the cell cultures. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that gap junction expression can be regulated by adrenocorticotropin acting through the second messenger cyclic adenosine monophosphate. It can be suggested that gap junction expression in the adrenal gland may be under hormonal influence, and that gap junctions serve as passage for movement of molecules involved in control of cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Structure of gap junction intercellular channels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The water durability at adhesion interfaces was investigated by measurement of the peeled area of thin resin films bonded with 4-META resin on metal surfaces after imposing thermal stress using liquid nitrogen. Thermal stress at the adhesion interface was calculated by a computer-aided finite element method. On 18-8 stainless-steel specimens which bond strongly with 4-META resin, total interface failure occurs on specimens with resin thicker than 0.55 mm in dry condition. A resin layer of 0.25 mm was chosen to study degradation of the adhesion interface by water. The shearing stress was calculated as 16 MPa for a 0.25 mm thick resin layer. On mild-steel adherent interface with 4-META resin which degrades rapidly by water molecule, the relationship between water immersion time and degradation at the adhesion interface was discussed together with the amount of water penetrated at the interface. The method proposed in the present study is effective as a quick evaluation method for water durability at the adhesion interface.  相似文献   

Short term (15 min) effects of activators of protein kinase A (PKA), PKC and PKG on cardiac macroscopic (g(j)) and single channel (gamma j) gap junctional conductances were studied in pairs of neonatal rat cardiomyocytes. Under dual whole-cell voltage-clamp, PKC activation by 100 nM TPA increased g(j) by 16 +/- 2% (mean +/- S.E.M, n = 9), 1.5 mM of the PKG activator 8-bromo-cGMP (8Br-cGMP) decreased g(j) by 26 +/- 2% (n = 4), whereas 1.5 mM of the PKA activator 8Br-cAMP did not affect g(j) (1 +/- 5%, n = 11). Single cardiac gap junction channel events, resolved in the presence of heptanol, indicated two gamma j sizes of 20 pS and 40-45 pS. Under control conditions, the larger events were most frequently observed. Whereas 8Br-cAMP did not change this distribution, TPA or 8Br-cGMP shifted the gamma j distribution to the lower sizes. Diffusion of 6-carboxyfluorescein (6-CF), a gap junction permeant tracer, from the injected cell to neighboring cells was studied on small clusters of neonatal rat cardiomyocytes. Under control conditions, 6-CF labeled 8.4 +/- 0.4 cells (mean +/- S.E.M, n = 31). Whereas 8Br-cAMP did not change the extent of dye transfer (8.1 +/- 0.5 cells, n = 10), TPA restricted the diffusion of 6-CF to 2.2 +/- 0.2 cells (n = 30) and 8Br-cGMP to 3.5 +/- 0.3 cells (n = 10). This suggests that permeability and single channel conductance of Cx43 gap junction channels are parallel related. Altogether, these results point to the differential modulation of electrical and metabolic coupling of cardiac cells by various phosphorylating conditions.  相似文献   

An indirect immunogold labeling technique was applied to replicas of freeze-fractured membranes of rapidly frozen unfixed cells. The endogenous gap junction protein Cx43 of BICR/M1Rk rat mammary tumor cells was preferentially identified in quasi-crystalline gap junction plaques as were the transfected connexins Cx40, Cx43, and Cx45 in HeLa (human cervical carcinoma) cells. With this method we also detected contact areas with dispersed gap junction channels which are the only structural correlation for endogenous Cx45 in HeLa wild-type cells where no gap junction plaques exist. In double-transfected HeLa cells a colocalization of Cx40 and Cx43 was occasionally detected in quasi-crystalline gap junction plaques, whereas in contact areas with dispersed particles only one Cx type was present. Our results indicate that functional gap junction channels exist outside the quasi-crystalline plaques.  相似文献   

Gap junction channels are formed by members of the connexin gene family and mediate direct intercellular communication through linked hemichannels (connexons) from each of two adjacent cells. While for most connexins, the hemichannels appear to require an apposing hemichannel to open, macroscopic currents obtained from Xenopus oocytes expressing rat Cx46 suggested that some hemichannels can be readily opened by membrane depolarization [Paul, D. L., Ebihara, L., Takemoto, L. J., Swenson, K. I. & Goodenough, D. A. (1991), J. Cell Biol. 115, 1077-1089]. Here we demonstrate by single channel recording that hemichannels comprised of rat Cx46 exhibit complex voltage gating consistent with there being two distinct gating mechanisms. One mechanism partially closes Cx46 hemichannels from a fully open state, gammaopen, to a substate, gammasub, about one-third of the conductance of gammaopen; these transitions occur when the cell is depolarized to inside positive voltages, consistent with gating by transjunctional voltage in Cx46 gap junctions. The other gating mechanism closes Cx46 hemichannels to a fully closed state, gammaclosed, on hyperpolarization to inside negative voltages and has unusual characteristics; transitions between gammaclosed and gammaopen appear slow (10-20 ms), often involving several transient substates distinct from gammasub. The polarity of activation and kinetics of this latter form of gating indicate that it is the mechanism by which these hemichannels open in the cell surface membrane when unapposed by another hemichannel. Cx46 hemichannels display a substantial preference for cations over anions, yet have a large unitary conductance (approximately 300 pS) and a relatively large pore as inferred from permeability to tetraethylammonium (approximately 8.5 angstroms diameter). These hemichannels open at physiological voltages and could induce substantial cation fluxes in cells expressing Cx46.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that rhamnose, 3-O-methyl-D-glucose, D-xylose and lactulose may be quantified accurately in blood by HPLC and pulsed amperometric detection, thus enabling studies of intestinal permeability and function to be carried out using plasma samples. Prior to HPLC, the endogenous glucose was enzymatically modified to gluconic acid and the protein precipitated. The precision of the quantification of the sugars in plasma (CV: 2.2-5.7%; 8.7-10.6% at very low concentrations) compared well with the quantification in urine. The results for groups of 8 dogs with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth and 12 dogs with inflammatory bowel disease were shown to be significantly different from a group of 20 normal control dogs (P < 0.001), demonstrating the test's value as a diagnostic tool. The normal ranges in blood 2 h post oral administration were determined to be 0.05-0.17 for the lactulose/rhamnose ratio and 0.45-0.65 for the xylose/3-O-methylglucose ratio. This method may be employed advantageously when the collection of urine in intestinal permeability and function tests is difficult.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is known to suppress some cell-mediated immune responses to antigens encountered during or soon after exposure. Phototherapy is widely used in psoriasis, and this study was undertaken to monitor changes in a range of immunological parameters during standard courses of treatment, with the aim of ascertaining whether such modulations contribute to the effectiveness of therapy. The responses of 17 patients with psoriasis undergoing UVB therapy, and four receiving PUVA therapy, were compared with 15 patients receiving coal tar treatment and four normal subjects undergoing UVB irradiation. In each case, samples were taken before starting therapy, after 4 weeks of therapy, and 4 weeks after completion of treatment. Serum immunoglobulin isotypes and complement components were within normal ranges in most of the psoriasis patients, and remained unchanged throughout therapy. Similarly, percentages of subsets of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were normal, and were unaltered by treatment. Patients who were already infected with herpes simplex virus (HSV), as demonstrated by a positive lymphoproliferation test in vitro, were monitored for asymptomatic HSV shedding and HSV recrudescences during therapy. There was little evidence that phototherapy caused reactivation of the virus. No significant alteration in lymphoproliferative response to HSV and to the mitogen concanavalin A was observed during therapy. Epidermal cells and blood adherent cells were used to present HSV to PBMC, depleted of adherent cells and enriched for T cells, in a lymphoproliferative assay. The functional antigen-presenting ability of adherent cells remained unchanged throughout therapy, whereas that of epidermal cells was suppressed during UVB irradiation and recovered, in most instances, after UVB therapy had been completed. The epidermis of patients with psoriasis contained about three times the quantity of urocanic acid (UCA) of normal subjects, whereas the UCA concentration in suction blister fluid did not differ between the two groups. During UVB irradiation, the percentage of cis-UCA rose in both the epidermis and suction blister fluid of all subjects, and it remained elevated in the blister fluid after therapy had finished. Tumour necrosis factor-alpha was measured in suction blister fluid, and its concentration did not alter consistently as a result of therapy. Whether any of the immunological parameters measured, and the changes noted, contribute to the effectiveness of phototherapy in the treatment of psoriasis remains uncertain.  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic calcium environments along membrane trafficking pathways leading to gap junction intercellular communication channels at the plasma membrane were studied. Connexins, the constitutive proteins of gap junctions, were fused at their carboxyl terminus to the calcium-sensitive photoprotein aequorin. The cellular location of the chimeric proteins was determined by immunolocalization and subcellular fractionation. The generation of functional gap junctions by the connexin chimerae was monitored by the ability of the cells to exchange small dyes. Although aequorin fused to connexin-26 was nonfunctional, its ability to report Ca2+ and to form functional gap junctions was rescued by replacement of its cytoplasmic carboxyl tail with that of connexin-43. In COS-7 cells expressing these connexin-aequorin chimerae, calcium levels below the plasma membrane were higher (approximately 5 microM) than those in the cytoplasm (approximately 100 nM); gap junctions were able to transfer dyes under these conditions. Cytoplasmic levels of free calcium surrounding the ERGIC/Golgi reported by connexin-43 chimera (approximately 420 nM) were twice those measured by connexin-32 chimera (approximately 200 nM); both chimerae measured calcium levels substantially higher than those reported by a connexin-26 chimera (approximately 130 nM). Dispersion of the ERGIC and Golgi complex by brefeldin A led to a marked reduction in calcium levels. The results show that the various connexin chimerae were located in spatially different subcellular stores and that the ERGIC/Golgi regions of the cell maintain heterogeneous cytoplasmic domains of calcium. The implications of the subplasma-membrane Ca2+ levels on the gating of gap junctions are discussed.  相似文献   

Oleamide is an endogenous fatty acid primary amide that possesses sleep-inducing properties in animals and has been shown to effect serotonergic systems and block gap junction communication in a structurally specific manner. Herein, the structural features of oleamide required for inhibition of the gap junction-mediated chemical and electrical transmission in rat glial cells are defined. The effective inhibitors fall into two classes of fatty acid primary amides of which oleamide and arachidonamide are the prototypical members. Of these two, oleamide constitutes the most effective, and its structural requirements for inhibition of the gap junction are well defined. It requires a chain length of 16-24 carbons of which 16-18 carbons appears optimal, a polarized terminal carbonyl group capable of accepting but not necessarily donating a hydrogen bond, a Delta9 cis double bond, and a hydrophobic methyl terminus. Within these constraints, a range of modifications are possible, many of which may be expected to improve in vivo properties. A select set of agents has been identified that serves both as oleamide agonists and as inhibitors of fatty acid amide hydrolase, which is responsible for the rapid inactivation of oleamide.  相似文献   

Anandamide, an endogenous arachidonic acid derivative that is released from neurons and activates cannabinoid receptors, may act as a transcellular cannabimimetic messenger in the central nervous system. The biological actions of anandamide and the identity of its target cells are, however, still poorly documented. Here we show that anandamide is a potent inhibitor of gap-junction conductance and dye permeability in striatal astrocytes. This inhibitory effect is specific for anandamide as compared to co-released congeners or structural analogues, is sensitive to pertussis toxin and to protein-alkylating agents, and is neither mimicked by cannabinoid-receptor agonists nor prevented by a cannabinoid-receptor antagonist. Glutamate released from neurons evokes calcium waves in astrocytes that propagate via gap junctions, and may, in turn, activate neurons distant from their initiation sites in astrocytes. We find that anandamide blocks the propagation of astrocyte calcium waves generated by either mechanical stimulation or local glutamate application. Thus, by regulating gap-junction permeability, anandamide may control intercellular communication in astrocytes and therefore neuron-glial interactions.  相似文献   

For many neurons, N-type calcium channels provide the primary pathway for calcium influx during an action potential. We investigated the gating properties of single N-type calcium channels using the cell-attached patch technique. With 100 mM Ba2+ in the pipet, mean N-channel open probability (Po, measured over 100 ms) increased with depolarization, but the range at a single voltage was large (e.g., Po at +40 mV ranged from 0.1 to 0.8). The open dwell time histograms were generally well fit by a single exponential with mean open time (tauo) increasing from 0.7 ms at +10 mV to 3.1 ms at +40 mV. Shut time histograms were well fit by two exponentials. The brief shut time component (taush1 = 0.3 ms) did not vary with the test potential, while the longer shut time component (taush2) decreased with voltage from 18.9 ms at +10 mV to 2.3 ms at +40 mV. Although N-channel Po during individual sweeps at +40 mV was often high ( approximately 0.8), mean Po was reduced by null sweeps, low Po gating, inactivation, and slow activation. The variability in mean Po across patches resulted from differences in the frequency these different gating processes were expressed by the channels. Runs analysis showed that null sweeps tended to be clustered in most patches, but that inactivating and slowly activating sweeps were generally distributed randomly. Low Po gating (Po = 0.2, tauo = 1 ms at +40 mV) could be sustained for approximately 1 min in some patches. The clustering of null sweeps and sweeps with low Po gating is consistent with the idea that they result from different modes of N-channel gating. While Po of the main N-channel gating state is high, the net Po is reduced to a maximum value of close to 0.5 by other gating processes.  相似文献   

The prion protein (PrP) and the amyloid beta (Abeta) precursor protein (APP) are two normal proteins constitutively synthesised in human brain. An altered form of PrP accumulates in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, while Abeta is involved in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. Synthetic fragments of both proteins, PrP106-126 and beta25-35 (beta25-35), have been demonstrated to induce neurodegeneration and microglia activation. This study was undertaken to compare PrP106-126 and beta25-35 capability of activating human resting microglial cells. Our results show that both peptides are able to induce microglial activation and to elicit an increase in [Ca2+]i levels in cells loaded with calcium-green 1. Inhibitors of L-type voltage-sensitive calcium channels (verapamil, nifedipine and diltiazem) prevented the increase in [Ca2+]i concentration as observed after treatment with PrP106-126 and beta25-35, thus indicating a transmembrane calcium influx through these channels. In addition, verapamil abolished the proliferative effect of both PrP106-126 and beta25-35.  相似文献   

Specificity of gap junction formation produces communication compartments, groups of cells joined to each other by gap junctions (homologous communication) but more rarely to cells in adjacent compartments (heterologous communication). Specificity of junction formation can be studied in mixed cultures of different cell types. In these model systems, compartmentation is often associated with sorting out, a process that produces separate domains of the different cells. The borders of the physically distinct domains correlate with the functional boundaries of the communication compartments. Compartments have also been observed in vivo where they are believed to play a role in separating groups of cells following different differentiation pathways. Two classes of cell surface molecule, connexins and cell adhesion molecules, are candidates for a role in the control of specificity. A representative of each class appears to be necessary for gap junction formation and both are expressed in a tissue specific manner. We have shown that mixed cultures of rat epithelial (BRL) cells and rat (BICR) fibroblasts show specificity, form communication compartments and sort out. Both cell types express the same connexin (connexin 43) but different cell adhesion molecules (BRL, P-cadherin and 125-kDa N-cadherin; BICR, 140-kDa N-cadherin). Transfection of both cell types with E-cadherin results in a 10-fold increase in heterologous communication. These data suggest that E-cadherin plays a role in the control of specificity of gap junction formation.  相似文献   

Gap junction channels provide the pathway for the cell-to-cell propagation of cardiac action potential. Impairment of junctional conductance decreases conduction velocity and can cause block, two conditions that favor ventricular arrhythmias and fibrillation by re-entrant excitation. These experiments were designed to examine the effects of homogeneous versus localized decrease of the gap junction conductance on propagation of action potential in Purkinje fibers from sheep hearts. The fibers were mounted in a three-compartment chamber, and cell-to-cell conductance was progressively reduced by applying heptanol either over a central 2-mm segment or over the whole fiber length. The internal resistivities (Ri) at which conduction of the action potential became blocked were determined in both cases. With 3.5 mM heptanol in the central compartment, conduction failed when Ri was increased by only 3-4.6 times the control values. In contrast, when the same concentration of heptanol was added simultaneously to all three compartments, Ri had to rise by a factor of 7.5-9.4 before conduction became decremental and was blocked. In both situations, dV/dt(max) at the time of conduction block was similarly decreased to about 50% of the control values. Other parameters being equal, a moderate decrease of the gap junction conductance and of the fast sodium current, insufficient to block propagation of the action potential when they are homogeneously distributed, become sufficient to interrupt conduction if the action potential merges abruptly into a portion of fiber with normal internal conductivity at the outlet of the area of increased resistance. This greater sensitivity to block is accounted for by the increase in electrical load at the discontinuity in the core conductor between the region of increased internal resistance and the normal part of fiber that follows. Areas of steep transition from high to low input resistances of the core conductor, such as may develop in localized ischemia, therefore appear particularly susceptible to conduction failure.  相似文献   

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