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Keiji Kobayashi 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1990,73(1):146-147
Experimental data for maximum T c , up to 125 K with temperature cycling, are reported with regard to Y-Ba-Cu-O.OH systems. This increase in T c is presumably associated with structural transition or phase equilibrium for [CuO6 ] local octahedra, occupied by hydroxyl or fluorine ions in the oxygen vacancy sites. Possible improvement in T c using hydroxide ceramic compounds is described briefly. 相似文献
Kenneth W. Lay 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1989,72(4):696-698
Yttrium barium cuprate can be formed at temperatures below 800°C from mixed oxides and carbonate if a low-oxygen-pressure atmosphere is used. This eliminates the formation of a high-oxygen-content nonsuperconducting phase which has been previously shown to form at lower temperatures. Reaction of barium carbonate and the oxides of copper and yttrium at temperatures as low as 750°C in reducing atmospheres is shown to form tetragonal YBa2 Cu3 Ox with x about 6. This compound can then be oxidized by cooling in an oxidizing atmosphere to obtain the desired x value of about 7. 相似文献
Ming-Yih Su Christine E. Elsbernd Thomas O. Mason 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1990,73(2):415-419
Data for the normal state of the superconducting oxide systems YBa2 Cu3 O6+y , and the nonsuperconducting system La3 Ba3 Cu6 O12.5+y , when plotted as thermoelectric coefficient versus logarithm of conductivity, exhibit Jonker "pear" behavior, confirming the semiconducting character of these materials. The symmetry of the plots indicates similar conduction parameters (density-of-states (DOS), transport constants, and mobilities) for p - and n -type mechanisms. Band gaps on the order of 0.5 eV are obtained. DOS—mobility products for the above-mentioned systems and La2-x Bax CuO4 and Bi2 Sr2 CaCu2 O8 scale roughly according to the density of copper ions in these materials and fall in the range 1020 to 1021 (cm·V·s)−1 . Assuming DOS equal to copper content results in mobilities on the order of 0.15 cm2 ·V−1 · s−1 . These results are discussed in terms of possible semiconduction mechanisms. 相似文献
Jennifer L. Porter Thirukumar K. Vethanayagam Robert L. Snyder Jenifer A. T. Taylor 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1990,73(6):1760-1762
Palladium alloy compositions were investigated for suitability as a nonreactive material for the processing of ceramic superconductors. Barium-based superconductors were tested on Pd-Au and Pd-Ag alloys for reactivity. Bismuth-based superconductors were tested on a Pd-Ag alloy. The least reactive was found to be 70% Pd-30% Ag for barium-based high-temperature superconductors (HTSC), whereas 30% Pd-70% Ag was found to be least reactive for bismuth-based HTSC. 相似文献
William J. Thomson Hong Wang David B. Parkman Dong X. Li Michael Strasik Thomas S. Luhman Chan Han Ilhan A. Aksay 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1989,72(10):1977-1979
Reaction sequencing studies were conducted for two precursors to the 123 superconductor in air and helium environments. In air, the reactants in both precursor systems produce an intermediate 123 phase at 1000 K without going through the BaCuO2 and Y2 BaCuO5 intermediate phases, observed in earlier work with mixed powder precursors. In helium, the fully developed 123 tetragonal phase is formed at temperatures as low as 880 K, but it also decomposes to Y2 BaCuO5 , BaCu2 O2 , and BaCuO2 ; the extent of decomposition depends on the temperature. The 123 tetragonal phase completely decomposes by 1075 K, but it can be reformed if the atmosphere is switched back to air at a temperature above 950 K. 相似文献
Min-Seok Oh Qin Fang Liu Wojciech Misiolek Alex Rodrigues Betzalel Avitzur Michael R. Notis 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1989,72(11):2142-2147
Sheathed high- T c superconducting ceramic wire composites have been fabricated by wire drawing. Superconducting powders of YBa2 Cu3 O7-x (Y-123) and Bi4 (Sr, Ca)6 Cu4 O16+x (Bi-464) have both been prepared and successfully fabricated into continuous wire form. Under certain circumstances, a displacement reaction occurs at the interface between the ceramic superconductor and the containment tube; the nature of this displacement reaction and its prevention are discussed. Microcracking of the ceramic core is attributable predominantly to relative shrinkage effects during sintering. Failure of the metal wall during wire fabrication is attributed to drawing conditions and the mechanical properties of core and cladding. 相似文献
Thomas J. Richardson Lutgard C. De Jonghe 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1990,73(11):3511-3513
Textured thick films of superconducting YBa2 Cu3 O7−x (YBCO) have been prepared on ceramic substrates using a traveling reaction zone method. The technique utilizes the rapid reaction between Y2 Cu2 O5 and BaCuO2 to form YBCO as the film passes through a steep temperature gradient furnance. The films consist of a single continuous superconducting phase with strong c -axis orientation normal to the translation direction of the film. 相似文献
M.-Y. Su E. A. Cooper C. E. Elsbernd T. O. Mason 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1990,73(11):3453-3456
High-temperature (650° to 8507deg;C) electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient measurements as functions of oxygen partial pressure and temperature in polycrystalline lanthanum cuprate support a defect model consisting of oxygen interstitials charge compensated by electron holes. The La:Cu ratio was therefore estimated to be 2.000 ± 0.001. By comparison with existing oxygen nonstoichiometry data, the high-temperature electron hole mobility and density-of-states were estimated. 相似文献
A superconducting line should be essentially lossless and dispersionless and have a purely resistive impedance up to at least 10 GHz. In fact we expect that a long (>1 km) line could carry nanosecond rise time pulses with zero distortion and low loss (<1 dB/km). We have measured the losses in some short sections of coaxial line containing ceramic high-Tc superconducting-center conductors over the frequency range from 5 to 50 MHz. There is only a slight improvement over a completely copper coaxial line. 相似文献
Solid-state sintering was used to make YBa2 Cu3 O7−δ superconducting bulk materials. Corrosion of the YBa2 Cu3 O7−δ superconductor material was investigated in a humid environment. The superconducting materials exhibited significant corrosion after 4 h at 80° and 100% relative humidity. A grain-boundary phase was formed, and the percent superconducting phase in the material decreased by approximately 60%. The transition temperature (Tc ) decreased with corrosion time. After 2 h of corrosion, Tc decreased from 87 to 81 K. 相似文献
Seog-Hyun Cho Doh-Yeon Kim Zheong-G Khim 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1989,72(8):1516-1519
Effects of a slight compositional change on the microstructure of sintered Y-Ba-Cu-O superconducting ceramics were investigated. The compositional change was provided either by the liquid which has been formed at the hot end of the rectangular bar specimen sintered under gradient temperature or by the vapor from Y-Ba-Cu-O melt. The results indicated that the Cu and Ba vapor pressure of the sintering atmosphere must be closely controlled to obtain an enhanced densification and a desired single-phase microstructure. 相似文献
Concurrent DTA, TGA, and oxygen pressure measurement were used to determine liquidus temperature for compositions near YBa2 Cu3 Ox . Liquidus temperatures were measured for oxygen partial pressures from 2 × 10−4 to 1 bar. Liquidus temperatures decreased for lowered oxygen pressure. The ternary eutectic is 930°C for 1 bar and 854°C for 0.02 bar oxygen pressure. Incongruent melting of YB2 Cu3 Ox occurs at 1034°C for 1 bar and 938°C for 2 × 10−4 bar oxygen pressure. Some implications for processing are also discussed. 相似文献
Gilles Bussod Alexander Pechenik Chung-tse Chu Bruce Dunn 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1989,72(1):137-139
The knowledge of the steady-state stress for plastic deformation as a function of temperature and strain rate is essential for hot-forming superconducting material into commercially useful shapes. In this paper, results are presented on the experimental determination of the rheology of fully dense polycrystalline Y1 Ba2 Cu3 O7−x superconducting material at temperatures ranging from 750° to 950°C and strain rates of 10−4 , 10−5 , and 10−6 s−1 . The data are best fitted by a power law: ε(s−1 )=8.9 × 10−17 . (s−1 ) σ2.5 (Pa) exp [−2.01 × 105 (J·mol−1 )|RT]. X-ray analysis shows that the superconducting material retains its phase composition after nearly 70% total strain of the sample. A strong anisotropy in the resistivity of the deformed samples is observed because of the development of a preferred orientation of the a or b axis of Y1 Ba2 Cu3 O7−x orthorhombic perovskite single crystals perpendicular to the principal maximum compressive stress. 相似文献
Terrence B. Lindemer John F. Hunley Jacques E. Gates Alfred L. Sutton Jr. Jorulf Brynestad Camden R. Hubbard Patrick K. Gallagher 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1989,72(10):1775-1788
The dependence of the nonstoichiometry of 〈YBa2 Cu3 O7−x 〉 (solid) has been studied over 5 orders of magnitude in oxygen pressure and from 573 to 1173 K. Hydrogen-reduction methods for determining the absolute oxygen to-metal ratio were developed. The resulting data were used to derive a chemical thermodynamic representation of the experimental variables. The data were used to derive a chemical thermodynamic representaltion of the experimental variables. The data were also compared with several other investigations to indentify the selfconsistent sets of data. The present data and thermodynamic data from the literature were correlated on an Ellingham diagram. 相似文献
Aspects of nonstoichiometry for the Y-Ba-Cu (1: 2: 3) system are considered. The general formula YBa2 Cu3 O7-x has been assumed for considerations of nonstoichiometry in 1: 2:3 oxide cuprates. Assuming that copper ions may occupy different lattice positions (independently of their valency), the equilibrium constants for oxygen intercalation were determined: 相似文献
Based on the measurements of electrical conductivity and thermopower (Seebeck coefficient) as a function of oxygen partial pressure, the defect structure and corresponding conduction mechanisms at elevated temperatures are considered for the Y-Ba-Cu-O (1:2:3) system. It has been postulated that the simple hopping model is not applicable to YBa2 Cu3 O7-x . A modified conduction hopping mechanism has been proposed and equations describing the mobility of charge carriers in the studied system are derived. The most important advantage of the present model, in comparison to previous models, involves considering interactions between both electrons and electron holes and the resulting effect on their mobility terms. The observed departure of experimental data from the Heikes formula is explained by a very high concentration of defects and resulting substantial interactions between the defects which must be taken into account. The proposed transport model exhibits good agreement with experimental data of nonstoichiometry and the presently determined electrical conductivity and thermopower. It has been argued that the charge transfer mechanism depends substantially on the oxygen partial pressure and resulting oxygen content in the oxide lattice. 相似文献
The thermodynamic data for the YO1.5 –BaO, BaO-CuOx , and YO1.5 –CuOx quasi-binary systems were optimized from experimental phase diagrams. They were used to calculate tentative phase diagrams for the YO1.5 –BaO—CuOx quasi-ternary system. The equilibrim liquidus surface and the isothermal sections of the ternary system at 900°, 925°, 950°, 975°, and 1000°C were calculated. The isopleths containing YBa2 Cu3 O7-δ were also calculated. 相似文献
Peter Goodman Mark Grigg Geoffrey Opat rew Peele John Drennan Patrick Rohan 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1989,72(5):856-859
A systematic study has been made of the influence of different solid-state decomposition preparations of copper oxide and barium carbonate on the synthesis of YBa2 Cu3 O7−x superconductor. Considerable morphological control on the end product can be achieved through a monitored calcining of starting materials. The ceramic particle size is found to be primarily dependent on initial CuO morphology, whereas uniformity of the ceramic and the occurrence of an intergranular phase is sensitive to the form of the BaO precursor. The use of accoustic testing for characterizing the ceramic quality is suggested. 相似文献
Joseph R. Spann Isabel K. Lloyd † Manfred Kahn Mark T. Chase ‡ 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1990,73(2):435-438
A single calcination step, solid-state process that provides orthohombic Ba2 YCu3 O7 powder is described. BaCO3 , Y2 O3 , and CuO are used as precursor materials. The only phase identifiable by X-ray diffraction is the orthorhombic Ba2 YCu3 O7 . The use of a vacuum during the inital stages of the calcining process promotes complete decomposition of the carbonate, and no residual carbonate is observed. An oxygen atmosphere during the later stages of calcining ensures proper oxidation to Ba2 YCu3 O7 . The use of a similar combination vacuum-oxygen calcining schedule should also be beneficial in the preparation of chemically derived powders. 相似文献
Novel Solution-Soaking Method for Adding Dopants to YBa2 Cu3 O7−x to Achieve Higher Sintered Densities
Pottail Umadevi K. Ravindran Nair Alathur D. Damodaran 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1989,72(12):2386-2387
YBa2 Cu3 O7−x was doped with various metal ions by a new technique in which a pellet (after binder burnout) was soaked in a solution containing the appropriate ions and then dried. The sintered density of the treated pellets depended on the dopant in the solution, and in many cases it was much higher than that obtained for pure YBa2 Cu3 O7−x (93% to 96% as compared with 85% to 90%). A study of the microstructure revealed that, in those cases where higher sintered densities were obtained, the grain size was much smaller. The grain morphology, however, did not change. It is likely that the high concentration of dopant adsorbed on the grain surface during solution soaking enhanced the rate of sintering. 相似文献