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锚节点水面部署的三维水下传感网定位算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
受应用条件制约,水下三维传感网的锚节点很多时候只能水面部署,这对于多跳定位算法而言是一种挑战.由此提出一种从水面向下逐级迭代求精的定位策略,防止了下级的定位误差向上扩散,并利用水下节点易测的深度信息对定位中的多边迭代进行约束,进一步补偿锚节点部署不均带来的各向异性.  相似文献   

无线传感器网络三维空间最佳覆盖路由协议   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
任彦  张思东  张宏科 《电子学报》2006,34(2):306-311
本文针对新兴无线传感器网络中的三维空间随机最佳覆盖NP难问题进行了研究.采用计算几何与图论着色方法建立了三维空间的随机最佳覆盖数学模型,给出了一种分布式启发算法,得到了完成最佳覆盖的低能量消耗路径.并在此基础上设计了一种可以实现无线传感器网络三维空间最佳覆盖的优化路由协议.最后进行了协议算法的性能评价以及最佳覆盖和网络生存时间的实验仿真,结果表明协议算法时间复杂度低,并具有可扩展性、有效性和鲁棒性.  相似文献   

 覆盖作为无线传感器网络中的基础问题直接反映了网络感知服务质量.本文在分析现有无线多媒体传感器网络覆盖增强算法的基础上,构建节点三维感知模型,提出面向三维感知的多媒体传感器网络覆盖增强算法(Three-Dimensional Perception Based Coverage-Enhancing Algorithm,TDPCA).该算法将节点主感知方向划分为仰俯角和偏向角,并根据节点自身位置及监测区域计算并调整各节点最佳仰俯角,在此基础上基于粒子群优化调整节点偏向角,从而有效减少节点感知重叠区及感知盲区,最终实现监测场景的区域覆盖增强.仿真实验表明:对比已有的覆盖增强算法,TDPCA可有效降低除节点感知重叠区和盲区,最终实现网络的高效覆盖.  相似文献   

 针对传感器网络在三维空间的应用,基于Euclidean定位算法,提出了对无线传感器节点进行三维定位的算法.将计算未知节点与锚节点间距离问题抽象为求解六面体顶点间的距离.根据问题的抽象,本文使用所提出的坐标法进行求解,并采用循环迭代的方式来提高节点的定位比例.仿真结果表明,三维空间的Euclidean定位算法各项指标均为良好,能有效地实现三维环境中的传感器节点定位.  相似文献   

刘超  王敬东  李鹏 《电子科技》2010,23(8):90-93
针对RSSI值受发射天线角度影响的问题,通过特定位置分布的锚节点,对普通节点的位置进行估测,获得天线的角度,对RSSI值进行角度补偿,并在定位计算中,采用了一种多锚节点关联的定位方法,有效提高节点的定位精度。实验结果表明,此定位方法可以把平均定位精度从40%提高到10%。  相似文献   

张建新  刘郁林  张波  李力 《电视技术》2012,36(7):64-66,111
无线传感器网络(Wireless Sensor Networks,WSN)被应用在诸多领域,如在工业自动化、环境检测、网络控制、生物及能量管理等方面。主要讨论了压缩感知在传感器网络中的应用,研究了压缩感知在传感器网络中应用所需的数学基础,以及重要参数的描述。  相似文献   

资源受限和环境干扰使得无线传感器网络大规模应用面临诸多问题,包括流量不均衡、功能与需求失衡、理论与实际失衡等。文章在分析这些问题的基础上,结合当前技术的发展和应用需求,从传感器网络应用架构、体系结构、稀疏网络部署下的数据传输及大规模传感器网络的仿真、测试技术等方面,给出了对大规模传感器应用的一些思考。  相似文献   

文章介绍了典型的传感器节点各个组成部分的能量消耗情况。在此基础上,对无线传感器网络(WSN)的节能策略进行了全面系统的分类,并且针对每类节能策略进行深入论述。最后,对于还没有受到学术界广泛关注的节能策略进行讨论,从而指出无线传感器网络节能策略的发展方向。  相似文献   

文章围绕引入移动节点可以节省无线传感器网络的能量消耗这一主题,对引入了移动节点的无线传感器网络的数据收集方式进行了一个全面合理的分类,并且结合相关文献对每类数据收集方式展开深入讨论,系统全面地论述了该主题的研究现状、存在的问题以及面临的挑战。  相似文献   

无线传感器网络路由协议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在简要地介绍了无线传感器网络体系结构的基础上,研究了当前主要的几种无线传感器网络路由协议模型,并进行了比较分析.  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - During the development of wireless sensor networks for smart cities, deployment of nodes in three-dimensional space is important factor as data loss in such cases...  相似文献   

Sequence-Based Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We introduce a novel sequence-based localization technique for wireless sensor networks. We show that the localization space can be divided into distinct regions that can each be uniquely identified by sequences that represent the ranking of distances from the reference nodes to that region. For n reference nodes in the localization space, combinatorially, O(n") sequences are possible, but we show that, due to geometric constraints, the actual number of feasible location sequences is much lower: only O(n 4). Using these location sequences, we develop a localization technique that is robust to random errors due to the multipath and shadowing effects of wireless channels. Through extensive systematic simulations and a representative set of real mote experiments, we show that our lightweight localization technique provides comparable or better accuracy than other state-of-the-art radio signal strength-based localization techniques over a range of wireless channel and node deployment conditions.  相似文献   

Privacy is a necessary component of any security discussion. Privacy and security must be considered separately as well as together. Threads of privacy are visible throughout the procedure of building security solutions for any system. The notions for privacy also play an important role in the technical implications of privacy preservation within any network or its subsystems. Analyzing the mitigations and protections for privacy are considered in privacy notions. The privacy notions being theoretical systems and identified vulnerabilities in the sensor networks not being mapped to such privacy preservation notions necessities the analytical review of privacy provisioning in wireless sensor network (WSN) being formalized within a framework consisting or the vulnerabilities associated with each component of the network and mechanisms of privacy preservation along with the privacy notions. The current research paper provides an analytical review of the privacy provisioning in WSNs with the perspective of development of a proposed framework for privacy notions and quantitative as well as qualitative measures associated with the privacy preservation in sensor network mapped with the various techniques implemented for privacy preservation of different components of the network and the network as a whole. This analytical review has been done on the basis of set of beliefs that an adversary has while launching an attack on the network. Further the existing techniques for privacy preservation of receiver and source node location, location of sink node, traffic analysis prevention and preserving temporal privacy in WSN have been analyses on the basis of adversary’s set of beliefs’ mitigated by them and the notion of privacy implemented by these techniques like k-anonymity, l-diversity or t-closeness. The present effort aims to provide the researchers with an insight of the new concept of belief mitigation for privacy provisioning in WSN.  相似文献   

为了解决无线传感器网络跟踪非线性运动目标的分布式数据融合问题,使用了基于扩展信息滤波器(EIF)的分布式估计算法.对于活跃传感器的选择方法,采用了基于与目标位置接近程度的近邻选择算法和基于信息贡献的信息选择算法.仿真结果表明,与分布式扩展信息滤波器(DEIF)算法相比,近邻选择算法和信息选择算法得到了相似的响应曲线,且具有减少能量消耗和简化计算的优点.  相似文献   

无线传感器网络中覆盖问题的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
简要介绍了无线传感器网络体系结构、特点和应用领域.针对无线传感器网络节点覆盖问题进行了研究,提出了基于最短路径的覆盖算法,并给出了仿真结果.  相似文献   

以数据为中心的面向应用的无线传感器网络是一种新型网络。其网络的特点决定了在军事和民用领域的应用很大机会。无线传感器网络特别适用于设备成本较低、传输数据量较少、使用电池供电并且要求工作时间较长的应用场合。随着关键问题的不断解决,无线传感器网络对未来社会进步将发挥巨大的作用。  相似文献   

基于MIMO的节能无线传感器网络   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵保华  李婧  张炜  屈玉贵 《电子学报》2006,34(8):1415-1419
当今无线传感器网络主要是同构网络,即网络中传感器节点结构相同,该结构不适合基于组的传感器网络.本文通过使用多天线传感器节点作为无线传感器网络中的组长节点将MIMO和SIMO方式引入组间层和组内层组员与组长之间的通讯.文中介绍了该异构网络的基本通讯机制并对其实现进行了讨论,并提出了MIMO的传感器网络功耗和延迟模型.通过模拟实验验证了该模型优于同构网络.  相似文献   

无线传感器网络的体系结构   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
在对无线传感器应用特征进行分析的基础上,总结了无线传感器体系结构设计的要素,讨论了无线传感器网络的二维体系结构和组网方式.通过与传统Ad hoc网络的对比,归纳了无线传感器网络在各层各面设计的特点.文章认为虽然传统的传感器的应用方向主要在军事领域,但在民用领域也存在着广阔的前景.  相似文献   

Rendezvous Planning in Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Elements   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent research shows that significant energy saving can be achieved in wireless sensor networks by using mobile elements (MEs) capable of carrying data mechanically. However, the low movement speed of MEs hinders their use in data-intensive sensing applications with temporal constraints. To address this issue, we propose a rendezvous-based approach in which a subset of nodes serve as the rendezvous points (RPs) that buffer data originated from sources and transfer to MEs when they arrive. RPs enable MEs to collect a large volume of data at a time without traveling long distances, which can achieve a desirable balance between network energy saving and data collection delay. We develop two rendezvous planning algorithms, RP-CP and RP-UG. RP-CP finds the optimal RPs when MEs move along the data routing tree while RP-UG greedily chooses the RPs with maximum energy saving to travel distance ratios. We design the Rendezvous-based Data Collection protocol that facilitates reliable data transfers from RPs to MEs in presence of significant unexpected delays in ME movement and network communication. Our approach is validated through extensive simulations.  相似文献   

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