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The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has been celebrated as a success for dramatically expanding trade between Canada, the United States, and Mexico. But the very success of NAFTA has illuminated weaknesses in the continental transportation system. Massive delays and congestion have now become the norm, especially in border regions. If the full economic benefits of NAFTA are to be realized, an integrated North American transportation system must be created. This article examines the challenges associated with planning and implementing such a system. Conventional transportation planning in North American borderlands has been reactive, demand oriented, piecemeal, and, not surprisingly, largely ineffective. New efforts are now underway that are more locally based, involving multinational approaches in project conceptualization, evaluation, scheduling, and financial coordination.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the different effects that trade policy have on distinctive regions within a country by modeling the subnational impact of the Free Trade Agreement between the U.S. and Canada using an applied general equilibrium model. This study incorporates interregional labor mobility into the model and, by comparing the new results to those measured in the absence of labor migration, shows the importance of allowing for interregional labor mobility when modeling at the subnational level the effects of nationality of internationally designed policies.A longer version of this paper was presented and received the 8Th Annual Charles M. Tiebout Prize at the Western Regional Science Association Annual Meetings, Tucson, Arizona, February 1994. I would like to thank Geoffrey Hewings, Earl Grinols, Werner Baer, Chris Horak, and three anonymous referees for useful comments. I gratefully acknowledge the support of the Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce and the Canadian Embassy in the early stages of this research project. I am solely responsible for any remaining errors in this paper.  相似文献   

随着全球贸易投资规则的变化与国内新一轮改革进程的推进,中国(上海)自由贸易试验区成为中国进一步融入全球经济体系的国家战略。在回顾上海保税区发展历程与现状分析的基础上,结合上海自贸区的政策解读,对上海自贸区的产业体系与空间布局进行探索。上海自贸区应重点发展国际贸易、航运服务、现代物流、高端制造四大基础产业,积极培育金融服务、专业服务、社会服务、文化服务等新兴产业,同时要加快发展周边配套产业。在产业空间布局上,需根据不同片区基础,促进产业功能集聚;提升土地利用效率,促进存量用地调整;推动区内区外联动,拓展产业发展空间。  相似文献   

Energy efficiency improvement has been a key objective of China’s long-term energy policy. In this paper, we derive single-factor technical energy efficiency (abbreviated as energy efficiency) in China from multi-factor efficiency estimated by means of a translog production function and a stochastic frontier model on the basis of panel data on 29 Chinese provinces over the period 2003–2011. We find that average energy efficiency has been increasing over the research period and that the provinces with the highest energy efficiency are at the east coast and the ones with the lowest in the west, with an intermediate corridor in between. In the analysis of the determinants of energy efficiency by means of a spatial Durbin error model both factors in the own province and in first-order neighboring provinces are considered. Per capita income in the own province has a positive effect. Furthermore, foreign direct investment and population density in the own province and in neighboring provinces have positive effects, whereas the share of state-owned enterprises in Gross Provincial Product in the own province and in neighboring provinces has negative effects. From the analysis it follows that inflow of foreign direct investment and reform of state-owned enterprises are important policy handles.  相似文献   

上海自贸试验区由外高桥保税区、浦东机场保税区和洋山保税港区3大区域组成,作为自贸试验区的主体功能,金融、贸易、会展等商务设施快速发展,建树显著。但与其主体功能相辅的配套服务设施,则由于三区不同的阶段和特征都各不相同,在一定程度上影响着自贸试验区的软实力提升。探讨如何结合自贸试验区的特殊性,从特征分析和需求调查出发,寻求适合于当前需求及发展形势的配套服务优化之路。  相似文献   

The trade liberalization associated with NAFTA has affected the pattern of state exports by altering the origin as well as the destination of merchandise exports. We find that NAFTA has increased US merchandise exports to Mexico and Canada by just over 15%, and has increased total US merchandise exports by nearly 8%. We also find that although many states have seen large increases in exports to both Mexico and Canada, others have seen large decreases. NAFTA has also affected states exports to non-NAFTA regions of the world, tending to decrease exports to Europe and Latin America and increase exports to Asia. States in the northeast regions of the United States have seen the smallest increases in exports in the wake of NAFTA.Received: 26 July 2001, Accepted: 11 February 2002, JEL Classification: F15, R12We acknowledge the helpful suggestions of three anonymous referees, the participants at the October 2000 meeting of the Federal Reserve System Committee on Regional Analysis, especially Myriam Quispe-Agnoli, and the participants at the April 2001 meeting of the Federal Reserve System Committee on International Economic, Analysis, especially James Little. We would also like to thank Ling Wang for research assistance. The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent official positions of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis or of the Federal Reserve System.  相似文献   

Creating a continental transportation system that supports the efficient movement of goods between Canada and the United States is essential to the economies of both countries. However, 25 years after the passage of the Canada–US Free Trade Act and many agreements and accords later, poor connectivity, congestion and delays still plague many transborder corridors. Recent attempts to improve this situation involving several proposed new bridge projects have either been halted or significantly delayed over the last decade. This paper will review and critically examine the bi-national planning process that has been followed in an attempt to build a new bridge across the Detroit River, known as the Detroit River International Crossing (DRIC) project.  相似文献   

2013年8月,国务院正式批准设立中国(上海)自由贸易试验区。试点一年来,自贸区在产业和政策上的溢出效应逐渐显现,一些服务贸易企业在区内注册后,在区外运营,临近的浙江、江苏等地采取积极举措,着力进行产业对接。浦东新区作为自贸试验区的区域隶属地,是自贸试验区的第一辐射区,如何打造产业外溢承接载体,对接自贸试验区,促进自贸区内外联动,成为浦东新区下一步发展的重要课题。在分析自贸试验区产业外溢现状和外溢机理的基础上,借鉴阿联酋迪拜、韩国仁川等自贸区产业外溢经验,根据浦东新区生产力格局,探讨浦东新区各片区对接自贸试验区的对策和重点。  相似文献   

随着改革开放的深入,我国经济、社会正处在转型发展的关键期。城市规划在有效指导城市发展的同时,其在新的发展背景下的适应性也需要进一步提升。具体表现在:相对刚性的规划编制和管理模式与市场发展需求存在矛盾,作为政府职能的管理手段,规划的弹性需要进一步加强。在中国(上海)自由贸易试验区的建设中,这一点尤为重要。在借鉴相关弹性规划的研究和实践的基础上,以中国(上海)自由贸易试验区的规划为例,探讨加强规划弹性,提高市场适应性的规划方法,为相关工作提供参考。  相似文献   

孙鹏  薛妮 《消防科学与技术》2022,41(12):1716-1719
摘 要:海南自贸港面临自然灾害、城市化发展、产业升级带来的多重灾害事故风险挑战,因而始终把风险防范作为底线工程。为了更好地统筹发展与安全,海南十分注重应急救援能力建设。本文立足海南自贸港面临的灾害事故新风险和应急救援工作新挑战,借鉴国内外应急救援体系创新做法,提出了海南自贸港的应急救援体系新格局,为中国特色综合应急救援体系建设提供思路和借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the estimation of three distance-related effects on outward FDI. (1) Distance harms vertical multinationals, since they engage in trade. (2) It makes non-trading multinationals better off than exporters. (3) This positive effect on horizontal FDI is expected to rise with bilateral parent and host market size. The use of panel data and related econometric methods is highly recommended to avoid parameter bias from endogenous, unobserved, time-invariant effects. A unified estimation approach to assess all three hypotheses then has to rely on instrumental variable techniques for generalized least-squares methods. In the empirical analysis of 1989-1999 bilateral US outward FDI stocks at the industry level, it is shown that testing and accounting for autocorrelation is extremely important for parameter inference. In sum, the paper lends strong support to the theory of horizontally organized multinationals as outlined in Markusen and Venables (J Int Econ 52(2):209–234).  相似文献   

随着我国加入世贸组织,全球经济一体化的要求使WTO政府采购协议必然会对我国政府工程采购产生深远的影响。在介绍政府采购协议基本原则、适用范围和采购方式的基础上分析了加入政府采购协议对我国政府工程招标采购的影响,并提出了促进我国政府工程招标采购发展的几点建议。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the relationship between the specialization in routine tasks and the growth of low-skill jobs in Italian provinces. At this aim, we use data of the Italian Labour Force survey and map the US information on tasks content by occupation into a detailed (3 digit) classification of Italian occupations. We find two main results. First, the degree of specialization in routine-tasks has a positive effect on the growth of low-skill jobs at province level. Second, the local specialization in routine tasks favours the growth of the graduated workers employed in low-skill jobs and, then, the over-education pattern in Italy. Finally, our findings are robust to spatial heterogeneity and endogeneity issues.  相似文献   

Modeling transient response of forests to climate change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Our hypothesis is that a high diversity of dominant life forms in Tennessee forests conveys resilience to disturbance such as climate change. Because of uncertainty in climate change and their effects, three climate change scenarios for 2030 and 2080 from three General Circulation Models (GCMs) were used to simulate a range of potential climate conditions for the state. These climate changes derive from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) “A1B” storyline that assumes rapid global economic growth. The precipitation and temperature projections from the three GCMs for 2030 and 2080 were related to changes in five ecological provinces using the monthly record of temperature and precipitation from 1980 to 1997 for each 1 km cell across the state as aggregated into the provinces. Temperatures are projected to increase in all ecological provinces in all months for all three GCMs for both 2030 and 2080. Precipitation differences from the long-term average are more complex but less striking. The forest ecosystem model LINKAGES was used to simulate conditions for five ecological provinces from 1989 to 2300. Average output projects changes in tree diversity and species composition in all ecological provinces in Tennessee with the greatest changes in the Southern Mixed Forest province. Projected declines in total tree biomass are followed by biomass recovery as species replacement occurs in stands. The Southern Mixed Forest province results in less diversity in dominant trees as well as lower overall biomass than projections for the other four provinces. The biomass and composition changes projected in this study differ from forest dynamics expected without climate change. These results suggest that biomass recovery following climate change is linked to dominant tree diversity in the southeastern forest of the US. The generality of this observation warrants further investigation, for it relates to ways that forest management may influence climate change effects.  相似文献   

外向型经济已成为广大发展中国家或地区的一种经济发展战略,外向型经济理论研究取得了较为丰硕的成果。对经济全球化趋势日益加深、中国加入世贸组织、中国-东盟自由贸易区建立的背景下,昆明市发展外向型特色优势产业的现状进行深入研究,认为昆明市需要建立九大外向型特色优势产业基地,发挥比较优势,调整产业结构,实现跨越式发展。  相似文献   

This paper tries to ascertain whether spatial contagion operated in international migration across neighbouring provinces in Spain during the 1998–2009 period. After a general depiction of the international migration distribution in Spain, the study focuses on the role played by space and, particularly, on the possible existence of geographical contagion effects. For this aim, two novel indexes of spatial contagion, based on a spatial Markov chain approach, are proposed. Two main results are drawn from the analysis: first, that spatial clustering exists in the distribution; second, that there are contagion effects, positive contagion among provinces surrounded by high‐immigration provinces being the most significant.  相似文献   

综合保税区是特殊监管区域,具有独特的功能与属性.为了协调综合保税区与城市其他空间的关系,郑州新郑综合保税区控制性详细规划提出综合保税区与城市空间的规划契合策略,包括通过"外联便捷、内联合理"的设计理念,建立综合保税区与其他城市空间的交通联系;通过分析机场、"南水北调"干渠和卡口流程要求,统筹布局功能区;通过分析产业类型...  相似文献   

介绍了单体建筑面积最大、智能化程度最高的山西国际贸易中心,其地下室顶板防水层的作业过程。由于对顶板防水功能的要求很高,经多方案比较,决定选用初凝时间长、终凝时间短、利于大面积作业的高分子益胶泥防水技术。阐述了高分子益胶泥的特点、技术性能、防水层施工准备及施工过程。其防水效果良好,经济效益高。  相似文献   

中国(上海)自由贸易试验区展开令人称道的创新探索的同时,东北亚地区还有若干个其他的新兴特殊经济功能区,值得我们参考学习。尤其是日本国家战略特区,既是上海自贸区的强劲对手,也提供了诸多的借鉴之处,如目标明晰、工作推进迅捷、政策针对性强等。在比较研究的基础上,对上海自贸区进行“再思考”并提出,自贸区的新动力,来自投资自由化、贸易便利化、金融国际化和政府现代化;新空间,包括城市发展的有形空间和制度创新的无形空间;新优势则体现为服务长三角、服务长江流域、服务全国,参与和引领国际竞争合作。  相似文献   

This paper expands past research on the cost structure of local telephone networks by considering the cost effects of geographical factors, such as service territory size, land uses, street patterns, population density, soil types, slopes, and the spatial partitioning of a company into local exchanges. A translog cost function is estimated using data on 41 telephone companies operating within the New York State, together with GIS-derived geographical data. The results confirm the importance of geography as a determinant of local telephone costs, and suggest that earlier estimates of size thresholds between economies and diseconomies of scale may be too low. The trade-offs between geographical factors in shaping the frontier between economies and diseconomies of scale are assessed. The implication for public policy on competition at the local level is that natural monopoly may be more prevalent than previously assumed. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 50th Annual North American Meeting of the Regional Science Association International, 20–22 November 2003, Philadelphia, PA.  相似文献   

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