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聚丙烯填料洗涤塔的设计与使用凌义松,谢耀松(巨化集团公司硫酸厂324004)1前言我厂净化工序采用水洗流程(文氏管一旋风除沫器一洗涤塔一电除雾器),其中洗涤塔为填料塔,钢制壳体,内衬石棉板、3mm厚软铅板和整砌耐酸砖。该塔1962年投入使用,1964...  相似文献   

胡永红  朱亚丽 《川化》2007,(3):26-27
川化硫酸厂是1958年建成的老厂,岗位分散,自动化程度非常低。随着国家对安全环保的重视,该厂对加强安全生产、减少或杜绝排污也越来越重视。为了适应环保和现代化管理的需要,硫酸厂开始有计划地对分散岗位控制仪表进行完善。净化工序的自动控制装置的改造就是其中的一个重要部分。1净化控制仪表原来的状况净化是硫酸生产中的一个重要工序。该工序一洗涤塔和二洗涤塔采用的是水和稀硫酸对二氧化硫气体进行洗涤,两洗涤塔很容易干、满液,对安全、环保和工艺指标有很大的威胁。一洗涤塔串液、二洗涤塔加水均靠操作人员现场开、关工艺阀门控制液…  相似文献   

本文介绍了改性聚丙烯塑料的性能及其在硫酸生产炉气净化中的首次应用的情况。南化公司研究院在为山西省平定县硫酸厂设计的酸洗净化流程中,于第一级洗涤塔和它至第二洗涤塔的气体管道采用了改性聚丙烯塑料,1984年冬季起投入使用,情况良好。  相似文献   

湍动洗涤塔用于炉气净化方面,上海硫酸厂、吴泾化工厂、上海焦化厂等都进行过试验。开封化肥厂制成了一座塑料湍动吸收塔,并已搬进现场进行硫酸尾气回收试验。 上海硫酸厂正在研究湍动小球,目的解决湍动吸收塔用于三氧化硫吸收。现试制厚0.3毫米的鉄皮制小球,半球由风焊结合,外啧聚三氟氯乙烯。  相似文献   

据苏修化学文摘1971年第24期转载美国1971.5.4.发表的3,577,219专利介绍,美国化学建设公司提出的SO_2分离法。硫酸厂的含S烟道气或尾气通过带MgO悬浮液和MgS溶液的洗涤塔。此时SO_2从废气被完全吸收。悬浮液进行再循环,并用新鲜的  相似文献   

<正>亚东石化(上海)有限公司研究人员开发出一种对苯二甲酸干燥机尾气洗涤液回收装置,该装置包括尾气冷却器,其底部设有尾气冷却器洗涤回收液出口,尾气冷却器洗涤回收液出口经管路通过高度差排入洗涤塔洗涤液进口,在洗涤塔底部设有洗涤塔洗涤液出口,洗涤塔的中部设有洗涤塔去离子水进口,洗涤塔的顶部设有洗涤塔排气口,洗涤塔洗涤液出口经管路及  相似文献   

硫酸厂如何应对更低SO2排放的挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了国内硫酸厂SO2排放现状和所面临的挑战,重点探讨了二转二吸装置使用含铯催化剂或设置尾气洗涤系统、一转一吸装置设置尾气洗涤系统等措施的技术经济性.建议硫酸厂根据实际状况,选择最适用的SO2减排技术,以满足更加严苛的SO2排放新标准.  相似文献   

新型硫酸厂。在贝克顿安装的 米利斯-帕卡尔德型装置 Chem Trade J.and Chem Engr,1953,132,No.3445,1421-1423(英文) 文中介绍了采用4个由水冷却的米利斯-帕卡尔德型室(除葛氏塔外)生产硫酸的亚硝基法工厂。洗涤塔位于第2和第3盖-吕萨克塔之后。原料采用废氧化铁。工厂是机械化的,每班仅需两个操作工。生产能力按100%的H_2SO_4计算为45吨/昼夜H_2SO_4。  相似文献   

近年来,旋流板技术已在吸收、换热、增湿、除雾等单元操作中得到推广应用,在硫酸厂的尾气回收工艺过程中,同样获得较好的效果。衢州化工厂的生产经验表明,用旋流板塔代替泡沫塔进行炉气的冷却和除尘是可行的,至于哪一种塔板性能更优越还有待生产实践的进一步考验。本文依据有关文献的报道和江西地区几个硫酸厂泡沫塔的现场数据去推算筛孔型泡沫塔和新型旋流板  相似文献   

康世富可再生胺法脱硫技术的应用   总被引:21,自引:6,他引:15  
刘瑜 《硫酸工业》2007,(1):39-45
介绍CANSOLV可再生胺法二氧化硫洗涤工艺的原理、特点及其应用.该系统由两部分组成:洗涤-吸收和再生-净化.含硫气体在预洗涤段用水除去微粒和强酸,在吸收段由贫胺液吸收二氧化硫;所产生的富胺液在再生塔通过低压蒸汽汽提再生,生产φ(SO2)99.9%(干基)的SO2产品,胺液得到再生;贫胺液循环返回吸收段,同时一小部分送到净化单元,以除去稳定性盐.该工艺已用于FCCU烟气、克劳斯装置尾气、冶炼厂烟气、电厂烟气、硫酸厂尾气等脱硫,脱硫效率高,经济效益好.  相似文献   

赵建  王东京  詹水华  盛斌 《广州化工》2014,(10):124-126
利用AspenPlus模拟分析了三氯氢硅合成洗涤塔,利用灵敏度工具分析了摩尔回流比对洗涤塔操作的影响,还利用优化分析工具对进料温度进行了分析。经对洗涤塔的模拟分析,建议实际运行采用适宜的较小回流比操作,可提高氯硅烷的回收率,还可降低再沸器的供热,甚至可取消它,有效避免硅粉和金属氯化物对其的严重磨蚀和腐蚀,同时还可减少冷凝器所需的冷量,降低多晶硅生产中的操作成本。  相似文献   

对焦油加工系统生产过程中的中间产品酚、萘、洗三混馏分洗涤脱酚质量差的问题进行了分析、解决。通过对三混馏分含酚波动大、酚盐质量差、洗涤放料速度快等方面问题的查找和馏分塔回流、洗涤脱酚、洗涤放料操作的优化和改进,洗涤质量明显好转,洗涤操作时间由24h下降到19h,粗酚对焦油产率由0.49%提高到1.00%。  相似文献   

SO2 emissions from various sources are found to occur in various concentrations and quantities. Abatement of SO2 emission, therefore, assumes significant importance over the decades. Wet scrubbers offer great advantage over other devices for gas cleaning. That is the reason that compliance with SO2 standards will in many cases result in the installation of scrubbing devices. This article presents results of a study on the scrubbing of SO2 (initial concentration ranging between 400 and 1780 ppm) in a tapered bubble column scrubber using water and dilute sodium alkali. Preliminary studies reveal that the tapered bubble column is capable of generating higher fractional gas holdup than a standard bubble column under similar situations. Moreover, the tapered bubble column has generated bubbles with less power consumption than the existing columns under comparable hydrodynamical conditions. Experimental results indicate that almost 100% SO2 removal (i.e., zero penetration) can be achieved in the scrubber developed in alkali scrubbing at an optimum QL/QG ratio of 3.0 m3/1000 ACM. The selection of any gas-cleaning device is based on the performance of the system. In view of this, empirical and semi-empirical correlations are put forward for the prediction of the performance of the scrubber in terms of different pertinent variables of the system for water as well as alkali scrubbing. Experimental results fit extremely well with the correlations. The removal efficiency achievable in the present tapered bubble column scrubber has been found to be higher than that of a single-stage standard bubble column with some modification. The present tapered bubble column is, therefore, hydrodynamically, energetically, and efficiency-wise much better than a standard bubble column.  相似文献   

通过对粗酚生产的洗涤和CO:分解工艺进行分析,找出了洗涤操作波动大、分解塔分离效率差、尾气含酚高等影响粗酚产量和收率的原因,实施了改进洗涤操作方式、调整分解塔生产工艺、改善尾气捕集方法、增加废碱液萃取操作等改进措施,提高了粗酚的产量和收率。  相似文献   

SO2 emissions from various sources are found to occur in various concentrations and quantities. Abatement of SO2 emission, therefore, assumes significant importance over the decades. Wet scrubbers offer great advantage over other devices for gas cleaning. That is the reason that compliance with SO2 standards will in many cases result in the installation of scrubbing devices. This article presents results of a study on the scrubbing of SO2 (initial concentration ranging between 400 and 1780 ppm) in a tapered bubble column scrubber using water and dilute sodium alkali. Preliminary studies reveal that the tapered bubble column is capable of generating higher fractional gas holdup than a standard bubble column under similar situations. Moreover, the tapered bubble column has generated bubbles with less power consumption than the existing columns under comparable hydrodynamical conditions. Experimental results indicate that almost 100% SO2 removal (i.e., zero penetration) can be achieved in the scrubber developed in alkali scrubbing at an optimum QL/QG ratio of 3.0 m3/1000 ACM. The selection of any gas-cleaning device is based on the performance of the system. In view of this, empirical and semi-empirical correlations are put forward for the prediction of the performance of the scrubber in terms of different pertinent variables of the system for water as well as alkali scrubbing. Experimental results fit extremely well with the correlations. The removal efficiency achievable in the present tapered bubble column scrubber has been found to be higher than that of a single-stage standard bubble column with some modification. The present tapered bubble column is, therefore, hydrodynamically, energetically, and efficiency-wise much better than a standard bubble column.  相似文献   

刘文斌 《化肥工业》2003,30(6):40-41
通过增加1座洗涤塔和1台稀氨水水冷器,使洗涤塔塔顶再生气的氨含量由1.5%下降至0.2%、塔底排出的稀氨水的氨含量由1.6%提高至5.6%,使铜洗再生气回收系统满足了生产要求。  相似文献   

介绍了泡沫柱洗涤技术在净化改造中的应用,泡沫柱洗涤装置的设计、施工、调试几运行。运行情况表明,泡沫柱洗涤装置降温除尘效果明显优于冲击洗涤器,且具有适应烟气波动能力强的优点。  相似文献   

杜邦干法腈纶装置纺丝工序排放的废气DMF低,约为500 mg/m3,直接采用淋洗方式吸收传质动力过小,回收过程中动力消耗高.采用活性炭纤维吸附技术,将低DMF含量废气浓缩,然后再淋洗回收,可提高传质效率,尤其是大幅度降低能耗.增设以活性炭纤维为吸附材料的在线连续吸附解吸设备,设计高效淋洗塔,改进原有低浓度DMF废气回收方案,将产生较好的节能效益.  相似文献   

The flotation behavior of a refuse pond fine coal slurry sample was studied using mechanical and column flotation techniques. Flotation parameters investigated included type and dosage of frother and collector, agitation speed, scrubbing time, slurry pH, etc. for the mechanical flotation cell, and air flow rate, feed flow rate, and wash water flow rate for the column flotation. Flotation kinetics was also studied in the mechanical flotation cell. The results showed that the coal sample was very difficult to clean by flotation. Low yield (5–15%) and low combustible recovery (6–23%) and high product ash (about 22%) were obtained when methyl-isobutyl-carbinol (MIBC) was used as frother and #2 fuel oil as collector. Adjustment of operating parameters such as agitation intensity showed limited effects. However, flotation yield was significantly improved when MIBC and #2 fuel oil were replaced with frother P948 and collector SPP. Mechanical scrubbing was unable to restore the floatability of the coal sample. ‘Ken-Flote’ column flotation was inferior to mechanical flotation for oxidized coal and possible reasons were given.  相似文献   

Emission of SO2 from various industrial sources occurs in varying concentrations and quantities. The operation of scrubbers as SO2 control devices is getting more and more attention as pollution control regulations are tightened. Experimental investigations on the scrubbing of SO2 in a novel two‐stage hybrid (spray‐cum‐bubble column) scrubber using water and dilute sodium alkali are reported. Empirical and semi‐empirical correlations are developed for the prediction of the performances of the bubble and the spray sections in terms of various pertinent variables of the system for water and alkaline scrubbing, respectively. The contribution of the mass transfer enhancement factor towards the removal of SO2 has been exploited while developing the semi‐empirical correlation for the prediction of performance in alkaline scrubbing. The predicted values are in excellent agreement with the experimental values. Finally, the operating features of the scrubber and design aspects are discussed in order to develop our understanding for practical applications.  相似文献   

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