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Critical comments were presented in regard to the etiology, frequency, symptomatology and radiological findings in cicatricial bone.  相似文献   

Methods have been established to produce gastric cancer in rats and dogs by administration of N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine or of the ethyl derivate. The agent is administered in drinking water or by a pellet diet soaked in the carcinogen. Histologically well differentiated and poorly differentiated types of adenocarcinoma and signet-ring cell tumors are induced in several months with greath reliability. Metastases were observed in both rats and dogs with gastric carcinoma. The carcinogenic effect could be enhanced by surface active agents, sodium chloride, iodoacetamide, insertion of plastic beads into the stomach and gastroenteroanastomosis. Follow-up studies by radiologic, endoscopic and bioptic examinations are possible in the dog. There are similarities in these experimental tumors to those in man and thus they provide means for the investigation of histogenesis, prevention, and chemotherapy of gastric cancer. An adenocarcinoma of the glandular stomach of a Wistar rat was successively transplanted to new born rats of the same strain.  相似文献   

Uncemented fixation and low-fraction materials are the basis of this experiment. Plastics with an elasticity similar to the bone ("isoelasticity") show very propitious material qualities. The direct cementless incorporation of test bodies must be checked. In 63 sheep isoelastic total hip joints were implanted. After 2 till 51 weeks the animals were sacrificed and 44 specimen of hips and organs were explored macroscopically, radiologically, spherimetrically and histologically. The result was: 1. Plastic hip prosthesis are incorporated in the bone, but the boundary layer is built by a collagenous fiber tissue. 2. Loosening brings resoption of the bone and expansion of the structural changed soft tissue. 3. The transformation of the femoral cortex to osteoporosis is considered possibly as the consequence of an insufficient biological transfer of the weight. 4. Fractures of the femoral prosthesis-stem could not be observed. 5. The radiology allows at the pelvis prosthesis a concret statement concerning stability, on the femoral part a probable one. 6. The abrasion is minimal, the tissue reaction to abrasion products is unessential. 7. Small abrasion particles are carried of by the lymph tract and stored in the first regional gland. A more distant spreading is not demonstrable.  相似文献   

There are many theories concerning the etiology of chondromalacia patellae, as well as many points which have not been fully investigated yet. Using rabbits experimentally, shortening and elongation of the 3 mm patellar ligament were performed, producing the changes of contact surface and pressure on the patellar cartilage, and the patellar cartilage and the subchondral bone were studied sequentially. In the group of shortening, after the course of 16 weeks, no particular changes were recognized in the cartilage and the subchondral bone, compared with the control. In the group with elongation, 2-4 weeks after the operation, thinning of the trabecular and the subchondral bone, proliferation of blood vessels in the subchondral bone and their invasion into the calcified cartilage, were seen, without abnormality in the articular cartilage. After 4 weeks, irregularity or disappearance of the tide mark and degeneration of the ground substance toward the deep layer of the cartilage began to be recognized. After 8 weeks fasciculation was produced in the ground substance from the deep to the middle layers of the cartilage. After 12 weeks, degeneration extended to the superficial layer of the cartilage, producing blister formation, fibrillation and fissura, and finally proceeding to the desquamation of the superficial layer, degeneration and decrease in the thickness of the cartilage. These findings are similar to the histological findings of chondromalacia patellae, and seem to be different from those of arthrosis deformans in the bony changes. It is further suggested that decrease of contact surface and pressure on the cartilage can be considered to be one of the causes for chondromalacia patellae.  相似文献   

The significance of bone scintigraphy using 99mTc-polyphosphate or 99mTc-diphosphate in the diagnosis of eosinophilic granuloma was discussed on the basis of our experience with four cases. The summary is following: 1. On diagnostic procedure of eosinophilic granuloma, it was found that abnormal RI accumulation in the bone scintigram was more marked than that in the ordinary brain scintigram. 2. The bone scintigram of eosinophilic granuloma showed more accurately the extent of skull involvement of cellular infiltration than the plain skull X-rays or brain scintigram. Accordingly, the bone scintigram was helpful for neurosurgeon in planning the operative procedure and determining the extent of removal of the involved skull. 3. The plain skull X-rays show the size of skull defect, and the brain scintigram reveals the size of the size of granuloma per se, as well as soft tissue involvements. We can conjecture the stage of the diseases by comparison between the findings of bone scintigram and those of above procedures: plain skull X-rays and brain scintigram. Viz, the bone scintigram showed more extensive areas of RI accumulation including the surrounding cellular infiltration in the acute stage, but the same size of the lesions shown by the ordinary brain scintigram and plain skull X-rays is chronic stage. Furthermore, we discussed the possibility of the differential diagnosis between eosinophilic granuloma and other neoplastic bone diseases, such as intracranial metastatic tumors and multiple myelomas etc., by further experience with the bone scintigram.  相似文献   

The variation of histomorphometric data in a bone biopsy cylinder of the iliac crest was determined in order to derive a rule of the sampling procedure in such a biopsy specimen. Measurements in different cylinders of a biopsy zone in the right and the left iliac crest were obtained in order to determine the magnitude of change necessary for the recognition of therapeutic or spontaneous alterations performing sequential biopsies.  相似文献   

Cephaloridine (CER) concentration in the bone marrow of tibia was examined 1, 2, and 3 hours after intramuscular injection of 1 g. CER concentration in the bone marrow of tibia 1 hour after injection was 26.0+/-8.927 microng/ml. Ratio to serum was 78.5%. CER concentration in the bone marrow of tibia 2 hours after injection was 20.6+/-5.003 microng/ml. Ratio to serum was 87.3%. CER concentration of bone marrow of tibia 3 hours after injection was 14.8+/-4.79 microng/ml. Ratio to serum was 91.9%. Difference of concentration between in bone marrow and serum was not statistically significant. Penetration capacity of CER into the bone marrow of tibia was excellent.  相似文献   

The dumping syndrome is due to a vigorous reflex distension of the jejunum, caused by the stomach violently evacuating its contents. The aim of treatment is to overcome the drastic evacuation by restoring the rhythmic peristalsis of the stomach (eukinetics). This can be achieved by a special diet. Every meal should begin with well chewed solids (pulp) and avoid all fluids. With a well organised medical staff a complete success can be achieved. Surgical measures in Dumping can be avoided.  相似文献   

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