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We report a highly specific, sensitive, and robust method for analyzing fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) based on spectral laser scanning confocal microscopy imaging. The lambda FRET (lambdaFRET) algorithm comprises imaging of a FRET sample at multiple emission wavelengths rendering a FRET spectrum, which is separated into its donor and acceptor components to obtain a pixel-based calculation of FRET efficiency. The method uses a novel off-line precalibration procedure for spectral bleed-through correction based on the acquisition of reference reflection images, which simplifies the method and reduces variability. LambdaFRET method was validated using structurally characterized FRET standards with variable linker lengths and stoichiometries designed for this purpose. LambdaFRET performed better than other well-established methods, such as acceptor photobleaching and sensitized emission-based methods, in terms of specificity, reproducibility, and sensitivity to distance variations. Moreover, lambdaFRET analysis was unaffected by high fluorochrome spectral overlap and cellular autofluorescence. The lambdaFRET method demonstrated outstanding performance in intra- and intermolecular FRET analysis in both fixed and live cell imaging studies.  相似文献   

Ratiometric quantification of CFP/YFP FRET enables live-cell time-series detection of molecular interactions, without the need for acceptor photobleaching or specialized equipment for determining fluorescence lifetime. Although popular in widefield applications, its implementation on a confocal microscope, which would enable sub-cellular resolution, has met with limited success. Here, we characterize sources of optical variability (unique to the confocal context) that diminish the accuracy and reproducibility of ratiometric FRET determination and devise practical remedies. Remarkably, we find that the most popular configuration, which pairs an oil objective with a small pinhole aperture, results in intractable variability that could not be adequately corrected through any calibration procedure. By quantitatively comparing several imaging configurations and calibration procedures, we find that significant improvements can be achieved by combining a water objective and increased pinhole aperture with a uniform-dye calibration procedure. The combination of these methods permitted remarkably consistent quantification of sub-cellular FRET in live cells. Notably, this methodology can be readily implemented on a standard confocal instrument, and the dye calibration procedure yields a time savings over traditional live-cell calibration methods. In all, identification of key technical challenges and practical compensating solutions promise robust sub-cellular ratiometric FRET imaging under confocal microscopy.  相似文献   

Quantitative studies of three-dimensional (3-D) structure of microscopic objects have been made possible through the introduction of microscopic volume imaging techniques, most notably the confocal fluorescence microscope (CFM). Although the CFM is a true volume imager, its specific imaging properties give rise to distortions in the images and hamper subsequent quantitative analysis. Therefore, it is a prerequisite that confocal images are restored prior to analysis. The distortions can be divided into several categories: attenuation of areas in the image due to self-absorption, bleaching effects, geometrical effects and distortions due to diffraction effects. Of these, absorption and diffraction effects are the most important. This paper describes a method aimed at the correction of diffraction-induced distortions. All the steps necessary in restoring confocal images are discussed, including a novel method to measure instrumental properties on a routine basis. To test the restoration procedure an image of a fluorescent planar object was restored. The results show a considerable improvement in the z-resolution and no ringing artefacts. The relevance of the method for image analysis is demonstrated by a comparison of results of applying 3-D texture analysis to restored and unrestored images of a synthetic object. Furthermore, the method can be successfully applied to noisy fluorescence images of biological objects, such as interphase cell nucei.  相似文献   

In this paper, we experimentally demonstrated a two-channel frequency division multiplexing confocal fluorescence microscopy system using a UV laser as the excitation source. In our two-channel frequency division multiplexing confocal fluorescence system, the incoming laser beam was divided into two beams and each beam was modulated with an individual carrier frequency. These two laser beams were then spatially combined with a small angle and focused into two diffraction-limited spots on the targeted cell (rat neural cell) surface to generate fluorescent signal. As a result, the fluorescent signals from two spots of the rat neural cell surface can be demodulated and distinguished during data processing. Furthermore, a quantitative analysis on the cross-talk among different frequencies was provided as well. The experimental results confirm that the two-channel frequency division multiplexing confocal fluorescence technology can not only maintain the high spatial resolution, but also realize the multiple points detection simultaneously with high temporal resolution (within millisecond level range), which benefits the dynamic studies of living biological cells.  相似文献   

Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between an adequate pair of fluorophores is an indication of closer proximity than colocalization and is used by biologists to study fluorescently modified protein interactions inside cells. We present a method for visualization of FRET images acquired by confocal sensitized emission, involving excitation of the donor fluorophore and detection of the energy transfer as an emission from the acceptor fluorophore into the FRET channel. Authentic FRET signal measurements require the correction from the FRET channel of the undesired bleed-through signals (BT) resulting from both the leak-through of the donor emission and the direct acceptor emission. Our method reduces the interference of the user to a minimum by analyzing the entire image, pixel by pixel. It proposes imaging treatments and the display of control images to validate the BT calculation and the image corrections. It displays FRET images as a function of the colocalization of the two fluorescent partners. Finally, it proposes an alternative to normalization of the FRET intensities to compare FRET signal variations between samples. This method called "FRET and Colocalization Analyzer" has been implemented in a Plug-in of the freely available ImageJ software. It is particularly adapted when transient expression of the fluorescent proteins is used thereby giving very variable expression levels or when the colocalization of the two partners is varying in proportion, in amount, and in size, as a function of time. The method and program are validated using the analysis of the spatio-temporal interactions between a G-protein coupled receptor, the tachykinin NK2 receptor, and the beta-arrestin 2 as an example.  相似文献   

Multiparameter fluorescence microscopy is often used to identify cell types and subcellular organelles according to their differential labelling. For thick objects, the quantitative comparison of different multiply labelled specimens requires the three-dimensional (3-D) sampling capacity of confocal laser scanning microscopy, which can be used to generate pseudocolour images. To analyse such 3-D data sets, we have created pixel fluorogram representations, which are estimates of the joint probability densities linking multiple fluorescence distributions. Such pixel fluorograms also provide a powerful means of analysing image acquisition noise, fluorescence cross-talk, fluorescence photobleaching and cell movements. To identify true fluorescence co-localization, we have developed a novel approach based on local image correlation maps. These maps discriminate the coincident fluorescence distributions from the superimposition of noncorrelated fluorescence profiles on a local basis, by correcting for contrast and local variations in background intensity in each fluorescence channel. We believe that the pixel fluorograms are best suited to the quality control of multifluorescence image acquisition. The local image correlation methods are more appropriate for identifying co-localized structures at the cellular or subcellular level. The thresholding of these correlation maps can further be used to recognize and classify biological structures according to multifluorescence attributes.  相似文献   


We present a confocal microscopy setup that is able to record magneto-optical hysteresis cycles separating the in-plane and out-of-plane magnetization components. This apparatus is based on a modified commercial microscope, where the light beam has been deviated from the cylindrical symmetry axis of the objective lenses by inserting a translating plate in the optical path. The instrument allows for the magneto-optical imaging with a lateral resolution of 600 nm at λ = 635 nm light wavelength.  相似文献   

Epifluorescence, confocal and total internal reflection microscopy are the most widely used techniques for optical single‐molecule experiments. Employing these methods, we recorded the emission intensity of the same single molecule as a function of the excitation rate under otherwise identical experimental conditions. Evaluation of these data provides a quantitative comparison of the signal‐to‐background ratios that can be achieved for the three microscopic techniques.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional images of microscopic objects can be obtained by confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM). The imaging process in a CSLM consists of sampling a specific volume in the object and storing the result in a three-dimensional memory array of a digital computer. Methods are needed to visualize these images. In this paper three methods are discussed, each suitable in a specific area of application. For purposes where realistic rendering of solid or semi-transparent objects is required, an algorithm based on simulation of a fluorescence process is most suitable. When speed is essential, as for interactive purposes, a simple procedure to generate anaglyphs can be used. Both methods have in common that they require no previous interpretation or analysis of the image. When the study of an object imaged by CSLM involves analysis in terms of a geometrical model, sophisticated graphics techniques can be used to display the results of the analysis.  相似文献   

The relationship between integrated fluorescence intensity and integrated absorbance was measured in Feulgen-stained pigeon erythrocyte nuclei hydrolysed for different periods of time and stained at different dye concentrations. In conventional as well as confocal quantitative fluorescence microscopy the relationship between the integrated fluorescence intensity and the integrated absorbance shows a maximum. This is due to inner filtering and re-absorption of the excitation light and emission light respectively. In conventional quantitative fluorescence microscopy the relationship is influenced by the numerical aperture of the objective lens. Under confocal observation, as measured with the BIO-RAD MRC-500 Confocal Imaging System, no influence of the numerical aperture of the objective lens on the relationship between the integrated fluorescence intensity and the integrated absorbance could be observed.  相似文献   

The effects of fluorescence saturation on imaging in confocal microscopy have been studied. To include saturation it was necessary to deviate from the widely assumed linear relationship between the fluorescence and the illumination intensity. The lateral response for a point-like object, as well as the optical sectioning power, decreases depending on the degree of saturation. For very high illumination intensities the response for a saturated point object approached that of a conventional fluorescence microscope in which the fluorescence was not saturated. The decrease in the axial confocal response has been confirmed qualitatively by experiment.  相似文献   

We wished to exploit confocal microscopy for high spatial and temporal resolution vital microscopy in bone. To this end, we evolved implants with glass windows supported in titanium, which were placed in the medial proximal tibial plateau of the rabbit, and special small, self-focussing objectives (dry 10/0.25, water immersion 20/0.45, and oil immersion 45/0.65 and 120/1.0) which mated and matched to the conical window entrance section of the metal components. At intervals of up to 21 months after implant healing, these lenses were used to study live tissue using two genera of confocal microscope: multiple aperture disc, tandem scanning, microscopes for observation in reflection, and video rate confocal laser scanning microscopes for recording, mainly in the fluorescence mode. The latter allowed the study of a variety of intravenously administered substances, including fluorescein, fluorescein-dextrans, fluorescent microspheres, acridine orange, DASPMI, calcein, and tetracycline. We were able to remove blood, stain cells with fluorescent markers, and replace them into the circulation. Calcein and tetracycline bind to the mineral front in bone: this labelling was studied in progress. We observed that both substances partition and remain for long periods (at least days) in adipocytes. Further characterisation of the system used both confocal fluorescence and scanning electron microscopy methods in the study of retrieved implants. These studies showed that the subimplant cortical bone remodelled to a less compact structure with a rich microvasculature extremely close to bone. The points of attachment of bone to glass were found to involve coarse fibres, with the matrix containing large numbers of large cells: some of this tissue was cartilage and some immature bone. An amorphous, mineralised matrix was in immediate contact with glass. The results provide further confirmation of the general utility of high-scan speed confocal methodology in physiology.  相似文献   

We present recent data on dynamic imaging of Rac1 activity in live T-cells. Förster resonance energy transfer between enhanced green and monomeric red fluorescent protein pairs which form part of a biosensor molecule provides a metric of this activity. Microscopy is performed using a multi-functional high-content screening instrument using fluorescence anisotropy to provide a means of monitoring protein–protein activity with high temporal resolution. Specifically, the response of T-cells upon interaction of a cell surface receptor with an antibody coated multi-well chamber was measured. We observed dynamic changes in the activity of the biosensor molecules with a time resolution that is difficult to achieve with traditional methodologies for observing Förster resonance energy transfer (fluorescence lifetime imaging using single photon counting or frequency domain techniques) and without spectral corrections that are normally required for intensity based methodologies.  相似文献   

Here we demonstrate a new microscopic method that combines atomic force microscopy (AFM) with fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). This method takes advantage of the strong distance dependence in Förster energy transfer between dyes with the appropriate donor/acceptor properties to couple an optical dimension with conventional AFM. This is achieved by attaching an acceptor dye to the end of an AFM tip and exciting a sample bound donor dye through far-field illumination. Energy transfer from the excited donor to the tip immobilized acceptor dye leads to emission in the red whenever there is sufficient overlap between the two dyes. Because of the highly exponential distance dependence in this process, only those dyes located at the apex of the AFM tip, nearest the sample, interact strongly. This limited and highly specific interaction provides a mechanism for obtaining fluorescence contrast with high spatial resolution. Initial results in which 400 nm resolution is obtained through this AFM/FRET imaging technique are reported. Future modifications in the probe design are discussed to further improve both the fluorescence resolution and imaging capabilities of this new technique.  相似文献   

为了提高激光共聚焦系统的扫描速度,本文提出一种逐场扫描的场同步扫描方法。构建了激光共焦显微系统,将美国THORLABS公司的GVS002型二维检流计振镜应用于该系统,根据光学系统参数以及扫描范围要求计算振镜的整场扫描波形。借助NI公司的PCIe6353多功能数据采集卡,输出行同步的扫描波形,同时,对共焦显微系统共焦位置上针孔处的光强信号进行采集,先后扫描一幅256×256和512×512的图像,记录扫描图像和成像时间;然后,在相同的硬件结构下,以场同步的方式输出扫描波形,记录扫描图像和成像时间。实验结果表明:场同步方式扫描256×256图像的速度可提高10倍,扫描512×512图像的速度可提高5倍,且满足共焦显微成像的清晰、抗干扰能力强等要求。与行同步扫描方法相比,场同步扫描方法可以消除行与行之间转换的停留时间,在不改变硬件的情况下大幅提高扫描速度。  相似文献   

The bilateral scanning approach to confocal microscopy is characterized by the direct generation of the image on a two-dimensional (2-D) detector. This detector can be a photographic plate, a CCD detector or the human eye, the human eye permitting direct visualization of the confocal image. Unlike Nipkow-type systems, laser light sources can be used for excitation. A design called a carousel has been developed, in which the bilateral confocal scan capability can be added to an existing microscope so that rapid exchange and comparison between confocal and non-confocal imaging conditions is possible. The design permits independent adjustment of confocal sectioning properties with lateral resolutions better than, or, in the worst case equivalent to, those available in conventional microscopy. The carousel can be considered as a stationary optical path in which certain imaging conditions, such as confocality, are defined and operate on part of the imaging field. The action of the bilateral scan mirror then extends this image condition over the whole field. A number of optical arrangements for the carousel are presented which realize various forms of confocal fluorescence and reflection imaging, with point, multiple point or slit confocal detection arrangements. Through the addition of active elements to the carousel direct stereoscopic, ratio, time-resolved and other types of imaging can be achieved, with direct image formation on a CCD, eye or other 2-D detectors without the need to modify the host microscope. Depending on the photon flux available, these imaging modes can run in real-time or can use a cooled CCD at (very) low light level for image integration over an extended period.  相似文献   

Advances in laser sources for confocal and multiphoton microscopy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The illumination source for all high-resolution, optical sectioning, scanning microscopes is crucially important to the overall performance of the system. We examine advances that have been made in laser sources for both confocal and multiphoton microscopy where the emphasis has been on the development of potentially low-cost, easy to use sources. Growing interest in temporally and spatially resolved techniques has directed laser research towards addressing these challenges. We present the most recent developments in sources for confocal and multiphoton microscopy along with the considerations that should be made when a new source is being considered.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3-D) imaging in confocal microscopes is considered in terms of 3-D transfer functions. This leads to an explanation of axial imaging properties. The axial response was observed in both object-scanning and beam-scanning microscopes and the influence of off-axis examination investigated. By simple processing of multi-detector signals, imaging in both the axial and transverse directions can be improved.  相似文献   

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