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Mining non-redundant time-gap sequential patterns   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Mining sequential patterns is to discover sequential purchasing behaviors for most of the customers from a large amount of customer transactions. An example of such a pattern is that most of the customers purchased item B after purchasing item A, and then they purchased item C after using item B. The manager can use this information to promote item B and item C when a customer purchased item A and item B, respectively. However, the manager cannot know what time the customers will need these products if we only discover the sequential patterns without any extra information. In this paper, we develop a new algorithm to discover not only the sequential patterns but also the time interval between any two items in the pattern. We call this information the time-gap sequential patterns. An example of time-gap sequential pattern is that most of the customers purchased item A, and then they bought item B after m to n days, and then after p to q days, they bought item C. When a customer bought item A, the information about item B can be sent to this customer after m to n days, that is, we can provide the product information in which the customer is interested on the appropriate date.  相似文献   

对比序列模式可以用来表征不同类别数据集之间的差异。在生物信息、物流管理、电子商务等领域,对比序列模式有着广泛的应用。Top-k对比序列模式挖掘的目标是发现数据集中对比度最高的前k个序列模式。在Top-k对比序列模式挖掘中,可能挖掘出冗余的序列模式。目前,虽然有Top-k对比序列模式发现算法被提出,但这些算法并未考虑冗余序列模式的问题。为此,本文提出了基于广度优先生成树的去冗余Top-k对比序列模式挖掘算法BFM(breadth-first miner)。使用BFM算法可以有效地解决冗余问题,得到去冗余的Top-k对比序列模式。在BFM算法的基础上,提出了性能更好的算法PBFM(pruning breadth-first miner)。通过在真实数据集上的实验分析与对比 ,验证了本文算法的有效性。  相似文献   

Van  Trang  Le  Bac 《Applied Intelligence》2021,51(10):7208-7220
Applied Intelligence - Mining sequential rules from a sequence database usually returns a set of rules with great cardinality. However, in real world applications, the end-users are often...  相似文献   

《Information Systems》2002,27(5):345-362
The problem addressed in this paper is to discover the frequently occurred sequential patterns from databases. Basically, the existing studies on finding sequential patterns can be roughly classified into two main categories. In the first category, the discovered patterns are continuous patterns, where all the elements in the pattern appear in consecutive positions in transactions. The second category is to mine discontinuous patterns, where the adjacent elements in the pattern need not appear consecutively in transactions. Although there are many researches on finding either kind of patterns, no previous researches can find both of them. Neither can they find the discontinuous patterns formed of several continuous sub-patterns. Therefore, we define a new kind of patterns, called hybrid pattern, which is the combination of continuous patterns and discontinuous patterns. In this paper, two algorithms are developed to mine hybrid patterns, where the first algorithm is easy but slow while the second complicated but much faster than the first one. Finally, the simulation result shows that our second algorithm is as fast as the currently best algorithm for mining sequential patterns.  相似文献   

Mining association rules using inverted hashing and pruning   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper, we propose a new algorithm named Inverted Hashing and Pruning (IHP) for mining association rules between items in transaction databases. The performance of the IHP algorithm was evaluated for various cases and compared with those of two well-known mining algorithms, Apriori algorithm [Proc. 20th VLDB Conf., 1994, pp. 487-499] and Direct Hashing and Pruning algorithm [IEEE Trans. on Knowledge Data Engrg. 9 (5) (1997) 813-825]. It has been shown that the IHP algorithm has better performance for databases with long transactions.  相似文献   

Mining dynamic association rules with comments   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
In this paper, we study a new problem of mining dynamic association rules with comments (DAR-C for short). A DAR-C contains not only rule itself, but also its comments that specify when to apply the rule. In order to formalize this problem, we first present the expression method of candidate effective time slots, and then propose several definitions concerning DAR-C. Subsequently, two algorithms, namely ITS2 and EFP-Growth2, are developed for handling the problem of mining DAR-C. In particular, ITS2 is an improved two-stage dynamic association rule mining algorithm, while EFP-Growth2 is based on the EFP-tree structure and is suitable for mining high-density mass data. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that the efficiency and scalability of our proposed two algorithms (i.e., ITS2 and EFP-Growth2) on DAR-C mining tasks, and their practicability on real retail dataset.  相似文献   

Clustering is the process of assigning a set of physical or abstract objects into previously unknown groups. The goal of clustering is to group similar objects into the same clusters and dissimilar objects into different clusters. Similarities between objects are evaluated by using the attribute values of objects. There are many clustering algorithms in the literature; among them, DBSCAN is a well known density-based clustering algorithm. We improve DBSCAN’s execution time performance for binary data sets and Hamming distances. We achieve considerable speed gains by using a novel pruning technique, as well as bit vectors, and binary operations. Our novel method effectively discards distant neighbors of an object and computes only the distances between an object and its possible neighbors. By discarding distant neighbors, we avoid unnecessary distance computations and use less CPU time when compared with the conventional DBSCAN algorithm. However, the accuracy of our method is identical to that of the original DBSCAN. Experimental test results on real and synthetic data sets demonstrate that, by using our pruning technique, we obtain considerably faster execution time results compared to DBSCAN.  相似文献   

Journal of Intelligent Information Systems - Social Media have enabled users to keep inter-personal relationships, but also to voice personal sensations, emotions and feelings. The recent...  相似文献   

数据库中动态关联规则的挖掘   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
关联规则能挖掘变量间的相互依赖关系,但是不能反映规则本身的变化规律.为此本文提出了动态关联规则.首先将整个待挖掘数据集按时间划分成若干子集,每个子集挖掘得到的每条规则分别生成一个支持度和一个置信度,这样每条规则在全集上就对应了一个支持度向量和一个置信度向量.通过分析支持度向量和置信度向量,不仅可以发现规则随时间变化的情况,也能够预测规则的发展趋势.本文还提出了两个挖掘动态关联规则的算法,且对他们做了比较.并给出了柱状图和时间序列两种方法分析这两个向量.最后给出了一个挖掘动态关联规则的应用实例。  相似文献   

Sequential rule mining is an important data mining task used in a wide range of applications. However, current algorithms for discovering sequential rules common to several sequences use very restrictive definitions of sequential rules, which make them unable to recognize that similar rules can describe a same phenomenon. This can have many undesirable effects such as (1) similar rules that are rated differently, (2) rules that are not found because they are considered uninteresting when taken individually, (3) and rules that are too specific, which makes them less likely to be used for making predictions. In this paper, we address these problems by proposing a more general form of sequential rules such that items in the antecedent and in the consequent of each rule are unordered. We propose an algorithm named CMRules for mining this form of rules. The algorithm proceeds by first finding association rules to prune the search space for items that occur jointly in many sequences. Then it eliminates association rules that do not meet the minimum confidence and support thresholds according to the sequential ordering. We evaluate the performance of CMRules in three different ways. First, we provide an analysis of its time complexity. Second, we compare its performance (in terms of execution time, memory usage and scalability) with an adaptation of an algorithm from the literature that we name CMDeo. For this comparison, we use three real-life public datasets, which have different characteristics and represent three kinds of data. In many cases, results show that CMRules is faster and has a better scalability for low support thresholds than CMDeo. Lastly, we report a successful application of the algorithm in a tutoring agent.  相似文献   

张晓龙  骆名剑 《计算机应用》2005,25(9):1986-1988
决策树是机器学习和数据挖掘领域中一种基本的学习方法。文中分析了C4.5算法以及该算法不足之处,提出了一种决策树裁剪算法,其中以规则信息量作为判断标准。实验结果表明这种方法可以提高最终模型的预测精度,并能够很好克服数据中的噪音。  相似文献   

一种有效且无冗余的快速关联规则挖掘算法   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
刘乃丽  李玉忱  马磊 《计算机应用》2005,25(6):1396-1397
关联规则的挖掘是数据挖掘的一个重要研究领域。传统算法进行关联规则挖掘时,或者生成规则的效率很低,或者生成的关联规则之间存在着大量的冗余,或者挖掘出的规则的支持度和置信度都很高,但却是无趣的、甚至是虚假的规则,且不能产生带有否定项的规则。提出了一种新的算法MVNR(MiningValidandnon RedundantAssociationRulesAlgorithm),利用频繁项集的极小子集集合很好的解决了上述问题。  相似文献   

传统的数据挖掘方法会生成大量的模式和规则,且难以理解,而实际上用户感兴趣的只是其中的一小部分.针对该问题,在挖掘序列模式的PrefixSpan算法基础上提出一种带数据项约束的序列模式挖掘方法,通过数据项约束,减少了搜索空间.实验结果表明,该方法可以有效地挖掘出满足数据项约束的序列模式.  相似文献   

Mining sequential patterns is used to discover all the frequent sequences in a sequence database. However, the mining may return a huge number of patterns, while the users are only interested in a particular subset of these. In this paper, we consider the problem of mining sequential patterns with itemset constraints. In order to solve this problem, we propose a new algorithm named MSPIC-DBV, which is a pattern-growth algorithm that uses prefixes and dynamic bit vectors. This algorithm prunes the search space at the beginning and during the mining process. Moreover, it reduces the number of candidates that need to be checked. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms the previous methods.  相似文献   

Mining optimized association rules with categorical and numericattributes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mining association rules on large data sets has received considerable attention in recent years. Association rules are useful for determining correlations between attributes of a relation and have applications in marketing, financial, and retail sectors. Furthermore, optimized association rules are an effective way to focus on the most interesting characteristics involving certain attributes. Optimized association rules are permitted to contain uninstantiated attributes and the problem is to determine instantiations such that either the support or confidence of the rule is maximized. In this paper, we generalize the optimized association rules problem in three ways: (1) association rules are allowed to contain disjunctions over uninstantiated attributes, (2) association rules are permitted to contain an arbitrary number of uninstantiated attributes, and (3) uninstantiated attributes can be either categorical or numeric. Our generalized association rules enable us to extract more useful information about seasonal and local patterns involving multiple attributes. We present effective techniques for pruning the search space when computing optimized association rules for both categorical and numeric attributes. Finally, we report the results of our experiments that indicate that our pruning algorithms are efficient for a large number of uninstantiated attributes, disjunctions, and values in the domain of the attributes  相似文献   

对频繁模式树中的每个节点引入一个位串存储前缀路径,提出了包含正负项目的频繁模式树的构造方法,它不需要反复遍历节点就可获得包含正负项目的频繁项集.与直接使用FPgrowth算法相比,无需对原始数据库进行负项目的扩展,也不用再构造并销毁额外的数据结构,只需在原始的频繁模式树上修改,因而在时空开销上都具有一定的优势.实验表明,所提出的算法比现有的同类挖掘算法和直接FPgrowth算法具有更好的效率.  相似文献   

宫雨 《计算机工程与设计》2007,28(24):5838-5840
约束关联规则是关联规则研究中的重要问题,目前的研究大多集中在单变量约束,对双变量约束的研究较少,而双变量约束在实际中也有重要作用.针对这种情况,提出了双变量约束中具有下界约束的关联规则问题.在此基础上,给出了下界约束的定义,然后分析了满足下界约束频繁集的性质,并给出了相关的证明.最后提出了基于FP-Tree的下界约束算法,采用了预先测试的方法,降低了需要测试项集的数量和计算成本.实验结果表明,该算法具有较高的效率.  相似文献   

Frequent sequential pattern mining has become one of the most important tasks in data mining. It has many applications, such as sequential analysis, classification, and prediction. How to generate candidates and how to control the combinatorically explosive number of intermediate subsequences are the most difficult problems. Intelligent systems such as recommender systems, expert systems, and business intelligence systems use only a few patterns, namely those that satisfy a number of defined conditions. Challenges include the mining of top-k patterns, top-rank-k patterns, closed patterns, and maximal patterns. In many cases, end users need to find itemsets that occur with a sequential pattern. Therefore, this paper proposes approaches for mining top-k co-occurrence items usually found with a sequential pattern. The Naive Approach Mining (NAM) algorithm discovers top-k co-occurrence items by directly scanning the sequence database to determine the frequency of items. The Vertical Approach Mining (VAM) algorithm is based on vertical database scanning. The Vertical with Index Approach Mining (VIAM) algorithm is based on a vertical database with index scanning. VAM and VIAM use pruning strategies to reduce the search space, thus improving performance. VAM and VIAM are especially effective in mining the co-occurrence items of a long input pattern. The three algorithms were evaluated using real-world databases. The experimental results show that these algorithms perform well, especially VAM and VIAM.  相似文献   

Mining sequential patterns with regular expression constraints   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Discovering sequential patterns is an important problem in data mining with a host of application domains including medicine, telecommunications, and the World Wide Web. Conventional sequential pattern mining systems provide users with only a very restricted mechanism (based on minimum support) for specifying patterns of interest. As a consequence, the pattern mining process is typically characterized by lack of focus and users often end up paying inordinate computational costs just to be inundated with an overwhelming number of useless results. We propose the use of Regular Expressions (REs) as a flexible constraint specification tool that enables user-controlled focus to be incorporated into the pattern mining process. We develop a family of novel algorithms (termed SPIRIT-Sequential Pattern mining with Regular expression consTraints) for mining frequent sequential patterns that also satisfy user-specified RE constraints. The main distinguishing factor among the proposed schemes is the degree to which the RE constraints are enforced to prune the search space of patterns during computation. Our solutions provide valuable insights into the trade-offs that arise when constraints that do not subscribe to nice properties (like anti monotonicity) are integrated into the mining process  相似文献   

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