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PURPOSE: The incidence of clinically apparent prostatic carcinoma is much higher in the United States than in Japan. Alterations in the p16 tumor suppressor gene have been identified in various tumor types, including cultured prostatic carcinoma cell lines. We studied the possible deletions of either exon 2 or 3 of this gene in primary clinical prostatic carcinomas from Japan and the United States. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Genomic DNA was extracted from 36 formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded clinical prostatic carcinomas from Japan and 27 carcinomas from the United States. Exons 2 and 3 of the p16 gene were amplified using comparative multiplex polymerase chain reactions (PCR) and then analyzed for possible deletions of either exon. RESULTS: Two out of 36 (5.6%) carcinomas from Japan clearly demonstrated deletion of p16 exon 2, but this deletion was not detected in any of the 27 carcinomas from the United States. CONCLUSIONS: Although slightly higher in Japan than in the United States, the frequency of p16 exon deletions in clinical prostatic carcinomas is very low, and probably is not important in the development of this neoplasm.  相似文献   

We examined the genomic status of cyclin-dependent kinase-4 and -6 inhibitors, p16INK4,p15INK4B, and p18, in 40 primary lung cancers and 31 metastatic lung cancers. Alterations of the p16INK4 gene were detected in 6 (2 insertions and 4 homozygous deletions) of 22 metastatic non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLCs; 27%), but none were detected in 25 primary NSCLCs, 15 primary small cell lung cancers (SCLCs), or 9 metastatic SCLCs, indicating that mutation in the p16INK4 gene is a late event in NSCLC carcinogenesis. Although three intragenic mutations of the p15INK4B gene were detected in 25 primary NSCLCs (12%) and five homozygous deletions of the p15INK4B gene were detected in 22 NSCLCs (23%), no genetic alterations of the p15INK4B gene were found in primary and metastatic SCLCs. The p18 gene was wild type in these 71 lung cancers, except 1 metastatic NSCLC which showed loss of heterozygosity. We also examined alterations of these three genes and expression of p16INK4 in 21 human lung cancer cell lines. Alterations of the p16INK4 and p15INK4B genes were detected in 71% of the NSCLC cell lines (n = 14) and 50% of the NSCLC cell lines (n = 14), respectively, but there were none in the 7 SCLC cell lines studied. No p18 mutations were detected in these 21 cell lines. These results indicate that both p16INK4 and p15INK4B gene mutations are associated with tumor progression of a subset of NSCLC, but not of SCLC, and that p15INK4B mutations might also be an early event in the molecular pathogenesis of a subset of NSCLC.  相似文献   

The p16 (CDKN2/MTS-1/INK4A) gene is one of several tumour-suppressor genes that have been shown to be inactivated by DNA methylation in various human cancers including breast tumours. We have used bisulphite genomic sequencing to examine the detailed sequence specificity of DNA methylation in the CpG island promoter/exon 1 region in the p16 gene in DNA from a series of human breast cancer specimens and normal human breast tissue (from reductive mammaplasty). The p16 region examined was unmethylated in the four normal human breast specimens and in four out of nine breast tumours. In the other five independent breast tumour specimens, a uniform pattern of DNA methylation was observed. Of the nine major sites of DNA methylation in the amplified region from these tumour DNAs, four were in non-CG sequences. This unusual concentration of non-CG methylation sites was not a general phenomenon present throughout the genome of these tumour cells because the methylated CpG island regions of interspersed L1 repeats had a pattern of (almost exclusively) CG methylation similar to that found in normal breast tissue DNA and in DNA from tumours with unmethylated p16 genes. These data suggest that DNA methylation of the p16 gene in some breast tumours could be the result of an active process that generates a discrete methylation pattern and, hence, could ultimately be amenable to therapeutic manipulation.  相似文献   

We analyzed the genetic and epigenetic alterations of p16INK4A/CDKN2/MTS1 gene (MTS1 gene) in 38 primary urothelial cancers. Genetic alterations of the MTS1 gene consisted of one base substitution mutation in exon 2 (2.6%) and 6 homozygous deletions (16.2%). Hypermethylation of the 5' CpG island in exon 1 of the MTS1 gene was observed in 12 tumors (37.5%). Consequently, 19 of 38 tumors (50%) showed genetic alterations or epigenetic hypermethylation of the MTS1 gene. Retention of hypermethylated MTS1 gene(s) in 36% of the tumors showing loss of heterozygosity at the critical region indicates that the methylation modification could be an initial event followed by genomic rearrangements associated with total loss of MTS1 gene function. Immunohistochemical analysis of MTS1 expression revealed that all the tumors with genetic alterations of the MTS1 gene and 9 of 12 highly methylated tumors displayed an absence of MTS1 nuclear antigen. Genetic and epigenetic changes of the MTS1 gene were not correlated with the grade and stage of tumors, indicating that these alterations are early events in urothelial carcinogenesis, in which functional inactivation by hypermethylation is a predominant mechanism.  相似文献   

It is now evident that the cell cycle machinery has a variety of elements negatively regulating cell cycle progression. However, among these negative regulators in cell cycle control, only 4 have been shown to be consistently involved in the development of human cancers as tumor suppressors: Rb (Retinoblastoma susceptibility protein), p53, and two recently identified cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors, p16INK4A/MTS1 and p15INK4B/MTS2. Because there are functional interrelations among these negative regulators in the cell cycle machinery, it is particularly interesting to investigate the multiplicity of inactivations of these tumor suppressors in human cancers, including leukemias/lymphomas. To address this point, we examined inactivations of these four genes in primary lymphoid malignancies by Southern blot and polymerase chain reaction-single-strand conformation polymorphism analyses. We also analyzed Rb protein expression by Western blot analysis. The p16INK4A and p15INK4B genes were homozygously deleted in 45 and 42 of 230 lymphoid tumor specimens, respectively. Inactivations of the Rb and p53 genes were 27 of 91 and 9 of 173 specimens, respectively. Forty-one (45.1%) of 91 samples examined for inactivations of all four tumor suppressors had one or more abnormalities of these four tumor-suppressor genes, indicating that dysregulation of cell cycle control is important for tumor development. Statistical analysis of interrelations among impairments of these four genes indicated that inactivations of the individual tumor-suppressor genes might occur almost independently. In some patients, disruptions of multiple tumor-suppressor genes occurred; 4 cases with p16INK4A, p15INK4B, and Rb inactivations; 2 cases with p16INK4A, p15INK4B, and p53 inactivations; and 1 case with Rb and p53 inactivations. It is suggested that disruptions of multiple tumor suppressors in a tumor cell confer an additional growth advantage on the tumor.  相似文献   

Wild-type P16/CDKN2 (p16INK4A, MTS1) cDNA, directed by the cytomegalovirus (CMV) immediate early promoter, was transfected into RT4 and RT112 bladder-carcinoma cell lines bearing a mutated endogenous P16/CDKN2 gene and lacking endogenous P16/CDKN2 respectively. In both cases, only transfected clones with rearranged exogenous P16/CDKN2 cDNA could be grown and propagated in cell culture. This result is reminiscent of transfection of wild-type p53 into cells with a deleted or mutated endogenous gene and suggests that P16/CDKN2, over-expressed under control of the strong CMV promoter, induces growth arrest in RT4 and RT112 cells. Transfer of human chromosome 9 to RT4 cells produced RT4/H9 hybrid clones retaining the P16/CDKN2 gene, since in RT4/H9 cell clones P16/CDKN2-gene expression is modulated by the physiological control of chromosomal regulatory sequence. All the RT4/H9 clones lost the entire chromosome 9, except clone 4 and clone 5, which maintained a deleted and an intact chromosome 9 respectively. Loss of several loci in 9p21, including P16/CDKN2, in tumors induced in nude mice by clone 4 and clone 5 suggests that P16/CDKN2 or other genes in 9p21 suppress tumorigenicity in bladder-carcinoma cells. Tumors induced by clone 4 and clone 5 show loss of markers in 9q. The regions 9q22.3, 9q32-33 and 9q34.2, which were maintained in the 2 clones and lost in their derived tumors, may contain tumor-suppressor genes relevant in bladder carcinoma. The results of this study suggest that the P16/CDKN2 gene controls growth of bladder-carcinoma cells when it is over-expressed, and may be involved in the development of bladder carcinoma, but other genes in 9p21 and 9q may participate in bladder-cancer progression.  相似文献   

Seven blue nucleic acid dyes from Molecular Probes Inc. (SYTO-9, SYTO-11, SYTO-13, SYTO-16, SYTO-BC, SYBR-I and SYBR-II) were compared with the DAPI (4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) method for flow cytometric enumeration of live and fixed bacteria in aquatic systems. It was shown that SYBR-II and SYTO-9 are the most appropriate dyes for bacterial enumeration in nonsaline waters and can be applied to both live and dead bacteria. The fluorescence signal/noise ratio was improved when SYTO-9 was used to stain living bacteria in nonsaline waters. Inversely, SYBR-II is more appropriate than SYTO dyes for bacterial enumeration of unfixed and fixed seawater samples.  相似文献   

The tumor suppressor gene CDKN2A (MTS1/p16), located on chromosome 9p21, is inactivated in a variety of tumors including melanomas and tumors of the biliary tract, pancreas, and stomach. The aim of the present study was to determine whether this gene is inactivated in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Twenty-three primary HCCs and four HCC cell lines were examined. Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) analysis was performed using eight polymorphic markers immediately surrounding CDKN2A, and showed a contiguous region of loss, with the two most commonly deleted markers being D9S1604, located between the p16 and p15 genes, at which 7 of 13 informative tumors (54%) showed loss, and D9S171, with 4 of 14 LOH (29%). Exons 1, 2, and 3 of CDKN2A were amplified by polymerase chain reaction to detect homozygous deletions, and single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis was performed to screen for mutations. No homozygous deletions were detected in any sample. SSCP and sequence analysis showed the same nucleotide change at codon 148 in four tumors. This has been reported elsewhere as a polymorphism. One of these four tumors also contained a mutation at codon 119, resulting in the substitution of an acidic amino acid for a basic one. It is concluded that CDKN2A is infrequently deleted or mutated in HCC. The region of allelic loss upstream from CDKN2A might result in inactivation of regulatory sequences important in the expression of this gene; alternatively, a second tumor suppressor gene may be present in the region 9p21-22, proximal to CDKN2A. These possibilities require further investigation.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Overexpressing or restoring the basal levels of tumor suppressor genes in cancer cells can suppress tumorigenicity of cancer cells. In this communication, we compared tumor suppressive activities of three well-defined tumor suppressive genes (p53, p21WAF1/CIP1, and p16CDKN2) delivered individually to prostate cancer cells with adenoviral vector (Ad). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Efficacy of growth inhibition by recombinant adenoviruses bearing p53, p21WAF1/CIP1, or p16CDKN2 (Ad5CMV-p53, Ad5CMV-p21, Ad5CMV-p16) genes were tested in vitro on androgen-dependent (LNCaP) and androgen-independent (C4-2, DU-145, and PC-3) human prostate cancer cells, ex vivo and in vivo on PC-3 tumor. RESULTS: Ad5CMV-p53 was observed to exert the greatest growth inhibitory action on all of the cell lines tested; inhibition appeared to be cytolytic. In comparison to control Ad5CMV-PA added samples, the growth inhibitory action of Ad5CMV-p21 and Ad5CMV-p16 appeared to be cytostatic. Ad5CMV-p53 is more effective than Ad5CMV-p16 and Ad5CMV-p21 in inhibiting the tumor "take" rate. A similar order of antitumor activity was observed when recombinant adenoviruses were injected intratumorily to previously established PC-3 tumors in vivo. CONCLUSION: p53 is the most effective tumor suppressor gene to target human prostate cancer.  相似文献   

Germinated barley foodstuff (GBF), derived from the aleurone layer, scutellum and germ of germinated barley, contains a large quantity of fermentable dietary fibers, especially hemicellulose. Ten grams of GBF were given to 10 healthy volunteers 3 times a day (30 g/day/person) for 28 consecutive days. Fecal weight, water contents and short chain fatty acid content were measured before GBF administration and from days 25 to 28 after initiation of GBF administration. GBF intake significantly increased fecal butyrate content as well as fecal weight and water content. No significant change in body weight resulted from consumption of GBF for 28 days. No major laboratory abnormalities were found in hematologic and urinary analysis. These findings indicate that GBF promotes defecation, produces bacterial short chain fatty acids, especially butyrate, without adverse effects, and is a safe foodstuff for humans.  相似文献   

Frequency of homozygous deletion at p16/CDKN2 in primary human tumours   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: Carcinoma of the breast is characterized by a variable course with prognosis dependent on disease stage at presentation. Paradoxically, some patients with early malignancy demonstrate disease progression within a short time. The role of tumor markers in the management of carcinoma of the breast is controversial. While CA15-3 is the most widely used tumor marker in carcinoma of the breast, its role in the management of patients with early disease is controversial. STUDY DESIGN: Since 1986, all patients presenting to our unit with carcinoma of the breast have had serial CA15-3 levels measured. This study evaluates the role of serial CA15-3 levels in the management of a consecutive series of 168 patients with Stage I disease at presentation. RESULTS: The mean preoperative CA15-3 levels at presentation were significantly elevated in patients with Stage I disease compared with patients with benign disease. Sixteen patients had either locoregional (five patients) or metastatic recurrence (11 patients). CA15-3 levels were not elevated in patients with locoregional disease and were significantly elevated in patients with bony metastases and gave a mean lead time of 6.3 months over bone scintigraphy. CONCLUSIONS: Serial CA15-3 measurements are an efficient and cost-effective method of monitoring disease progression and have advantages over conventional investigations in patients with early carcinoma of the breast.  相似文献   

The genomic DNA and cDNA for a gene encoding a novel trehalose synthase (TSase) catalyzing trehalose synthesis from alpha-D-glucose 1-phosphate and D-glucose were cloned from a basidiomycete, Grifola frondosa. Nucleotide sequencing showed that the 732-amino-acid TSase-encoding region was separated by eight introns. Consistent with the novelty of TSase, there were no homologous proteins registered in the data-bases. Recombinant TSase with a histidine tag at the NH2-terminal end, produced in Escherichia coli, showed enzyme activity similar to that purified from the original G. frondosa strain. Incubation of alpha-D-glucose 1-phosphate and D-glucose in the presence of recombinant TSase generated trehalose, in agreement with the enzymatic property of TSase that the equilibrium lay far in the direction of trehalose synthesis.  相似文献   

A case of chordoid meningioma occurring in a 15-year-old girl is presented. The patient manifested seizures as the initial symptom and subsequently exhibited subclinical microcytic hypochromic anemia. The tumor, located in the falcotentorial region and associated with diffuse edema, was totally resected. On histological examination of the surgical specimen, the clustering pattern of partly vacuolated cells in the mucoid stroma mimicked chordoma; however, positive staining of individual cells for vimentin and epithelial membrane antigen led to a diagnosis of meningioma. Interestingly, the tumor cells were surrounded by a periodic acid-Schiff- and type IV collagen-positive substance. Electron microscopy demonstrated a strikingly dense and thick basal lamina. The patient's microcytic hypochromic anemia disappeared after the tumor was removed. Both the clinical and pathological features of this case resemble those of chordoid meningioma, a rare meningioma variant.  相似文献   

Approximately ten percent of patients with malignant melanoma have family histories of the disease, suggesting a genetic predisposition. Germline mutations in tumour suppressor p16 gene have been implicated as disease causing mutations in some of the melanoma families. The frequency of families with p16 germline mutations among melanoma prone families varies from eight to fifty percent. The range of the variability is influenced apparently by the number of melanoma affected individuals within the family, as well as by other, yet unidentified factors. Ethnic background is known to determine both the frequency and the nature of germline alterations. Recently, specific mutations in tumour suppressor genes involved in breast cancer and in colon cancer were found at elevated frequency among Ashkenazi Jews. This report describes results of a screening for p16 germline alterations in a collection of Israeli melanoma families. We have analyzed genomic DNA from thirty one Ashkenazi and non-Ashkenazi Jewish melanoma families, as well as from thirty melanoma patients without an apparent family history of the disease. The entire coding region of the p16 gene was screened by single strand conformation polymorphism analysis and direct DNA sequencing. We have detected a number of carriers with the Ala148 Thr polymorphism at the end of the second exon and several instances of 500(G=>C) substitution at the 3' untranslated portion of the gene.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine the incidence of and risk factors associated with pneumothorax after donor nephroureterectomy and to determine the utility of postoperative chest roentgenography. METHODS: A retrospective review was made of 130 living donor nephroureterectomies performed at one institution (Yale-New Haven Hospital) using an extraperitoneal flank incision. RESULTS: Incidental pleurotomy occurred in 11 cases (8.5%). Rib resection was associated with pleurotomy. Patient age, sex, and side of operation were not associated with pleurotomy. Ten (91 %) of the 11 cases were identified intraoperatively. One unrecognized pneumothorax was identified postoperatively with chest roentgenography; no specific intervention was necessary. CONCLUSIONS: The extraperitoneal flank incision poses a significant risk for pneumothorax. Most pneumothoraces will be recognized intraoperatively. No adverse effects were noted secondary to pneumothorax.  相似文献   

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