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富有创意的个性设计.让户型多样的畸零空间焕发光彩,充分利用空间的鲜明特征,一个能够满足人们多种层次需求的厨房.立刻呈现眼前。[编者按]  相似文献   

易倩 《中国厨卫》2006,(5):44-47
厨房是锅碗瓢盆、佐料瓶罐聚集的场所,如何将它们巧妙地安排到这片有限的空间里,并保持美观,实在需要花上一番心思。合理的地利用搁架、抽屉、拉篮及挂篮等物件,可以使厨房整洁清爽,美观怡人。收纳并不一定是一件令人头痛的繁琐事,或许它可以是一种乐趣,一点新意。[编者按]  相似文献   

每一个厨房用品,都能让人在厨房里体验快乐,这似乎才是厨房的本质。从橱柜到厨电再到辅助小件,大大小小的厨房产品是否能给烹饪带来乐趣和便利,关乎着人们对于厨房的热爱程度。本期我们就2013年最具创意的厨房产品进行了盘点,你是否会为之心动呢?  相似文献   

洋洋 《中国厨卫》2006,(11):132-137
削皮、调味、搅拌……每天的厨房工作是否都有很多锁碎的细节需要一一打理,不仅费时费力,也在消磨着烹制美食的激情。而一些具有实用性的厨具不仅决定了厨房工作的难易度,还能帮您解决厨房里的复杂问题,不啻为生活的好帮手。[编者按]  相似文献   

厨房是整个住宅面积和空间相对较小、设备紧凑、活动频繁、复杂的特殊房间。厨房在单元住宅中属辅助房间,但把厨房称之为住宅“心脏”的观点,已被建筑界和广大居民住户所接受。厨房的功能与质量如何,是影响住宅使用和评价的重要因素。所以,结合我国多层住宅现状,按照人类工效学原理,运用先进科学技术,对厨房尺度、面积、形状和空间的研究利用,优化功能,提高质量,为厨房创造一个功能完善、适用、方便、卫生、优美和安全的环境是相当重要的。 1 厨房优化功能的基本条件  相似文献   

厨房设计的反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小康不小康,关键看住房。在现代住宅中,厨房的地位已显得越来越重要,厨房的功能,从过去单一的烹调行为发展为集仓储、加工、清洗、烹任和配餐等多种功能于一体的综合服务空间。随着现代生活节奏的加快,人们生活水平的提高及消费观念、生活习惯的改变,减轻劳动强度、缩短操作时间、降低厨房污染,已成为厨房设计的研究课题。调查表明,由于早期的住宅设计,只注重卧室及客厅的设计,厨房和卫生间则被看作是住宅的附属品而不加以重视,致使厨房设计存在着这样或那样的问题,距小康住宅的标准有相当大的距离,远不能适应人们对现代生活的…  相似文献   

蒋宁山 《住宅科技》2007,27(9):23-25
厨房配置水平是一个国家住宅水平的标志之一,是居住文明的重要体现。文章介绍了与商品化住宅相适应的厨房设计方案以及厨房装饰材料的选择。  相似文献   

苹果 《中国厨卫》2007,(9):52-58
是时候告别被油烟包裹的烹饪阵地了,为厨房注入新的元素吧。富有个性的厨房设计总是为我们带来不一样的新体验,使繁杂的家务也变得轻松起来。[编者按]  相似文献   

易倩 《中国厨卫》2007,(6):40-47
A、B、O、AB,4种血型代表了我们的多种个性,或热情活泼,亦或多愁善感。厨房以其丰富的色彩、造型和完善的操作功能,淋漓尽致地临摹出每一种血型的特质,使它们在此得到了最精彩的诠释。[编者按]  相似文献   

结合"化德服装厂"制衣车间轻钢结构的设计实例,阐述了彩板建筑体系作为新时代的新材料、新体系,分析了门式刚架结构体系丞待研究解决的新问题.  相似文献   

A new numerical model for the prediction of temperature development in young concrete structures is briefly presented. With the pre-program, adiabatic hydration curves, which are used to determine the internal heat generation, are calculated. An artificial neural networks approach is used for this purpose. Adiabatic hydration curves, which were included in the learning set, were determined by our own experiments, using the adiabatic calorimeter which uses air as the coupling media. The main program is implemented in the finite element code. This program allows concrete structure designers and contractors to quantify and evaluate the effects of some concrete initial parameters on the adiabatic hydration curves and corresponding temperature development at an arbitrary point in the concrete element. Some examples are also presented and discussed.  相似文献   

近年来,我国对乡村规划的重视程度逐渐提高,而乡村旅游逐渐成为农村经济发展的重要推动力,成为经济可持续增长的方式,因此有必要开拓新的视角、探寻新的规划方法,将乡村规划和乡村旅游有机结合。研究基于学科交叉融合的思路,从乡村旅游的概念入手,分析乡村旅游的作用,从安居、乐业和文化等方面建立乡村旅游与新农村综合体之间的关系,总结出在功能布局、景观环境提升、景观环境规划和综合交通规划四个方面促进其融合的规划策略及方法,并结合德阳市新华村综合体规划案例,阐述这四个策略在实践中的应用。  相似文献   

Previous studies identified a curvilinear association between aggregated blood lead (BL) and soil lead (SL) data in New Orleans census tracts. In this study we investigate the relationships between SL (mg/kg), age of child, and BL (μg/dL) of 55,551 children in 280 census tracts in metropolitan New Orleans, 2000 to 2005. Analyses include random effects regression models predicting BL levels of children (μg/dL) and random effects logistic regression models predicting the odds of BL in children exceeding 15, 10, 7, 5, and 3 μg/dL as a function of age and SL exposure. Economic benefits of SL reduction scenarios are estimated. A unit raise in median SL0.5 significantly increases the BL level in children (b = 0.214 p = < 0.01), and a unit change in Age0.5 significantly increases child BL (b = 0.401, p = < 0.01). A unit change in Age0.5 increases the odds of a child BL exceeding 10 μg/dL by a multiplicative factor of 1.23 (95% CI 1.21 to 1.25), and a unit (mg/kg) addition of SL increases the odds of child BL > 10 μg/dL by a factor of 1.13 (95% CI 1.12 to 1.14). Extrapolating from regression results, we find that a shift in SL regulatory standard from 400 to 100 mg/kg provides each child with an economic benefit ranging from $4710 to $12,624 ($US 2000). Children's BL is a curvilinear function of both age and level of exposure to neighborhood SL. Therefore, a change in SL regulatory standard from 400 to 100 mg/kg provides children with substantial economic benefit.  相似文献   

Cross‐sectional studies have shown that exposure to indoor moisture damage and mold may be associated with subclinical inflammation. Our aim was to determine whether early age exposure to moisture damage or mold is prospectively associated with subclinical systemic inflammation or with immune responsiveness in later childhood. Home inspections were performed in children's homes in the first year of life. At age 6 years, subclinical systemic inflammation was measured by serum C‐reactive protein (CRP) and blood leukocytes and immune responsiveness by ex vivo production of interleukin 1‐beta (IL‐1β), IL‐6, and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF‐α) in whole blood cultures without stimulation or after 24 hours stimulation with phorbol 12‐myristate 13‐acetate and ionomycin (PI), lipopolysaccharide (LPS), or peptidoglycan (PPG) in 251‐270 children. Moisture damage in child's main living areas in infancy was not significantly associated with elevated levels of CRP or leukocytes at 6 years. In contrast, there was some suggestion for an effect on immune responsiveness, as moisture damage with visible mold was positively associated with LPS‐stimulated production of TNF‐α and minor moisture damage was inversely associated with PI‐stimulated IL‐1β. While early life exposure to mold damage may have some influence on later immune responsiveness, it does not seem to increase subclinical systemic inflammation in later life.  相似文献   

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