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This study investigates the occurrence of all priority substances (n = 41) listed in the Water Framework Directive and additional substances (n = 47) in raw sewage, as well as the removal performance of lamella clarification and biofiltration techniques. Once the efficiency of both types of techniques has been assessed for typical wastewater parameters, the differences in each technique's ability to remove pollutants becomes obvious; nevertheless, pollutant removal in quantitative terms still depends on the physico-chemical properties of the compounds used and operating conditions within the selected facility. For lamella clarification, the removal of organic chemicals was found to be primarily correlated with their sorption potential and, hence, strongly dependent upon log Kow of the compound under study. Compounds with a strong hydrophobic character (log Kow > 4.5) are removed to a significant extent (approx. 85%), while hydrophilic compounds (log Kow < 3.5) are poorly removed (<20%). For biofiltration, the removal of chemicals appears to be compound-dependent, although this outcome involves several mechanisms, namely: i) physical filtration of total suspended solids, ii) volatilisation, iii) sorption, and iv) biotransformation of substances. Even if the complex processes within a biofilter system do not yield an accurate prediction of pollutant removal, two groups of chemicals can still be clearly identified: i) hydrophobic or volatile compounds, for which moderate to high removal rates are observed (from 50% to over 80%); and ii) hydrophilic, non-volatile and refractory compounds for which a low removal rate would be expected (<20%).  相似文献   

Implementation of the European Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC (WFD) requires Member States to expand their collective knowledge of priority pollutants (PPs) within receiving waters. To achieve this objective, information on the occurrence of PPs in surface waters and, more specifically, within densely urbanised areas needs to be collected. This study has therefore been designed to provide information on both PP occurrence and concentration build-up along a heavily urbanised transect of the Seine River in the Paris region (France). A large range of PPs were observed in settleable particles and, to a lesser extent, in the waters surveyed. In surface waters, a total of 18 PPs, including 15 priority hazardous substances?, were indeed detected, yet concentrations rarely exceeded the limit of quantification. In fact, only diuron?, DEHP?, fluoranthene and para-tert-octylphenol? are observed on a frequent basis, with concentrations ranging from < 0.01 to 1.0 µg l− 1. As regards the Environmental Quality Standards (EQS), 10 substances or groups of substances were found in surface waters to exhibit concentrations above the annual average value, while only the benzo(a)pyrene? concentration exceed the maximum allowable level. As for the Canadian Sediment Quality Guidelines, settleable particles collected in the Seine River appear to be heavily contaminated since most samples contain PP levels above the guideline values (18 PPs) and, in many cases, above the probable effect levels (15 PPs), which underscores that the levels of metals, PAHs and PCBs in settleable particles constitute a potential risk to freshwater organisms.  相似文献   

The present study examines the contribution of combined sewer overflows (CSO) to loads and concentrations of trace contaminants in receiving surface water. A simple method to assess the ratio of CSO to wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents was applied to the urban River Spree in Berlin, Germany. The assessment indicated that annual loads are dominated by CSO for substances with removal in WWTP above ∼95%. Moreover, it showed that substances with high removal in WWTP can lead to concentration peaks in the river during CSO events. The calculated results could be verified based on eight years of monitoring data from the River Spree, collected between 2000 and 2007. Substances that are well removed in WWTP such as NTA (nitrilotriacetic acid) were found to occur in significantly increased concentration during CSO, while the concentration of substances that are poorly removable in WWTP such as EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) decreased in CSO-influenced samples due to dilution effects. The overall results indicate the potential importance of the CSO pathway of well-removable sewage-based trace contaminants to rivers. In particular, high concentrations during CSO events may be relevant for aquatic organisms. Given the results, it is suggested to include well-removable, sewage-based trace contaminants, a substance group often neglected in the past, in future studies on urban rivers in case of combined sewer systems. The presented methodology is suggested for a first assessment, since it is based solely on urban drainage data, which is available in most cities.  相似文献   

A monitoring program was initiated for two sewage outfalls (OA and OB) with different land uses (mainly residential versus institutional) over the course of a year. Eleven CSO events resulting from fall and summer precipitations and a mixture of snowmelt and precipitation in late winter and early spring were monitored. Median concentrations measured in CSOs were 1.5 × 106 Escherichia coli/100 mL, 136.0 mg/L of Total Suspended Solids (TSS), 4599.0 ng/L of caffeine (CAF), 158.9 ng/L of carbamazepine (CBZ), in outfall OA and 5.1 × 104 E. coli/100 mL, 167.0 mg TSS/L, 300.8 ng CAF/L, 4.1 ng CBZ/L, in outfall OB. Concentration dynamics in CSOs were mostly related to the dilution by stormwater and the time of day of the onset of overflows. Snowmelt was identified as a critical period with regards to the protection of drinking water sources given the high contaminant concentrations and long duration of events in addition to a lack of restrictions on overflows during this period. Correlations among measured parameters reflected the origins and transport pathways of the contaminants, with E. coli being correlated with CBZ. TSS were not correlated with E. coli because E. coli was found to be mostly associated with raw sewage whereas TSS were additionally from the resuspension of in-sewer deposits and surface runoff. In receiving waters, E. coli remained the best indicator of fecal contamination in strongly diluted water samples as compared to WWMPs because WWMPs can be diluted to below their detection limits.  相似文献   

An observatory of urban pollutants was created in Paris for the purpose of assessing the dynamics of wastewater and wet weather flow (WW and WWF) pollutant loads within combined sewers. This observatory is composed of six urban catchments, covering land areas ranging in size from 42 ha to 2581 ha. For a wide array of parameters including total suspended solids (TSS), chemical and biochemical oxygen demand (COD and BOD5), total organic carbon (TOC), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), heavy metals (Cu and Zn) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), this article is intended to evaluate the contributions of wastewater, runoff and in-sewer processes to WWF pollutant loads through the use of an entry–exit mass balance approach. To achieve this objective, a total of 16 rain events were sampled on these sites between May 2003 and February 2006. This study has confirmed that at the considered catchment scale (i.e. from 42 ha to 2581 ha) the production and transfer processes associated with WWF pollutant loads do not vary with basin scale. Entry–exit chemical mass balances over all catchments and for a large number of rain events indicate that wastewater constitutes the main source of organic and nitrogenous pollution, while runoff is the predominant source of Zn. For Cu, PAHs and TSS, the calculation underscores the major role played by in-sewer processes, specifically by sediment erosion, as a source of WWF pollution. A significant loss of dissolved metals was also observed during their transfer within the sewer network, likely as a consequence of the adsorption of dissolved metals on TSS and/or on sewer deposits. Moreover, the nature of eroded particles was examined and compared to the various sewer deposits. This comparison has highlighted that such particles exhibit similar organic and PAH contents to those measured in the organic layer, thus suggesting that the deposit eroded during a wet weather period is organic and of a nature comparable to the organic layer. Despite the extent of initial field investigations, no organic deposit was observed to be present on sewer lines within the catchments, which implies that this organic deposit is probably present in another form or to be found elsewhere in the main trunks.  相似文献   

Combined sewer overflow (CSO) can be a critical inflow source for urban rivers during storm events. This paper presents a case study of the Chicago waterway. A three-dimensional (3D) river hydrodynamic model was developed and integrated with an urban rainfall-runoff model using the Open Modelling Interface (OpenMI). Both the effects of CSO discharge on river and river water levels on CSO outlets were considered by the integrated model. A historical storm, which was similar to a 100-year return period rain event, was simulated and compared with field measurements. This study highlights the necessity of quantifying CSO for hydraulic modelling of urban rivers under extreme storm event conditions, and shows that an integrated hydrologic and hydraulic approach can be used to address this challenge. The 3D river hydrodynamic model can deal with the complex hydrodynamics at river confluences and provide better hydrodynamic results for water quality modelling in the future.  相似文献   

Subsurface vertical flow constructed wetlands (CWs) have been found to be a useful system to treat combined sewer overflow (CSO). The study presented uses numerical simulation to increase the understanding of the fundamental processes of COD degradation in CWs for CSO treatment. The multi-component reactive transport module CW2D was used for the simulation study. The simulation results showed that the measured behaviour of the system can only be modelled when COD adsorption is considered as additional process. A new parameter set for CW2D for modelling CSO treatment is presented. A range of values for COD adsorption parameters, COD fractionation and bacteria concentrations were estimated by an identifiability analysis. For the simulation a step wise approach was developed. On the one hand a lysimeter study was used for calibration and validation, and on the other hand field and lab-scale experiments were used for validation. Single-event simulations as well as long-term simulations were carried out. For the single-event simulations (lysimeter and field studies) a good match between measured and simulated data could be achieved. However, the long-term simulations showed that there is a need for further investigations mainly due to the uncertainties during long dry periods between the loadings.  相似文献   

For a better understanding of the short and mid-term impacts of a combined sewer overflow (CSO) on the microbiological quality of the receiving river, we studied the composition of a CSO discharge and monitored during several hours the changes in the concentration of fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) in the impacted river water mass. The CSO occurred at the Clichy outfall (Paris agglomeration, France) in summer 2008 as a result of the most intense rainfall of the year. In 6h, 578, 705 m3 of sewage and 124 t of suspended matter (SM) were discharged into the Seine River. The CSO contained 1.5 × 106E. coli and 4.0 × 105 intestinal enterococci per 100 mL on average, and 77% of the E. coli were attached to SM. It was estimated that 89% of the CSO discharge was contributed by surface water runoff, and that resuspension of sewer sediment contributed to ∼75% of the SM, 10-70% of the E. coli and 40-80% of the intestinal enterococci. Directly downstream from the CSO outfall, FIB concentrations in the impacted water mass of the Seine River (2.9 × 105E. coli and 7.6 × 104 intestinal enterococci per 100 mL) exceeded by two orders of magnitude the usual dry weather concentrations. After 13-14 h of transit, these concentrations had decreased by 66% for E. coli and 79% for intestinal enterococci. This decline was well accounted for by our estimations of dilution, decay resulting from mortality or loss of culturability and sedimentation of the attached fraction of FIB.  相似文献   

A wide range of household sources may potentially contribute to contaminant loads in domestic greywater. The ability of greywater treatment systems to act as emission control barriers for household micropollutants, thereby providing environmental benefits in addition to potable water savings, have not been fully explored. This paper investigates the sources, presence and potential fate of a selection of xenobiotic micropollutants in on-site greywater treatment systems. All of the investigated compounds are listed under the European Water Framework Directive as either “Priority Substances” (PS) or “Priority Hazardous Substances” (PHS). Significant knowledge gaps are identified. A wide range of potential treatment trains are available for greywater treatment and reuse but treatment efficiency data for priority substances and other micropollutants is very limited. Geochemical modelling indicates that PS/PHS removal during treatment is likely to be predominantly due to sludge/solid phase adsorption, with only minor contributions to the water phase. Many PS/PHS are resistant to biodegradation and as the majority of automated greywater treatment plants periodically discharge sludge to the municipal sewerage system, greywater treatment is unlikely to act as a comprehensive PS/PHS emission barrier. Hence, it is important to ensure that other source control options (e.g. eco-labeling, substance substitution, and regulatory controls) for household items continue to be pursued, in order that PS/PHS emissions from these sources are effectively reduced and/or phased out as required under the demands of the European Water Framework Directive.  相似文献   

The impact of a combined sewer overflow (CSO) upon receiving waters has been studied in the river Seine during Summers 1995 and 1996. Three main events have been monitored with special attention paid to the computation of oxygen, carbon and suspended solids budgets. Bacterial biomass and bacterial production rates have been measured to provide a more accurate understanding of the carbon cycle of the river Seine. Oxygen consumption inside the polluted water masses was totally due to the activity of large bacteria discharged into the river by the CSO, the activity of native small bacteria did not significantly increase after CSOs. Suspended solids issued from the CSO very quickly settles in this deep, slowly flowing river. However, discharged dissolved organic carbon (DOC) cannot account for the observed oxygen depletions, the additional carbon source could be phytoplankton or deflocculated/degraded particulate organic matter.  相似文献   

The nature of trace element carriers contained in sewage and combined sewer overflow (CSO) was investigated by TEM-EDX-Electron diffraction and SEM-EDX. During dry weather, chalcophile elements were found to accumulate in sewer sediments as early diagenetic sulfide phases. The sulfurization of some metal alloys was also evidenced. Other heavy metal carriers detected in sewage include metal alloys, some iron oxihydroxide phases and neoformed phosphate minerals such as anapaite. During rain events, the detailed characterization of individual mineral species allowed to differentiate the contributions from various specific sources. Metal plating particles, barite from automobile brake, or rare earth oxides from catalytic exhaust pipes, originate from road runoff, whereas PbSn alloys and lead carbonates are attributed to zinc-works from roofs and paint from building siding. Soil contribution can be traced by the presence of clay minerals, iron oxihydroxides, zircons and rare earth phosphates. However, the most abundant heavy metal carriers in CSO samples were the sulfide particles eroded from sewer sediments. The evolution of relative abundances of trace element carriers during a single storm event, suggests that the pollution due to the "first flush" effect principally results from the sewer stock of sulfides and previously deposited metal alloys, rather than from urban surface runoff.  相似文献   

Experience of retrofitting sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) in the United Kingdom is limited, and there are no well‐established procedures for evaluating the feasibility, value or cost‐effectiveness of doing this, particularly at the catchment scale. This paper demonstrates a two‐phase process for evaluating the potential to retrofit SuDS to address combined sewer discharges in three subcatchments within the Thames Tideway catchment of London. The first phase evaluates what might be achieved with various levels of disconnection (‘global’ disconnection scenarios) using hydraulic models, while the second phase considers how disconnection might practically be achieved. High levels of disconnection are technically possible but practicably difficult. In selected cases, and with aggressive implementation of SuDS, combined sewer overflow CSO discharges could potentially be eliminated or reduced to acceptable levels without the need for any modifications to underground assets. However, retrofit SuDS could not eliminate the requirement for some form of sewer modification in any subcatchments.  相似文献   

The overflow frequencies of combined sewer systems (CSSs) along Suzhou Creek in Shanghai are definitely lower compared with low interception ratio and design expectation. This noteworthy phenomenon was analysed and the results indicate that large sewer storage capacity due to a dense interconnection between sewer systems, flat pipe slope and pump drainage pattern, as well as the spatial–temporal difference of rainfall on a large catchment that is integrated by the connected network, lead to the overflow frequencies of combined sewer overflows (CSOs) along Suzhou Creek that are much less than those of designed and of Japanese counterparts. The drainage hydraulic model was used to simulate the performance of typical CSSs in Shanghai centre area to further explain the phenomenon. Meanwhile, as separate systems have serious illicit connections and are subject to heavy wet weather pollution in Shanghai, separate systems did not show the expected advantage in nonpoint pollution control. Thus, keeping old CSSs in the Shanghai downtown area seems to be of great value with respect to the control of urban non-point pollution.  相似文献   

Source apportionment of pollutants and flows of combined sewer wastewater   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
To reduce the combined sewer overflows (CSOs) and improve surface water quality in the Greater Milwaukee area, construction of a 19.5-mile (31.4 km) inline storage system (ISS) was completed in 1994 to capture and convey sanitary sewage and stormwater for treatment. However, one to six overflows per year still occur. Chemical mass balance (CMB) and positive matrix factorization (PMF) modeling was done in order to find origins of flows and pollutants in CSOs. Based on overflow events from 2000 to 2006 (CMB) and 2004 to 2006 (PMF), we found that between 27% and 56% of the total overflow is from sanitary sewage and most of the remaining from stormwater with possible minor contribution (< or = 8%) from groundwater. Most total suspended solids and metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Ni, Hg, and Zn) are from stormwater, while sanitary sewage carries large contributions (> or = 28%) of BOD5, NH3, and total phosphorus. The fraction of NH3 is especially high, i.e., > or = 58%. Implications for a possible future sewer separation in combined sewer areas into separate sanitary and storm sewers are discussed.  相似文献   

《Urban Water Journal》2013,10(4):201-214
In addition to assessing the impacts of water quality changes in urban rivers caused by storm water sewer overflows (SWO) and combined sewer overflows (CSO), the extent to which flow dynamics are changed by these structures must be understood in order to define hydrological assessment criteria to guide sustainable water management strategies as required by the European Community (EC) Water Framework Directive. In this study, the quantitative impacts of SWOs and CSOs on the flow dynamics of an urban river and their variability are investigated. For four single runoff events, hydrological measurements were accomplished in the River Dreisam, upstream and downstream of the city of Freiburg, in southwest Germany. As the catchment is widely free of urban areas upstream of the city, comparison with downstream locations allowed quantification of Freiburg's effects on the changes in the hydrograph on an event scale. The proposed hydrological parameter—flow acceleration, peak discharge, and discharge dosage—were shown to be appropriate to assess the impacts of SWOs and CSOs on flood hydrographs in urban rivers.  相似文献   

Captured streams and springs may be flowing in combined sewers, increasing clean baseflow in pipes and wastewater treatment works (WwTWs), reducing pipe capacity and increasing treatment costs. The UK water industry is aware of this in principle, but there has been no explicit discussion of this in the published literature, nor have there been any known attempts to manage it. Instead, the current focus is on the similar intrusion of groundwater infiltration through pipe cracks and joints. We have conducted a thorough review of literature and international case studies to investigate stream and spring capture, finding several examples with convincing evidence that this occurs. We identify three modes of entry: capture by conversion, capture by interception, and direct spring capture. Methods to identify and quantify capture are limited, but the experience in Zurich suggests that it contributed 7–16% of the baseflow reaching WwTWs. There are negative impacts for the water industry in capital and operational expenditure, as well as environmental and social impacts of loss of urban streams. For a typical WwTW (Esholt, Bradford) with 16% of baseflow from captured streams and springs, we conservatively estimate annual costs of £2 million to £7 million. A detailed case study from Zurich is considered that has successfully separated captured baseflow into daylighted streams through the urban area, with multiple economic, environmental and social benefits. We conclude that there is a strong case for the UK water industry to consider captured streams and springs, quantify them, and assess the merits of managing them.  相似文献   

The present study suggests an optimised method for planning multiple decentralised storage tanks which are designed to reduce combined sewer overflow (CSO) spills. Particle swarm optimisation (PSO) was applied for the optimal planning of the storage tanks in terms of location distribution and sizing. The framework for the storage optimal planning suggested in this study includes developing a simplified mathematical model that is, along with the PSO algorithm, for optimisation. In order to reduce the computational burden of PSO’s inherent iterative solution-searching process a simplified mathematical model was developed to simulate the complex hydraulic flows of a sewer network. Then, the optimisation model with the PSO algorithm was connected interactively with the mathematical model. A case study network was simulated to analyse its application in the planning of distributed CSO storage tanks, and the best available scenarios were suggested.  相似文献   

Biocides and pesticides are designed to control the occurrence of unwanted organisms. From their point of application, these substances can be mobilized and transported to surface waters posing a threat to the aquatic environment. Historically, agricultural pesticides have received substantially more attention than biocidal compounds from urban use, despite being used in similar quantities.This study aims at improving our understanding of the influence of mixed urban and agricultural land use on the overall concentration dynamics of biocides and pesticides during rain events throughout the year. A comprehensive field study was conducted in a catchment within the Swiss plateau (25 km2). Four surface water sampling sites represented varying combinations of urban and agricultural sources. Additionally, the urban drainage system was studied by sampling the only wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in the catchment, a combined sewer overflow (CSO), and a storm sewer (SS). High temporal resolution sampling was carried out during rain events from March to November 2007.The results, based on more than 600 samples analyzed for 23 substances, revealed distinct and complex concentration patterns for different compounds and sources. Five types of concentration patterns can be distinguished: a) compounds that showed elevated background concentrations throughout the year (e.g. diazinon >50 ng L−1), indicating a constant household source; b) compounds that showed elevated concentrations driven by rain events throughout the year (e.g. diuron 100-300 ng L−1), indicating a constant urban outdoor source such as facades; c) compounds with seasonal peak concentrations driven by rain events from urban and agricultural areas (e.g. mecoprop 1600 ng L−1 and atrazine 2500 ng L−1 respectively); d) compounds that showed unpredictably sharp peaks (e.g. atrazine 10,000 ng L−1, diazinon 2500 ng L−1), which were most probably due to improper handling or even disposal of products; and finally, e) compounds that were used in high amounts but were not detected in surface waters (e.g. isothiazolinones).It can be safely concluded that in catchments of mixed land use, the contributions of biocide and pesticide inputs into surface waters from urban areas are at least as important as those from agricultural areas.  相似文献   

《Urban Water Journal》2013,10(8):668-677
As the integrated management of urban wastewater systems becomes more and more popular, the development of wastewater management subsystem models appears essential to improve the understanding of the pollutant dynamics and their interactions. In such a context, a review of the literature reveals a lack of efficient models describing the dynamics of the water quality stored in off-line retention tanks. A model has thus been proposed based on the fractionation of suspended solids into three classes according to the particle settling velocity distribution measured in the field using the ViCAs settling test. In this paper, a calibration methodology is developed and full-scale field data sets from three different events are used for 1) calibrating this new dynamic retention tank model (two data sets); and 2) validating that model on the last data set. The results show a good agreement between observed and simulated data both for the total suspended solids and the total chemical oxygen demand.  相似文献   

A recent survey has suggested that up to 25 000 km of UK sewerage networks may be affected by in-pipe sediment deposits. Field evidence indicates that, typically, up to 90% of the pollution load discharged from storm sewage overflows may be derived from the erosion of accumulated in-system sediment, commonly referred to as silt.
A sewer flow quality simulation model is being developed under the aegis of the WRc/Water Industry Collaborative River Basin Management research programme. Such a model will enable sewerage engineers and water quality planners to produce more effective designs for sewerage rehabilitation schemes to control river pollution. In order to produce this model it is necessary to understand the nature, characteristics and controlling mechanisms of in-pipe sediment deposits.
Field observations, coupled with sampling and analysis of combined sewer sediment deposits, have produced a five category classification for such sediments. Each category has distinctive characteristics in terms of appearance, composition and polluting potential.  相似文献   

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