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Model Checking Multiagent Systems   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

统计模型检测是一种高效的验证技术,常用于复杂的随机系统验证,如分布式算法等。而在超长路径上对性质进行验证时,其验证效率会急剧降低。为解决这个问题,这里提出一种启发式的统计模型检测算法。在对路径进行验证时,我们会查找帮助剪枝的最短前缀。并在后续抽样时,利用前缀信息直接判定路径是否满足给定性质,避免进入费时的路径验证阶段。在与PRISM的比较中,它的路径验证次数相对更少且平均抽样路径长度更短。因此使统计模型检测技术可应用于超长路径上的性质验证。  相似文献   

周筱羽  顾斌  赵建华  杨孟飞 《软件学报》2015,26(10):2485-2503
针对一类中断驱动的航天控制系统,给出了有界模型检验的算法.这类系统由中断处理程序和操作系统调度的任务组成.当中断发生时,对应的中断处理程序响应中断事件,并可以修改控制变量值,以便在系统任务中完成后续工作.操作系统周期性地调度任务序列处理日常事务以及中断事件的后续工作.使用了带中断标记的时间自动机对中断事件和任务调度事件进行建模,并使用中断向量表和中断处理程序的伪代码模型共同描述中断的处理过程.控制变量将中断处理过程和系统任务相关联,中断处理程序可以设定某个控制变量,而系统任务则通过检查该控制变量来确定是否需要进行后续处理.对于这样的形式化模型,给出了检验关键时序性质的有界模型检验算法.该算法使用深度优先的方式遍历所有长度小于等于K的可行路径,并使用SMT Z3实现了对时间约束和规约的处理.  相似文献   

徐亮 《计算机系统应用》2010,19(7):1491-1502
基于SAT的限界模型检测在处理实时系统时具有很高的复杂度.SMT求解器在计算可满足性的同时,还能处理算术和其他可判定性理论.在对实时系统进行检测时,用SMT求解器代替SAT求解器,系统里的时钟就可以用整型或实型变量表示,时钟约束则可以直接表示成线性算术表达式,从而使整个检测过程更加高效.带时间参数的计算树逻辑(timed computation tree logic,简称TCTL)被用来描述实时系统里的性质.同时,还对检测方法作了相应的改进.  相似文献   

改进的以SMT为基础的实时系统限界模型检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐亮 《软件学报》2010,21(7):1491-1502
基于SAT的限界模型检测在处理实时系统时具有很高的复杂度.SMT求解器在计算可满足性的同时,还能处理算术和其他可判定性理论.在对实时系统进行检测时,用SMT求解器代替SAT求解器,系统里的时钟就可以用整型或实型变量表示,时钟约束则可以直接表示成线性算术表达式,从而使整个检测过程更加高效.带时间参数的计算树逻辑(timed computation tree logic,简称TCTL)被用来描述实时系统里的性质.同时,还对检测方法作了相应的改进.  相似文献   

倪水妹  曹子宁  李心磊 《计算机科学》2014,41(5):254-262,269
带数据约束的实时系统是指一种既带有时间约束又带有数据变量约束的计算系统。目前将离散数据约束和连续时间约束统一在一个模型中的规范及验证研究较少。文中提出了一种既带有连续数据约束又带有离散数据约束的规范——基于连续时间的ZIA规范,并给出它的时序逻辑。MARTE是UML在嵌入式实时系统领域的建模规范,在工业界的应用非常广泛,但是目前对其模型检测的研究较少。在MARTE的基础上扩展Z,提出了Z-MARTE,并将Z-MARTE转换为基于连续时间的ZIA模型,在实现对连续时间ZIA模型检测的同时,也实现了对Z-MARTE的模型检测。最后通过一个实例进行验证,说明此方法可行有效。  相似文献   

多智体系统时态认知规范的模型检测算法   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
吴立军  苏开乐 《软件学报》2004,15(7):1012-1020
模型检测技术一直以来主要是检验用时态逻辑描述的规范,人们很少注意认知逻辑的模型检测问题,而在分布式系统领域,系统和协议的规范已广泛地采用知识逻辑来描述.着重研讨了时态认知逻辑的模型检测算法.在SMV(symbolic model verifier)模型检测器的基础上,根据知识的语义和集合理论,提出了多种检验知识和公共知识的算法,从而使SMV的检测功能由时态逻辑扩充到时态认知逻辑.这些方法也适用于其他以状态集合作为输出的模型检测方法和工具的功能扩充.  相似文献   

A term rewriting system is called growing if each variable occurring on both the left-hand side and the right-hand side of a rewrite rule occurs at depth zero or one in the left-hand side. Jacquemard showed that the reachability and the sequentiality of linear (i.e., left-right-linear) growing term rewriting systems are decidable. In this paper we show that Jacquemard's result can be extended to left-linear growing rewriting systems that may have right-nonlinear rewrite rules. This implies that the reachability and the joinability of some class of right-linear term rewriting systems are decidable, which improves the results for right-ground term rewriting systems by Oyamaguchi. Our result extends the class of left-linear term rewriting systems having a decidable call-by-need normalizing strategy. Moreover, we prove that the termination property is decidable for almost orthogonal growing term rewriting systems.  相似文献   

This paper presents an efficient solution for modeling checking graph transformation systems. The approach transforms AGG specifications into Bogor models and supports both attributed typed graphs and layered transformations. Resulting models are amenable to check interesting properties expressed as combinations of LTL (Linear Temporal Logic) and graph transformation rules. The first experimental results are encouraging and show that in most cases our proposal improves existing approaches, both in terms of performance and expressiveness.  相似文献   

并发反应式系统的组合模型检验与组合精化检验   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
文艳军  王戟  齐治昌 《软件学报》2007,18(6):1270-1281
模型检验和精化检验是两种重要的形式验证方法,其应用的主要困难在于如何缓解状态爆炸问题.基于分而治之的思想进行组合模型检验和组合精化检验是应对这个问题的重要方法,它们利用系统的组合结构对问题进行分解,通过对各子系统性质的检验和综合推理导出整个系统的性质.在一个统一的框架下对组合模型检验和组合精化检验作了系统的分析和归纳,从模块检验的角度阐述了上述两种组合验证方法的原理及其相应的组合验证策略.同时总结了各类问题的复杂性,并对上述两种方法作了比较分析,揭示了它们之间的内在联系.最后展望了组合模型检验与组合精化检验的发展方向.  相似文献   

Model checking, a prominent formal method used to predict and explain the behaviour of software and hardware systems, is examined on the basis of reflective work in the philosophy of science concerning the ontology of scientific theories and model-based reasoning. The empirical theories of computational systems that model checking techniques enable one to build are identified, in the light of the semantic conception of scientific theories, with families of models that are interconnected by simulation relations. And the mappings between these scientific theories and computational systems in their scope are analyzed in terms of suitable specializations of the notions of model of experiment and model of data. Furthermore, the extensively mechanized character of model-based reasoning in model checking is highlighted by a comparison with proof procedures adopted by other formal methods in computer science. Finally, potential epistemic benefits flowing from the application of model checking in other areas of scientific inquiry are emphasized in the context of computer simulation studies of biological information processing.  相似文献   

一、前言随着计算机硬件的飞速发展,计算能力和速度大幅度提高,一方面使得计算机技术应用范围不断扩大,另一方面使得计算机系统的规模和复杂性急剧增加,导致系统出错的几率也随之增大。但任何一个错误在某些系统,如:空中运输控制系统、银行财务系统等,往往可能导致重大的经济损失,甚至人员伤亡,如1996年阿波罗5号火箭的爆炸等。显然对这种高安全性系统的正确性要求是极其严格的,在高安全性系统的开发过程中,最为关键的问题是如何在尽可能早的阶段验证设计的正确性。应用计算机系统的最大障碍就是系统的正确性无法保证,因此提高系统的正确性与可靠性变得日益迫切。  相似文献   

信息物理融合系统常采用嵌入式实时多任务系统作为其控制软件,这类软件的并发和非确定性给验证带来了困难.提出了一种利用统计模型检验技术分析多任务系统的功能正确性的方法.该方法构造的时间自动机模型以模块化的方式描述了实时多任务系统中的主要成分,包括实时操作系统、周期性任务、偶发任务、共享资源以及物理环境,能够展现多任务系统的细粒度的运行过程及其对物理环境的实时响应.应用该方法分析了玉兔号月球车控制软件的一个早期版本,发现了系统运行中出现的一个特殊错误,识别了实际系统出现错误的条件,再现了出现错误的场景.  相似文献   

分析了现有的模型检验技术应用于模态转移系统的三值逻辑公式的模型检验中存在的问题.提出了把模态转移系统转换成Kripke结构的算法以及三值逻辑公式转换成2个二值逻辑的算法,经过转换后可用现有的模型检验技术进行模型检验.用该算法转换后,状态数、转移数和原子命题数目与原模型呈线性关系,没有增加模型检验的复杂度.  相似文献   

基于线性时序逻辑的实时系统模型检查   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李广元  唐稚松 《软件学报》2002,13(2):193-202
模型检查是一种用于并发系统的性质验证的算法技术.LTLC(linear temporal logic with clocks)是一种连续时间时序逻辑,它是线性时序逻辑LTL的一种实时扩充.讨论实时系统关于LTLC公式的模型检查问题,将实时系统关于LTLC公式的模型检查化归为有穷状态转换系统关于LTL公式的模型检查,从而可以利用LTL的模型检查工具来对LTLC进行模型检查.由于LTLC既能表示实时系统的性质,又能表示实时系统的实现,这就使得时序逻辑LTLC的模型检查过程既能用于实时系统的性质验证,又能用于实时系统之间的一致性验证.  相似文献   

Model Checking Dynamic Memory Allocation in Operating Systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most system software, including operating systems, contains dynamic data structures whose shape and contents should satisfy design requirements during execution. Model checking technology, a powerful tool for automatic verification based on state exploration, should be adapted to deal with this kind of structure. This paper presents a method to specify and verify properties of C programs with dynamic memory management. The proposal contains two main contributions. First, we present a novel method to extend explicit model checking of C programs with dynamic memory management. The approach consists of defining a canonical representation of the heap, moving most of the information from the state vector to a global structure. We provide a formal semantics of the method that allows us to prove the soundness of the representation. Secondly, we combine temporal LTL and CTL logic to define a two-dimensional logic, in time and space, which is suitable to specify complex properties of programs with dynamic data structures. We also define the model checking algorithms for this logic. The whole method has been implemented in the well known model checker SPIN, and illustrated with an example where a typical memory reader/writer driver is modelled and analyzed.  相似文献   

骆翔宇  苏开乐  杨晋吉 《软件学报》2006,17(12):2485-2498
提出在同步的多智体系统中验证时态认知逻辑的有界模型检测(bounded model checking,简称BMC)算法.基于同步解释系统语义,在时态逻辑CTL*的语言中引入认知模态词,从而得到一个新的时态认知逻辑ECKLn.通过引入状态位置函数的方法获得同步系统的智能体知识,避免了为时间域而扩展通常的时态认知模型的状态及迁移关系编码.ECKLn的时态认知表达能力强于另一个逻辑CTLK.给出该算法的技术细节及正确性证明,并用火车控制系统实例解释算法的执行过程.  相似文献   

Model Checking for Combined Logics with an Application to Mobile Systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we develop model checking procedures for three ways of combining (temporal) logics: temporalization, independent combination, and join. We prove that they are terminating, sound, and complete, we analyze their computational complexity, and we report on experiments with implementations. We take a close look at mobile systems and show how the proposed combined model checking framework can be successfully applied to the specification and verification of their properties.  相似文献   

The broad availability of multi-core chips on standard desktop PCs provides strong motivation for the development of new algorithms for logic model checkers that can take advantage of the additional processing power. With a steady increase in the number of available processing cores, we would like the performance of a model checker to increase as well – ideally linearly. The new trend implies a change of focus away from cluster computers towards shared memory systems. In this paper we discuss the multi-core algorithms that are in development for the SPIN model checker.  相似文献   

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