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Gadolinium (III)-based T1 contrast agents have been widely used in clinical MRI. In this study, salicylic acid-gadolinium chelate was prepared via directly coordination reaction of gadolinium ion and salicylic acid. Then, three polyethylene glycols with different molecular weight were modified on the surface of salicylic acid-gadolinium by simple chemical coupling to construct three core-shell structural Gd based composites. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) characterization results show that the composite is a spherical particle with a diameter of about 100–200 nm. The longitudinal relaxation rate r1 of the Gal-PEG-2000 is 11.097 (mmol/L)?1/s, and the ratio of r2/r1 is as low as 2.53. The composite shows good liver and intestines MRI performances after being used in in vivo imaging, showing a good prospect of biological application.  相似文献   

SynthesisandSpectralPropertiesofMixedLigandComplexesofLanthanidePerchloratewithBis(phenylsulfinyl)ethaneandOrganicLewisBase...  相似文献   

Thedesignandsynthesisofstablelan thanidecomplexesareofgreatimportancefortheinvestigationofthepropertiesandapplica tionsoflanthanidecomplexes .Macrocyclicoracyclicligandswithmultidentatedonoratomsusuallyformstablecomplexeswithlanthanidecations .Thesizeof…  相似文献   

A series of novel quaternary mixed anion complexes of lanthanide containing 1, 10-phenanthroline (phen) and chloroacetate ligands were synthesized from the water/ethanol solution with slightly acidic solution and characterized by elemental analysis, IR, UV and thermal analysis. The EPR and fluorescence properties also were studied.  相似文献   

Rareearthcomplexeswithsulfoxideandaromaticcarboxylacidhavebeenwidelystud ied[1~ 3 ] .Itisprovedthattheybothhavebet terfluorescencecharacter .Howeverthearo maticcarboxylofrareearthcomplexeshaveveryhighfluorescenceemissionintensityandstability ,butsolubilityi…  相似文献   

Ingeneral,hydroximicacids (RCON HOH)areweakorganicacids .ThisclassoforganiccompoundscontainingthereactivegroupCONHOH ,knownasthehydroximicacids,havebeenwidelystudiedbyorganicchemists.Thehydroximicacidsarechelateligandsformanymetals .Theyarewidelyusedaschel…  相似文献   

Lanthanideamidecomplexesareanim portantclassofprecursorsforlanthanidederivatives .Itcanbeeasilytransformedtocor respondinglanthanidecomplexbyreactingwithinvolvingproticreagents[1,2 ] .Thelanthanideamideusedassyntheticprecursorisneutralhomolepticcomplex ,oth…  相似文献   

A neutral homoleptic lanthanide amide Yb(NPh2)3(THF)2 was obtained by reaction of anhydrous YbCl3 with LiNPh2 in THF. The product was characterized by elemental analysis, infrared spectrum and X-ray crystallographic analysis. The crystal data are monoclinic, P21/n space group, a=1.2052(2) nm, b=1.9369(3) nm, c=1.6523(2) nm, β=92.79(1)°, V=3.8524(9) nm3, Z=4, Dc=1.417 g*cm-3, μ=24.67 cm-1 (Mo Kα), F(000)=1668, R=0.036, Rw=0.039. The central metal ytterbium is coordinated by three terminal NPh2 groups and two THF molecules to form a five-coordinate distorted trigonal bipyramid. The mean Yb-N bond length is 0.2219(6) nm.  相似文献   

镧系元素磷钒杂多酸盐的合成与表征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
田金磊  吴集贵 《稀土》2002,23(6):24-26
首次合成了具有bicapped-Keggin型结构[PV14O42]9-阴离子的四种稀土盐:H1.5Ln2.5[PV14O42]·nH2O(Ln=La3 、Ce3 、Pr3 、Gd3 ),并用化学分析、IR、UV、TG、摩尔电导等方法对其进行了表征。结果表明,四种稀土盐处于杂多阴离子[PV14O42]9-的外界,并且[PV14O42]9-仍基本保持着bicapped-Keggin型结构。  相似文献   

Scientistshavepaidmuchattentiontotherareearthelementswithpharmaceuticalactivity[1] .Hydra zonesandtheircomplexeswithtransitionmetalshavebeenstudiedwidelyfortheirpossessionofadiversespectrumofbiologicalandpharmaceuticalactivities ,suchasanticancer ,antitumourandantioxidativeactiv ities ,aswellastheinhibitionoflipidperoxidationandsoon[2 ] .Metalcomplexesofacylhydrazones ,particu larlythecopper(Ⅱ )complexesof 2 pyridinecarboxy laldehyde 2′ pyridylhydrazoneandsalicylaldehydebenzoylhydrazoneshow…  相似文献   

铕、钆-苯甲酸-1,10-菲咯啉的合成及荧光性质   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
陈野  蔡伟民 《稀有金属》2005,29(6):865-870
分别合成了稀土(铕、钆)与苯甲酸、1,1-菲咯啉配位的有机稀土羧酸配合物。通过元素分析和红外分析确定了配合物的组成与结构。通过荧光光谱与荧光寿命研究了它们的荧光性质。结果表明,当钆掺入配合物后,能极大地增强铕的特征荧光,当铕与钆的摩尔比为5:5时,荧光强度最强,且此时的荧光寿命最长。经拟合后发现,在(铕、钆)-苯甲酸-1,10-菲咯啉配合物中,钆离子对铕荧光的敏化程度随钆含量的降低以指数形式衰减。  相似文献   

SynthesisofaPolyaminopolycarboxylicAcidandFluorescenceofTb3+ComplexesinAqueousSolutionGongMenglian(龚孟濂),WuWeining(吴炜宁),ShiHu...  相似文献   

Duringthelastdecade ,thedesignandsynthesisoftripodalligandsandtheirmetalcomplexeshaveattractedconsiderableattentionduetotheirpotentialusesaslumi nescentprobesinmedicineandbiochemistry[1~ 7] ,ascatalysts[8] andelectrochemicalmaterials[9] .However ,thecomplexesofrareearthmetalwithtripodalligandshavefewreported[10 ] .Asanextensionofourstudiesoncomplexesofmetalwithtripodalligands ,anewtripodalligand (tris { 2 [N (pyridine methanoyl)amino]ethyl}amine ,L)anditscomplexeswithrareearthnitratesweresyn…  相似文献   

Theharmfulnessofheavymetalelementsonplantsisoneoftheseriousenvironmentalproblemsofthemodernworld .Inrecentyears ,thestudyonthemisalsooneofveryac tiveresearchprojectsinplantpollutionecologyfields[1~ 6 ] .LanthanidecomplexeswiththeSchiffbaseareaclassofcompou…  相似文献   

张连惠  张成  姜恒  宫红  苏婷婷 《稀土》2005,26(3):5-8
1,2,3,4-丁烷四羧酸镧系(Ln=La,Ce,Pr,Nd,Yb)络合物为结晶固体,其通式:Ln4(C8H6O8)3·nH2O,Ln=Ce、Pr、Nd,n=8;Ln=La,n=7;Ln=Yb,n=11。在加热过程中,它们首先失去络合物中所含的水,再进一步加热,开始分一步(Ce,Pr)或两步(La,Yb,Nd,中间产物为Ln2O2CO3)热分解,最终生成镧系金属氧化物。红外光谱研究表明Ln4(C8H6O8)3·nH2O中羧酸盐基团为双齿配位螯合体。  相似文献   

Our previous study found that the adsorption performance of porous carbon for Gd(Ⅲ) could be significantly improved by increasing the N,and O functional groups on its surface.Unfortunately,the adsorption capacity of porous carbon is low due to the limited number of N,and O functional groups that can be loaded on its surface.Due to the advantage of customizable functional groups of porous organic polymers(POPs),the triazine-based Tb-MEL and hydroxyl-modified triazine-based Tp-MEL were synthesized...  相似文献   

TherareearthsystemofZieglerNatacatalystcanbeapproximatelydividedintotwomaincatalogues,thatis,thetrinarysystemandthebinarysys...  相似文献   

Europium and terbium complexes with strong fluorescence intensity and long fluorescence lifetime were prepared. By replacing half of the europium or terbium ion with M (M = Zn^2+, Cd^2+, and Cr^3+) using the doped method, and then incorporating it with 18-crown-6 ether and terephthalic acid, six heteronuclear samples EuZnLL'Cl3·3H2O(1), EuCdLL2'Cl3·5H2O(2), EuCrLL'Cl4· 4H2O(3), TbZnLL'Cl3·4H2O(4), TbCdLL'2Cl3·4H2O(5), and TbCrLL'2Cl4 ·4H2O(6) (L = terephthalic acid, L'= 18-Crown-6 ether) were obtained. The elemental analysis, molar conductivities, rare earth complexometry, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR), ultraviolet (UV), TGA, fluorescence intensity, and fluorescence lifetime of the samples were measured. The results showed that there were good luminescence properties for heteronuclear complexes (1), (2), (4), and (5), which were even stronger than those of the homonuclear complexes Eu2LL'2Cl4·4H2O and Tb2LL'2Cl4 ·4H2O, but the luminescence properties of EuCrLL'Cl4·4H2O, TbCrLL'Cl4·4H2O were very weak. A possible luminescence mechanism was suggested by the organic-inorganic doped mechanism and the law of intramolecular energy transfer.  相似文献   

Nanocomposites of graphene quantum dots (GQDs) modified gadolinium oxide (Gd2O3) particles were successfully synthesized. In addition, the effects of the amount of GQDs and the particle size of Gd2O3 on the properties of nanocomposites were investigated. The structures and properties of nanoparticles were characterized by X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, field emission scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, photoluminescence spectrometry, and magnetic resonance imaging. The results show that the synthesized particles Gd2O3/GQD are spherical with a diameter of approximately 40 nm and have excellent fluorescence and magnetic property, and its relaxation rate (r1 = 25.18 (mmol/L)?1/s) is higher than that of the typical commercial contrast agents Gd-DTPA (r1 = 4.5 (mmol/L)?1/s). The fluorescence property of Gd2O3/GQD is optimized by varying the VGQDs:VGd2O3 ratio, and 1:1 ratio of VGQDs:VGd2O3 results in the best fluorescence property. The large particles of Gd2O3 improve the relaxation property of nanocomposites. Therefore, the nanocomposites Gd2O3/GQD with magnetic and fluorescence characteristics can be used in biological imaging, drug targeting, and in-vivo diagnostic analysis.  相似文献   

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