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针对传统数据资产交易平台依靠中心化的管理机构完成交易过程,不能保证数据资产交易过程中的安全性的弊端,利用区块链技术去中心化、去信任、难以篡改等技术特征.提出了一种基于区块链技术的新型数字资产安全交易方法.首先阐明传统数字资产交易平台的弊端,剖析了区块链技术在数据资产安全交易中的关键技术;其次,分别从数据存储、交易信息加密、验证节点间的共识算法方面提出具体的实施方案;最后,针对数据资产交易过程中的验证节点共识算法进行验证分析,实验结果表明,本文所提出的方法能很好的适用于数字资产安全交易.  相似文献   

江浩 《信息与电脑》2022,(17):223-225
随着移动互联网信息技术、大数据技术、云计算技术以及人工智能技术等新型科学技术与新型技术工具相互渗透,直接影响了主流社会意识形态、主要经济行业领域发展形态、科学技术研究进步基本规律以及法律法规环境状态,产生了支持个人数字资产的要素。个人数字资产要素同时具备在线性特征、沉淀性特征、非消耗性特征、虚拟性特征以及共享性特征。由于现有法律保护制度体系尚未进入成熟完善阶段,个人数字资产要素的管理工作和保护工作急需强化。文章围绕区块链环境下的个人数字资产保护展开简要的阐释分析。  相似文献   

值得注意的是,区块链技术的出现是Web2.0时代数字知识管理的一站式服务,是中国区块\美国和欧洲数字化知识管理的平台。本文介绍了数字知识产权的注册和版权标识,以区块链技术为基础,进一步推动区块链技术在资产管理中的应用。  相似文献   

区块链的去中心化、公开透明、安全可靠、不可篡改等特征给网络游戏中的资产交易提供了新的发展方向。区块链技术可以很好地解决现有游戏交易平台中存在的安全隐患。通过分析现有游戏资产交易平台现状以及存在的弊端,提出了一种基于区块链技术的游戏资产交易平台。详细介绍了区块链游戏资产交易平台中使用的关键技术:数据区块、P2P网络、数字加密技术、共识,提出总体设计架构,讲解具体交易流程和交易验证过程,最后对区块链现有技术存在的不足进行分析说明。  相似文献   

根据国际航空协会(IATA)规定,货物价值大于等于1000美金/公斤的物品被定义为贵重物品。贵重物品的追溯与一般价值商品的追溯有什么异同呢?本文通过分析现今贵重物品行业的现实状况,阐述了贵重物品在生产源头、质检证书、流通环节、销售渠道等方面存在追溯困难的问题。通过区块链技术分析了贵重物品如何实现各环节可追溯、交易过程有保障等问题,设计了基于区块链的贵重物品可追溯交易平台,确保各个企业生产的每一件商品都有自己特有的"身份ID",只有当造假率降低,消费者的合法权益才能更好地得到保障。  相似文献   

综合香港"ICOExaminer"和美国"Medium"网站2020年1月15消息,方舟投资管理公司、Consensys France和Blockchain Partner等11家欧洲区块链和数字资产领域的主要参与者,成立了数字货币发展协会(ADAN),总部将设在法国。ADAN旨在帮助提高区块链技术在欧洲的认知度并推动其应用,同时帮助构建和发展数字资产行业。  相似文献   

刘明达  拾以娟  陈左宁 《软件学报》2019,30(8):2314-2336
可信网络连接是信任关系从终端扩展到网络的关键技术.但是,TCG的TNC架构和中国的TCA架构均面向有中心的强身份网络,在实际部署中存在访问控制单点化、策略决策中心化的问题.此外,信任扩展使用二值化的信任链传递模型,与复杂网络环境的安全模型并不吻合,对网络可信状态的刻画不够准确.针对上述问题,在充分分析安全世界信任关系的基础上,提出一种基于区块链的分布式可信网络连接架构——B-TNC,其本质是对传统可信网络连接进行分布式改造.B-TNC充分融合了区块链去中心化、防篡改、可追溯的安全特性,实现了更强的网络信任模型.首先描述B-TNC的总体架构设计,概括其信任关系.然后,针对核心问题展开描述:(1)提出了面向访问控制、数据保护和身份认证的3种区块链系统;(2)提出了基于区块链技术构建分布式的可信验证者;(3)提出了基于DPoS共识的的远程证明协议.最后,对B-TNC进行正确性、安全性和效率分析.分析结果表明,B-TNC能够实现面向分布式网络的可信网络连接,具有去中心化、可追溯、匿名、不可篡改的安全特性,能够对抗常见的攻击,并且具备良好的效率.  相似文献   

为了促进分布式发电市场的发展,利用区块链技术,设计了一种分布式发电市场化的交易机制。构建分布式发电市场化交易区块链模型,部署电能交易的智能合约,利用哈希加密函数,设计双边拍卖流程,应用安全校核函数,生产交易决策,实现分布式发电市场化的安全交易。仿真模拟试验结果显示,10次仿真运行测试中,对于随机的100组交易节点,本文方法在交易过程中的恶意节点数量的平均值为2.8个,具有抑制恶意节点干扰的作用,提高了交易的安全性。在5次交易仿真运行测试中,本文方法的用户用电成本均值为7.75元,发电市场侧收益均值为10.17元,结果表明区块链技术的应用,有效降低了用户的用电成本,提高了发电市场侧的经济利益,有利于电能交易市场的循环、可持续发展。  相似文献   

当前电力交易系统可采用区块链方式实现.为保证该实现方式中用户隐私保护且交易可监管,本文提出可监管的电力区块链交易隐私保护系统.使用Pedersen同态承诺隐藏交易金额,共识节点能够更新售电方的金额承诺而不知道明文金额,实现金额隐私保护.使用Diffie-Hellman协议实现随机数生成,用于对交易信息进行对称加密,实现交易数据保密性.购电方、售电方和监管方均能基于各自的私钥计算随机数种子,实现对称解密.使得用户能够进行公开电价交易,减少买卖双方可能因信息不对称而导致其中一方经济损失的问题.对用户的交易金额信息进行隐私保护,且对用电时间和地址信息等实现保密性.能够保证监管机构解密交易金额和其他交易保密信息,对交易实现严格监管,防止恶意交易、无效交易等情况发生.  相似文献   

区块链技术给加密货币带来了新的变化, 并得到了广泛的应用. 然而, 它仍面临着高吞吐量、低交易延迟、安全性和去中心化的需求和目标. 此外, 消费节点(交易提供者)的意愿难以映射到leader中, 区块开采者热衷于挖矿竞赛也导致中心化和能耗的加剧. 为此, 提出了一种不同于传统PoW (proof-of-work)共识的新型共识算法——PoM (proof-of-market), 及其第一个实施案例——Achain协议. PoM的算法设计使得消费节点进行PoW工作, 并投票选出leader节点. 这不仅离散化了挖矿的工作, 提升了去中心化, 降低了能耗, 还体现了消费节点的意愿, 只有受到最多支持的节点才能成为leader. 在性能上, 相较于PoW型区块链, Achain还提升了可扩展性, 此外, 还提供了一种Achain节点存储优化方案——FastAchain; 在安全性方面, Achain辅以一套激励相容的奖惩机制使得恶意节点的收益期望为负, 这保护了诚实节点的利益, 且Achain可以容忍至多1/3的全网总算力被恶意节点控制. 为了验证Achain的性能表现, 实施了一个大规模网络下的Achain原型用来评估其相关性能, 结果表明Achain达到了预期, 优于一些主流的代表性区块链协议, 且保持了良好的链收敛性和去中心化.  相似文献   

区块链技术因其去中心化、匿名性、不可篡改、不可伪造等优点, 已经成为我国的一项前沿技术, 在各领域得到广泛的应用。虽然用户可利用区块链发布匿名交易, 有效隐藏交易双方的身份信息, 但双方交易完成后传输交易相关数据可能破坏匿名性。这是因为在数据传输过程中, 为了保证双方通信安全, 往往使用认证密钥交换协议认证双方身份, 计算会话密钥建立安全信道。由于传统的认证密钥交换协议涉及双方的长期公私钥对信息, 所以将泄露交易双方的身份信息。虽然区块链匿名密钥交换可基于交易双方的历史链上交易完成密钥交换, 有效保障交易双方的匿名性, 但现有区块链匿名密钥交换协议主要基于国外密码算法设计, 难以适用于国产区块链平台, 不符合我国密码核心技术自主可控的要求。为丰富国产商用密码算法在区块链匿名密钥交换方面的研究, 满足区块链交易后双方匿名安全通信的需求, 本文以 SM2 数字签名算法和区块链为基础, 构造非交互式和交互式两种区块链匿名密钥交换协议。并在 CK 安全模型中证明非交互式的协议满足会话密钥安全, 交互式的协议满足有前向安全性的会话密钥安全。最后通过理论分析和编程实现结果表明, 本文协议在没有比现有协议消耗更多的计算开销与通信代价的前提下, 可适用于国产化区块链平台。  相似文献   

针对已提出的数字版权维护协议中存在的买方频繁参与交易,以及过多第三方参与的问题,提出一种安全高效的数字水印协议。该协议引入具有同态性的Paillier加密算法以及虹膜识别技术,解决了匿名、未绑定、盗版追踪等相关安全问题。并且交易过程中参与方之间的通信数据均采用加密、数字签名认证等形式表示,以确保通信数据的保密性与完整性。除此之外,买方选用交易应用程序完成信息传递、购买的操作,使得协议更加贴近日常的交易模式,易于实现。  相似文献   

由于云计算具有可靠性高、成本低、性能高等特点,已经成为了新一代信息技术变革的核心。为了能够有效推动互联网安全架构的可持续性发展。本文提出了一种云计算数字签名技术,该技术有机结合了云计算技术与数字签名技术。首先阐述了数字签名系统中应用云计算技术的价值,其次,分析了云计算数字签名技术的实现模型,并且设计了云计算数字签名协议,最后,开展了实例分析,将云计算数字签名技术应用到移动营业厅的业务信息交易中。结果表明:所有业务均可在网上完成,那么既可大大方便用户,又可降低移动营业厅的工作量,还可确保业务信息交易的可靠性、唯一性、真实性、安全性与不可抵赖性。通过结果分析得出结论:云计算数字签名技术既可保障签名文件的完整性与真实性,又可跨平台操作签名文件,还可让数字签名模型利用互联网来对密码运算基础设施进行便捷化、可靠化地访问。  相似文献   

基于XML的数字媒体生命周期模型研究与实现   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
总结了网络环境中的数字媒体使用现状,分析了在传统的数字媒体应用中存在的问题。为了解决这些问题,该文提出了一个新的应用模型——基于XML的数字媒体生命周期模型。并以XML技术为基础,讨论了模型的优点及实现方法和存在的问题。  相似文献   

The convergence of the Internet, electronic commerce, and wireless technology has created the basis for the rapid global diffusion of mobile commerce. We believe that one approach to understand mobile commerce diffusion is to study the diffusion of digital mobile devices required in mobile commerce activities. Although prior research in technology diffusion has identified a set of variables that affect the entire diffusion process, our knowledge about the factors that dominate at different states of a diffusion process is still incomplete. This research puts forward a new theoretical perspective to enable managers to better understand the states of technology diffusion in the context of digital mobile phones. Our empirical methods involve a coupled-hazard analysis of an interdependent event model to test the effects of country characteristics, the digital and the analog mobile phone industry characteristics, and the regulatory policies on various states of digital mobile phone diffusion across countries. We conduct non-parametric and parametric survival analysis of the model. The results illustrate a broader set of factors that drive the diffusion speed from the early to the partial diffusion state than from the introduction to the early diffusion state.  相似文献   

王飞跃  张军  张俊  王晓 《自动化学报》2018,44(9):1606-1617
本文首先阐述了工业网联技术的演化过程,重点讨论了工业智联网产生的技术和时代背景.然后探讨了工业智联网的基本概念、内涵与应用领域.本文详细介绍了工业智联网的关键技术,包括数字虚拟工业技术、新一代知识工程技术、工业资源异构复杂网络管控技术、区块链智能、社会计算、边缘计算等,及其技术平台架构.最后我们以智能工业新模式和工业系统价值挖掘为示例,举例说明工业智联网的应用模式.  相似文献   

A critical yet largely unexamined facet of digital library design anduse is how library content is assembled and vetted, which in turn hasprofound implications for ongoing digital library usefulness and usability.This article presents a social realist evaluation framework for anactivity theoretic case study of the Flora of North America digitallibrary. Social realist evaluation is a relatively new evaluationparadigm, positing that outcomes follow from mechanisms acting incontingently configured contexts. Because this study focuses on thedigital library content vetting process, a significant part of thepresent analysis concerns the publication subsystem of the Flora ofNorth America digital library – Collaborative Publishing Services –and how problems related to its design and use facilitates our abilityto explain the Flora of North America not only as a functioning digitallibrary project, but as a contradiction-driven organizational form inexpansive development. Activity theory is a philosophical and cross-disciplinaryframework for studying different forms of human practices in a multi-level,stratified manner, developmentally in time and through space. This intensivecase study of the Flora of North America digital library illustrates thatwhile social realism, itself content-neutral mechanics of explanation,provides a real foundation for activity theoretic analyses of workand technology, activity theory supplies a conceptually and substantivelyrich vocabulary for explanatory reasoning about technologically mediatedsocial practices, such as digital library assemblage and use.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to offer some reflections on the relationships between digital technologies and learning. It is argued that activities of learning, as they have been practised within institutionalized schooling, are coming under increasing pressure from the developments of digital technologies and the capacities to store, access and manipulate information that such resources offer. Thus, the technologies do not merely support learning; they transform how we learn and how we come to interpret learning. The metaphors of learning currently emerging as relevant in the new media ecology emphasize the transformational and performative nature of such activities, and of knowing in general. These developments make the hybrid nature of human knowing and learning obvious; what we know and master is, to an increasing extent, a function of the mediating tools we are familiar with. At a theoretical and practical level, this implies that the interdependences between human agency, minds, bodies and technologies have to serve as foundations when attempting to understand and improve learning. Attempts to account for what people know without integrating their mastery of increasingly sophisticated technologies into the picture will lack ecological validity.  相似文献   

More than 50 years ago, information technology (IT) began to change society, the economy, and industries worldwide. This change has included waves of technological disruption that have been exploited by entrepreneurial actors who seize the associated new opportunities. Research on related phenomena is spread across different disciplines. Recently, there have been calls for further research on the marriage of information systems (IS) and entrepreneurship. We review 292 articles in the IS, entrepreneurship, and general and strategic management literature to create an overview of the IT‐associated entrepreneurship research landscape. On the basis of that review, we elaborate on the different roles that IT can assume to support entrepreneurial operations and value creation in these settings. Our findings suggest that IT plays four major roles in entrepreneurial operations: as a facilitator, making the operations of start‐ups easier; as a mediator for new ventures' operations; as an outcome of entrepreneurial operations; and as a ubiquity, becoming the business model itself. Leveraging these roles of IT, we develop a set of definitions to clear up definition uncertainties surrounding IT‐associated new ventures such as digital start‐ups and digital business models. We also outline a research agenda for IT‐associated entrepreneurship research based on identified roles, types, and gaps.  相似文献   

Elliptic Curve (EC) is the most recent and advanced technique of Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC). EC is often used to improve the security of open communication networks and to let specific persons with confirmed identities into the Modern Digital Era (MDE). Users of MDE make use of many technologies, such as social media, the cloud, and the IoT industry, among others. No matter what tool the users are using, the whole environment has to be able to keep their security and privacy preserved.The study of cryptography is required because unsecure networks make data transmission and the transfer of information susceptible to data theft and attack via an open channel. This makes it necessary to learn cryptography. The art of encrypting documents and communications using keys in such a way that only the individuals who are intended to receive them are able to decode and process them is referred to as cryptography. A digital signature, cryptographic data integrity, and authentication method all rely on the address of the receiver and the sender in addition to mathematical operations to find the signature. During the process of signature and verification, the solution that was presented is compared with the technique that is currently being used by ECDSA in order to illustrate the differences that exist between the two processes.This comprehensive survey of EC seeks to thoroughly investigate many scientific concepts, state-of-the-art, and innovative methodologies and implementations. This work will be useful for academics, who are interested in further analysis. Use and development of EC based schemes for cloud computing, e-health, and e-voting, is more secure as compared to RSA, and Diffie–Hellman schemes. In this comprehensive study, we claim that the adoption of EC methods in distributed computing and asynchronous networking provides significant benefits in distributed computing and interdependent networking.  相似文献   

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