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The effect of curing agents (nitrate, glucose, ascorbic acid and chloride) and physical parameters (temperature, water activity and pressure) on porcine muscle cathepsin D has been studied. Chloride (in the assayed range 0 to 75 g Cl-/L) showed a strong inhibitory effect. Nitrate (in the assayed range 0 to 800 mg/L) and high concentrations of ascorbic acid (4 to 8 g/L) slightly inhibited cathepsin D. However, its activity increased when glucose was added up to 4 g/L. Cathepsin D activity was maximal when incubated at 33 to 53 degrees C, was affected by a decrease in water activity and unaffected by pressure.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of chemical agents (salt, nitrate, ascorbic acid and glucose), and process parameters (water activity, pH and temperature) on porcine muscle cathepsins B, H and L was studied. Salt strongly inhibited cathepsin H activity. Only 40–50% of the original activity was recovered in the presence of 4–5% salt, typical of dry-cured meat products, while cathepsins B and L were less affected, recovering around 65–75% of their original activity. Ascorbic acid (above 1 g/L) strongly inhibited cathepsin H whereas glucose (up to 2 g/L) activated (around 30%) cathepsin B. Nitrate did not affect cathepsin activity. A decrease in water activity affected cathepsin B and H activity and cathepsin H activity was almost negligible below pH 5.5, which is usual in dry-cured sausage processes. All three enzymes were very active in the temperature range, 20–30° C, typical of dry-curing processes. A study in vitro, representing three stages of the dry-curing process of hams, revealed that cathepsins B and L might play an important role throughout the complete process whereas cathepsin H only participated in the middle and at the end of the dry-curing.
Einfluß des Trockenpökelns auf die Aktivität der Cathepsine B, H und L
Zusammenfassung Es wird die Wirkung von Salz, Nitrat, Ascorbinsäure und Glucose sowie die Wasseraktivität, pH und Temperatur auf die Wirksamkeit der Kathepsine B, H und L des Schweinefleisches untersucht. Das Salz hemmt das Kathepsin H sehr stark, denn nur 40–50% der ursprünglichen Aktivität wurde in Anwesenheit von 4–5% Salz erreicht, was typisch für ein Pökelmilieu ist, während die Kathepsine B und L weniger beeinflußt werden und ca. 65–75% der ursprünglichen Wirksamkeit wieder erlangen. Die Ascorbinsäure (1 g/L Lösung) hindert sehr stark das Kathepsin H, während die Glucose (über 2 g/L Lösung) zu ca. 30% das Kathepsin B fördert. Die Enzymtätigkeit wird vom Nitrat nicht beeinflußt. Bei abnehmen der Wasseraktivität werden die Aktivitäten der Kathepsine B und H reduziert, wobei letztere jegliche Aktivität bei einem pH-Wert unter 5,5 verliert, ein beim Reifen der Wurstwaren üblicher Wert. Die drei Enzyme waren sehr aktiv bei Temperaturen zwischen 20 °C–30 °C. Eine Untersuchung in vitro mit den drei Phasen des Reifens offenbart, daß die Kathepsine B und L insgesamt eine wichtige Rolle spielen, wohingegen das Kathepsin H nur ab Mitte des Pökelvorganges wirksam ist.

Cathepsin D was purified from ostrich (Struthio camelus) skeletal muscle using pepstatin-A chromatography. The enzyme was comprised of two subunits (29.1 and 14 kDa). The N-terminal amino acid sequence of both subunits were determined and showed high amino acid sequence identity to other cathepsin D homologs. Ostrich cathepsin D was optimally active at pH 4 and at a temperature of 45°C, and was strongly inhibited by pepstatin-A (K(i)=3.07×10(-9)M) and dithiothreitol. Cathepsin D activities from five ostriches were monitored over a 30-day period. Cathepsin D remained substantially active throughout the 30-day storage period with an average remaining activity of 112±8.57% at day 30 (mean value from 5 ostriches).  相似文献   

Abeni F  Bergoglio G 《Meat science》2001,57(2):133-137
The aims of the work were: to investigate the effect of chicken strain on chemical composition and colour parameters of fresh breast muscle; to evaluate the results obtained using different illuminants (A, C and F); to verify the possibility of predicting some meat features by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) of freeze-dried breast muscle. The trial was carried out on 39 chicken broilers from three strains, differing in body size, slaughtered at 30 days of age. Fresh breast samples were different only in ash content (P<0.01). Illuminant effect was highly significant for all colour variables, depending on the major wavelength characteristics of each illuminant. Significant differences among strains were detected in redness values. The NIRS technique was very accurate to predict fat content of muscle (R(2)c=0.98, SEC=0.20). These findings may have practical importance to improve instrumental procedures for on-line evaluation of poultry meat quality.  相似文献   

While thermal destruction of pathogenic bacteria has been thoroughly studied in food industry, heat inactivation of viruses in food has been poorly investigated. Experiments were carried out to characterize the effects of controlled physical and chemical characteristics of a food matrix upon heat resistance parameters (D and z values) of hepatitis A virus (HAV), taken as model because of its reported heat resistance. Sucrose content (28-52 degrees Brix), calcium concentration (90-1700 mg kg(-1)) and pH (3.3-4.3) were selected for possible influence on thermal inactivation of HAV in strawberry mashes and thus included in an experimental design according to a Doehlert matrix. Use of this design not only allowed to detect and quantify the direct influence of sucrose concentration upon the D85 degrees C value to be higher than the one of pH, but also to reveal a sucrose concentration/pH specific interaction, while no effect of calcium concentration was evidenced. Although the model cannot be directly used to predict heat resistance in real fruit systems, because of differences observed between predicted and measured D85 degrees C values, it is useful for predicting the trends and relative changes in D values due to sucrose concentration and pH variations. Results suggested possible effects of other constituents of strawberry products on heat resistance of HAV and confirmed the importance of experimental validation of any model-derived process. Nevertheless, such a modelling approach using response surface methodology provides a rapid answer to heat resistance evaluation of a food-borne virus as a function of specific physical and chemical parameters of specific food products.  相似文献   

Changes in the localization of cathepsin D in postmortem and pressurized rabbit muscles were investigated by immunoelectron microscopy. The anti-cathepsin D monoclonal antibody strongly labeled a large vesicle in a subsarcolemmal part of the cell , which strongly suggests that this is the primary lysosome. The liberation of the cathepsin D entrapped in the lysosomes in the muscle prepared immediately after death proceeded with the progress of the conditioning. The release of almost all cathepsin D from the lysosomes and its absorption on the myofibrils were observed in the muscle conditioned for 14 days. The accumulation of lysosomes having various volumes and shapes accompanied with the disruption of myofibrillar structure was also observed. The liberation of cathepsin D from the lysosomes can be attributed to the modification of membranes permeability of the lysosomes during conditioning. When the muscle was pressurized at 100 MPa, the modification of the round shape of the lysosome was observed. With the increase of the pressure applied to the muscle, the release of cathepsin D from the lysosome due to the disruption of membrane was accelerated, and absorption of the released cathepsin D on the myofibrils was observed. From the results obtained, it was clear that the changes in the localization of cathepsin D accompanied with the modification of lysosomes induced by the brief exposure to high pressure were drastic in comparison with that in the muscle during conditioning.  相似文献   

Summary Eighteen chemical and physical parameters of nectar and honeydew honeys were determined and the results were analysed statistically by the method of principal component analysis. On the plots of principal component loadings, the honeys were divided into the following groups: (1) acacia honey; (2) rape honey; (3) linden, floral (nectar coming from various plants) and heather honeys; (4) honeydew honey. The samples which were a blend of nectar and honeydew honeys may be considered as a separate group between 3 and 4. The most important first principal component was strongly associated with the value of electrical conductivity, the contents of ash, free acids and proline, as well as with the pH and the diastase number. The principal component loadings and linear correlation suggested that these parameters contributed much more to the classification of honeys than apparent reducing sugars, apparent sucrose, mono-, di-, and trisaccharides, glucose and fructose. The classification of honeys by the method of principal component analysis may serve as an additional tool in specifying samples on the basis of their chemical composition.
Klassifizierung von Honigen durch chemische und physikalische Parameter mit Hilfe der Hauptkomponentenanalyse
Zusammenfassung 18 chemische und physikalische Parameter der Nektar- und Honigtauhonige wurden bestimmt und die Ergebnisse statistisch mit Hilfe der Hauptkomponentenanalyse ausgewertet. Danach konnten die Honige in folgende Gruppen unterteilt werden: 1) Akazienhonige, 2) Rapshonige, 3) Linden-, Blüten-und Heidehonige, 4) Honigtauhonige. Zwischen dem Nektarhonig und Honigtauhonig lagen wahrscheinlich die Proben von Mischhonigen aus Blüten- und Waldtracht. Die bedeutendste erste Hauptkomponente war mit folgenden Parametern verbunden: elektrischer Leitfähigkeitswert und Aschegehalt, Gehalt an freien Säuren und Prolin sowie der pH-Wert und Diastasezahl. Aufgrund der Hauptkomponentenladungen und der linearen Korrelation kann angenommen werden, daß diese Parameter für die Honigklassifizierung von größerer Bedeutung sind als der Gehalt an reduzierenden Zuckern, scheinbarer Saccharose, Mono-, Di- und Trisaccharide, Glucose und Fructose. Die Klassifizierung der Honige mit Hilfe der Hauptkomponentenanalyse kann bei der Spezifikation einer Honigprobe aufgrund ihrer chemischen Zusammensetzung von Nutzen sein.

不同酵母及果胶酶对红葡萄酒综合理化指标的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
通过酵母和果胶酶对红葡萄酒综合理化指标影响的研究,筛选出适合宁夏贺兰山东麓产区酒精发酵的酵母和果胶酶种类。结果表明:在试的BM45、L2323和RC212三种酵母中,RC212表现了更好的发酵能力和稳定的发酵特性,并增强了葡萄酒颜色稳定性和酚类物质的浸提,是适合本产区葡萄酒发酵的菌种之一;在试的天津利华PP-1、维诺红G、超力酶三种果胶酶中,超力酶提高了葡萄酒的酒精度、聚合色素、总酚含量,降低了挥发酸,一定程度上提高了葡萄酒品质,是本产区较适合葡萄酒发酵的果胶酶之一。  相似文献   

不同发酵温度和浸渍时间对红葡萄酒理化指标的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了葡萄酒发酵过程中不同发酵温度和浸渍时间对葡萄酒理化指标的影响。温度控制在24~26℃,26~28℃,28~30℃;浸渍时间控制在5d,7d和10d。结果表明,当发酵温度在24~26℃时有利于葡萄酒酒精的转化和色素的浸出;在浸渍时间为7d时有利于对葡萄酒的色素和酚类物质的浸提。因此,发酵温度24~26℃为葡萄酒发酵最适温度;浸渍时间7d为葡萄酒最适浸渍时间。  相似文献   

为考察在线激光打孔参数对细支卷烟理化指标的影响,制备不同打孔位置、打孔数量及激光脉冲持续的细支卷烟样品,考察打孔位置及数量等参数对细支卷烟通风率、通风率稳定性及主流烟气成分释放量的影响。结果表明:(1)与正常卷烟相比,在线激光打孔位置对细支卷烟影响较小,不同打孔位置卷烟理化指标变化幅度较小,以滤嘴中间位置(距唇端14mm)时通风率最大,主流烟气释放量最小;(2)细支卷烟在线激光打孔数量及时间对理化指标有显著影响,通风率均值随打孔数量和激光脉冲持续时间的增加而提高,主流烟气释放量随之显著降低,细支卷烟可通过调整打孔数量等参数获得适宜的通风率和烟气指标。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Lycopene is used for several industrial applications. Supercritical CO2 (SC‐CO2) extraction from red‐ripe tomato fruits is an excellent technique to replace the use of harmful solvents. In this study, starting from red‐ripe tomatoes of ordinary and high‐lycopene cultivars, the effect of different agronomical and technical aspects on lycopene content, stability and yield was evaluated throughout the production process from fresh tomatoes to the final SC‐CO2‐extracted oleoresin containing lycopene. RESULTS: Red‐ripe tomato cultivars differed in their lycopene content. Irrigation excess or deficit caused an increase in the amount of lycopene in the fruits. Fresh tomatoes were processed into a lyophilised matrix suitable for SC‐CO2 extraction, which could be stored for more than 6 months at ? 20 °C without lycopene loss. Under the optimal extraction conditions, efficiencies of up to 80% were achieved, but the recovery of lycopene in the extracted oleoresin was very low (~24%). Co‐extraction of the tomato matrix mixed with a lipid co‐matrix allowed the recovery of ~90% of lycopene in the oleoresin. Using the high‐lycopene cultivars, the yield of total extracted lycopene increased by ~60% with respect to the ordinary cultivars. Lipids and other biologically active molecules were present in the oleoresin. CONCLUSION: A method for extracting, from a tomato matrix, a natural and solvent‐free oleoresin containing lycopene dissolved in a highly unsaturated vegetable oil has been described. The oleoresin represents an excellent product for testing on cancer and cardiovascular disease prevention. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

研究了预煮(沸水中煮制5 min)处理后的南美白对虾在冻藏期间的表观品质(色差和质构)、水分含量及LF-NMR弛豫时间T_2的变化,并对各指标间的相关性进行了分析。结果表明,随着冻藏时间的增加,熟制南美白对虾水分含量和持水力持续降低,亮度(L~*)和红黄值(a~*、b~*)逐渐降低,硬度增加,而弹性降低;自由水的比例(P22)逐渐增高,而含量最高的中间水比例(P21)有降低的趋势,说明冻藏对虾肌肉水分发生了部分迁移。对各指标之间的相关性分析结果说明,对虾硬度指标与游离水相对比例(P22)呈正比,弹性指标与中间水比例(P21)呈正比,水分含量与硬度指标和色差值(L~*、a~*、b~*)呈反比。实验结果说明,在冻藏期间,熟制南美白对虾水分含量和分布的改变导致了其表观品质(色差和质构)的降低。  相似文献   

Fenton oxidation has been used to study the degradation of caffeic acid (CA), a colour precursor in sugar cane juice, in water and sucrose solutions. Central composite design and response surface methodology were used to evaluate the relationships between % CA degradation and the process parameters (i.e. CA and sucrose concentrations, pH, reagent dosages, reaction temperature and time). A quadratic polynomial model was developed for CA degradation and indicated that the initial sucrose and CA concentrations significantly affected the amount of CA degraded. Numerical optimisation was used to determine the optimum process parameters. It showed that in water at 35 °C, 80% CA was degraded at pH 5.49, 0.72 mm Fe2+ and 9.44 mm H2O2. However, in a synthetic sugar solution under similar conditions to that of factory mixed cane juice containing 13 mass% sucrose, only 61% of CA was degraded.  相似文献   

The effect of different parameters (pH, ultrasonic amplitude and pressure) on the resistance to heat and manothermosonication (MTS) treatments of heat resistant lipase and protease produced by Pseudomonas fluorescens B52 and NCDO 2085, respectively, were studied. Lipase B52 thermoresistance decreases with an increase of pH. However, inactivation by MTS seems to be pH independent. There were only slight increases in the MTS efficiency when increasing pressure at UHT temperatures and the effect of amplitude was different depending on treatment temperature. Protease NCDO 2085, which was very resistant to MTS at 30 degrees C. was very sensitive to MTS at 76 degrees C. Increases in applied pressure had no effect on MTS efficiency at 140 degrees C and its inactivation by MTS was almost temperature independent between 76-109 degrees C. Data obtained are compared with previous published data and inactivation mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   

将不同含量(5%,10%,20%,30%)的海带膳食纤维添加到火腿当中,开发出海藻膳食纤维火腿,并对其进行组织构造的观察和流变学参数的测定以及亚硝酸盐含量的测定,以得出风味口感、质构特征、功能性效果较好的海藻膳食纤维火腿。结果表明:添加量为10%以下的海藻膳食纤维的风味口感和质构特征都比添加量高的火腿好,而随着添加量的增加,火腿中亚硝酸盐的含量也越来越低。综合考虑到海藻膳食纤维的品质及功能性的要求,以10%的添加量为最佳。   相似文献   

The effect of different treatments on the esterase activity of the cellular debris of Pseudomonas fragi, responsible for the production of natural fruity flavors in processed products, was investigated. Glass bead homogenization (GBH) decreased activity by 50%, French press homogenization (FPH) produced only a slight decrease, while ultrasonication (US) alone or with GBH increased activity by 25 and 50%, respectively. Treatment with (i) GBH (4 min) and Triton increased activity two-fold, (ii) GBH or US (4 min), Triton and EDTA produced little effect, (iii) FPH (three passes), Triton and EDTA produced a decrease of 30 to 50%, (iv) FP (three passes), US (4 min), Triton and EDTA had no effect, while (v) GBH (4 min), US (4 min), Triton and EDTA showed a 35% decrease in activity. The esterase activity of the cellular debris stored in buffer (4°C) and hexane (−80°C) decreased by 80% after 3 days, while that of whole cells stored in hexane (−80°C), and buffer at 4 and −80°C remained preserved for 3 days whereas that of the lyophilized whole cells greatly decreased. The esterase activity of whole cells stored in buffer containing 15 and 30% glycerol was preserved for three weeks.  相似文献   

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