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去意大利考察葡萄酒不能不去戈里齐亚,因为那里是意大利最著名的DOC葡萄酒产区。今年5月底应戈里齐亚商会的邀请,中国意大利商会、中国贸促会农业分会组织了中国食品协会,天津立飞集团、中糖公司和《中国食品报》、《中外葡萄与葡萄酒》杂志等媒体去戈里齐亚两个著名的DOC葡萄酒产区,伊松佐(ISONZO)和科里奥(COLLIO)考察。1 美丽的戈里齐亚戈里齐亚省位于意大利东北部,与南斯拉夫相邻,在拿破仑时代,它曾归属哈布斯保王朝和威尼斯共和国,之后又成为伊利亚省的一部分,1921年加入意大利。戈里齐亚城位于伊松佐河谷,风景…  相似文献   

墨菲 《中国食品》2021,(1):154-154
2020年12月11日,由意大利西西里葡萄酒法定产区协会(Consorzio di Tutela Vini DOC Sicilia)与意大利对外贸易委员会(talian Trade Agency)联合主办的西西里葡萄酒法定产区,(Sicilia DOC)大师班在京圆满举办。大师班时隔一年又来到北京,现场反响热烈。大师班由知名讲师赵凡现场授课,深入浅出地讲解西西里葡萄酒法定产区(Sicilia DOC)全貌,对产区的风土法规、本土品种、葡萄酒酿造理念等进行深入剖析,并带领学员们品鉴了10款代表性葡萄酒。  相似文献   

奥地利新的葡萄酒分级体系--DAC体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了让国外消费者对澳洲葡萄酒有一个更加系统、清晰的了解,奥地利的葡萄酒生产商一直致力于建立新的葡萄酒命名制。跟法国的AOC葡萄酒原产地命名制或意大利的DOC葡萄酒原产地区域管制一样,奥地利新的葡萄酒分级体系——DAC体系(Districtus AustriaControllatus)将会逐渐代替现行的葡萄酒分级制度。此前,奥地利葡萄酒一直按照一种比较混乱的葡萄品种进行分级。在新的DAC体系下,酒标将更加强调葡萄酒产区而不再是葡萄品种。新的葡萄酒分级系统根据不同的葡萄酒产区,把风格不同的葡萄酒划分成不同的质量等级,让消费者通过标签就可了解到…  相似文献   

正艾米利亚-罗马涅(Emilia-Romagna)是位于意大利北部的大区,由历史上的两个大区艾米利亚和罗马涅组成。辖区形状如三角形,东临亚得里亚海,北界隔波河与伦巴第大区和威尼托大区毗邻,西临皮埃蒙特和利古里亚大区,托斯卡纳大区、马尔凯大区和圣马力诺共和国位于其南部。艾米利亚-罗马涅(Emilia-Romagna)是意大利最发达的大区之一,也是意大利著名的美食天堂,当然这里也是著名的葡萄酒产区。意大利百大名庄之一的得雷多纳酒庄(Drei Dona)即来自艾米利亚-罗马涅(EmiliaRomagna)DOC子产区的Predappio。  相似文献   

林华   《中国食品》2021,(8):22-24
继上期专访意大利驻华大使方澜意(Luca Ferrari)阁下后,为了增进读者对意大利葡萄酒的认识和了解,本刊从这期起在“意大利美酒之旅(A wonderful trip through Italian wines and spirits)”专栏中每期特别报道意大利二十大葡萄酒产区的特色与多样性。本栏目得到意大利驻华使馆的大力支持,希望通过我刊的报道让更多的读者爱上意大利葡萄酒!  相似文献   

考察美国的葡萄酒,不能不去加州,那里的葡萄酒产量占美国总产量的94%。如果把加州当作一个独立的产酒国,那它仅次于意大利、法国、西班牙居世界第四位。考察加州的葡萄酒,不能不去那帕谷地,它是加州著名的葡萄酒产区——加州北海岸产区中最重要的葡萄酒乡。它的著名在于它的“精美”。那帕酿酒葡萄栽培面积占加州的1/10,由于酿酒选料上的“精益求精”,它的葡萄酒产量只占加州的4%,然而这里的葡萄酒厂多达240余家,占全加州葡萄酒厂总量的近1/3。那帕葡萄酒乡以“精小”的葡萄酒庄和集“三美”于一体(美酒、美景、美食)闻名于世…  相似文献   

西班牙的Priorato葡萄酒区位于加泰罗尼亚(Catalonia)地方的最南省Tarragona的东边。加泰罗尼亚——西班牙最具潜力的葡萄酒生产地之一,有Tarragona、Penedes、Priorat等8个DO级产区(Denominaciod Origen),每个产区都有自己的质量检验部门,依照法国AC和意大利DOC的标准负责控制葡萄品种和酒的制作过程。  相似文献   

黑酒 事关风     
何龙 《食品指南》2013,(3):66-67
有一种干红葡萄酒,因酒色红得发黑而驰名,这就是卡奥尔葡萄酒。卡奥尔(法语Cahors)是法国南部比利牛斯大区洛特省的一个镇,同时也是法国西南产区—个重要的葡萄酒生产地区。位于洛特河两岸的卡奥尔产区所产红酒酒色深红,馥郁丰厚、强烈,劲度十足,具有质感以及独特的辛烈香气和黑浆果的味道,宜陈年,随着时间的增加,丹宁趋于圆润。  相似文献   

如果有人将美国、澳大利亚、阿根廷、智利、南非等葡萄酒产业的新兴国家称为"葡萄酒新世界"的话,那么加拿大也应属其列;如果说加拿大葡萄酒主产区在安大略省五大湖地区的话,那么加拿大新兴的葡萄酒产区当属不列颠哥伦比亚省(简称BC省)南部的奥柯那根(Okanagan)谷地.  相似文献   

意大利古代曾被称为“Enotria”,即葡萄酒之乡,这是因为,自古以来,在面向地中海的整个意大利半岛上都广泛种植葡萄。这一传统沿袭了几个世纪,也使这片土地成为最发达最著名的酿酒产地之一。尤其在近几十年,意大利葡萄酒的品质达到了顶峰,赢得得了全世界消费者的赞誉和尊重。如今,意大利葡萄园的面积达到了792,000公顷(1980年为1230,000公顷),其中264,000用于 Vqprd(在特定地区生产的品级餐酒)的生产,528,000用于日常用酒,年产葡萄酒约5300万公升。意大利的葡萄酒产量是世界平均产量的21%,欧盟的34%。葡萄酒的产量结构金字塔是这样的:三百万公升的29种 DOCG 酒(保证法定地区餐酒),九百万公升317种DOC(法定地区餐酒),两千两百万公升 IGT(地方餐酒),  相似文献   

A process for making table whey wine is based on fermenting with lactose-fermenting yeast, high-lactose (18 to 25%) whey concentrates, or permeates from reconstituted cottage cheese acid-whey powder. Deproteinization of the whey concentrates which gave a clear fermentation substrate that was rich in lactose was attained through ultrafiltration at about 40 C. Salts were reduced by electrodialysis to levels permitting optimum fermentation of sugar to alcohol. Active fermentation occurred at 25 to 30 C during 5 to 7 days.The table whey wine had 10% (vol/ vol), or more, alcohol that was derived wholly from lactose. After the finishing step, the fresh wine was clear, pale yellow, and had a pleasing tart taste and bouquet free from whey flavor. Its body was full.  相似文献   

Background and Aims:  Despite being a common food and beverage combination today, few scientific studies have examined ideal wine and cheese matches. The current study was designed to have Australian consumers evaluate wine and cheese combinations suggested by industry experts.
Methods and Results:  Under controlled conditions, 46 wine and cheese consumers examined the 'ideal' pairings of eight different cheese and wine styles, using a structured, 12-cm 'just right' line scale. The consumers agreed with the experts about six of the eight combinations. Red table wine was marginally more versatile than white table wine for cheese pairings. Cheddar and Gruyère were the most versatile cheeses while a white mould and blue mould were dominant over the wines. The Gewürztraminer and Sangiovese wines were most complementary to the cheeses but the Sauvignon Blanc and white dessert wine were the most difficult to match.
Conclusions:  These scientific results confirm some of the anecdotal beliefs held regarding the art of wine and food matching.
Significance of the Study:  The findings will enhance wine and food service professionals' knowledge of how wine and food sensory elements interact and transform one another, promoting better gastronomic experiences for consumers.  相似文献   

The Kōfu Basin in Yamanashi Prefecture is at the center of table grape and wine production in Japan. This article traces the historical geographies of the growing and fermentation of Delaware grapes in this region. Data were gathered from over 145 interviews with stakeholders across the table grape and wine industries, extensive archival research and participant observation as a grape farmer in the Kōfu Basin for over one and a half years. Emphasis is placed on intertwining that history to overarching developments in local viticulture and winemaking. This includes tracing the arrival of the cultivar from the USA to Japan at the start of the Meiji Restoration in 1868, early fermentation and later rapid diffusion linked to its popularity as the first commercially available seedless cultivar. Delaware reached the pinnacle of its popularity as a grape for the table and wine in the 1960s and 1970s, before changes in consumer demands to higher value table grapes and away from sweet wines led to its fairly rapid decline. Although significantly less Delaware is grown or fermented today, this introduced grape was and surprisingly continues to be highly influential on the developmental trajectories of Japanese grape growing and winemaking.  相似文献   

选用陕西地区的鲜食葡萄品种户太八号、夏黑和酿酒品种爱格丽、嘉年华、玫瑰香为原料,酿制小容器起泡葡萄酒,并对不同品种葡萄酿造的起泡葡萄酒进行酚类物质、香气物质及感官指标进行定量描述分析(QDA)比较。结果表明:不同品种葡萄果实及起泡葡萄酒总酚含量存在显著差异(P<0.05),鲜食葡萄品种的总酚含量高于酿酒葡萄品种,夏黑葡萄果实中的总酚含量最高,为(97.95±2.93) mg/g,5种起泡葡萄酒的基本指标均符合国家标准,其中酿酒品种中嘉年华及鲜食品种里户太八号起泡葡萄酒的酚类物质含量较高;5种起泡葡萄酒共检测出香气物质50种,其中玫瑰香起泡葡萄酒香气物质种类最多(33种);QDA分析结果表明,爱格丽及夏黑起泡葡萄酒感官品质较佳,分别得分75.99分和81.80分。  相似文献   

SUMMARY— The acids of a table wine from Vitis vinifera var. White Riesling were recovered by basic extraction from a methylene chloride extract of the wine. The acids were identified by gas chromatographic retention times and by infrared spectroscopy, in most cases both on the free acids and on the methyl, ethyl or hexyl esters. The major acids identified in the wine are: acetic, n-butyric, n-caproic, n-caprylic, n-capric, 9-decenoic, succinic, and ethyl acid succinate. Acids present in smaller amounts are: formic, propionic, isobutyric, 2-methylbutyric, isovaleric, lactic, 2-hydroxyisocaproic, n-pelargonic, and malic.  相似文献   

宁夏贺兰山东麓葡萄酒区已经成为中国葡萄酒行业的一个代表性产区,但至今未有葡萄酒产品等级。该文论述产品市场分级意义和必要性,以产区、产品质量等级、获奖情况、葡萄园管理、酒庄管理为等级要素,设计贺兰山东麓产区特级、优质、佐餐葡萄酒三级质量等级和五星市场等级体系,并提出成立评选机构、风土研究、葡萄酒指纹图谱数据库建设、分级分类评定的推广路径,建立具有贺兰山东麓特色、适合我国国情、有利于国际贸易的具有公信力的葡萄酒质量等级制度和市场等级制度。  相似文献   

The ability to genotype wine would be of a great benefit to control the varietal wine authenticity. In this paper, we assessed the fate of grapevine DNA and total DNA during vinification to suggest the latest sampling point that would allow genotyping. The total DNA concentration was measured by fluorimetry and the specific Vitis vinifera L. DNA concentration was measured by quantitative PCR in samples obtained from different steps of vinifications of four wines. To elucidate the effect of pre-extraction and extraction steps on DNA yield from wine, several samples from bottle of wine, two precipitation salts, and two DNA extraction solutions were tested. It was found that hundreds of genome equivalents of grapevine DNA can be extracted from every winemaking sample and from wine. In tested samples, differences in DNA yield among wines from different grapevine varieties, differences among extraction methods, and sampling variation in wine were not statistically significant.  相似文献   

When the information given by a panel of judges on wine sensory characteristics is resumed in a three-way table, Y, and the objective is to extract knowledge from a chemical data-set, X, which has a predictive power for wine sensorial variables, the study of the relationships between chemical–physical variables and sensorial data sets is really complex. In this paper after resuming the information in Y, we propose to consider multivariate additive partial least squares via splines, recently presented in literature, to predict Y by X.  相似文献   

The present article aims to review research papers that focus on the parietal adsorption activity of wine yeast and on its contribution to the enhancement of wine safety and quality. There is a great diversity among yeasts for their parietal adsorption activity: the outermost layer of the cell wall has a chemical composition that notably varies from yeast to yeast. Parietal mannoproteins can contain phosphate, pyruvate, or glucuronic acid, which impart negative charges, modifying the electrostatic and ionic interactions with wine components. The following could give a good reason to propose a specific selection of wine yeasts based on their parietal adsorption activity to improve wine safety and quality: (a) ochratoxin A content of wines is greatly reduced by expressly selected yeasts, sequestering the toxin during winemaking; (b) yeast influences concentration and composition of phenolic compounds in wine, above all by adsorbing them on cell wall; (c) among grape pigments, anthocyanins, in particular, may be adsorbed by yeast cell wall; and (d) yeast can also interact with wine colour producing anthocyanin-beta-d-glucosidase, pyruvic acid, and acetaldehyde or releasing mannoproteins and different polysaccharides. Genomic strategies could also be used to obtain a further enhancement of the adsorption/non-adsorption activity of wine yeasts. Based on winemaking requirements and on parietal adsorption activity, a specific selection of yeasts might be performed: (a) to protect wine colour during red winemaking, (b) to remove residual wine colour during white winemaking, (c) to selectively remove ochratoxin A, and (d) to protect phenolic compounds responsible for antioxidant activity.  相似文献   

Immunology is an expanding area of research with potentially important applications in the analysis of many biological molecules. Polyclonal antibodies were raised in rabbits against specific proteins as well as against the total protein from a Portuguese wine. FPLC cation exchange chromatography was used to isolate the total protein fraction and, when in combination with denaturing electrophoresis, to purify individual wine polypeptides. To obtain a high titre, an injection of each antigen followed by three boosters were given in the immunisation of each rabbit. The titre of the antisera was measured by the ELISA technique and the specificity of the antibodies detected by immunoblotting. The antibodies produced were shown to be highly specific for the corresponding antigens. However, antibodies obtained specifically against a highly purified wine polypeptide seem to recognize the other major wine polypeptides, raising the possibility of structure similarity between different wine proteins. Neither the anti‐total wine protein antibodies not the anti‐specific wine protein antibodies originated a signal when used to probe thaumatin or chitinase. © 1999 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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