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钙源的比较与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 现在人人都认识到钙是一种重要的矿物质,对儿童和年老妇女尤其重要。儿童从婴儿时骨骼便不断生长,当人进入老年期,骨中钙的流失速度超过新骨的生长,在这阶段钙源的补充尤显重要。据报道,美国的冷冻桔子汁饮料市场中,钙强化饮料的增长迅猛。目前钙强化果汁饮料已占果汁饮料市场的15%,其市场份额增长达32%,而普通果汁饮料仅有3%的增长。 溶解性 乳酸钙是最为有效的钙源,它是L(+)乳酸的天然矿物盐。在果汁饮料(尤其是澄清果汁),运动员饮料和多种矿物质饮料中加入钙,最重要的是不  相似文献   

综述了钙吸收机理 ,钙营养强化剂与钙强化食品的研究现状。   相似文献   

<正> 有关专家指出,骨质疏松症已成为全球所关注的疾病之一。钙缺乏被认为是骨质疏松症及其相关疾病的主要原因。据新的膳食参考摄入量(DRIs)推荐,存在罹患骨质疏松症高危的成人每日应摄入1,000~1,300毫克钙(美国医药研究所)。就全球而言,人均膳食钙的摄入量并不足够。因此,增加人们钙摄入量的最佳途径是对食品和饮料  相似文献   

功能性乳品饮料的市场趋势及其机遇   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李祥 《食品工程》2008,(3):26-27,55
概述了功能性乳品饮料的市场发展趋势,强调了三个主要的趋势:营养健康、感官和便携性。并介绍了几种有市场潜力的酸奶饮料,像瑞士乳杆菌发酵乳、果肉酸奶、蔬菜酸奶、活性乳酸饮料、高纤维酸奶、营养强化型酸奶和益生菌发酵乳等。  相似文献   

在10000年前的农业时代初期,人类学就认为人类一直是钙的高吸收者。如果现代人类与旧石器时代人类的基因完全相同,则现代人类饮食中的钙只能被吸收三分之一,钙撮入量明显不足,满足不了人体的生理需求。对钙和骨质的分析研究表明:青少年、成年人、老人以及绝经后的女性每日撮入500-1500mg钙有利于骨质生长。由于果酸钙具有较高的生物吸收利用性,已成为当前钙研究的主题。果酸钙对青春期女孩、青年和绝经后妇女都起了积极的作用,而且微量元素和Vo的存在更有利于人体增强骨密度,降低骨折发生率。  相似文献   

乳钙和干酪素磷肽的钙强化功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 钙是非常重要的营养素,能够预防骨质疏松症。但是,据有关研究显示,全球各地尤其是亚洲地区的居民,普遍存在缺钙的情况,大大影响了其国民的身体素质。有鉴于此,营养权威专家正积极讨论和复审膳食钙的需求量(RDA),并制定新的推荐钙摄入量(RDI),例如,美国最近就提高了其推荐钙摄入量的新标准,其他国家也将仿效这种做法。 为人体补充钙的有效方法,是在我们日常进食的食品中进行钙强化。提取自牛奶的乳钙,具有优良的感官性质,而且极具营养性,是理想的天然食品级钙源。另一方面,营养科学界普遍认为,钙源的溶解性决定了钙能否良好地被人体吸收,干  相似文献   

蛹虫草酸奶饮料的研制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用蛹虫草液体发酵菌丝体及发酵液研制功能性酸奶饮料,经单因素试验和感官评定,确定了蛹虫草酸奶饮料的最佳配方为:发酵液添加量占虫草酸奶饮料总体积的12.5%,酸奶添加量为7.9%.鲜奶添加量为79.6%.经测定,虫草酸奶饮料中含有丰富的虫草多糖.  相似文献   

低聚木糖的生理功能和低聚木糖酸奶的研制和检测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
功能性低聚糖(益生元)因其独特的生理功能而成为一种重要的功能性食品配料,业已引起全世界的广泛关注。低聚木糖作为功能性低聚糖中对双歧杆菌增殖效果最好的一种产品而得到广泛应用。酸奶制品是一种带有活性的乳酸菌经发酵制成的牛乳产品,它在人体健康、补充营养、疾病疗效上都有其独特的作用。因此,在酸奶制品中添加能使双歧杆菌高效增殖的超强益生元一低聚木糖,使产品既保持了酸奶特有的作用,又提高了肠内有益菌的比例而具有极高的市场开发潜力。本文同时对酸奶中低聚木糖含量的测定方法进行探讨。  相似文献   

AD钙酸奶饮料的工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以酸奶为基础,添加维生素A、维生素D和钙以提高其营养保健功能的AD钙酸奶饮料的加工工艺  相似文献   

以酸奶为基础,添加维生素A、维生素D和钙以提高其营养保健功能的AD钙酸奶饮料的加工工艺   相似文献   

Calcium, being an essential mineral with many important and diversified functions, plays an important role in the health and well being of the human. Marine organisms serve as an alternate source for calcium. Calcium has to be solubilized in the body in order to have the maximum benefits. The increased solubility of calcium from diet contributes to calcium absorption and bioavailability in the body. In this paper, we report various marine sources of calcium, solubilizing the calcium to improve the bioavailability and the applications of calcium as an important mineral in controlling different diseases.  相似文献   

Powdered chicken eggshells might be an interesting and widely available source of calcium. In two studies using piglets we determined the digestibility of calcium from different diets. The first study compared casein-based diets with CaCO3 (CasCC) or eggshell powder (CasES). The second study compared soya protein isolate-based diets with CaCO3 (SoyCC) or eggshell powder (SoyES). Diets were fed to groups of six piglets. Faeces were collected quantitatively. No adverse effects of eggshell powder were observed with regard to magnesium and crude fat digestibility. Calcium from eggshell powder was more digestible than calcium from purified CaCO3. In the first study, digestibility coefficients for calcium were 66.9 (SD 7.9)% for CasCC and 71.3 (SD 3.8)% for CasES. In the second study, these coefficients were 46.7 (SD 8.6)% for SoyCC, and 65.9 (SD 3.7)% for SoyES, a significant difference. Our conclusion is that eggshell powder is, in the case of casein-based diets, as good a source of calcium as CaCO3 and, in the case of soya protein-based diets, better than CaCO3 for growing piglets. As the piglet model is considered to be representative for humans, chicken eggshell powder is also a promising source of calcium for human nutrition. © 1999 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Diets with and without added fat and with different amounts of soluble and insoluble calcium were fed to rumencannulated cows to determine roles of fat and calcium in formation of insoluble calcium soaps in the rumen. Percent of total fatty acids in soap was increased only by addition of soluble calcium (CaCl2). The amount of fatty acid in soap was highly dependent on amount of fat in the rumen and was not changed by calcium addition. Concentration of ionized calcium in rumen content was halved by fat addition and was inversely correlated with rumen pH, whereas proportion of fatty acid in soap was directly related to pH. Rumen pH was lower 8 to 12 h postfeeding when calcium was added to the diet, which was related nonsignificantly with total volatile fatty acid concentration. Addition of fat to diets tended to lower the ratio of acetic to propionic acids in the rumen; this trend was reversed by calcium addition. Beneficial effects of added calcium in high fat diets were not caused by increased calcium soap formation in the rumen.  相似文献   

目前,GE等部分美企已经采取了一些措施把在海外的制造业工作岗位转回到美国本土,随着美国国内主张发展制造业的声音越来越大,制造业回流话题再次被推到风口浪尖处。对此,美国纺织服装业看好高附加值制造业。 服装行业咨询公司首席执行官迈克·弗拉纳根表示:“部分美国高端制造企业正在将生产线迁回本土,甚至一些有实力的海外买家也顺应了这股潮流,如中国的科尔集团和印度的shrivallabh pittie纺织集团等到美国投资建厂。  相似文献   

Calcium enrichment of food and dairy products has gained interest with the increased awareness about the importance of higher calcium intake. Calcium plays many important roles in the human body. Dairy products are an excellent source of dietary calcium, which can be further fortified with calcium salts to achieve higher calcium intake per serving. However, the addition of calcium salts can destabilize food systems unless conditions are carefully controlled. The effect of calcium fortification on the heat stability of reconstituted skim milk was evaluated, using reconstituted skim milks with 2 protein levels: 1.75 and 3.5% (wt/wt) prepared using low and high heat powders. Calcium carbonate, phosphate, lactate, and citrate were used for fortification at 0.15, 0.18, and 0.24% (wt/wt). Each sample was analyzed for solubility, heat stability, and pH. The addition of phosphate and lactate salts lowered the pH of milk, citrate did not have any major effect, and carbonate for the 1.75% protein samples increased the pH. In general, changes in solubility and heat stability were associated with changes in pH. Calcium addition decreased the solubility and heat stability. However, interestingly, the presence of carbonate salt greatly increased the heat stability for 1.75% protein samples. This is due to the neutralizing effect of calcium carbonate when it goes into solution. The results suggested that the heat stability of milk can be affected by the type of calcium salt used. This may be applied to the development of milk-based calcium enriched beverages.  相似文献   

米糠是一种营养丰富、应用前景广阔的高附加值资源,实现米糠的增值转化对提高我国粮食加工水平具有重要意义。从米糠的性质、稳定化、活性因子、在发酵及食品工业中的应用等方面综述了米糠增值转化应用的研究进展。  相似文献   

This study was aimed to investigate the potential use of pre-treated cuttlebone powder (CBP) as an alternative calcium source by evaluating the physicochemical properties of CBP pre-treated with distilled water (CBP1), 1% acetic acid (CBP2), and 2% sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solutions (CBP3). Proximate analysis revealed ash as the major component of all samples. The presence of phenols, flavonoids, alkaloids, and glycosides were detected but tannins appeared to be absent in cuttlebones. Mineral analysis indicated that CBP was rich in calcium, which means the material may be considered as a potential calcium source for food products or calcium supplements. The bulk density of CBP2 was significantly lower (p < .05) than those of CBP1 and CBP3, and the water holding capacity (WHC) of CBP1 was significantly higher (p < .05) than those of CBP2 and CBP3. The high bulk density, water and oil holding capacities of CBP demonstrated its potential use as a functional food ingredient.  相似文献   

服装业是购买者驱动的产业,如果不下决心建立自己的销售渠道,只能是中国品牌。永远不可能成为世界品牌。七匹狼、波司登、三枪等企业尝试走出国门,业界对此看法不一。但是将自主品牌打入发达国家市场始终是众多中国服装企业的梦想。[编者按]  相似文献   

Four Holstein cows fitted with ruminal, duodenal, and ileal cannulae were used in a 4 x 4 Latin square design to measure ruminal protein degradation and small intestinal digestion of diets containing untreated soybean meal or soybean meal treated with heat and either water, xylose, or calcium lignosulfonate. Diets consisting of 40% corn silage, 10% alfalfa cubes, and 50% grain mix, and averaging 16.8% crude protein (DM basis) were fed four times daily. Approximately 50% of the total dietary protein was supplied by the respective soybean meal source. Ruminal protein degradation was 70.6, 69.6, 55.8, and 53.7% for diets containing untreated soybean meal, water-soybean meal, xylose-soybean meal, and calcium lignosulfonate-soybean meal, respectively. Duodenal non-NH3 N flow (g/d) and absorption of non-NH3 N (g/d) in the small intestine were generally not affected by treatment. Duodenal bacterial N flow (g/d) was lower with xylose-soybean meal and lignosulfonate-soybean meal than with untreated soybean meal. Treatment of soybean meal with xylose or calcium lignosulfonate was successful in decreasing ruminal protein degradation. However, it may be necessary to include a source of readily fermentable N in diets that contain protected proteins in order to supply adequate NH3 N for microbial protein synthesis.  相似文献   

BackgroundPlant-derived wastes from agriculture, processing, distribution, and retail are generated in large quantities. The majority of the wastes are underutilized and may cause severe environmental problems if not properly handled. The plant-derived wastes are usually rich in lignocellulose and other valuable compounds including protein, fat, sugar, and phytochemicals. Valorization of these compounds in food waste not only reduces environmental concerns but also improves sustainability and economic competitiveness of agro-food industries.Scope and approachThis review paper first discussed different phases of the biorefinery concepts and their associated applications, and then introduced recent advances in the integrated processing of plant-derived waste for producing various value-added products. Finally, techno-economic, environmental, and social assessments along with relevant policies were introduced and discussed.Key findings and conclusionsDuring the past ten years, research attentions focused on integrated utilization of plant-derived waste to produce various products have flourished. Compared to production of a single component for food waste valorization, integrated processing of food waste via a combination of different novel technologies to produce multiple products based on a biorefinery concept has significant advantages, including full utilization of feedstocks, minimization of waste generation during processing, synergy effects of different technologies, and diversification of the revenues by covering multiple markets. With the rationale design of biorefinery processes, underutilized plant-based wastes can be valuable resources for the sustainable production of food, chemicals, and biofuels. However, detailed economic, environmental, and social analyses for the biorefinery process are still needed in the future.  相似文献   

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