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We briefly review a simple model of superconducting-normal phase-separation in transition-edge sensors (TESs) in the SuperCDMS experiment. After discussing some design considerations relevant to the TESs in the experiment, we study noise sources in both the phase-separated and phase-uniform cases. Such simulations will be valuable for optimizing the critical temperature and TES length of future SuperCDMS detectors.  相似文献   

Superconducting microcalorimeters based on transition-edge sensors (TESs) are being successfully used in applications ranging from optical photon counting to gamma-ray and alpha particle spectroscopy. Practical instruments often require a complex optimization among speed, linearity and energy resolution. However, a?lack of understanding of the superconducting transition limits our ability to predict the behavior of a new TES design. Specifically, there is an unmet need for a model that predicts the current and temperature dependent resistance surface that describes the transition: R(I,T). This paper describes the predictions of a two-fluid model for the resistance of a TES based on a Ginzburg-Landau form of the critical current. We compare the predictions of the model for the logarithmic derivatives of resistance with temperature and current (α and β) to measurements of TESs used in x-ray and gamma spectrometers. The model shows excellent qualitative agreement that provides useful insight into the dependence of α and β on the current density and bias point of the TES.  相似文献   

We have studied the noise spectra of Au/Ti bilayer transition-edge sensors with transition temperatures around ∼100 mK. The sensors did not include an absorber element, and were patterned into either a circular Corbino geometry, or a Corbino disk divided into four parallel sections. Both sensor types contained noise in excess of the thermodynamic phonon noise and the equilibrium Johnson noise of the sensor. However, the divided Corbino detector had a significantly lower noise level than the undivided Corbino disk, especially at bias points below the mid-point of the transition.   相似文献   

We have performed a statistical characterization of the effect of afterpulsing in a free-running silicon single-photon detector by measuring the distribution of afterpulse waiting times in response to pulsed illumination and fitting it by a sum of exponentials. We show that a high degree of goodness of fit can be obtained for five exponentials, but the physical meaning of estimated characteristic times is dubious. We show that a continuous limit of the sum of exponentials with a uniform density between the limiting times gives excellent fitting results in the full range of the detector response function. This means that in certain detectors, the afterpulsing is caused by a continuous band of deep levels in the active area of the photodetector.  相似文献   

We consider the role of the enormous ionic dielectric constant ε0≈ 30–50 in the cuprates. The ionically-screened Thomas-Fermi screening parameter ~qTF = [4θe2N(EF)/εin0 1/2 is extremely small, namely 0.2-0.3 A-1. The electron-phonon coupling constant I(q,w) is found to be anomalously large forq ≈ ~qTF and smallco, accounting for the CDW observed in overdoped BSCCO with wavevector 0.24 A-1. Using the Eliashberg theory we derive from this I(q,w) a maximumT c of about 200 K. The small electron-phonon scattering angle △θ = ~q F ≈ 0.3 rad acounts for the observedd-wave pairing, as originating from a phonon-mediated mechananism.  相似文献   

We report recent progress at NIST on Mo/Cu Transition-Edge Sensors (TESs). While the signal-band noise of our sensors agrees with theory, we observe excess high-frequency noise. We describe this noise and demonstrate that it can be strongly suppressed by a magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of the sensor. Both the excess noise and =(T/R)(dR/dT) depend strongly on field so our results show that accurate comparisons between devices are only possible when the field is well known or constant. We also present results showing the noise performance of TES designs incorporating parallel and perpendicular normal metal bars, an array of normal metal islands, and in wedge-shaped devices. We demonstrate significant reduction of high-frequency noise with the perpendicular bar devices at the cost of reduced . Both the bars and the magnetic field are useful noise reduction techniques for bolometers.  相似文献   

王杰  耿欣  张超 《材料导报》2016,30(1):14-18, 32
近年来,氧化钨(WO_3)基半导体气体传感器由于可用来检测低浓度二氧化氮、二氧化硫、臭氧和氨气等气体而受到广泛关注。将WO_3基材料分为4类:纯WO_3材料、氧化物-WO_3复合材料、贵金属-WO_3复合材料和有机物-WO_3复合材料,总结近年来中外文献中WO_3基材料对不同气体的响应性能,展现近年来国内外WO_3基半导体气体传感器的研究进展。最后根据已有的工作进展,提出合成新型纳米材料、降低工作温度、提高传感器选择性应成为WO_3基半导体气体传感器下一阶段的研究重点。  相似文献   

在实现对单能平行光子源的绝对测量之前,需要对CdTe探测器进行刻度。利用已知点源对CdTe探测器进行能量刻度,得到刻度曲线和能量分辨率,利用工业CT对CdTe探测器进行精确扫描,得到CdTe探测器内部结构,并以此为基础,利用MCNP5蒙特卡罗模拟程序建立CdTe探测器物理模型;计算20~150keV能量段,能量间隔为1keV每个能量点的探测效率,得到CdTe探测器的效率曲线图。发现CdTe探测器在低能段探测效率较高,但Te元素在27keV和32keV处产生了逃逸峰,探测效率有所下降,之后探测效率曲线呈现先上升后下降的趋势。  相似文献   

The incorporation of Eu ions into GaN has been studied using combined excitation-emission spectroscopy for samples that were in situ doped during organometallic vapor-phase epitaxy (OMVPE) growth. The obtained fingerprints of characteristic emission spectra are subsequently used to determine the coupling of the Eu ions to the crystal lattice. We find a majority site, which exhibits coupling to bulk-like phonon modes as well as a localized phonon mode. For this site, we also find that the zero-phonon line of the 7F0 to 5D0 transition, which is forbidden, is much weaker than the phonon-coupled excitation transitions. The ratio of zero-phonon to phonon-coupled transition strength depends on the crystalline quality of the layer. These observations are consistent with the assignment of the majority site to an unperturbed Eu ion on Ga position. We find that the relative abundance of the majority site is strongly underestimated whenever the zero-phonon 7F0 to 5D0 excitation transition is used as a measure.  相似文献   

We are developing a high-efficiency neutron detector with 1 cm position resolution and coarse energy resolution for use at high-flux neutron source facilities currently proposed or under construction. The detector concept integrates a segmented 3He ionization chamber with the position sensitive, charged particle collection methods of a MicroMegas detector. Neutron absorption on the helium produces protons and tritons that ionize the fill gas. The charge is amplified in the field region around a wire mesh and subsequently detected in current mode by wire strips mounted on a substrate. One module consisting of a high-voltage plate, a field-shaping high-voltage plate, a grid and wire strips defines a detection region. For 100 % efficiency, detector modules are consecutively placed along the beam axis. Analysis over several regions with alternating wire strip orientation provides a two-dimensional beam profile. By using 3He, a 1/v absorption gas, each axial region captures neutrons of a different energy range, providing an energy-sensitive detection scheme especially useful at continuous beam sources.  相似文献   

An energy resolution of 0.6 eV was achieved with an NbN superconducting nanowire single-photon detector for near infrared photons in the energy range from 1.2 eV to 0.8 eV. The detector operates at 6 K and is read out with a room-temperature amplifier. The photon-energy dependent response of the detector is associated with the change of the detection scenario from the hot-spot formation to unbinding of paired magnetic vortices.   相似文献   

Recently, sustainable green energy harvesting systems have been receiving great attention for their potential use in self‐powered smart wireless sensor network (WSN) systems. In particular, though the developed WSN systems are able to advance public good, very high and long‐term budgets will be required in order to use them to supply electrical energy through temporary batteries or connecting power cables. This report summarizes recent significant progress in the development of hybrid nanogenerators for a sustainable energy harvesting system that use natural and artificial energies such as solar, wind, wave, heat, machine vibration, and automobile noise. It starts with a brief introduction of energy harvesting systems, and then summarizes the different hybrid energy harvesting systems: integration of mechanical and photovoltaic energy harvesters, integration of mechanical and thermal energy harvesters, integration of thermal and photovoltaic energy harvesters, and others. In terms of the reported hybrid nanogenerators, a systematic summary of their structures, working mechanisms, and output performances is provided. Specifically, electromagnetic induction, triboelectric, piezoelectric, photovoltaic, thermoelectric, and pyroelectric effects are reviewed on the basis of the individual and hybrid power performances of hybrid nanogenerators and their practical applications with various device designs. Finally, the perspectives on and challenges in developing high performance and sustainable hybrid nanogenerator systems are presented.  相似文献   

随着节能减排的不断深入和能源效率的逐步提高,同时利用冷量和热量的冷热互联系统将得到进一步的推广应用。与传统的制冷系统和制热系统的能效计算相比,冷热互联系统能综合利用冷热两部分的能量,原来单独冷、热量的能效计算法则是否适用于新的系统需要重新考虑。本文构建了复叠机组和热泵机组互联(A系统)、以及常规制冷机组和热泵互联(B系统)两种冷热互联系统,提出了3种能效计算方式,通过具体实验操作和分析给出了3种系统的COP计算方式和结果,其中第3种计算方法综合考虑了制冷系统制冷量和热泵系统制热量作为收益,将整个系统的轴功率看作补偿能量,最为合理。  相似文献   

A resonant and a nonresonant photoacoustic detector were used to determine thermal diffusivities of gases. With a nonresonant detector thermal diffusivities can be determined in a wide range between 10–3 and 10–7 m2·s–1, whereas experiments with the resonant detector deliver thermal diffusivities in a range that is about a factor of 100 smaller. As refrigerants—HFCs, HCFCs, and hydrocarbons—are absorbents in the infrared at a wavelength of 3.39 m, their thermal diffusivity can be determined without the addition of a trace gas, particularly at pressures below 0.01 MPa. At pressures above 0.1 MPa, the addition of ammonia as a trace gas is recommended. The absorption wavelength is then 1.531 m. A simulation model for the nonresonant photoacoustic detector is presented for the design of a detector and for an extended error analysis.  相似文献   

Experimental results of exploding tungsten wire experiments with heating rates of 1010 to 1011 Ks–1 are interpreted using a one-dimensional hydrodynamic model. The vaporization dynamics under these conditions are discussed. It is shown that for the wires used the superheating of the liquid phase is small and vaporization starts close to the binodal line of the phase diagram. Due to inertia, a volume vaporization takes place in a thin surface layer, while in the bulk of the column formed by the exploding wire a pressure of the order of 10 kbar is maintained. Sufficiently uniform density and temperature distributions are formed in the liquid core surrounded by the two-phase layer. This behavior of vaporizing wires was used to obtain the thermal expansion coefficient of liquid tungsten along with its critical point parameters.  相似文献   

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