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PROCESS is a reactor systems code – it assesses the engineering and economic viability of a hypothetical fusion power station using simple models of all parts of a reactor system, from the basic plasma physics to the generation of electricity. It has been used for many years, but details of its operation have not been previously published. This paper describes some of its capabilities. PROCESS is usually used in optimisation mode, in which it finds a set of parameters that maximise (or minimise) a figure of merit chosen by the user, while being consistent with the inputs and the specified constraints. Because the user can apply all the physically relevant constraints, while allowing a large number of parameters to vary, it is in principle only necessary to run the code once to produce a self-consistent, physically plausible reactor model. The scope of PROCESS is very wide and goes well beyond reactor physics, including conversion of heat to electricity, buildings, and costs, but this paper describes only the plasma physics and magnetic field calculations.The capabilities of PROCESS in plasma physics are limited, as its main aim is to combine engineering, physics and economics. A model is described which shows the main plasma features of an inductive ITER scenario. Significant differences between the PROCESS results and the published scenario include the bootstrap current and loop voltage. The PROCESS models for these are being revised. Two new models for DEMO have been obtained. The first, DEMO A, is intended to be “conservative” in that it might be possible to build it using the technology of the near future. For example, since current drive technologies are not yet mature, only 12% of the current is assumed to be due to current drive. Consequently it is a pulsed machine, able to burn for only 1.65 hours at a time. Despite the comparatively large size (major radius is 9 m), the fusion power is only 1.95 GW. The assumed gross thermal efficiency is 33%, giving just 465 MW net electric power. The second, DEMO B, is intended to be “advanced” in that more optimistic assumptions are made. Comparison of DEMO A and B with a reference ITER scenario shows that current drive and bootstrap fraction need the most extrapolation from the perspective of plasma physics.  相似文献   

The high average power laser program is developing an inertial fusion energy demonstration power reactor with a solid first wall chamber. The first wall (FW) will be subject to high energy density radiation and high doses of high energy helium implantation. Tungsten has been identified as the candidate material for a FW armor. The fundamental concern is long term thermo-mechanical survivability of the armor against the effects of high temperature pulsed operation and exfoliation due to the retention of implanted helium. Even if a solid tungsten armor coating would survive the high temperature cyclic operation with minimal failure, the high helium implantation and retention would result in unacceptable material loss rates. Micro-engineered materials, such as castellated structures, plasma sprayed nano-porous coatings and refractory foams are suggested as a first wall armor material to address these fundamental concerns. A micro-engineered FW armor would have to be designed with specific geometric features that tolerate high cyclic heating loads and recycle most of the implanted helium without any significant failure. Micro-engineered materials are briefly reviewed. In particular, plasma-sprayed nano-porous tungsten and tungsten foams are assessed for their potential to accommodate inertial fusion specific loads. Tests show that nano-porous plasma spray coatings can be manufactured with high permeability to helium gas, while retaining relatively high thermal conductivities. Tungsten foams where shown to be able to overcome thermo-mechanical loads by cell rotation and deformation. Helium implantation tests have shown, that pulsed implantation and heating releases significant levels of implanted helium. Helium implantation and release from tungsten was modeled using an expanded kinetic rate theory, to include the effects of pulsed implantations and thermal cycles. Although, significant challenges remain micro-engineered materials are shown to constitute potential candidate FW armor materials.  相似文献   

Fusion is an essentially inexhaustible source of energy that has the potential for economically attractive commercial applications with excellent safety and environmental characteristics. The primary focus for the fusion-energy development program is the generation of centralstation electricity. Fusion has the potential, however, for many other applications. The fact that a large fraction of the energy released in a DT fusion reaction is carried by high-energy neutrons suggests potentially unique applications. These include breeding of fissile fuels, production of hydrogen and other chemical products, transmutation or burning of various nuclear or chemical wastes, radiation processing of materials, production of radioisotopes, food preservation, medical diagnosis and medical treatment, and space power and space propulsion. In addition, fusion R&D will lead to new products and new markets.Each fusion application must meet certain standards of economic and safety and environmental attractiveness. For this reason, economics on the one hand, and safety and environment and licensing on the other hand, are the two primary criteria for setting long-range commercial fusion objectives. A major function of systems analysis is to evaluate the potential of fusion against these objectives and to help guide the fusion R&D program toward practical applications. The transfer of fusion technology and skills from the national laboratories and universities to industry is the key to achieving the long-range objective of commercial fusion applications.  相似文献   

A present topic of high interest in magnetic fusion is the “gap” between near-term and long-term concepts for high heat flux components (HHFC), and in particular for divertors. This paper focuses on this issue with the aim of characterizing the international status of current HHFC design concepts for ITER and describing the different technologies needed in the designs being developed for fusion power plants. Critical material and physics aspects are highlighted while evaluating the current readiness level of long-term concepts, identifying the design and R&D gaps, and discussing ways to bridge them.  相似文献   

在从美国三哩岛事故到日本福岛核事故的30多年时间里,世界各国研究人员一直在对核能公众接受性进行研究。本文对核能公众接受性的研究方法进行了梳理,分别对核能公众接受性研究方法的理论基础——社会调查方法、结构方程模型,以及现有的不同阶段核能公众接受性研究方法与其心理学本质进行了介绍和评析,按照研究深度及起始时间综合考虑,将现有研究方法分为3个阶段,并指出了这些研究方法对当下研究工作的意义,总结并展望了核能公众接受性研究方法的发展趋势。  相似文献   

The advanced tokamak is considered as the basis for a fusion power plant. The ARIES-AT design has an aspect ratio of AR/a=4.0, an elongation and triangularity of κ=2.20,δ=0.90 (evaluated at the separatrix surface), a toroidal beta of β=9.1% (normalized to the vacuum toroidal field at the plasma center), which corresponds to a normalized beta of βN≡100×β/(IP(MA)/a(m)B(T))=5.4. These beta values are chosen to be 10% below the ideal MHD stability limit. The bootstrap-current fraction is fBSIBS/IP=0.91. This leads to a design with total plasma current IP=12.8  MA, and toroidal field of 11.1 T (at the coil edge) and 5.8 T (at the plasma center). The major and minor radii are 5.2 and 1.3 m. The effects of H-mode edge gradients and the stability of this configuration to non-ideal modes is analyzed. The current drive system consists of ICRF/FW for on-axis current drive and a Lower Hybrid system for off-axis. Transport projections are presented using the drift-wave based GLF23 model. The approach to power and particle exhaust using both plasma core and scrape-off-layer radiation is presented.  相似文献   

The perceived benefit and risk of nuclear power generation have received considerable attention as determinants of the public's nuclear power acceptance. However, the contingency of the relative importance of these benefit and risk has been less explored. Using Korea as an example, this study explores the possibility that the relative importance of perceived benefit and risk on nuclear power acceptance depends on acceptance levels. Our results from latent class analysis and multinomial probit show that, in determining whether an individual shows a moderate level of nuclear power acceptance rather than a low level, perceived risk plays a dominant role compared to perceived benefit; however, regarding whether he/she shows a high level of nuclear power acceptance rather than a moderate level, this relative importance is reversed. These results carry practical implications for risk governance of nuclear power, particularly with regard to communication with the public.  相似文献   

《Fusion Engineering and Design》2014,89(7-8):1195-1200
SYCOMORE, a fusion reactor system code based on a modular approach is under development at CEA. Within this framework, this paper describes the relevant sub-modules which have been implemented to model the main outputs of the breeding blanket and shield block of the system code: tritium breeding ratio, peak energy deposition in toroidal field coils, reactor layout and power deposition, blanket pressure drops and materials inventory.Blanket and shield requirements are calculated by several sub-modules: the blanket assembly and layout sub-module, the neutronic sub-module, the blanket design sub-module (thermal hydraulic and thermo-mechanic pre-design tool). A power flow module has also been developed which is directly linked to the blanket thermo-dynamic performances, which is not described in this paper.For the blanket assembly and layout and the blanket module design sub-modules, explicit analytic models have been developed and implemented; for the neutronic sub-module neural networks that replicate the results of appropriate simplified 1D and 2D neutronic simulations have been built. Presently, relevant model for the Helium Cooled Lithium Lead is available.Sub-modules have been built in a way that they can run separately or coupled into the breeding blanket and shield module in order to be integrated in SYCOMORE.In the paper, the objective and main input/output parameters of each sub-module are reported and relevant models discussed. The application to previous studied reactor models (PPCS model AB, DEMO-HCLL 2006–2007 studies) is also presented.  相似文献   

依据结构设计和中子学计算结果给出了聚变发电反应堆FDS-Ⅱ双冷锂铅(DLL)包层热工水力学设计方案。采用数值计算软件对液态金属增殖区LiPb流场和第一壁热-结构等进行了模拟,并对功率转换系统的热效率进行了计算。通过分析评估,证实该包层热工水力学方案能较好地实现FDS-Ⅱ聚变发电反应堆预期目标。  相似文献   

The code system, SEMER, was recently developed to evaluate the economic impact of various nuclear reactors and associated innovations. Models for nearly all fossil energy-based systems were also included to provide a basis for cost comparisons.Essentially, SEMER includes three types of model libraries: the global model, for a rapid estimation of various nuclear and fossil energy-based systems, the detailed models, for the finer cost evaluation of individual components and circuits in a PWR type of reactor and the fuel cycle models, for PWRS, HTRs and FBRs, allowing the cost estimations related to all the steps in the nuclear fuel cycle, including reprocessing and disposal.This paper summarises our on-going investigations on new developments in, and on the validation of, the SEMER system.Details of the modelling principles, and the results of validation carried out in the context of an EDF/CEA Joint Protocol Agreement, are also presented.First results of this validation are highly encouraging:
• Relative errors for the total kWh or overnight and investment costs are less than 5% for large PWR systems operating in France or other countries.
• These errors are less than 3% for small-sized compact PWRs and they are of the order of 4–7% for HTRs (as compared to IAEA estimations).
• For fossil energy-based power plants, the relative error, even with slightly different cost breakdown between SEMER and that of existing installations, is from 5 to 20%.
• Similarly, errors on the nuclear fuel cycle costs are about 1–4%, compared to published reference values.

Article Outline

1. Introduction
2. The models
2.1. The global models
2.2. The detailed models
2.3. The fuel cycle model
3. Cost modelling principles
3.1. Input data and output
3.1.1. Input data
3.1.2. Output
3.1.3. Interest during construction
3.2. An illustrative example of power cost calculations
4. The fuel cycle model
4.1. An illustrative example of fuel cycle calculations
5. Validation
5.1. Validation results for nuclear reactors
5.2. More recent validation of operating power plants
5.3. Circuits, tubes and components
5.4. Fuel cycle costs comparisons
6. Conclusions

1. Introduction

This paper describes some of the salient features of the economic evaluation models, integrated in CEA’s code system, SEMER (Système d’Evaluation et de Modélisation Economique de Réacteurs).The basic aim of this development is to furnish top management and project leaders a simple tool for cost evaluations enabling the choice of competitive technological options.In the particular context of CEA’s R&D innovative programme, it was imperative to include this economic dimension in order to assess the economic interest of the proposed innovations and to search for other promising areas of R&D, leading to nuclear power cost reductions.SEMER is actually used in the form of a totally machine-independent and user friendly interface in the JAVA language.

2. The models

There are three distinct categories of models in the SEMER system.

2.1. The global models

These models are designed for a quick overall economic estimation. Current version of SEMER includes models for:
Nuclear power plants, such as PWR of the 1400 MWe type (double confinement and four loops), PWR of the 900 MWe type (single confinement, three loops), HTGR (high temperature, gas-cooled reactor), LTR (integral nuclear reactor for heat production), NP (compact PWR) and PWR-C (modular integral PWR such as the SIR concept).
Conventional, fossil energy-based power plants, such as pulverised (or fluidised bed), coal-fired plant, with desulphurisation treatment, oil-fired plant, gas-fired plant and diesel plants of all types. Also included are gas turbine plants, plant with a simple gas turbine, plant with a combined cycle gas turbine (“indoor” and “outdoor” constructions).

2.2. The detailed models

This option allows detailed cost estimations by individual modelling of reactor components, circuits and associated buildings, etc. In the present version, only the following models for PWR are available:
Reactor components, such as civil engineering of associated buildings and structures, reactor vessel, steam generator with U-tubes, steam generator with straight tubes, the pressuriser, primary circuit pumps, the travelling crane, cooling tower, cooling tower with mechanical ventilation, turbine-driven pumps, pump motors, centrifugal pumps, air ejectors, heat exchanger casing, special tubes in stainless steel and special tubes in black steel, with internal coating in stainless steel.
Reactor circuits, including: (1) basic circuits, such as primary circuit connecting the core, pressuriser, primary pumps and steam generator and secondary circuit connecting the steam generators and turbines; and (2) auxiliary circuits, such as steam generators blow-off circuit, steam generator emergency feed-water circuit, confinement spray system, chemical and volumetric control system, emergency core cooling system, component cooling system, water make-up and boron circuit, nuclear sampling system, drain, vent and exhaust circuits, residual heat removal system, effluent control and rejection system and diverse other circuits inside and outside the reactor building.
For the economic evaluation of an innovative PWR, the detailed models allow to take into account the specificities of the new concept and thus bring corrections to the global model, available in the SEMER library and considered having the closest analogies to the innovative PWR to be evaluated. This approach was used in Nisan et al. (2002) to evaluate the AP-600.

2.3. The fuel cycle model

In addition to the above, SEMER also incorporates a detailed model for the fuel cycle cost calculations of a nuclear reactor, treating all the stages of the nuclear fuel cycle from ore extraction to ultimate disposal, with the following options:
• Uranium oxide (UOX) cores.
• 100% mixed, uranium–plutonium oxide (MOX) cores.
• Cores with first loading in UOX, then equilibrium core in MOX.
• Mixed cores with x% MOX fuelled assemblies (under development).
• HTR cores and fast reactor (EFR type) cores.
Several options regarding the treatment of the fuel cycle front- and back-ends are also available:
• Global treatment as in the IAEA WREBUS study (IAEA, 1992).
• Detailed treatment as in the OECD study (OECD, 1994). This is the default option.
• A combination of the above, with a semi-detailed calculations, including the specific treatment and costs for B and C type of wastes, as used by the French Ministry of Industry, DIGEC and by EDF (DIGEC, 1997).
• The CEA model, derived from feed-back of experience for front- and back-end operations.
It should be noted that the standard OECD option includes all the steps in the fuel cycle from the mine to final disposal. The WREBUS option only considers a global value for the fuel cycle back-end. The EDF model (detailed in Table 10) is in between. Finally, in the CEA model, all the costs concerning the front-end, the fabrication and enrichment and the back-end (reprocessing, then final disposal) are expressed as polynomial expressions derived from the costs of a large number of real cases.

3. Cost modelling principles

The basic principle governing the development of models in the SEMER system is the fact that, for most projects, especially in their preliminary phases, it is sufficient to first make a relative cost estimation by the simplest and fastest methods available. The results obtained are then further refined in the final stages of the project when relevant choices of options and technologies are almost fixed. The only condition is that consistent estimating techniques be used so that alternatives can be compared on the same basis, and comparisons can also be made between competing projects.This principle was first used in the chemical and petrochemical industries where continued development over several decades has produced simple but powerful methods for cost evaluations (Popper, 1970).These methods were adapted to nuclear reactors and further developed at CEA during the last 20 years. They have been successfully applied, in particular for the cost assessment of nuclear submarine reactors, operating large-sized PWRs, new small- and medium-sized reactor concepts as well as for a variety of technologies and components, utilising nuclear or fossil energies.The basic steps involved in the development of such methods are:
1. The power plant cost is first carefully decomposed into several “cost modules”. This method was first proposed in the early 1970s for chemical plant cost estimations (Guthrie and Grace, 1970). An estimating module represents a group of cost elements (or items) having similar characteristics and relationships. Each of these elements can be made to represent a given function in the overall module (e.g. site acquisition and development, major process equipment such as a heat exchanger, a pressure vessel, etc.).
2. A detailed study is then made to make an inventory of the various generic models1 which bear a sufficient number of analogies with the module that one would like to assess. Thus, for example, the cost evaluation model for the PWR pressure vessel was developed from the available models for the stainless steel lined high pressure reservoirs used in the industry.
3. The cost Ci of an element i in a given module is then mathematically expressed in the form of simple equations of the type:
where A, B and n are the so-called “adjustment coefficients” and P is power or capacity (electric power of a reactor, for example).
4. The adjustment coefficients are then obtained by applying well-known mathematical techniques (a least-squares fit of a data base, for example) for a large number of values for P.
5. To qualify the algorithms, developed as above, the models are more finely tuned from the results of published data, taking into account the use of field materials, field labour and other industrial factors.
6. Finally, a validation of the model is undertaken by comparison with the “real” values from existing installations.
The SEMER system was basically developed for the assessment of innovations in reactor systems, made in the context of the French Nuclear Power Programme. The adjustment coefficients were then obtained from available data bases for experimental, operating or nuclear submarine PWRs and the fossil energy-based electricity producing systems. This is the main reason that the basic costs of most items need to be expressed in French Francs (FF) which are then converted into Euros or US dollars. Some information on other reactor types, e.g. HTRs, was also obtained from external sources such as the IAEA. In its current form, SEMER remains nonetheless highly oriented towards PWR type of technology.However, because of the inherent generic nature of the built in models, they can be easily adapted to treat other reactor systems. One could, for example, use the model for combined cycle gas turbines, to develop part of the models for HTRs with direct cycles.

3.1. Input data and output

3.1.1. Input data
Efforts were made to harmonise the input and output data for all power plant types, with only minor and easily comprehensible modifications in the input data.Examples of input data panels, for the global models of a nuclear reactor and a fossil fuelled plant, are summarised in Table 1.  相似文献   

王晓亮  郑平辉  郑伟 《辐射防护》2019,39(3):177-183
基于我国新建三代压水堆核电机组华龙一号运行状态下的流出物设计与现实排放源项,结合机型的排放特点、沿海与内陆厂址的不同环境和气象等条件,对新建核电厂公众剂量优化设计目标值进行了研究。研究结果表明,在我国华龙一号的设计方案下,对于滨海厂址条件所能够达到的公众剂量优化设计目标值可以达到与欧美国家体系相当的水平。但由于厂址环境条件的差异,对内陆核电厂还需要结合工艺系统的改进开展进一步深入研究工作。对流出物中氚和C-14的排放还需要进一步开展经验反馈积累,在此基础上给出更符合未来运行状态的辐射剂量评价结果。本研究还对华龙一号后续的排放源项和评价方法等方面给出了建议,对进一步加强华龙一号的环境友好性和先进性具有积极作用。  相似文献   

In interactions of different energetic ions with extended targets hydrogen isotopes are the most effective projectiles for the production of spallation neutrons. It is shown that for every target material and incident ion type and energy there is an optimal target size which results in the escape of a maximum number of spallation neutrons from the target. Calculations show that in an ADS, combination of a beam of 1.5 GeV deuteron projectiles and a uranium target results in the highest neutron production rate and therefore highest energy gain. For fast 1.5 GeV d + 238U ADS with lead or lead–bismuth eutectic moderator, the required ion beam current is only 38% of that for 1 GeV proton projectiles on lead target. It is shown that for a modular ADS with uranium target and output power of 550 MWth a 1.5 GeV deuteron beam of current 1.8 mA is required, which is easily achievable with today’s technology. For an ADS with keff = 0.98 and output power of 2.2 GWth, the required beam currents for (a) 1 GeV p + Pb and (b) 1.5 GeV d + U systems are 18.5 and 7.1 mA, respectively.  相似文献   

《Fusion Engineering and Design》2014,89(9-10):2383-2387
The erosion and high neutron flux in a fusion power plant results in the need for frequent remote replacement of the plasma facing components. This is a complex and time consuming remote handling operation and its duration directly affects the availability and therefore the commercial viability of the power plant.A tool is needed to allow the maintenance duration to be determined so that developments in component design can be assessed in terms of their effect on the maintenance duration. This allows the correct balance to be drawn between component cost and performance on the one hand and the remote handling cost and plant availability on the other.The work to develop this tool has begun with an estimate of the maintenance duration for a fusion power plant based on the EFDA DEMO WP12 pre-conceptual design studies [1]. The estimate can be readily adjusted for changes to the remote maintenance process resulting from design changes. The estimate uses data extrapolated from recorded times and operational experience from remote maintenance activities on the JET tokamak and other nuclear facilities.The Power Plant Conceptual Study from 2005 [2] proposes that commercial viability of a power plant would require an availability of 75% or above. Results from the maintenance estimate described in this paper suggest that this level of availability could be achieved for the planned maintenance using a highly developed and tested remote maintenance system, with a large element of parallel working and challenging but feasible operation times.  相似文献   

The requirements for the heating and current drive systems of a fusion power plant will strongly depend on the DEMO scenario. The paper discusses the R&D needs for a neutral beam injection system — being a candidate due to the highest current drive efficiency — for the most demanding scenario, a steady state tokamak DEMO. Most important issues are the improvement of the wall-plug efficiency from the present ∼25% to the required 50–60% by improving the neutralization efficiency with a laser neutralizer system and the improvement of the reliability of the ion source operation. The demands on and the potential of decreasing the ion source operation pressure, as well as decreasing the amount of co-extracted electrons and backstreaming ions are discussed using the ITER requirements and solutions as basis. A further concern is the necessity of cesium for which either the cesium management must be improved or alternatives to cesium for the production of negative ions have to be identified.  相似文献   

《Fusion Engineering and Design》2014,89(9-10):1905-1908
TECNO_FUS is a research program financed by the Spanish Government to develop technologies related to a dual-coolant (He/Pb–Li) breeding blanket design concept including the auxiliary systems for a future power reactor (DEMO). One of the main issues of this program is the optimization of heat recovery from the reactor and its conversion into electrical power. This paper is focused on the methodology employed for the design and sizing of all the heat exchangers of the supercritical CO2 Brayton power cycle (S-CO2) proposed by the authors. Due to the large pressure difference between the fluids, and also to their compactness, Printed Circuit Heat Exchangers (PCHE) are suggested in literature for these type of cycles. Because of the complex behavior of CO2, their design is performed by a numerical discretization into sub-heat exchangers, thus a higher precision is reached when the thermal properties of the fluids vary along the heat exchanger. Different empirical correlations for the pressure drop and the Nusselt number have been coupled and assessed. The design of the precooler (PC) and the low temperature recuperator (LTR) is also verified by simulations using CFD because of the near-critical behavior of CO2. The size of all of the heat exchangers of the cycle have been assessed.  相似文献   

In the 2007 recommendations, the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) changed from a process-based system of practices and intervention to a system based on the characteristics of the radiation exposure situation. In addition, the ICRP now recommends the application of source-related dose constraints under a planned exposure situation as a tool for the optimization of measures to protect the workers and members of the public. In this study, an analysis of radioactive effluents from Korean nuclear power plants and a public dose assessment were conducted using these source-related dose constraints. As a result, this analysis suggests appropriate dose constraints for members of the public taking into account the operation of multi-unit nuclear reactors at a single site in Korea.  相似文献   

In this paper, an adapted multi-objective multi-swarm co-evolutionary particle swarm optimization (PSO) framework is developed to simultaneously optimize the risk and cost of low-demand systems of nuclear power plants (NPPs). In the built framework, multi-swarm co-evolutionary strategy is introduced to handle the fitness assignment puzzle of multi-objective optimization problems. Besides, to deal with the mixed-integer problem of the decision variables vector, a sub-interval covering-based nearest boundary method is also adopted. To illustrate the effectiveness and efficiencies of the proposed method, a typical high-pressurized injection system (HPIS) is analyzed. The results indicate that, compared with the classic non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA)-II approach, the proposed method is more simple and easier to be convergent, besides, of which the Pareto front is better distributed.  相似文献   

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