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采用真空熔炼法, 经急冷和缓冷两种不同冷却条件制备了Te系化合物TeAsGeSi合金粉体.通过X射线衍射分析, 急冷工艺制备粉体呈非晶态, 缓冷工艺制备的粉体呈晶态, 结晶主相为R-3m空间群的As2GeTe4; 差热-热重分析显示, 升温至350℃时缓冷粉体As2GeTe4成分熔融, 400℃时两种粉体均开始快速失重, 为避免制备过程中发生材料熔融及挥发损失, 确定烧结温度不超过340℃.采用真空热压法制备TeAsGeSi合金靶材, 将两种粉体分别升温至340℃, 加压20 MPa, 保温2 h制备出两种靶材, 其中缓冷粉体制备的靶材致密度高, 为5. 46 g·cm-3, 达混合理论密度的99. 5%, 形貌表征显示此靶材表面平整, 孔洞少, 元素分布均匀.   相似文献   

Cytolytic T cells use two mechanisms to kill virally infected cells, tumor cells, or other potentially autoreactive T cells in short-term in vitro assays. The perforin/granule exocytosis mechanism uses preformed cytolytic granules that are delivered to the target cell to induce apoptosis and eventual lysis. FasL/Fas (CD95 ligand/CD95)-mediated cytolysis requires de novo protein synthesis of FasL by the CTL and the presence of the death receptor Fas on the target cell to induce apoptosis. Using a CD8(+) CTL clone that kills via both the perforin/granule exocytosis and FasL/Fas mechanisms, and a clone that kills via the FasL/Fas mechanism only, we have examined the requirement of intra- and extracellular Ca2+ in TCR-triggered cytolytic effector function. These two clones, a panel of Ca2+ antagonists, and agonists were used to determine that a large biphasic increase in intracellular calcium concentration, characterized by release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores followed by a sustained influx of extracellular Ca2+, is required for perforin/granule exocytosis. Only the sustained influx of extracellular Ca2+ is required for FasL induction and killing. Thapsigargin, at low concentrations, induces this small but sustained increase in [Ca2+]i and selectively induces FasL/Fas-mediated cytolysis but not granule exocytosis. These results further define the role of Ca2+ in perforin and FasL/Fas killing and demonstrate that differential Ca2+ signaling can modulate T cell effector functions.  相似文献   

Treatment of cancer cells lacking p53 function with G2 checkpoint inhibitors sensitizes them to the toxic effects of DNA damage and has been proposed as a strategy for cancer therapy. However, few inhibitors are known, and they have been found serendipitously. We report the development of a G2 checkpoint inhibition assay that is suitable for high-throughput screening and its application to a screen of 1300 natural extracts. We present the isolation of a new G2 checkpoint inhibitor, the structurally novel compound isogranulatimide. In combination with gamma-irradiation, isogranulatimide selectively kills MCF-7 cells lacking p53 function.  相似文献   

A correlation-based learning (CBL) neural network model is proposed, which simulates the emergence of grating cells as well as some of their response characteristics to periodic pattern stimuli. These cells, found in areas V1 and V2 of the visual cortex of monkeys, respond vigorously and exclusively to bar gratings of a preferred orientation and periodicity. Their non-linear behaviour differentiates grating cells from other orientation-selective cells, which show linear spatial frequency filtering.  相似文献   

In the first phase of the Human Genome Project, new and ingenious tools have made it possible to map all the individual nucleotides that make up the 23 human chromosomes. During the next 5 years, the 3 billion DNA bases and the 50,000 to 100,000 genes will be sequenced. This knowledge will have widespread applications in biology, medicine and industry. The genetic research community currently has access to abundant DNA markers, detailed chromosome maps, extensive online databases as well as rapid DNA analysis technologies, all of which can be used to identify disease-causing genetic mutations. In the next 15 to 20 years, the Human Genome Project is expected to identify defective genes causing thousands of hereditary diseases, including common diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, asthma and cancer. The hope is that these discoveries will lead to better understanding of the causes of these diseases, and to better approaches to diagnosis, prevention and treatment of human genetic disorders.  相似文献   

We characterized a novel non-angiotensin II binding site that is recognized by the angiotensin II AT2 receptor ligand [125I]CGP 42112, in healing brain wounds of adult rats. The binding, which was highest at 3 days after injury, appears to be localized to activated microglia surrounding the wound. The novel CGP 42112 binding site may have a role in the function of microglia and in mechanisms of tissue repair in the brain.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new simulation model for the AOD process that takes the local variations into account but is still computationally efficient. The new idea here was to model AOD reactor as a combination of a plug flow reactor for the plume zone and a continuously stirred tank reactor (CSTR) for the bath and surface slag. This approach adopted has many advantages compared with the previous models. At first, it offers an effective method for considering the locally varying conditions as the gas bubbles rise in the plume. The model can be built computationally very effective compared to CFD due to significantly smaller amount of variables. The validation of the model is also easier as it has features that can be experimentally determined. The model is based on the simultaneous solution of conservation equations of mass, species and energy in all the vertical cells of the plug flow reactor, and a single volume in bath and surface slag. A novel method was developed and used for solving the rates in a mass transfer controlled multi‐component reaction system. In this Part I of this paper, the model is presented and its features discussed by few illustrative examples. In the following Part II, the model is broadly validated with new full scale industrial AOD process measurements for carbon release rate, melt composition, slag composition and bath temperature rise during final stages of carbon removal.  相似文献   

A new chemical synthesis process for the preparation of intermetallic compounds has been developed. It involves the vapor-phase reduction of mixtures of constituent metal chlorides by magnesium vapor to produce intermetallic compounds in the form of fine powder. The advantages of the process include (a) the use of inexpensive raw materials, (b) low reaction temperatures, and (c) products in the form of fine particles. Part I describes the synthesis of titanium aluminide particles by this method, whereas Part II presents the synthesis of nickel aluminides particles. Although nickel aluminides can also be prepared by the hydrogen reduction of nickel chloride and aluminum chloride vapor mixtures, titanium aluminides cannot be produced by hydrogen reduction because of unfavorable thermodynamics. The effect of AlCl3/TiCl3 partial pressure ratio on the formation of different titanium aluminides was studied. A two-phase mixture containing 80 mol pct of TiAl+20 mol pct of TiAl3 formed at an AlCl3/TiCl3 ratio of 10. The amount of TiAl3 was maximized to 72 mol pct at an AlCl3/TiCl3 ratio of 16. The maximum conversion of the limiting chloride TiCl3 was 94 pct. The product particles were very fine in the size range of 0.2 to 0.3 μm.  相似文献   

A simple constitutional supercooling analysis is given for predicting interface stability in plane front solidification of ternary alloys containing one, two, or three phases. It is concluded that polyphase composites can be grown from ternary alloys by plane front solidification provided thermal gradient is sufficiently high, growth rate is low, convection is low and kinetic undercooling is small. Calculated examples of conditions required for stability are given for three-phase alloys from the aluminum-rich corner of the Al-Cu-Ni system. It is seen that the most stable compositions (with respect to interface breakdown) lie nearly, but not exactly, on lines of two-fold saturation. Formerly Research Assistant, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass.  相似文献   

The properties of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) on cultured rat superior cervical ganglion (SCG) neurons were analysed. AChR agonists [1,1-dimethyl-4-phenylpiperazinium iodide (DMPP), cytisine] were applied to whole cells within 70ms. The desensitization rate of whole-cell currents during constant application of DMPP varied between neurons. The time course of desensitization was fitted by double exponentials with time constants kfast, of between 0.35 and 0.55s, and kslow, of 3-5s. By exchanging intracellular chloride for caesium methanesulphonate, the possibility of interference by a calcium-activated chloride current was excluded. In cells that exhibited a slowly desensitizing current during the application 20 microM DMPP, equimolar cytisine induced a larger peak current compared to the response to DMPP, while in cells with rapidly desensitizing DMPP-induced currents the response to equimolar cytisine was smaller. The differences in desensitization rates and agonist potencies are due to different functional properties of AChR subtypes, as indicated by currents recorded from outside-out patches upon rapid agonist application and removal (2ms each). The results indicate the presence of two distinct AChR subtypes on SCG neurons: one with a fast and one with a slow activation/desensitization rate, but both with similar single-channel conductances. Slow activation/desensitization was found to be associated with a high potency of cytisine/low potency of DMPP. For AChRs with rapid activation/desensitization kinetics the agonist potencies were reversed.  相似文献   

The balance between the inductive signals and endogenous anti-apoptotic mechanisms determines whether or not programmed cell death occurs. The widely expressed inhibitor of apoptosis gene family includes three closely related mammalian proteins: c-IAP1, c-IAP2, and hILP. The anti-apoptotic properties of these proteins have been linked to caspase inhibition. Here we show that one member of this group, hILP, inhibits interleukin-1beta-converting enzyme-induced apoptosis via a mechanism dependent on the selective activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase 1. These data demonstrate that apoptosis can be inhibited by an endogenous cellular protein by a mechanism that requires the activation of a single member of the mitogen-activating protein kinase family.  相似文献   

A model for rotary kiln heat transfer, which accounts for the interaction of all the transport paths and processes, is presented in a three-part series. In this first paper, the pilot kiln facility is described, and the significant results from the heat-transfer trials are identified. Limestone, Ottawa sand, and pctroleum coke were heated using a range of firing rates, while other operating variables were held nearly constant. Measurements were made to obtain the net rates of heat transfer for the bed material, freeboard gas, refractory wall, and, unique to the study, the radial heat flux at the inside refractory surface as a function of circumferential position. High rates of net heat input to the bed material, occurring very near the feed end, were found to decline quickly with distance, and for an inert bed, leveled out at a value well below the rate of loss through the kiln wall. The onset of an endothermic bed reaction resulted in sharp increases in both the temperature cycling at the inside refractory surface and the net heat input to the bed, but no corresponding jump in the kiln wall heat loss. The temperatures of the bed material and inside refractory surface always were coupled closely, even in the presence of bed reaction. Regenerative heat transfer from the covered wall to the contacting bed material was not a major component of the net input to the bed, and for the inert bed, negative regeneration was en-countered beyond the kiln midpoint.  相似文献   

This is the first article of a four-part series on gerontology and its applications to the care of elderly patients in nuclear medicine. The series includes discussions about the theories of aging, approaches to meeting the special needs of the elderly and ethical dilemmas in caring for the elderly. It also reviews anatomical and physiological changes associated with aging and the role of nuclear medicine studies in caring for the elderly. Upon completion of this article, the reader should be able to: (a) describe the aging U.S. population by citing demographic data; (b) identify the theories of aging and distinguish their major characteristics; (c) differentiate a gerontologic approach from a geriatric approach in caring for the elderly; and (d) recognize factors important to the delivery of effective care for the elderly.  相似文献   

Homozygous familial hypercholestrolemia (FH) is a rare genetic disorder (one in 1 million persons) due to two different mutations in the LDL receptor gene (compound homozygous) or, rarely, to the presence of the same mutation in the two aleles. In these patients the absence of a functional LDL receptor produces extreme elevations of plasma cholesterol levels that need an aggressive and expensive treatment with LDL apheresis or hepatic transplantation. The clinical evolution is poor with early coronary heart disease. Molecular biology techniques allow a genetic diagnosis and a genetic counseling in the affected subjects. We have identified and characterized the first compound homozygous of FH in Spain using the single strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP) analysis. The patient is a 30 years old female, who carried two different mutations in the LDL receptor gene: the G528V and the D280G (a new mutation). These mutations produce significant changes in the aminoacid sequence and could be classified as class 2.  相似文献   

Decarburization and oxidation have considerable influence on the product properties of spring steels. The investigations in part I of this paper concentrate on the experimental determination of the influence of different thermal cycles on the decarburization process. With the thermo‐mechanical simulator Gleeble 1500, the influence of different process parameters, such as the time between furnace reheating and hot rolling, the hot rolling temperature, finish rolling temperature, laying temperature, and the α→γ phase transformation temperature range, is systematically investigated. In part II of this paper [15], numerical simulation techniques are applied to simulate the decarburization behavior under the experimental conditions, which are described in the present part I.  相似文献   

This article is the first of two articles dedicated to the modeling of wax injection for the investment casting (or lost wax) process. It will present several models that have been established in order to describe the behavior of the wax during the injection in a die. The first part of the article presents the modeling of the rheology of the wax, and the second part presents the modeling of the thermophysical properties of the wax. These models will be validated in the second article by comparison of the results from experimental and numerical work, the numerical work being carried out using the models presented here. The quality of these models will then be assessed in the second paper.  相似文献   

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