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内置式永磁同步电机转子初始位置估计方法   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
针对无位置传感器永磁同步电机控制系统起动运行困难的问题,提出一种基于混合信号注入的内置式永磁同步电机改进转子磁极初始位置估计方法.采用注入高频旋转电压信号的方法检测磁极位置,设计一种通过PI跟踪观测器对所构建磁极位置误差信号进行控制的方案,当误差调节至零时将获得磁极位置初判值,降低了算法的复杂性.以磁极位置初判值为矢量角,往定子绕组注入2个方向相反的脉冲电压矢量,通过比较直轴电流大小可以简单、有效地判断出磁极极性,实现对位置初判值进行校正,从而获得转子初始位置估计值.应用所提出的估计方法对一台22kW内置式永磁同步电机进行实验,得到转子位置电角度平均估计误差为4.6°.  相似文献   

刘庆飞 《电源学报》2017,15(1):132-137
针对无位置传感器内置式永磁同步电机的转子初始位置检测问题,提出一种基于旋转高频电压注入法和恒定磁场定位法的永磁同步电机转子初始位置检测方法。基于凸极跟踪的原理,通过注入旋转高频电压信号的方法获得估计转子位置,在此基础上,采用恒定磁场定位法对估计转子位置的磁极极性进行判断,实现对估计转子位置的极性校正,并且补偿估计转子位置的偏移误差,从而得到转子初始位置。在实验平台上进行了实验验证,实验结果表明文中提出的方法能够快速且准确地检测出转子初始位置,实现永磁同步电机无位置传感器可靠起动。  相似文献   

针对永磁同步电机转子初始位置检测已有方法存在的电机"抖动"、对电机参数依赖性强、高频电流信号数学处理算法复杂等问题,提出一种基于高频电压信号注入法的永磁同步电机转子初始位置检测方法。该方法通过对三相高频电压信号的电流响应进行低通滤波,比较三相电流响应幅值的大小关系,依据转子位置角θ对三相高频电流响应信号幅值的调制规律,得到电机转子初始位置信息,最后利用电机磁路饱和效应区分电机转子NS极性。理论分析及实验表明,该方法能准确检测出电机转子初始位置信息,电机转子不会发生"抖动",检测方法对电机参数依赖性低,电流处理算法简单,不需要额外增加硬件电路,检测误差较小,可满足永磁同步电机的平稳起动要求。  相似文献   

转子磁钢表贴式永磁同步电机转子初始位置检测   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
针对转子磁钢表贴式永磁同步电机(surface mounted permanent magnet synchronous motor,SPMSM),提出一种无位置传感器转子初始位置检测方法,有效地改善了传统方法中存在的算法执行时间长、实施复杂等缺点.该方法分2步实现,在估算的同步旋转坐标系中注入高频正弦电压信号,通过闭环调节得出转子位置初次估算值;再利用不同磁极下直轴等效电路时间常数不同的特性,判断出d轴正方向,结合初次估算值,从而得到正确的初始位置信息.运用dSPACE 实时仿真系统进行了转子任意初始角度的实验验证.结果表明,所提方法能够快速、准确地检测出SPMSM的初始位置.  相似文献   

对内置式永磁同步电机(IPMSM)转子静止初始位置检测技术进行研究,提出一种基于高频信号注入法的高精度IPMSM初始位置检测方法。该方法通过向电机绕组中注入高频旋转电压信号,通过带通滤波器得到高频电流响应,利用同步旋转坐标变换将高频电流响应的正、负序分量进行分离;然后分别对三相高频电流正、负序分量的相角进行最小二乘估计,利用任意一相高频电流正、负序分量的相角差提取出转子的位置信息;最后通过磁路饱和效应对转子N、S极性进行辨别。该方法具有较高的检测准确度,平均检测误差约为1.73°电角度,对一台11 k W的内置式永磁同步电机的实验表明了该方法的正确性。  相似文献   

电机初始位置准确性直接决定着电机的启动性能,介绍了一种基于高频脉振电压注入的转子初始位置检测方法。在估计的转子参考坐标系中注入高频的脉振电压,并在对应的高频电流响应中提取出位置估计信号同时在高频电流的二次谐波分量中提取出极性判断信号。仿真结果显示能快速准确的得到估计的转子初始位置,从而验证了方法的有效性。  相似文献   

内置式永磁同步电机(IPMSM)受转子凸极性的影响,绕组电感随转子磁极位置呈周期变化。考虑到上述特征,提出一种基于高频信号注入的IPMSM转子初始位置检测方法。将高频信号依次注入定子两相绕组,并提取定子绕组高频信号线电压,运算处理后获得没有考虑转子磁极极性的初始位置角。随后注入脉冲电压矢量进行转子极性判断,从而获得准确的初始位置角。理论分析和试验结果表明,该方法对电阻参数依赖较小,不受逆变器非线性和电流传感器检测精度的影响,能够准确检测转子初始位置角,满足IPMSM平稳起动的要求。  相似文献   

针对永磁同步电机转子初始位置估计的精度与收敛速度受限问题,提出一种基于高频信号注入的非线性建模与拟合实现的初始位置估计方法。首先,建立初始位置与高频信号响应的关联模型,表明高频响应可用于直接计算初始位置,但直接计算结果在大部分转子位置易受测量噪声的影响。为此,提出基于多项式模型建立位置估计非线性模型,选取合适的模型参数,利用少量测试点拟合该模型,即可实现初始位置的快速精确估计,有效提高了估计精度与系统抗干扰能力。实验与仿真结果表明,相比现有方法,提出的方法易于实现,无需复杂滤波器与观测器设计,仅需要选取少量测试点即可快速估计精确转子初始位置,在保证估计精度的同时改进了传统估计方法收敛速度慢问题。  相似文献   

基于高频电压信号注入的永磁同步电机转子初始位置估计   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
提出了一种表面安装式永磁同步电机转子初始位置估计的方法。其原理是向定子绕组中注入脉动的高频电压信号,由于定子电感随转子位置q 而变化,因此绕组的高频电流响应信号中含有q 角的信息,但是该方法无法判断转子磁极的极性,因此在初步辨识出q 角的基础上再向d轴注入高频电压信号,并利用磁场饱和引起的电感量的变化来估计出转子的磁极极性。该方法不需要知道电机的精确参数,也不需要额外的硬件。介绍了实验系统的构成和参数,给出了实验结果,实验结果表明理论分析正确。  相似文献   

针对永磁同步电机转子初始位置估计的问题,提出了一种基于离散傅里叶变换(DFT)方法的改进估计方法,应用Lyapunov稳定性定理,对估计方法的收敛问题进行了全面的分析和证明,并针对可能存在的估计奇点提出了工程解决方案。仿真结果表明,所提出的估计方法能够快速且准确地估计出永磁同步电动机转子初始位置,克服了传统的基于数字低通滤波器的方法所存在的响应时间、设计复杂等问题。相比传统方法,所提出方法的估计过程时间更短、所需计算量更少,适合工程应用。  相似文献   

针对内置式永磁同步电机的无感器运行问题,提出一种转子初始位置估计方法。通过对内嵌式永磁同步电机的定子绕组施加合适的电压脉冲,检测未通电相的端电压就可以获得转子的位置信息。利用磁饱和效应对凸极性的影响来区分南北极,从而区别2个稳定区,转子初始位置估计方法的分辨率为30°电角度。以DSP控制的永磁同步电机系统为试验平台,对所提出的方法进行了试验验证及试验结果分析,结果表明,提出的方法能够可靠而有效的估计初始转子位置。  相似文献   

永磁同步电机(PMSM)转子初始位置的准确预测,对电机启动过程的控制有着重要的影响,而在无传感器下精准辨识转子初始位置对电机控制有着诸多好处。提出了一种基于脉冲电压矢量法的高精度永磁同步电机初始位置预测方法。该方法在分析了永磁同步电机转子位置对磁路饱和程度影响的基础上,通过在电机任意两相中加入正反向脉冲电压,测量无电流相的感应电压,获得感应电压幅值与转子位置的关系。利用测试数据训练神经网络来拟合这种关系,构成转子初始位置估算装置。通过仿真实验表明,这种方法可以克服采用电机集中参数模型所带来的各种误差,具有极高的预测准确性。  相似文献   

This paper presents a method to detect the rotor position of permanent-magnet motors at standstill, which is suitable to avoid temporary reverse rotation at startup or starting failure. The approach is based on the investigation of the stator inductance variation as a function of the rotor magnets position and the stator current space vector. It involves the application of a proper sequence of voltage pulses to the stator windings, and the measurement of the peak values of the resulting current in order to achieve the rotor position estimation. Actually, the current measurements show significant uncertainties which affect the rotor position detection. In order to avoid these problems, the authors propose a novel procedure which combines an iterative sequence of voltage pulses with a fuzzy logic processing of the current responses and phase currents derivation based on the DC-link current measurements. The proposed method has been implemented on a /spl mu/C digital signal processor (TMS320F240). The obtained results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed solution. It can be applied in sensorless drives, in drives equipped with nonabsolute position transducers, with a wide range of motors, and it does not require the knowledge of any of the motor parameters.  相似文献   

针对表贴式永磁同步电机在无位置传感器情况下难以检测出转子初始位置这一问题,研究了一种基于转子微动的初始位置检测方法.通过分析向定子绕组中注入极低频旋转电压时的电流响应,得出了在电机处于微动状态时可从静止坐标系电流响应中提取出转子初始位置信息的结论,并根据电流响应增幅的变化倍数来获得微动状态下的注入电压信号幅值,进一步提...  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel magnet polarity identification method for initial position estimation during startup for interior permanent magnet synchronous machine (IPMSM) drives. The rotor's initial position estimation is based on magnetic saliency and employs high‐frequency (HF) components of the voltage and current that are excited by the multi space‐vector pulse‐width modulation (MSVPWM) pattern. However, there is a common trouble in the estimation methods based on the magnetic saliency: it is necessary to identify the magnet polarity in order to distinguish the north and south poles since the estimated position angle is a periodic function with π radians. In this paper, a novel inductance estimation method is presented and the magnet polarity is uniquely identified by the relationship between the estimated inductance and the magnetic saturation effect. Experimental results confirm the advantages of the proposed method: it is reliable, accurate, and convenient, and can be done in real time. © 2014 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

In this paper an estimation method of the initial rotor position at a stand still condition for switched reluctance motor (SRM) drives is proposed. In the SRM, a rotor shaft is connected to an incremental encoder, thus, only an initial position should be detected to realize smooth start up operation. The proposed method is injecting voltage pulses to all windings and detecting the current and estimating the position based on a simple relation between inductance profile and phase current. With an accurate estimated rotor position, the motor can start smoothly under heavy load. The proposed method is implemented in a 6‐stator‐pole and 4‐rotor‐pole, 1.5 kW switched reluctance motor installed in an electric vehicle. © 2011 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The initial rotor position estimation is a serious problem affecting sensorless drives of permanent magnet synchronous motors. This paper presents an estimation method of initial rotor position for interior permanent magnet synchronous motors. The principle of the estimation is based on the nonlinear magnetization characteristics of the stator core caused by the magnet of the rotor. The estimation is performed using the variation of the current response caused by the magnetic saturation when the voltage vector is applied to the motor. This method can be performed without motor parameters and any additional hardware. Decision method of the optimal voltage vector applied to the motor is also proposed to accurately implement the estimation. Experimental results show that the initial rotor position can be estimated without rotating the rotor by using the optimal voltage vector. It is found that the average of the estimation error is ±1.34 electrical degrees, and the estimation is completed within 15.2 ms in the test motor. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 156(4): 69–76, 2006; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.20062  相似文献   

This work presents a method using carrier-frequency injection to estimate the initial rotor position and magnetic polarity for an interior permanent-magnet synchronous machine. A nonsaturating inductance model of the machine provides no information about the polarity of the rotor magnet because the position observer based on this model is locally stable at both poles. To distinguish the polarity of the rotor magnet, the magnetic saturation effect can be used. The Taylor series can be used to describe the nonlinear magnetic saturation relationship between the current and the flux linkage in the d-axis rotor reference frame. The second-order term produces the second harmonic component of the carrier frequency, and the sign of its coefficient identifies the polarity of the rotor magnet being tracked. Both simulation and experimental results show good response of the position observer at several rotor electrical positions using either a rotating vector in the stationary reference frame or a oscillating vector in the estimated rotor reference frame.  相似文献   

In most variable‐speed drives of PMSM, some type of shaft sensor such as an optical encoder or resolver is connected to the rotor shaft. However, such sensor presents several disadvantages such as drive cost, machine size, reliability, and noise immunity. Therefore, the sensorless control of PMSM is desired and various sensorless control strategies have been investigated. This paper presents a novel sensorless control strategy for an interior permanent magnet synchronous motor (IPMSM). A new model of IPMSM using an extended electromotive force (EMF) in the rotating reference frame is utilized in order to estimate both position and speed. The extended EMF is estimated by the least‐order observer, and the estimation position error is directly obtained. The proposed scheme corrects the estimated position and speed so that the estimation position error becomes zero. The proposed system is very simple and the design of the controller is easy. Several drive tests are carried out and the experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed sensorless control system. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 144(2): 43–52, 2003; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www. interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.10180  相似文献   

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