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We propose an optimization framework for 3D printing that seeks to save printing time and the support material required to print 3D shapes. Three‐dimensional printing technology is rapidly maturing and may revolutionize how we manufacture objects. The total cost of printing, however, is governed by numerous factors which include not only the price of the printer but also the amount of material and time to fabricate the shape. Our PackMerger framework converts the input 3D watertight mesh into a shell by hollowing its inner parts. The shell is then divided into segments. The location of splits is controlled based on several parameters, including the size of the connection areas or volume of each segment. The pieces are then tightly packed using optimization. The optimization attempts to minimize the amount of support material and the bounding box volume of the packed segments while keeping the number of segments minimal. The final packed configuration can be printed with substantial time and material savings, while also allowing printing of objects that would not fit into the printer volume. We have tested our system on three different printers and it shows a reduction of 5–30% of the printing time while simultaneously saving 15–65% of the support material. The optimization time was approximately 1 min. Once the segments are printed, they need to be assembled.  相似文献   

Fused Filament Fabrication is an additive manufacturing process by which a 3D object is created from plastic filament. The filament is pushed through a hot nozzle where it melts. The nozzle deposits plastic layer after layer to create the final object. This process has been popularized by the RepRap community. Several printers feature multiple extruders, allowing objects to be formed from multiple materials or colors. The extruders are mounted side by side on the printer carriage. However, the print quality suffers when objects with color patterns are printed – a disappointment for designers interested in 3D printing their colored digital models. The most severe issue is the oozing of plastic from the idle extruders: Plastics of different colors bleed onto each other giving the surface a smudged aspect, excess strings oozing from the extruder deposit on the surface, and holes appear due to this missing plastic. Fixing this issue is difficult: increasing the printing speed reduces oozing but also degrades surface quality – on large prints the required speed level become impractical. Adding a physical mechanism increases cost and print time as extruders travel to a cleaning station. Instead, we rely on software and exploit degrees of freedom of the printing process. We introduce three techniques that complement each other in improving the print quality significantly. We first reduce the impact of oozing plastic by choosing a better azimuth angle for the printed part. We build a disposable rampart in close proximity of the part, giving the extruders the opportunity to wipe oozing strings and refill with hot plastic. We finally introduce a toolpath planner avoiding and hiding most of the defects due to oozing, and seamlessly integrating the rampart. We demonstrate our technique on several challenging multiple color prints, and show that our tool path planner improves the surface finish of single color prints as well.  相似文献   

We present an adaptive slicing scheme for reducing the manufacturing time for 3D printing systems. Based on a new saliency‐based metric, our method optimizes the thicknesses of slicing layers to save printing time and preserve the visual quality of the printing results. We formulate the problem as a constrained ?0 optimization and compute the slicing result via a two‐step optimization scheme. To further reduce printing time, we develop a saliency‐based segmentation scheme to partition an object into subparts and then optimize the slicing of each subpart separately. We validate our method with a large set of 3D shapes ranging from CAD models to scanned objects. Results show that our method saves printing time by 30–40% and generates 3D objects that are visually similar to the ones printed with the finest resolution possible.  相似文献   

While the 3D printing technology has become increasingly popular in recent years, it suffers from two critical limitations: expensive printing material and long printing time. An effective solution is to hollow the 3D model into a shell and print the shell by parts. Unfortunately, making shell pieces tightly assembled and easy to disassemble seem to be two contradictory conditions, and there exists no easy way to satisfy them at the same time yet. In this paper, we present a computational system to design an interlocking structure of a partitioned shell model, which uses only male and female connectors to lock shell pieces in the assembled configuration. Given a mesh segmentation input, our system automatically finds an optimal installation plan specifying both the installation order and the installation directions of the pieces, and then builds the models of the shell pieces using optimized shell thickness and connector sizes. To find the optimal installation plan, we develop simulation‐based and data‐driven metrics, and we incorporate them into an optimal plan search algorithm with fast pruning and local optimization strategies. The whole system is automatic, except for the shape design of the key piece. The interlocking structure does not introduce new gaps on the outer surface, which would become noticeable inevitably due to limited printer precision. Our experiment shows that the assembled object is strong against separation, yet still easy to disassemble.  相似文献   

Matrix Trees     
We propose a new data representation for octrees and kd‐trees that improves upon memory size and algorithm speed of existing techniques. While pointerless approaches exploit the regular structure of the tree to facilitate efficient data access, their memory footprint becomes prohibitively large as the height of the tree increases. Pointerbased trees require memory consumption proportional to the number of tree nodes, thus exploiting the typical sparsity of large trees. Yet, their traversal is slowed by the need to follow explicit pointers across the different levels. Our solution is a pointerless approach that represents each tree level with its own matrix, as opposed to traditional pointerless trees that use only a single vector. This novel data organization allows us to fully exploit the tree's regular structure and improve the performance of tree operations. By using a sparse matrix data structure we obtain a representation that is suited for sparse and dense trees alike. In particular, it uses less total memory than pointer‐based trees even when the data set is extremely sparse. We show how our approach is easily implemented on the GPU and illustrate its performance in typical visualization scenarios.  相似文献   

In this work we detail a method that leverages the two color heads of recent low‐end fused deposition modeling (FDM) 3D printers to produce continuous tone imagery. The challenge behind producing such two‐tone imagery is how to finely interleave the two colors while minimizing the switching between print heads, making each color printed span as long and continuous as possible to avoid artifacts associated with printing short segments. The key insight behind our work is that by applying small geometric offsets, tone can be varied without the need to switch color print heads within a single layer. We can now effectively print (two‐tone) texture mapped models capturing both geometric and color information in our output 3D prints.  相似文献   

We present a method to design the deformation behavior of 3D printed models by an interactive tool, where the variation of bending elasticity at different regions of a model is realized by a change in shell thickness. Given a soft material to be used in 3D printing, we propose an experimental setup to acquire the bending behavior of this material on tubes with different diameters and thicknesses. The relationship between shell thickness and bending elasticity is stored in an echo state network using the acquired dataset. With the help of the network, an interactive design tool is developed to generate non‐uniformly hollowed models to achieve desired bending behaviors. The effectiveness of this method is verified on models fabricated by different 3D printers by studying whether their physical deformation can match the designed target shape.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel interactive approach for adding depth information into hand‐drawn cartoon images and animations. In comparison to previous depth assignment techniques our solution requires minimal user effort and enables creation of consistent pop‐ups in a matter of seconds. Inspired by perceptual studies we formulate a custom tailored optimization framework that tries to mimic the way that a human reconstructs depth information from a single image. Its key advantage is that it completely avoids inputs requiring knowledge of absolute depth and instead uses a set of sparse depth (in)equalities that are much easier to specify. Since these constraints lead to a solution based on quadratic programming that is time consuming to evaluate we propose a simple approximative algorithm yielding similar results with much lower computational overhead. We demonstrate its usefulness in the context of a cartoon animation production pipeline including applications such as enhancement, registration, composition, 3D modelling and stereoscopic display.  相似文献   

This paper presents a hybrid approach to multiple fluid simulation that can handle miscible and immiscible fluids, simultaneously. We combine distance functions and volume fractions to capture not only the discontinuous interface between immiscible fluids but also the smooth transition between miscible fluids. Our approach consists of four steps: velocity field computation, volume fraction advection, miscible fluid diffusion, and visualization. By providing a combining scheme between volume fractions and level set functions, we are able to take advantages of both representation schemes of fluids. From the system point of view, our work is the first approach to Eulerian grid‐based multiple fluid simulation including both miscible and immiscible fluids. From the technical point of view, our approach addresses the issues arising from variable density and viscosity together with material diffusion. We show that the effectiveness of our approach to handle multiple miscible and immiscible fluids through experiments.  相似文献   

Astronomical nebulae are among the most complex and visually appealing phenomena known outside the bounds of the Solar System. However, our fixed vantage point on Earth limits us to a single known view of these objects, and their intricate volumetric structure cannot be recovered directly. Recent approaches to reconstructing a volumetric 3D model use the approximate symmetry inherent to many nebulae, but require several hours of computation time on large multi‐GPU clusters. We present a novel reconstruction algorithm based on group sparsity that reaches or even exceeds the quality of prior results while taking only a fraction of the time on a conventional desktop PC, thereby enabling end users in planetariums or educational facilities to produce high‐quality content without expensive hardware or manual modeling. In principle, our approach can be generalized to other transparent phenomena with arbitrary types of user‐specified symmetries.  相似文献   

The generation of inbetween frames that interpolate a given set of key frames is a major component in the production of a 2D feature animation. Our objective is to considerably reduce the cost of the inbetweening phase by offering an intuitive and effective interactive environment that automates inbetweening when possible while allowing the artist to guide, complement, or override the results. Tight inbetweens, which interpolate similar key frames, are particularly time‐consuming and tedious to draw. Therefore, we focus on automating these high‐precision and expensive portions of the process. We have designed a set of user‐guided semi‐automatic techniques that fit well with current practice and minimize the number of required artist‐gestures. We present a novel technique for stroke interpolation from only two keys which combines a stroke motion constructed from logarithmic spiral vertex trajectories with a stroke deformation based on curvature averaging and twisting warps. We discuss our system in the context of a feature animation production environment and evaluate our approach with real production data.  相似文献   

We present a new solution for temporal coherence in non‐photorealistic rendering (NPR) of animations. Given the conflicting goals of preserving the 2D aspect of the style and the 3D scene motion, any such solution is a tradeoff. We observe that primitive‐based methods in NPR can be seen as texture‐based methods when using large numbers of primitives, leading to our key insight, namely that this process is similar to sparse convolution noise in procedural texturing. Consequently, we present a new primitive for NPR based on Gabor noise, that preserves the 2D aspect of noise, conveys the 3D motion of the scene, and is temporally continuous. We can thus use standard techniques from procedural texturing to create various styles, which we show for interactive NPR applications. We also present a user study to evaluate this and existing solutions, and to provide more insight in the trade‐off implied by temporal coherence. The results of the study indicate that maintaining coherent motion is important, but also that our new solution provides a good compromise between the 2D aspect of the style and 3D motion.  相似文献   

This paper presents a digital storytelling approach that generates automatic animations for time‐varying data visualization. Our approach simulates the composition and transition of storytelling techniques and synthesizes animations to describe various event features. Specifically, we analyze information related to a given event and abstract it as an event graph, which represents data features as nodes and event relationships as links. This graph embeds a tree‐like hierarchical structure which encodes data features at different scales. Next, narrative structures are built by exploring starting nodes and suitable search strategies in this graph. Different stages of narrative structures are considered in our automatic rendering parameter decision process to generate animations as digital stories. We integrate this animation generation approach into an interactive exploration process of time‐varying data, so that more comprehensive information can be provided in a timely fashion. We demonstrate with a storm surge application that our approach allows semantic visualization of time‐varying data and easy animation generation for users without special knowledge about the underlying visualization techniques.  相似文献   

We present a novel approach to parameterize a mesh with disk topology to the plane in a shape‐preserving manner. Our key contribution is a local/global algorithm, which combines a local mapping of each 3D triangle to the plane, using transformations taken from a restricted set, with a global “stitch” operation of all triangles, involving a sparse linear system. The local transformations can be taken from a variety of families, e.g. similarities or rotations, generating different types of parameterizations. In the first case, the parameterization tries to force each 2D triangle to be an as‐similar‐as‐possible version of its 3D counterpart. This is shown to yield results identical to those of the LSCM algorithm. In the second case, the parameterization tries to force each 2D triangle to be an as‐rigid‐as‐possible version of its 3D counterpart. This approach preserves shape as much as possible. It is simple, effective, and fast, due to pre‐factoring of the linear system involved in the global phase. Experimental results show that our approach provides almost isometric parameterizations and obtains more shape‐preserving results than other state‐of‐the‐art approaches. We present also a more general “hybrid” parameterization model which provides a continuous spectrum of possibilities, controlled by a single parameter. The two cases described above lie at the two ends of the spectrum. We generalize our local/global algorithm to compute these parameterizations. The local phase may also be accelerated by parallelizing the independent computations per triangle.  相似文献   

Statistical shape modeling is a widely used technique for the representation and analysis of the shapes and shape variations present in a population. A statistical shape model models the distribution in a high dimensional shape space, where each shape is represented by a single point. We present a design study on the intuitive exploration and visualization of shape spaces and shape models. Our approach focuses on the dual‐space nature of these spaces. The high‐dimensional shape space represents the population, whereas object space represents the shape of the 3D object associated with a point in shape space. A 3D object view provides local details for a single shape. The high dimensional points in shape space are visualized using a 2D scatter plot projection, the axes of which can be manipulated interactively. This results in a dynamic scatter plot, with the further extension that each point is visualized as a small version of the object shape that it represents. We further enhance the population‐object duality with a new type of view aimed at shape comparison. This new “shape evolution view” visualizes shape variability along a single trajectory in shape space, and serves as a link between the two spaces described above. Our three‐view exploration concept strongly emphasizes linked interaction between all spaces. Moving the cursor over the scatter plot or evolution views, shapes are dynamically interpolated and shown in the object view. Conversely, camera manipulation in the object view affects the object visualizations in the other views. We present a GPU‐accelerated implementation, and show the effectiveness of the three‐view approach using a number of real‐world cases. In these, we demonstrate how this multi‐view approach can be used to visually explore important aspects of a statistical shape model, including specificity, compactness and reconstruction error.  相似文献   

We present an approach to improve the search efficiency for near‐optimal motion synthesis using motion graphs. An optimal or near‐optimal path through a motion graph often leads to the most intuitive result. However, finding such a path can be computationally expensive. Our main contribution is a bidirectional search algorithm. We dynamically divide the search space evenly and merge two search trees to obtain the final solution. This cuts the maximum search depth almost in half and leads to significant speedup. To illustrate the benefits of our approach, we present an interactive sketching interface that allows users to specify complex motions quickly and intuitively.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a new method for improving the performance of the widely used Bounding Volume Hierarchies for collision detection. The major contribution of our work is a culling algorithm that serves as a generalization of the Separating Axis Theorem for non parallel axes, based on the well‐known concept of support planes. We also provide a rigorous definition of support plane mappings and implementation details regarding the application of the proposed method to commonly used bounding volumes. The paper describes the theoretical foundation and an overall evaluation of the proposed algorithm. It demonstrates its high culling efficiency and in its application, significant improvement of timing performance with different types of bounding volumes and support plane mappings for rigid body simulations.  相似文献   

During the development of car engines, regression models that are based on machine learning techniques are increasingly important for tasks which require a prediction of results in real‐time. While the validation of a model is a key part of its identification process, existing computation‐ or visualization‐based techniques do not adequately support all aspects of model validation. The main contribution of this paper is an interactive approach called HyperMoVal that is designed to support multiple tasks related to model validation: 1) comparing known and predicted results, 2) analyzing regions with a bad fit, 3) assessing the physical plausibility of models also outside regions covered by validation data, and 4) comparing multiple models. The key idea is to visually relate one or more n‐dimensional scalar functions to known validation data within a combined visualization. HyperMoVal lays out multiple 2D and 3D sub‐projections of the n‐dimensional function space around a focal point. We describe how linking HyperMoVal to other views further extends the possibilities for model validation. Based on this integration, we discuss steps towards supporting the entire workflow of identifying regression models. An evaluation illustrates a typical workflow in the application context of car‐engine design and reports general feedback of domain experts and users of our approach. These results indicate that our approach significantly accelerates the identification of regression models and increases the confidence in the overall engineering process.  相似文献   

We present a novel image‐based technique for modeling complex unfoliaged trees. Existing tree modeling tools either require capturing a large number of views for dense 3D reconstruction or rely on user inputs and botanic rules to synthesize natural‐looking tree geometry. In this paper, we focus on faithfully recovering real instead of realistically‐looking tree geometry from a sparse set of images. Our solution directly integrates 2D/3D tree topology as shape priors into the modeling process. For each input view, we first estimate a 2D skeleton graph from its matte image and then find a 2D skeleton tree from the graph by imposing tree topology. We develop a simple but effective technique for computing the optimal 3D skeleton tree most consistent with the 2D skeletons. For each edge in the 3D skeleton tree, we further apply volumetric reconstruction to recover its corresponding curved branch. Finally, we use piecewise cylinders to approximate each branch from the volumetric results. We demonstrate our framework on a variety of trees to illustrate the robustness and usefulness of our technique.  相似文献   

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