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Multivariate graphs are prolific across many fields, including transportation and neuroscience. A key task in graph analysis is the exploration of connectivity, to, for example, analyze how signals flow through neurons, or to explore how well different cities are connected by flights. While standard node‐link diagrams are helpful in judging connectivity, they do not scale to large networks. Adjacency matrices also do not scale to large networks and are only suitable to judge connectivity of adjacent nodes. A key approach to realize scalable graph visualization are queries: instead of displaying the whole network, only a relevant subset is shown. Query‐based techniques for analyzing connectivity in graphs, however, can also easily suffer from cluttering if the query result is big enough. To remedy this, we introduce techniques that provide an overview of the connectivity and reveal details on demand. We have two main contributions: (1) two novel visualization techniques that work in concert for summarizing graph connectivity; and (2) Graffinity, an open‐source implementation of these visualizations supplemented by detail views to enable a complete analysis workflow. Graffinity was designed in a close collaboration with neuroscientists and is optimized for connectomics data analysis, yet the technique is applicable across domains. We validate the connectivity overview and our open‐source tool with illustrative examples using flight and connectomics data.  相似文献   

We introduce Papilio, a new visualization technique for visualizing permissions of real‐world Android applications. We explore the development of layouts that exploit the directed acyclic nature of Android application permission data to develop a new explicit layout technique that incorporates aspects of set membership, node‐link diagrams and matrix layouts. By grouping applications based on sets of requested permissions, a structure can be formed with partially ordered relations. The Papilio layout shows sets of applications centrally, the relations among applications on one side and application permissions, as the reason behind the existence of the partial order, on the other side. Using Papilio to explore a set of Android applications as a case study has led to new security findings regarding permission usage by Android applications.  相似文献   

Visual quality measures seek to algorithmically imitate human judgments of patterns such as class separability, correlation, or outliers. In this paper, we propose a novel data‐driven framework for evaluating such measures. The basic idea is to take a large set of visually encoded data, such as scatterplots, with reliable human “ground truth” judgements, and to use this human‐labeled data to learn how well a measure would predict human judgements on previously unseen data. Measures can then be evaluated based on predictive performance—an approach that is crucial for generalizing across datasets but has gained little attention so far. To illustrate our framework, we use it to evaluate 15 state‐of‐the‐art class separation measures, using human ground truth data from 828 class separation judgments on color‐coded 2D scatterplots.  相似文献   

Interaction is critical to effective visualization, but can be difficult to author and debug due to dependencies among input events, program state, and visual output. Recent advances leverage reactive semantics to support declarative design and avoid the “spaghetti code” of imperative event handlers. While reactive programming improves many aspects of development, textual specifications still fail to convey the complex runtime dynamics. In response, we contribute a set of visual debugging techniques to reveal the runtime behavior of reactive visualizations. A timeline view records input events and dynamic variable updates, allowing designers to replay and inspect the propagation of values step‐by‐step. On‐demand annotations overlay the output visualization to expose relevant state and scale mappings in‐situ. Dynamic tables visualize how backing datasets change over time. To evaluate the effectiveness of these techniques, we study how first‐time Vega users debug interactions in faulty, unfamiliar specifications; with no prior knowledge, participants were able to accurately trace errors through the specification.  相似文献   

In addition to the choice of visual encodings, the effectiveness of a data visualization may vary with the analytical task being performed and the distribution of data values. To better assess these effects and create refined rankings of visual encodings, we conduct an experiment measuring subject performance across task types (e.g., comparing individual versus aggregate values) and data distributions (e.g., with varied cardinalities and entropies). We compare performance across 12 encoding specifications of trivariate data involving 1 categorical and 2 quantitative fields, including the use of x, y, color, size, and spatial subdivision (i.e., faceting). Our results extend existing models of encoding effectiveness and suggest improved approaches for automated design. For example, we find that colored scatterplots (with positionally‐coded quantities and color‐coded categories) perform well for comparing individual points, but perform poorly for summary tasks as the number of categories increases.  相似文献   

The use of multiple coordinated views (MCV) in data visualization provides analytic power because it allows a person to explore data under a variety of different perspectives. Since this design pattern utilizes multiple visualizations and requires coordinated interactions across the views, a clever use of screen space is vital and many synchronized interface operations must be provided. Bringing this design pattern to tablet computers is challenging due to their small display size and the absence of keyboard and mouse input. In this article, we explain important design considerations for MCV visualization on tablets and describe a prototype MCV visualization system we have built for the iPad. The design is based on the principles of maximizing screen space for data presentation, promoting consistent interactions across visualizations, and minimizing occlusion from a person's hands.  相似文献   

Hand‐drawn sketching on napkins or whiteboards is a common, accessible method for generating visual representations. This practice is shared by experts and non‐experts and is probably one of the faster and more expressive ways to draft a visual representation of data. In order to better understand the types of and variations in what people produce when sketching data, we conducted a qualitative study. We asked people with varying degrees of visualization expertise, from novices to experts, to manually sketch representations of a small, easily understandable dataset using pencils and paper and to report on what they learned or found interesting about the data. From this study, we extract a data sketching representation continuum from numeracy to abstraction; a data report spectrum from individual data items to speculative data hypothesis; and show the correspondence between the representation types and the data reports from our results set. From these observations we discuss the participants’ representations in relation to their data reports, indicating implications for design and potentially fruitful directions for research.  相似文献   

The field of cyber security is faced with ever‐expanding amounts of data and a constant barrage of cyber attacks. Within this space, we have designed BubbleNet as a cyber security dashboard to help network analysts identify and summarize patterns within the data. This design study faced a range of interesting constraints from limited time with various expert users and working with users beyond the network analyst, such as network managers. To overcome these constraints, the design study employed a user‐centered design process and a variety of methods to incorporate user feedback throughout the design of BubbleNet. This approach resulted in a successfully evaluated dashboard with users and further deployments of these ideas in both research and operational environments. By explaining these methods and the process, it can benefit future visualization designers to help overcome similar challenges in cyber security or alternative domains.  相似文献   

Providing tools that make visualization authoring accessible to visualization non‐experts is a major research challenge. Currently the most common approach to generating a visualization is to use software that quickly and automatically produces visualizations based on templates. However, it has recently been suggested that constructing a visualization with tangible tiles may be a more accessible method, especially for people without visualization expertise. There is still much to be learned about the differences between these two visualization authoring practices. To better understand how people author visualizations in these two conditions, we ran a qualitative study comparing the use of software to the use of tangible tiles, for the creation of bar charts. Close observation of authoring activities showed how each of the following varied according to the tool used: 1) sequences of action; 2) distribution of time spent on different aspects of the InfoVis pipeline; 3) pipeline task separation; and 4) freedom to manipulate visual variables. From these observations, we discuss the implications of the variations in activity sequences, noting tool design considerations and pointing to future research questions.  相似文献   

In this paper we introduce TimeArcs, a novel visualization technique for representing dynamic relationships between entities in a network. Force‐directed layouts provide a way to highlight related entities by positioning them near to each other Entities are brought closer to each other (forming clusters) by forces applied on nodes and connections between nodes. In many application domains, relationships between entities are not temporally stable, which means that cluster structures and cluster memberships also may vary across time. Our approach merges multiple force‐directed layouts at different time points into a single comprehensive visualization that provides a big picture overview of the most significant clusters within a user‐defined period of time. TimeArcs also supports a range of interactive features, such as allowing users to drill‐down in order to see details about a particular cluster. To highlight the benefits of this technique, we demonstrate its application to various datasets, including the IMDB co‐star network, a dataset showing conflicting evidences within biomedical literature of protein interactions, and collocated popular phrases obtained from political blogs.  相似文献   

Movement ecologists study animals' movement to help understand their behaviours and interactions with each other and the environment. Data from GPS loggers are increasingly important for this. These data need to be processed, segmented and summarised for further visual and statistical analysis, often using predefined parameters. Usually, this process is separate from the subsequent visual and statistical analysis, making it difficult for these results to inform the data processing and to help set appropriate scale and thresholds parameters. This paper explores the use of highly interactive visual analytics techniques to close the gap between processing raw data and exploratory visual analysis. Working closely with animal movement ecologists, we produced requirements to enable data characteristics to be determined, initial research questions to be investigated, and the suitability of data for further analysis to be assessed. We design visual encodings and interactions to meet these requirements and provide software that implements them. We demonstrate these techniques with indicative research questions for a number of bird species, provide software, and discuss wider implications for animal movement ecology.  相似文献   

To project high‐dimensional data to a 2D domain, there are two well‐established classes of approaches: RadViz and Star Coordinates. Both are well‐explored in terms of accuracy, completeness, distortions, and interaction issues. We present a generalization of both RadViz and Star Coordinates such that it unifies both approaches. We do so by considering the space of all projective projections. This gives additional degrees of freedom, which we use for three things: Firstly, we define a smooth transition between RadViz and Star Coordinates allowing the user to exploit the advantages of both approaches. Secondly, we define a data‐dependent magic lens to explore the data. Thirdly, we optimize the new degrees of freedom to minimize distortion. We apply our approach to a number of high‐dimensional benchmark datasets.  相似文献   

Increasing the safety of vehicles is an important goal for vehicle manufacturers. These manufacturers often turn to simulations to understand how to improve a vehicle's design as real‐world safety tests are expensive and time consuming. Understanding the results of these simulations, however, is challenging due to the complexity of the data, which often includes both spatial and nonspatial data types. In this design study we collaborated with analysts who are trying to understand the vulnerability of military vehicles. From this design study we contribute a problem characterization, data abstraction, and task analysis for vehicle vulnerability analysis, as well as a validated and deployed tool called Shotviewer. Shotviewer links 3D spatial views with abstract 2D views to support a broad range of analysis needs. Furthermore, reflection on our design study process elucidates a strategy of view‐design parallelism for creating multiview visualizations, as well as four recommendations for conducting design studies in large organizations with sensitive data.  相似文献   

Many factors can shape the flow of visual data‐driven stories, and thereby the way readers experience those stories. Through the analysis of 80 existing stories found on popular websites, we systematically investigate and identify seven characteristics of these stories, which we name “flow‐factors,” and we illustrate how they feed into the broader concept of “visual narrative flow.” These flow‐factors are navigation input, level of control, navigation progress, story layout, role of visualization, story progression, and navigation feedback. We also describe a series of studies we conducted, which shed initial light on how different visual narrative flows impact the reading experience. We report on two exploratory studies, in which we gathered reactions and preferences of readers for stepper‐ vs. scroller‐driven flows. We then report on a crowdsourced study with 240 participants, in which we explore the effect of the combination of different flow‐factors on readers’ engagement. Our results indicate that visuals and navigation feedback (e.g., static vs. animated transitions) have an impact on readers’ engagement, while level of control (e.g., discrete vs. continuous) may not.  相似文献   

Progressive visual analytics (PVA) has emerged in recent years to manage the latency of data analysis systems. When analysis is performed progressively, rough estimates of the results are generated quickly and are then improved over time. Analysts can therefore monitor the progression of the results, steer the analysis algorithms, and make early decisions if the estimates provide a convincing picture. In this article, we describe interface design guidelines for helping users understand progressively updating results and make early decisions based on progressive estimates. To illustrate our ideas, we present a prototype PVA tool called Insights Feed for exploring Twitter data at scale. As validation, we investigate the tradeoffs of our tool when exploring a Twitter dataset in a user study. We report the usage patterns in making early decisions using the user interface, guiding computational methods, and exploring different subsets of the dataset, compared to sequential analysis without progression.  相似文献   

Traditional multivariate clustering approaches are common in many geovisualization applications. These algorithms are used to define geodemographic profiles, ecosystems and various other land use patterns that are based on multivariate measures. Cluster labels are then projected onto a choropleth map to enable analysts to explore spatial dependencies and heterogeneity within the multivariate attributes. However, local variations in the data and choices of clustering parameters can greatly impact the resultant visualization. In this work, we develop a visual analytics framework for exploring and comparing the impact of geographical variations for multivariate clustering. Our framework employs a variety of graphical configurations and summary statistics to explore the spatial extents of clustering. It also allows users to discover patterns that can be concealed by traditional global clustering via several interactive visualization techniques including a novel drag & drop clustering difference view. We demonstrate the applicability of our framework over a demographics dataset containing quick facts about counties in the continental United States and demonstrate the need for analytical tools that can enable users to explore and compare clustering results over varying geographical features and scales.  相似文献   

Presenters, such as analysts briefing to an executive committee, often use visualizations to convey information. In these cases, providing clear visual guidance is important to communicate key concepts without confusion. This paper explores visual cues that guide attention to a particular area of a visualization. We developed a visual cue taxonomy distinguishing internal from external cues, designed a web tool based on the taxonomy, and conducted a user study with 24 participants to understand user preferences in choosing visual cues. Participants perceived internal cues (e.g., transparency, brightness, and magnification) as the most useful visual cues and often combined them with other internal or external cues to emphasize areas of focus for their audience. Interviews also revealed that the choice of visual cues depends on not only the chart type, but also the presentation setting, the audience, and the function cues are serving. Considering the complexity of choosing visual cues, we provide design implications for improving the organization, consistency, and integration of visual cues within existing workflows.  相似文献   

Data visualization is now a popular medium for journalistic storytelling. However, current visualization tools either lack support for storytelling or require significant technical expertise. Informed by interviews with journalists, we introduce a model of storytelling abstractions that includes state‐based scene structure, dynamic annotations and decoupled coordination of multiple visualization components. We instantiate our model in Ellipsis: a system that combines a domain‐specific language (DSL) for storytelling with a graphical interface for story authoring. User interactions are automatically translated into statements in the Ellipsis DSL. By enabling storytelling without programming, the Ellipsis interface lowers the threshold for authoring narrative visualizations. We evaluate Ellipsis through example applications and user studies with award‐winning journalists. Study participants find Ellipsis to be a valuable prototyping tool that can empower journalists in the creation of interactive narratives.  相似文献   

A model to rate color combinations that considers human aesthetic preferences is proposed. The proposed method does not assume that a color palette has a specific number of colors, i.e., input is not restricted to a two‐, three‐, or five‐color palettes. We extract features from a color palette whose size does not depend on the number of colors in the palette. The proposed rating prediction model is trained using a human color preference dataset. The model allows a user to extend a color palette, e.g., from three colors to five or seven colors, while retaining color harmony. In addition, we present a color search scheme for a given palette and a customized version of the proposed model for a specific color tone. We demonstrate that the proposed model can also be applied to various palette‐based applications.  相似文献   

Eulerian Method of Moment (MoM) solvers are gaining popularity for multi‐phase CFD simulation involving bubbles or droplets in process engineering. Because the actual positions of bubbles are uncertain, the spatial distribution of bubbles is described by scalar fields of moments, which can be interpreted as probability density functions. Visualizing these simulation results and comparing them to physical experiments is challenging, because neither the shape nor the distribution of bubbles described by the moments lend themselves to visual interpretation. In this work, we describe a visualization approach that provides explicit instances of the bubble distribution and produces bubble geometry based on local flow properties. To facilitate animation, the instancing of the bubble distribution provides coherence over time by advancing bubbles between time steps and updating the distribution. Our approach provides an intuitive visualization and enables direct visual comparison of simulation results to physical experiments.  相似文献   

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