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Over the past decade, computer scientists and psychologists have made great efforts to collect and analyze facial dynamics data that exhibit different expressions and emotions. Such data is commonly captured as videos and are transformed into feature‐based time‐series prior to any analysis. However, the analytical tasks, such as expression classification, have been hindered by the lack of understanding of the complex data space and the associated algorithm space. Conventional graph‐based time‐series visualization is also found inadequate to support such tasks. In this work, we adopt a visual analytics approach by visualizing the correlation between the algorithm space and our goal – classifying facial dynamics. We transform multiple feature‐based time‐series for each expression in measurement space to a multi‐dimensional representation in parameter space. This enables us to utilize parallel coordinates visualization to gain an understanding of the algorithm space, providing a fast and cost‐effective means to support the design of analytical algorithms.  相似文献   

We present a system to analyze time‐series data in sensor networks. Our approach supports exploratory tasks for the comparison of univariate, geo‐referenced sensor data, in particular for anomaly detection. We split the recordings into fixed‐length patterns and show them in order to compare them over time and space using two linked views. Apart from geo‐based comparison across sensors we also support different temporal patterns to discover seasonal effects, anomalies and periodicities. The methods we use are best practices in the information visualization domain. They cover the daily, the weekly and seasonal and patterns of the data. Daily patterns can be analyzed in a clustering‐based view, weekly patterns in a calendar‐based view and seasonal patters in a projection‐based view. The connectivity of the sensors can be analyzed through a dedicated topological network view. We assist the domain expert with interaction techniques to make the results understandable. As a result, the user can identify and analyze erroneous and suspicious measurements in the network. A case study with a domain expert verified the usefulness of our approach.  相似文献   

Observing interactions among chemical species and microorganisms in the earth's sub‐surface is a common task in the field of geology. Bioremediation experiments constitute one such class of interactions which focus on getting rid of pollutants through processes such as carbon sequestration. The main goal of scientists’ observations is to analyze the dynamics of the chemical reactions and understand how they collectively affect the carbon content of the soil. In our work, we extract the high‐level goals of geologists and propose a visual analytics solution which helps scientists in deriving insights about multivariate, temporal behavior of these chemical species. Specifically, our key contributions are the following: i) characterization of the domain‐specific goals and their translation to exploratory data analysis tasks, ii) developing an analytical abstraction in the form of perceptually motivated screen‐space metrics for bridging the gap between the tasks and the visualization, and iii) realization of the tasks and metrics in the form of VIMTEX, which is a set of coordinated multiple views for letting scientists observe multivariate, temporal relationships in the data. We provide several examples and case studies along with expert feedback for demonstrating the efficacy of our solution.  相似文献   

Applying lossy data compression to climate model output is an attractive means of reducing the enormous volumes of data generated by climate models. However, because lossy data compression does not exactly preserve the original data, its application to scientific data must be done judiciously. To this end, a collection of measures is being developed to evaluate various aspects of lossy compression quality on climate model output. Given the importance of data visualization to climate scientists interacting with model output, any suite of measures must include a means of assessing whether images generated from the compressed model data are noticeably different from images based on the original model data. Therefore, in this work we conduct a forced‐choice visual evaluation study with climate model data that surveyed more than one hundred participants with domain relevant expertise. In addition to the images created from unaltered climate model data, study images are generated from model data that is subjected to two different types of lossy compression approaches and multiple levels (amounts) of compression. Study participants indicate whether a visual difference can be seen, with respect to the reference image, due to lossy compression effects. We assess the relationship between the perceptual scores from the user study to a number of common (full reference) image quality assessment (IQA) measures, and use statistical models to suggest appropriate measures and thresholds for evaluating lossily compressed climate data. We find the structural similarity index (SSIM) to perform the best, and our findings indicate that the threshold required for climate model data is much higher than previous findings in the literature.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a streamline visualization technique that empowers PolarGlobe, an interactive, virtual globe-based, multi-dimensional scientific visualization tool to facilitate the observation and visual inspection of changes in the climate in real time. Specifically, this technique achieves effective visualization of vector-based earth science data through an automated data processing pipeline which integrates novel strategies including random seeding, finer-granularity parallelization and real-time rendering. The random seeding strategy allows for a vivid visual effect and an interactive framerate regardless of the spatial resolution in the raw dataset. The visualization algorithm is designed to be naturally parallelizable by partitioning the rendering tasks of unsteady vector field into multiple subtasks such that high-performance rendering can be realized. The platform is capable of taking either irregular or regular gridded data as input, and through the proposed data (re)projection pipeline, an automatic transformation of spatially enabled scientific data from the original data projection to the 3D globe-based virtual space is achieved. A series of experiments was conducted to identify the best configuration of rendering parameters to achieve the optimal rendering performance and visual effect. The results demonstrated the scalability and capability of the proposed PolarGlobe system to visualize big and unsteady vector flow data across different spatial and temporal scales. PolarGlobe implements former Vice President Al Gore's vision of a digital earth that enables scientists and citizens across the world to interactively study our planet. We expect the methods and techniques presented in this work to contribute significantly to both the scientific visualization and climate science communities.  相似文献   

During the development of car engines, regression models that are based on machine learning techniques are increasingly important for tasks which require a prediction of results in real‐time. While the validation of a model is a key part of its identification process, existing computation‐ or visualization‐based techniques do not adequately support all aspects of model validation. The main contribution of this paper is an interactive approach called HyperMoVal that is designed to support multiple tasks related to model validation: 1) comparing known and predicted results, 2) analyzing regions with a bad fit, 3) assessing the physical plausibility of models also outside regions covered by validation data, and 4) comparing multiple models. The key idea is to visually relate one or more n‐dimensional scalar functions to known validation data within a combined visualization. HyperMoVal lays out multiple 2D and 3D sub‐projections of the n‐dimensional function space around a focal point. We describe how linking HyperMoVal to other views further extends the possibilities for model validation. Based on this integration, we discuss steps towards supporting the entire workflow of identifying regression models. An evaluation illustrates a typical workflow in the application context of car‐engine design and reports general feedback of domain experts and users of our approach. These results indicate that our approach significantly accelerates the identification of regression models and increases the confidence in the overall engineering process.  相似文献   

We present a novel visualization concept for DNA origami structures that integrates a multitude of representations into a Dimension and Scale Unifying Map (DimSUM). This novel abstraction map provides means to analyze, smoothly transition between, and interact with many visual representations of the DNA origami structures in an effective way that was not possible before. DNA origami structures are nanoscale objects, which are challenging to model in silico. In our holistic approach we seamlessly combine three‐dimensional realistic shape models, two‐dimensional diagrammatic representations, and ordered alignments in one‐dimensional arrangements, with semantic transitions across many scales. To navigate through this large, two‐dimensional abstraction map we highlight locations that users frequently visit for certain tasks and datasets. Particularly interesting viewpoints can be explicitly saved to optimize the workflow. We have developed DimSUM together with domain scientists specialized in DNA nanotechnology. In the paper we discuss our design decisions for both the visualization and the interaction techniques. We demonstrate two practical use cases in which our approach increases the specialists’ understanding and improves their effectiveness in the analysis. Finally, we discuss the implications of our concept for the use of controlled abstraction in visualization in general.  相似文献   

Pathline glyphs     
Visualization of pathlines is common and highly relevant for the analysis of unsteady flow. However, pathlines can intersect, leading to visual clutter and perceptual issues. This makes it intrinsically difficult to provide expressive visualizations of the entire domain by an arrangement of multiple pathlines, in contrast to well‐established streamline placement techniques. We present an approach to reduce these problems. It is inspired by glyph‐based visualization and small multiples: we partition the domain into cells, each corresponding to a downscaled version of the entire domain. Inside these cells, a single downscaled pathline is drawn. On the overview scale, our pathline glyphs lead to emergent visual patterns that provide insight into time‐dependent flow behavior. Zooming‐in allows us to analyze individual pathlines in detail and compare neighboring lines. The overall approach is complemented with a context‐preserving zoom lens and interactive pathline‐based exploration. While we primarily target the visualization of 2D flow, we also address the extension to 3D. Our evaluation includes several examples, comparison to other flow visualization techniques, and a user study with domain experts.  相似文献   

We introduce an approach for explicitly revealing changes between versions of a visualization workbook to support version comparison tasks. Visualization authors may need to understand version changes for a variety of reasons, analogous to document editing. An author who has been away for a while may need to catch up on the changes made by their co‐author, or a person responsible for formatting compliance may need to check formatting changes that occurred since the last time they reviewed the work. We introduce ChangeCatcher, a prototype tool to help people find and understand changes in a visualization workbook, specifically, a Tableau workbook. Our design is based on interviews we conducted with experts to investigate user needs and practices around version comparison. ChangeCatcher provides an overview of changes across six categories, and employs a multi‐level details‐on‐demand approach to progressively reveal details. Our qualitative study showed that ChangeCatcher's methods for explicitly revealing and categorizing version changes were helpful in version comparison tasks.  相似文献   

Pre‐processing is a prerequisite to conduct effective and efficient downstream data analysis. Pre‐processing pipelines often require multiple routines to address data quality challenges and to bring the data into a usable form. For both the construction and the refinement of pre‐processing pipelines, human‐in‐the‐loop approaches are highly beneficial. This particularly applies to multivariate time series, a complex data type with multiple values developing over time. Due to the high specificity of this domain, it has not been subject to in‐depth research in visual analytics. We present a visual‐interactive approach for preprocessing multivariate time series data with the following aspects. Our approach supports analysts to carry out six core analysis tasks related to pre‐processing of multivariate time series. To support these tasks, we identify requirements to baseline toolkits that may help practitioners in their choice. We characterize the space of visualization designs for uncertainty‐aware pre‐processing and justify our decisions. Two usage scenarios demonstrate applicability of our approach, design choices, and uncertainty visualizations for the six analysis tasks. This work is one step towards strengthening the visual analytics support for data pre‐processing in general and for uncertainty‐aware pre‐processing of multivariate time series in particular.  相似文献   

To develop new compilation and optimization techniques, computer scientists frequently Consult program analysis artifacts such as Control flow graphs (CFGs) and traces of executed instructions. A CFG is a directed graph representing possible execution paths in a program. CFGs are commonly visualized as node‐link diagrams while traces are commonly viewed in raw text format. Visualizing and exploring CFGs and traces is challenging because of the complexity and specificity of the operations researchers perform. We present a design study where we collaborate with computer scientists researching dynamic binary analysis and compilation techniques. The research group primarily employs CFGs and traces to reason about and develop new algorithms for program optimization and parallelization. Through questionnaires, interviews, and a year‐long observation, we analyzed their use of visualization, noting that the tasks they perform match common subroutines they employ in their techniques. Based on this task analysis, we designed CFGExplorer, a visual analytics system that supports computer scientists with interactions that are integrated with the program structure. We developed a domain‐specific graph modification to generate graph layouts that reflect program structure. CFGExplorer incorporates structures such as functions and loops, and uses the correspondence between CFGs and traces to support navigation. We further augment the system to highlight the output of program analysis techniques, facilitating exploration at a higher level. We evaluate the tool through guided sessions and semi‐structured interviews as well as deployment. Our collaborators have integrated CFGExplorer into their workflow and use it to reason about programs, develop and debug new algorithms, and share their findings.  相似文献   

近年来,集合模拟被频繁地运用于气候、数学、物理等领域。集合模拟数据通常具有多值、多变量、时变的属性,再加上其庞大的数据量,对这类数据的分析充满着挑战。集合模拟数据可视化,是通过视觉和人机交互的手段,向领域专家揭示集合模拟数据中的成员差异和整体概况,从而帮助专家探索、总结、和验证科学发现。本文从比较个体成员和概括整体成员这两个不同分析任务,以及基于位置和基于特征这两种分析策略的角度,系统地分析了具有代表性的集合模拟可视化工作,收集整理了各类方法的可视化形式、交互技术、应用案例。文章通过总结近年集合模拟可视化方法来讨论现有研究的趋势,以及对未来研究进行进一步的展望。  相似文献   

Scientific problem solving often involves concordance (or discordance) analysis among the result sets from different approaches. For example, different scientific analysis methods with the same samples often lead to different or even conflicting conclusions. To reach a more judicious conclusion, it is crucial to consider different perspectives by checking concordance among those result sets by different methods. In this paper, we present an interactive visualization tool called ConSet, where users can effectively examine relationships among multiple sets at once. ConSet provides an overview using an improved permutation matrix to enable users to easily identify relationships among sets with a large number of elements. Not only do we use a standard Venn diagram, we also introduce a new diagram called Fan diagram that allows users to compare two or three sets without any inconsistencies that may exist in Venn diagrams. A qualitative user study was conducted to evaluate how our tool works in comparison with a traditional set visualization tool based on a Venn diagram. We observed that ConSet enabled users to complete more tasks with fewer errors than the traditional interface did and most users preferred ConSet.  相似文献   

Graph analysis by data visualization involves achieving a series of topology-based tasks. When the graph data belongs to a data domain that contains multiple node and link types, as in the case of semantic graphs, topology-based tasks become more challenging. To reduce visual complexity in semantic graphs, we propose an approach which is based on applying relational operations such as selecting and joining nodes of different types. We use node aggregation to reflect the relational operations to the graph. We introduce glyphs for representing aggregated nodes. Using glyphs lets us encode connectivity information of multiple nodes with a single glyph. We also use visual parameters of the glyph to encode node attributes or type specific information. Rather than doing the operations in the data abstraction layer and presenting the user with the resulting visualization, we propose an interactive approach where the user can iteratively apply the relational operations directly on the visualization. We present the efficiency of our method by the results of a usability study that includes a case study on a subset of the International Movie Database. The results of the controlled experiment in our usability study indicate a statistically significant contribution in reducing the completion time of the evaluation tasks.  相似文献   

People are becoming increasingly sophisticated in their ability to navigate information spaces using search, hyperlinks, and visualization. But, mobile phones preclude the use of multiple coordinated views that have proven effective in the desktop environment (e.g., for business intelligence or visual analytics). In this work, we propose to model information as multivariate heterogeneous networks to enable greater analytic expression for a range of sensemaking tasks while suggesting a new, list-based paradigm with gestural navigation of structured information spaces on mobile phones. We also present a mobile application, called Orchard, which combines ideas from both faceted search and interactive network exploration in a visual query language to allow users to collect facets of interest during exploratory navigation. Our study showed that users could collect and combine these facets with Orchard, specifying network queries and projections that would only have been possible previously using complex data tools or custom data science.  相似文献   

Data visualization is now a popular medium for journalistic storytelling. However, current visualization tools either lack support for storytelling or require significant technical expertise. Informed by interviews with journalists, we introduce a model of storytelling abstractions that includes state‐based scene structure, dynamic annotations and decoupled coordination of multiple visualization components. We instantiate our model in Ellipsis: a system that combines a domain‐specific language (DSL) for storytelling with a graphical interface for story authoring. User interactions are automatically translated into statements in the Ellipsis DSL. By enabling storytelling without programming, the Ellipsis interface lowers the threshold for authoring narrative visualizations. We evaluate Ellipsis through example applications and user studies with award‐winning journalists. Study participants find Ellipsis to be a valuable prototyping tool that can empower journalists in the creation of interactive narratives.  相似文献   

Word vector embeddings are an emerging tool for natural language processing. They have proven beneficial for a wide variety of language processing tasks. Their utility stems from the ability to encode word relationships within the vector space. Applications range from components in natural language processing systems to tools for linguistic analysis in the study of language and literature. In many of these applications, interpreting embeddings and understanding the encoded grammatical and semantic relations between words is useful, but challenging. Visualization can aid in such interpretation of embeddings. In this paper, we examine the role for visualization in working with word vector embeddings. We provide a literature survey to catalogue the range of tasks where the embeddings are employed across a broad range of applications. Based on this survey, we identify key tasks and their characteristics. Then, we present visual interactive designs that address many of these tasks. The designs integrate into an exploration and analysis environment for embeddings. Finally, we provide example use cases for them and discuss domain user feedback.  相似文献   

In order to gain probabilistic results, ensemble simulation techniques are increasingly applied in the weather and climate sciences (as well as in various other scientific disciplines). In many cases, however, only mean results or other abstracted quantities such as percentiles are used for further analyses and dissemination of the data. In this work, we aim at a more detailed visualization of the temporal development of the whole ensemble that takes the variability of all single members into account. We propose a visual analytics tool that allows an effective analysis process based on a hierarchical clustering of the time‐dependent scalar fields. The system includes a flow chart that shows the ensemble members' cluster affiliation over time, reflecting the whole cluster hierarchy. The latter one can be dynamically explored using a visualization derived from a dendrogram. As an aid in linking the different views, we have developed an adaptive coloring scheme that takes into account cluster similarity and the containment relationships. Finally, standard visualizations of the involved field data (cluster means, ground truth data, etc.) are also incorporated. We include results of our work on real‐world datasets to showcase the utility of our approach.  相似文献   

Line graphs have been the visualization of choice for temporal data ever since the days of William Playfair (1759-1823), but realistic temporal analysis tasks often include multiple simultaneous time series. In this work, we explore user performance for comparison, slope, and discrimination tasks for different line graph techniques involving multiple time series. Our results show that techniques that create separate charts for each time series--such as small multiples and horizon graphs--are generally more efficient for comparisons across time series with a large visual span. On the other hand, shared-space techniques--like standard line graphs--are typically more efficient for comparisons over smaller visual spans where the impact of overlap and clutter is reduced.  相似文献   

FacetAtlas: multifaceted visualization for rich text corpora   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Documents in rich text corpora usually contain multiple facets of information. For example, an article about a specific disease often consists of different facets such as symptom, treatment, cause, diagnosis, prognosis, and prevention. Thus, documents may have different relations based on different facets. Powerful search tools have been developed to help users locate lists of individual documents that are most related to specific keywords. However, there is a lack of effective analysis tools that reveal the multifaceted relations of documents within or cross the document clusters. In this paper, we present FacetAtlas, a multifaceted visualization technique for visually analyzing rich text corpora. FacetAtlas combines search technology with advanced visual analytical tools to convey both global and local patterns simultaneously. We describe several unique aspects of FacetAtlas, including (1) node cliques and multifaceted edges, (2) an optimized density map, and (3) automated opacity pattern enhancement for highlighting visual patterns, (4) interactive context switch between facets. In addition, we demonstrate the power of FacetAtlas through a case study that targets patient education in the health care domain. Our evaluation shows the benefits of this work, especially in support of complex multifaceted data analysis.  相似文献   

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