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This paper presents a method that can convert a given 3D mesh into a flat‐foldable model consisting of rigid panels. A previous work proposed a method to assist manual design of a single component of such flat‐foldable model, consisting of vertically‐connected side panels as well as horizontal top and bottom panels. Our method semi‐automatically generates a more complicated model that approximates the input mesh with multiple convex components. The user specifies the folding direction of each convex component and the fidelity of shape approximation. Given the user inputs, our method optimizes shapes and positions of panels of each convex component in order to make the whole model flat‐foldable. The user can check a folding animation of the output model. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method by fabricating physical paper prototypes of flat‐foldable models.  相似文献   

We explore creating smooth transitions between videos of different scenes. As in traditional image morphing, good spatial correspondence is crucial to prevent ghosting, especially at silhouettes. Video morphing presents added challenges. Because motions are often unsynchronized, temporal alignment is also necessary. Applying morphing to individual frames leads to discontinuities, so temporal coherence must be considered. Our approach is to optimize a full spatiotemporal mapping between the two videos. We reduce tedious interactions by letting the optimization derive the fine‐scale map given only sparse user‐specified constraints. For robustness, the optimization objective examines structural similarity of the video content. We demonstrate the approach on a variety of videos, obtaining results using few explicit correspondences.  相似文献   

We present an adaptive tessellation scheme for surfaces consisting of parametric patches. The resulting tessellations are topologically uniform, yet consistent and watertight across boundaries of patches with different tessellation levels. Our scheme is simple to implement, requires little memory and is well suited for instancing, a feature available on current Graphical Processing Units that allows a substantial performance increase. We describe how the scheme can be implemented efficiently and give performance benchmarks comparing it to some other approaches.  相似文献   

Consider situations where the depth at each point in the scene is multi-valued, due to the presence of a virtual image semi-reflected by a transparent surface. The semi-reflected image is linearly superimposed on the image of an object that is behind the transparent surface. A novel approach is proposed for the separation of the superimposed layers. Focusing on either of the layers yields initial separation, but crosstalk remains. The separation is enhanced by mutual blurring of the perturbing components in the images. However, this blurring requires the estimation of the defocus blur kernels. We thus propose a method for self calibration of the blur kernels, given the raw images. The kernels are sought to minimize the mutual information of the recovered layers. Autofocusing and depth estimation in the presence of semi-reflections are also considered. Experimental results are presented.  相似文献   

We investigate semi‐stochastic tilings based on Wang or corner tiles for the real‐time synthesis of example‐based textures. In particular, we propose two new tiling approaches: (1) to replace stochastic tilings with pseudo‐random tilings based on the Halton low‐discrepancy sequence, and (2) to allow the controllable generation of tilings based on a user‐provided probability distribution. Our first method prevents local repetition of texture content as common with stochastic approaches and yields better results with smaller sets of utilized tiles. Our second method allows to directly influence the synthesis result which—in combination with an enhanced tile construction method that merges multiple source textures—extends synthesis tasks to globally‐varying textures. We show that both methods can be implemented very efficiently in connection with tile‐based texture mapping and also present a general rule that allows to significantly reduce resulting tile sets.  相似文献   

Usually visualization is applied to gain insight into data. Yet consuming the data in form of visual representation is not always enough. Instead, users need to edit the data, preferably through the same means used to visualize them. In this work, we present a semi‐automatic approach to visual editing of graphs. The key idea is to use an interactive EditLens that defines where an edit operation affects an already customized and established graph layout. Locally optimal node positions within the lens and edge routes to connected nodes are calculated according to different criteria. This spares the user much manual work, but still provides sufficient freedom to accommodate application‐dependent layout constraints. Our approach utilizes the advantages of multi‐touch gestures, and is also compatible with classic mouse and keyboard interaction. Preliminary user tests have been conducted with researchers from bio‐informatics who need to manually maintain a slowly, but constantly growing molecular network. As the user feedback indicates, our solution significantly improves the editing procedure applied so far.  相似文献   

We propose a series of techniques for hybridizing implicit and semi‐implicit time integration methods in a manner that retains much of the speed of the implicit method without sacrificing all of the higher quality vibrations one obtains with methods that handle elastic forces explicitly. We propose our scheme in the context of asynchronous methods, where different parts of the mesh are evolved at different time steps. Whereas traditional asynchronous methods evolve each element independently, we partition all of our elements into two groups: one group evolved at the frame rate using a fully implicit scheme, and another group which takes a number of substeps per frame using a scheme that is implicit on damping forces and explicit on the elastic forces. This allows for a straightforward coupling between the implicit and semi‐implicit methods at frame boundaries for added stability. As has been stressed by various authors, asynchronous schemes take some of the pressure off of mesh generation, allowing time evolution to remain efficient even in the face of sliver elements. Finally, we propose a force distributing projection method which allows one to redistribute the forces felt on boundaries between implicit and semi‐implicit regions of the mesh in a manner that yields improved visual quality.  相似文献   

We explore a method for generalising Pixar semi‐sharp creases from the univariate cubic case to arbitrary degree subdivision curves. Our approach is based on solving simple matrix equations. The resulting schemes allow for greater flexibility over existing methods, via control vectors. We demonstrate our results on several high‐degree univariate examples and explore analogous methods for subdivision surfaces.  相似文献   

We present an Eulerian method for the real‐time simulation of intrinsic fluid dynamics effects on deforming surfaces. Our method is based on a novel semi‐Lagrangian closest point method for the solution of partial differential equations on animated triangle meshes. We describe this method and demonstrate its use to compute and visualize flow and wave propagation along such meshes at high resolution and speed. Underlying our technique is the efficient conversion of an animated triangle mesh into a time‐dependent implicit representation based on closest surface points. The proposed technique is unconditionally stable with respect to the surface deformation and, in contrast to comparable Lagrangian techniques, its precision does not depend on the level of detail of the surface triangulation.  相似文献   

We present an Aortic Vortex Classification (AVOCLA) that allows to classify vortices in the human aorta semi‐automatically. Current medical studies assume a strong relation between cardiovascular diseases and blood flow patterns such as vortices. Such vortices are extracted and manually classified according to specific, unstandardized properties. We employ an agglomerative hierarchical clustering to group vortex‐representing path lines as basis for the subsequent classification. Classes are based on the vortex' size, orientation and shape, its temporal occurrence relative to the cardiac cycle as well as its spatial position relative to the vessel course. The classification results are presented by a 2D and 3D visualization technique. To confirm the usefulness of both approaches, we report on the results of a user study. Moreover, AVOCLA was applied to 15 datasets of healthy volunteers and patients with different cardiovascular diseases. The results of the semi‐automatic classification were qualitatively compared to a manually generated ground truth of two domain experts considering the vortex number and five specific properties.  相似文献   

Visual obstruction caused by a preceding vehicle is one of the key factors threatening driving safety. One possible solution is to share the first‐person‐view of the preceding vehicle to unveil the blocked field‐of‐view of the following vehicle. However, the geometric inconsistency caused by the camera‐eye discrepancy renders view sharing between different cars a very challenging task. In this paper, we present a first‐person‐perspective image rendering algorithm to solve this problem. Firstly, we contour unobstructed view as the transferred region, then by iteratively estimating local homography transformations and performing perspective‐adaptive warping using the estimated transformations, we are able to locally adjust the shape of the unobstructed view so that its perspective and boundary could be matched to that of the occluded region. Thus, the composited view is seamless in both the perceived perspective and photometric appearance, creating an impression as if the preceding vehicle is transparent. Our system improves the driver's visibility and thus relieves the burden on the driver, which in turn increases comfort. We demonstrate the usability and stability of our system by performing its evaluation with several challenging data sets collected from real‐world driving scenarios.  相似文献   

We present a real‐time method for rendering a depth‐of‐field effect based on the per‐pixel layered splatting where source pixels are scattered on one of the three layers of a destination pixel. In addition, the missing information behind foreground objects is filled with an additional image of the areas occluded by nearer objects. The method creates high‐quality depth‐of‐field results even in the presence of partial occlusion, without major artifacts often present in the previous real‐time methods. The method can also be applied to simulating defocused highlights. The entire framework is accelerated by GPU, enabling real‐time post‐processing for both off‐line and interactive applications.  相似文献   

Using the semi‐tensor product method, this paper investigates several fundamental problems of general pseudo‐Boolean functions with application to the optimal control of Boolean control networks, and establishes a new framework to deal with pseudo‐Boolean inequalities, the optimization problem and the best linear approximation of pseudo‐Boolean functions. First, the pseudo‐Boolean function is expressed in the algebraic form via constructing its unique structural matrix. Second, based on the matrix expression, solving pseudo‐Boolean inequalities is converted into finding solutions to algebraic inequalities, and a set of new formulas are presented. Third, the optimization problem and the linear approximation of the pseudo‐Boolean function are considered and several new results are established. Finally, as an application, we investigate the optimal control of Boolean control networks, and present a new optimal control design procedure. It is shown through the study of illustrative examples that the new results proposed in this paper work very well.  相似文献   

Recently, automatic 3D caricature generation has attracted much attention from both the research community and the game industry. Machine learning has been proven effective in the automatic generation of caricatures. However, the lack of 3D caricature samples makes it challenging to train a good model. This paper addresses this problem by two steps. First, the training set is enlarged by reconstructing 3D caricatures. We reconstruct 3D caricatures based on some 2D caricature samples with a Principal Component Analysis (PCA)‐based method. Secondly, between the 2D real faces and the enlarged 3D caricatures, a regressive model is learnt by the semi‐supervised manifold regularization (MR) method. We then predict 3D caricatures for 2D real faces with the learnt model. The experiments show that our novel approach synthesizes the 3D caricature more effectively than traditional methods. Moreover, our system has been applied successfully in a massive multi‐user educational game to provide human‐like avatars.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study a registration problem that is motivated by a practical biology problem – fitting protein structures to low‐re solution density maps. We consider registration between two sets of lines features (e.g., helices in the proteins) that have undergone not a single, but multiple isometric transformations (e.g., hinge‐motions). The problem is further complicated by the presence of symmetry in each set. We formulate the problem as a clique‐finding problem in a product graph, and propose a heuristic solution that includes a fast clique‐finding algorithm unique to the structure of this graph. When tested on a suite of real protein structures, the algorithm achieved high accuracy even for very large inputs containing hundreds of helices.  相似文献   

We present a new model, called the dual‐microfacet, for those materials such as paper and plastic formed by a thin, transparent slab lying between two surfaces of spatially varying roughness. Light transmission through the slab is represented by a microfacet‐based BTDF which tabulates the microfacet's normal distribution (NDF) as a function of surface location. Though the material is bounded by two surfaces of different roughness, we approximate light transmission through it by a virtual slab determined by a single spatially‐varying NDF. This enables efficient capturing of spatially variant transparent slices. We describe a device for measuring this model over a flat sample by shining light from a CRT behind it and capturing a sequence of images from a single view. Our method captures both angular and spatial variation in the BTDF and provides a good match to measured materials.  相似文献   

Stability analysis and control for linear periodic time‐delay systems are investigated in this paper. In this framework, a semi‐discretization method is used to develop a mapping of the system response in a finite‐dimensional state space. With the mapping, the stability region and stability boundary can be identified by comparing the maximum absolute value of its eigenvalues to 1. More importantly, an efficient stability criterion is presented for periodic neutral systems. In addition, minimization of the maximum absolute value of the mapping's eigenvalues leads to optimal control gains. The tracking control problem is also discussed. Two numerical examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

We present a new outlier removal technique for a gradient‐domain path tracing (G‐PT) that computes image gradients as well as colors. Our approach rejects gradient outliers whose estimated errors are much higher than those of the other gradients for improving reconstruction quality for the G‐PT. We formulate our outlier removal problem as a least trimmed squares optimization, which employs only a subset of gradients so that a final image can be reconstructed without including the gradient outliers. In addition, we design this outlier removal process so that the chosen subset of gradients maintains connectivity through gradients between pixels, preventing pixels from being isolated. Lastly, the optimal number of inlier gradients is estimated to minimize our reconstruction error. We have demonstrated that our reconstruction with robustly rejecting gradient outliers produces visually and numerically improved results, compared to the previous screened Poisson reconstruction that uses all the gradients.  相似文献   

Understanding relationships between people and organizations by reading newspaper articles is difficult to manage for humans due to the large amount of data. To address this problem, we present and evaluate a new visual analytics system, which offers interactive exploration and tagging of social networks extracted from newspapers. For the visual exploration of the network, we extract “interesting” neighbourhoods of nodes, using a new degree of interest (DOI) measure based on edges instead of nodes. It improves the seminal definition of DOI, which we find to produce the same “globally interesting” neighbourhoods in our use case, regardless of the query. Our approach allows answering different user queries appropriately, avoiding uniform search results. We propose a user‐driven pattern‐based classifier for discovery and tagging of non‐taxonomic semantic relations. Our approach does not require any a‐priori user knowledge, such as expertise in syntax or pattern creation. An evaluation shows that our classifier is capable of identifying known lexico‐syntactic patterns as well as various domain‐specific patters. Our classifier yields good results already with a small amount of training, and continuously improves through user feedback. We conduct a user study to evaluate whether our visual interactive system has an impact on how users tag relationships, as compared to traditional text‐based interfaces. Study results suggest that users of the visual system tend to tag more concisely, avoiding too abstract or overly specific relationship labels.  相似文献   

This paper considers semi‐global robust output regulation problem for a class of singular nonlinear systems whose algebraic equations are not precisely known. Since the algebraic equations are not known, the output regulation problem of singular nonlinear systems cannot be solved by directly reducing the singular nonlinear system into a normal nonlinear system. Based on internal model principle, we convert the robust output regulation problem of singular nonlinear systems into a robust stabilization problem of an augmented singular nonlinear system. The augmented singular nonlinear system is also with unknown algebraic equations. However, without transforming the singular nonlinear system into a normal nonlinear system, it is shown that the augmented singular nonlinear system can be semi‐globally stabilized by a high gain output feedback control law under some reasonable assumptions. Moreover, the semi‐global stabilization control law of the augmented singular nonlinear systems also solves the semi‐global robust output regulation problem of the original singular nonlinear system.  相似文献   

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