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Browsing is a fundamental aspect of exploratory information‐seeking. Associative browsing represents a common and intuitive set of exploratory strategies in which users step iteratively from familiar to novel bits of information. In this paper, we examine associative browsing as a strategy for bottom‐up exploration of large, heterogeneous networks. We present Refinery, an interactive visualization system informed by guidelines for associative browsing drawn from literature on exploratory information‐seeking. These guidelines motivate Refinery's query model, which allows users to simply and expressively construct queries using heterogeneous sets of nodes. This system computes degree‐of‐interest scores for associated content using a fast, random‐walk algorithm. Refinery visualizes query nodes within a subgraph of results, providing explanatory context, facilitating serendipitous discovery, and stimulating continued exploration. A study of 12 academic researchers using Refinery to browse publication data demonstrates how the system enables discovery of valuable new content, even within existing areas of expertise.  相似文献   

The analysis of research data plays a key role in data‐driven areas of science. Varieties of mixed research data sets exist and scientists aim to derive or validate hypotheses to find undiscovered knowledge. Many analysis techniques identify relations of an entire dataset only. This may level the characteristic behavior of different subgroups in the data. Like automatic subspace clustering, we aim at identifying interesting subgroups and attribute sets. We present a visual‐interactive system that supports scientists to explore interesting relations between aggregated bins of multivariate attributes in mixed data sets. The abstraction of data to bins enables the application of statistical dependency tests as the measure of interestingness. An overview matrix view shows all attributes, ranked with respect to the interestingness of bins. Complementary, a node‐link view reveals multivariate bin relations by positioning dependent bins close to each other. The system supports information drill‐down based on both expert knowledge and algorithmic support. Finally, visual‐interactive subset clustering assigns multivariate bin relations to groups. A list‐based cluster result representation enables the scientist to communicate multivariate findings at a glance. We demonstrate the applicability of the system with two case studies from the earth observation domain and the prostate cancer research domain. In both cases, the system enabled us to identify the most interesting multivariate bin relations, to validate already published results, and, moreover, to discover unexpected relations.  相似文献   

We present a system to analyze time‐series data in sensor networks. Our approach supports exploratory tasks for the comparison of univariate, geo‐referenced sensor data, in particular for anomaly detection. We split the recordings into fixed‐length patterns and show them in order to compare them over time and space using two linked views. Apart from geo‐based comparison across sensors we also support different temporal patterns to discover seasonal effects, anomalies and periodicities. The methods we use are best practices in the information visualization domain. They cover the daily, the weekly and seasonal and patterns of the data. Daily patterns can be analyzed in a clustering‐based view, weekly patterns in a calendar‐based view and seasonal patters in a projection‐based view. The connectivity of the sensors can be analyzed through a dedicated topological network view. We assist the domain expert with interaction techniques to make the results understandable. As a result, the user can identify and analyze erroneous and suspicious measurements in the network. A case study with a domain expert verified the usefulness of our approach.  相似文献   

Usually visualization is applied to gain insight into data. Yet consuming the data in form of visual representation is not always enough. Instead, users need to edit the data, preferably through the same means used to visualize them. In this work, we present a semi‐automatic approach to visual editing of graphs. The key idea is to use an interactive EditLens that defines where an edit operation affects an already customized and established graph layout. Locally optimal node positions within the lens and edge routes to connected nodes are calculated according to different criteria. This spares the user much manual work, but still provides sufficient freedom to accommodate application‐dependent layout constraints. Our approach utilizes the advantages of multi‐touch gestures, and is also compatible with classic mouse and keyboard interaction. Preliminary user tests have been conducted with researchers from bio‐informatics who need to manually maintain a slowly, but constantly growing molecular network. As the user feedback indicates, our solution significantly improves the editing procedure applied so far.  相似文献   

Color assignment is a complex task of incorporating and balancing area configuration, color harmony, and user's intent. In this paper, we present a novel method for automatic color assignment based on theories of color perception. We define color assignment as an optimization problem with respect to the color relationships as well as the spatial configuration of input segments. We also suggest possible constraints that are suitable for task‐specific purposes and for enhancing visual appeal. Our colorization scheme is useful in many applications such as infographics, computer‐aided design, and visual presentation. The user study shows that our method generates perceptually pleasing results over a variety of data sets.  相似文献   

Hand‐drawn sketching on napkins or whiteboards is a common, accessible method for generating visual representations. This practice is shared by experts and non‐experts and is probably one of the faster and more expressive ways to draft a visual representation of data. In order to better understand the types of and variations in what people produce when sketching data, we conducted a qualitative study. We asked people with varying degrees of visualization expertise, from novices to experts, to manually sketch representations of a small, easily understandable dataset using pencils and paper and to report on what they learned or found interesting about the data. From this study, we extract a data sketching representation continuum from numeracy to abstraction; a data report spectrum from individual data items to speculative data hypothesis; and show the correspondence between the representation types and the data reports from our results set. From these observations we discuss the participants’ representations in relation to their data reports, indicating implications for design and potentially fruitful directions for research.  相似文献   

Scientific data acquired through sensors which monitor natural phenomena, as well as simulation data that imitate time‐identified events, have fueled the need for interactive techniques to successfully analyze and understand trends and patterns across space and time. We present a novel interactive visualization technique that fuses ground truth measurements with simulation results in real‐time to support the continuous tracking and analysis of spatiotemporal patterns. We start by constructing a reference model which densely represents the expected temporal behavior, and then use GPU parallelism to advect measurements on the model and track their location at any given point in time. Our results show that users can interactively fill the spatio‐temporal gaps in real world observations, and generate animations that accurately describe physical phenomena.  相似文献   

We explore creating smooth transitions between videos of different scenes. As in traditional image morphing, good spatial correspondence is crucial to prevent ghosting, especially at silhouettes. Video morphing presents added challenges. Because motions are often unsynchronized, temporal alignment is also necessary. Applying morphing to individual frames leads to discontinuities, so temporal coherence must be considered. Our approach is to optimize a full spatiotemporal mapping between the two videos. We reduce tedious interactions by letting the optimization derive the fine‐scale map given only sparse user‐specified constraints. For robustness, the optimization objective examines structural similarity of the video content. We demonstrate the approach on a variety of videos, obtaining results using few explicit correspondences.  相似文献   

We introduce an approach for explicitly revealing changes between versions of a visualization workbook to support version comparison tasks. Visualization authors may need to understand version changes for a variety of reasons, analogous to document editing. An author who has been away for a while may need to catch up on the changes made by their co‐author, or a person responsible for formatting compliance may need to check formatting changes that occurred since the last time they reviewed the work. We introduce ChangeCatcher, a prototype tool to help people find and understand changes in a visualization workbook, specifically, a Tableau workbook. Our design is based on interviews we conducted with experts to investigate user needs and practices around version comparison. ChangeCatcher provides an overview of changes across six categories, and employs a multi‐level details‐on‐demand approach to progressively reveal details. Our qualitative study showed that ChangeCatcher's methods for explicitly revealing and categorizing version changes were helpful in version comparison tasks.  相似文献   

Visual quality measures seek to algorithmically imitate human judgments of patterns such as class separability, correlation, or outliers. In this paper, we propose a novel data‐driven framework for evaluating such measures. The basic idea is to take a large set of visually encoded data, such as scatterplots, with reliable human “ground truth” judgements, and to use this human‐labeled data to learn how well a measure would predict human judgements on previously unseen data. Measures can then be evaluated based on predictive performance—an approach that is crucial for generalizing across datasets but has gained little attention so far. To illustrate our framework, we use it to evaluate 15 state‐of‐the‐art class separation measures, using human ground truth data from 828 class separation judgments on color‐coded 2D scatterplots.  相似文献   

Going beyond established desktop interfaces, researchers have begun re‐thinking visualization approaches to make use of alternative display environments and more natural interaction modalities. In this paper, we investigate how spatially‐aware mobile displays and a large display wall can be coupled to support graph visualization and interaction. For that purpose, we distribute typical visualization views of classic node‐link and matrix representations between displays. The focus of our work lies in novel interaction techniques that enable users to work with personal mobile devices in combination with the wall. We devised and implemented a comprehensive interaction repertoire that supports basic and advanced graph exploration and manipulation tasks, including selection, details‐on‐demand, focus transitions, interactive lenses, and data editing. A qualitative study has been conducted to identify strengths and weaknesses of our techniques. Feedback showed that combining mobile devices and a wall‐sized display is useful for diverse graph‐related tasks. We also gained valuable insights regarding the distribution of visualization views and interactive tools among the combined displays.  相似文献   

We investigate semi‐stochastic tilings based on Wang or corner tiles for the real‐time synthesis of example‐based textures. In particular, we propose two new tiling approaches: (1) to replace stochastic tilings with pseudo‐random tilings based on the Halton low‐discrepancy sequence, and (2) to allow the controllable generation of tilings based on a user‐provided probability distribution. Our first method prevents local repetition of texture content as common with stochastic approaches and yields better results with smaller sets of utilized tiles. Our second method allows to directly influence the synthesis result which—in combination with an enhanced tile construction method that merges multiple source textures—extends synthesis tasks to globally‐varying textures. We show that both methods can be implemented very efficiently in connection with tile‐based texture mapping and also present a general rule that allows to significantly reduce resulting tile sets.  相似文献   

Many factors can shape the flow of visual data‐driven stories, and thereby the way readers experience those stories. Through the analysis of 80 existing stories found on popular websites, we systematically investigate and identify seven characteristics of these stories, which we name “flow‐factors,” and we illustrate how they feed into the broader concept of “visual narrative flow.” These flow‐factors are navigation input, level of control, navigation progress, story layout, role of visualization, story progression, and navigation feedback. We also describe a series of studies we conducted, which shed initial light on how different visual narrative flows impact the reading experience. We report on two exploratory studies, in which we gathered reactions and preferences of readers for stepper‐ vs. scroller‐driven flows. We then report on a crowdsourced study with 240 participants, in which we explore the effect of the combination of different flow‐factors on readers’ engagement. Our results indicate that visuals and navigation feedback (e.g., static vs. animated transitions) have an impact on readers’ engagement, while level of control (e.g., discrete vs. continuous) may not.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method that can convert a given 3D mesh into a flat‐foldable model consisting of rigid panels. A previous work proposed a method to assist manual design of a single component of such flat‐foldable model, consisting of vertically‐connected side panels as well as horizontal top and bottom panels. Our method semi‐automatically generates a more complicated model that approximates the input mesh with multiple convex components. The user specifies the folding direction of each convex component and the fidelity of shape approximation. Given the user inputs, our method optimizes shapes and positions of panels of each convex component in order to make the whole model flat‐foldable. The user can check a folding animation of the output model. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method by fabricating physical paper prototypes of flat‐foldable models.  相似文献   

Outliers, the data instances that do not conform with normal patterns in a dataset, are widely studied in various domains, such as cybersecurity, social analysis, and public health. By detecting and analyzing outliers, users can either gain insights into abnormal patterns or purge the data of errors. However, different domains usually have different considerations with respect to outliers. Understanding the defining characteristics of outliers is essential for users to select and filter appropriate outliers based on their domain requirements. Unfortunately, most existing work focuses on the efficiency and accuracy of outlier detection, neglecting the importance of outlier interpretation. To address these issues, we propose Oui, a visual analytic system that helps users understand, interpret, and select the outliers detected by various algorithms. We also present a usage scenario on a real dataset and a qualitative user study to demonstrate the effectiveness and usefulness of our system.  相似文献   

We introduce MultiPiles, a visualization to explore time‐series of dense, weighted networks. MultiPiles is based on the physical analogy of piling adjacency matrices, each one representing a single temporal snapshot. Common interfaces for visualizing dynamic networks use techniques such as: flipping/animation; small multiples; or summary views in isolation. Our proposed ‘piling’ metaphor presents a hybrid of these techniques, leveraging each one's advantages, as well as offering the ability to scale to networks with hundreds of temporal snapshots. While the MultiPiles technique is applicable to many domains, our prototype was initially designed to help neuroscientists investigate changes in brain connectivity networks over several hundred snapshots. The piling metaphor and associated interaction and visual encodings allowed neuroscientists to explore their data, prior to a statistical analysis. They detected high‐level temporal patterns in individual networks and this helped them to formulate and reject several hypotheses.  相似文献   

To find correlations and cause and effect relationships in multivariate data sets is central in many data analysis problems. A common way of representing causal relations among variables is to use node‐link diagrams, where nodes depict variables and edges show relationships between them. When performing a causal analysis, analysts may be biased by the position of collected evidences, especially when they are at the top of a list. This is of crucial importance since finding a root cause or a derived effect, and searching for causal chains of inferences are essential analytic tasks when investigating causal relationships. In this paper, we examine whether sequential ordering influences understanding of indirect causal relationships and whether it improves readability of multi‐attribute causal diagrams. Moreover, we see how people reason to identify a root cause or a derived effect. The results of our design study show that sequential ordering does not play a crucial role when analyzing causal relationships, but many connections from/to a variable and higher strength/certainty values may influence the process of finding a root cause and a derived effect.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the increasing demand in industry for methods to analyze and visualize multimodal data involving a spectral modality. Two data modalities are used: high‐resolution X‐ray computed tomography (XCT) for structural characterization and low‐resolution X‐ray fluorescence (XRF) spectral data for elemental decomposition. We present InSpectr, an integrated tool for the interactive exploration and visual analysis of multimodal, multiscalar data. The tool has been designed around a set of tasks identified by domain experts in the fields of XCT and XRF. It supports registered single scalar and spectral datasets optionally coupled with element maps and reference spectra. InSpectr is instantiating various linked views for the integration of spatial and non‐spatial information to provide insight into an industrial component's structural and material composition: views with volume renderings of composite and individual 3D element maps visualize global material composition; transfer functions defined directly on the spectral data and overlaid pie‐chart glyphs show elemental composition in 2D slice‐views; a representative aggregated spectrum and spectra density histograms are introduced to provide a global overview in the spectral view. Spectral magic lenses, spectrum probing and elemental composition probing of points using a pie‐chart view and a periodic table view aid the local material composition analysis. Two datasets are investigated to outline the usefulness of the presented techniques: a 3D virtually created phantom with a brass metal alloy and a real‐world 2D water phantom with insertions of gold, barium, and gadolinium. Additionally a detailed user evaluation of the results is provided.  相似文献   

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